8034 lines
247 KiB
8034 lines
247 KiB
From 2e3e945fca93338a487d07ba0f7d760c244a7fb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David King <amigadave@amigadave.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 08:23:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Revert "unarr: Remove obsolete unarr copy/paste"
This reverts commit d97fdcda6ea210cf00329d5887287acd33836114.
cut-n-paste/meson.build | 1 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/AUTHORS | 12 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/COPYING | 165 ++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/allocator.h | 29 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/conv.c | 96 ++
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/crc32.c | 51 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/stream.c | 217 +++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr-imp.h | 81 ++
cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr.c | 110 +++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/7zTypes.h | 525 ++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.c | 478 ++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.h | 442 +++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd.h | 167 ++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c | 1104 ++++++++++++++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h | 181 ++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c | 297 ++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Precomp.h | 10 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/README.lzmasdk | 15 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/meson.build | 28 +
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/filter-rar.c | 704 ++++++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/huffman-rar.c | 142 +++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/lzss.h | 88 ++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/parse-rar.c | 236 +++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.c | 254 +++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.h | 252 +++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.c | 616 ++++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.h | 117 +++
cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/uncompress-rar.c | 1000 ++++++++++++++++++++
cut-n-paste/unarr/unarr.h | 103 ++
po/POTFILES.skip | 1 +
30 files changed, 7522 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/AUTHORS
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/COPYING
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/allocator.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/conv.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/crc32.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/stream.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr-imp.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/7zTypes.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Precomp.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/README.lzmasdk
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/meson.build
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/filter-rar.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/huffman-rar.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/lzss.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/parse-rar.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.h
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/uncompress-rar.c
create mode 100644 cut-n-paste/unarr/unarr.h
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/meson.build b/cut-n-paste/meson.build
index 279061d2..0f4dbd30 100644
--- a/cut-n-paste/meson.build
+++ b/cut-n-paste/meson.build
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ cut_n_paste_inc = include_directories('.')
if not external_synctex
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/AUTHORS b/cut-n-paste/unarr/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4af1be7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+unarr contains code by:
+* The Unarchiver project (https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/)
+* Simon Bünzli (zeniko at gmail.com, http://www.zeniko.ch/#SumatraPDF)
+Most code is licensed under LGPLv3 (see COPYING). Exceptions are in code
+included from other projects:
+Files License URL
+common/crc32.c Public Domain https://gnunet.org/svn/gnunet/src/util/crypto_crc.c
+lzmasdk/*.* Public Domain http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/COPYING b/cut-n-paste/unarr/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65c5ca88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/allocator.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41199c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#ifndef common_allocator_h
+#define common_allocator_h
+#include <stddef.h>
+typedef void *(* custom_malloc_fn)(void *opaque, size_t size);
+typedef void (* custom_free_fn)(void *opaque, void *ptr);
+void ar_set_custom_allocator(custom_malloc_fn custom_malloc, custom_free_fn custom_free, void *opaque);
+#define malloc(size) ar_malloc(size)
+#define calloc(count, size) ar_calloc(count, size)
+#define free(ptr) ar_free(ptr)
+#define realloc(ptr, size) _use_malloc_memcpy_free_instead(ptr, size)
+#define strdup(str) _use_malloc_memcpy_instead(str)
+#elif !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <crtdbg.h>
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/conv.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/conv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4398539b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/conv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "unarr-imp.h"
+#include <time.h>
+/* data from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cp437 */
+static const wchar_t gCp437[256] = {
+ 0, 0x263A, 0x263B, 0x2665, 0x2666, 0x2663, 0x2660, 0x2022, 0x25D8, 0x25CB, 0x25D9, 0x2642, 0x2640, 0x266A, 0x266C, 0x263C,
+ 0x25BA, 0x25C4, 0x2195, 0x203C, 0x00B6, 0x00A7, 0x25AC, 0x21A8, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x221F, 0x2194, 0x25B2, 0x25BC,
+ ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
+ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
+ '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
+ 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_',
+ '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
+ 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', 0x2302,
+ 0x00C7, 0x00FC, 0x00E9, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00E8, 0x00EF, 0x00EE, 0x00EC, 0x00C4, 0x00C5,
+ 0x00C9, 0x00E6, 0x00C6, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F2, 0x00FB, 0x00F9, 0x00FF, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A5, 0x20A7, 0x0192,
+ 0x00E1, 0x00ED, 0x00F3, 0x00FA, 0x00F1, 0x00D1, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x00BF, 0x2310, 0x00AC, 0x00BD, 0x00BC, 0x00A1, 0x00AB, 0x00BB,
+ 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510,
+ 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567,
+ 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580,
+ 0x03B1, 0x00DF, 0x0393, 0x03C0, 0x03A3, 0x03C3, 0x00B5, 0x03C4, 0x03A6, 0x0398, 0x03A9, 0x03B4, 0x221E, 0x03C6, 0x03B5, 0x2229,
+ 0x2261, 0x00B1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00F7, 0x2248, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x207F, 0x00B2, 0x25A0, 0x00A0,
+size_t ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(wchar_t rune, char *out, size_t size)
+ if (size < 1)
+ return 0;
+ if (rune < 0x0080) {
+ *out++ = rune & 0x7F;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (rune < 0x0800 && size >= 2) {
+ *out++ = 0xC0 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x1F);
+ *out++ = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3F);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (size >= 3) {
+ if ((0xD800 <= rune && rune <= 0xDFFF) || rune >= 0x10000)
+ rune = 0xFFFD;
+ *out++ = 0xE0 | ((rune >> 12) & 0x0F);
+ *out++ = 0x80 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x3F);
+ *out++ = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3F);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ *out++ = '?';
+ return 1;
+char *ar_conv_dos_to_utf8(const char *astr)
+ char *str, *out;
+ const char *in;
+ size_t size;
+ size = 0;
+ for (in = astr; *in; in++) {
+ char buf[4];
+ size += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(gCp437[(uint8_t)*in], buf, sizeof(buf));
+ }
+ if (size == (size_t)-1)
+ return NULL;
+ str = malloc(size + 1);
+ if (!str)
+ return NULL;
+ for (in = astr, out = str; *in; in++) {
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(gCp437[(uint8_t)*in], out, str + size - out);
+ }
+ *out = '\0';
+ return str;
+time64_t ar_conv_dosdate_to_filetime(uint32_t dosdate)
+ struct tm tm;
+ time_t t1, t2;
+ tm.tm_sec = (dosdate & 0x1F) * 2;
+ tm.tm_min = (dosdate >> 5) & 0x3F;
+ tm.tm_hour = (dosdate >> 11) & 0x1F;
+ tm.tm_mday = (dosdate >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ tm.tm_mon = ((dosdate >> 21) & 0x0F) - 1;
+ tm.tm_year = ((dosdate >> 25) & 0x7F) + 80;
+ tm.tm_isdst = -1;
+ t1 = mktime(&tm);
+ t2 = mktime(gmtime(&t1));
+ return (time64_t)(2 * t1 - t2 + 11644473600) * 10000000;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/crc32.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/crc32.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b482e6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/crc32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "unarr-imp.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_ZLIB
+/* code adapted from https://gnunet.org/svn/gnunet/src/util/crypto_crc.c (public domain) */
+static bool crc_table_ready = false;
+static uint32_t crc_table[256];
+uint32_t ar_crc32(uint32_t crc32, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_len)
+ if (!crc_table_ready) {
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ uint32_t h = 1;
+ crc_table[0] = 0;
+ for (i = 128; i; i >>= 1) {
+ h = (h >> 1) ^ ((h & 1) ? 0xEDB88320 : 0);
+ for (j = 0; j < 256; j += 2 * i) {
+ crc_table[i + j] = crc_table[j] ^ h;
+ }
+ }
+ crc_table_ready = true;
+ }
+ crc32 = crc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ while (data_len-- > 0) {
+ crc32 = (crc32 >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc32 ^ *data++) & 0xFF];
+ }
+ return crc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
+#include <zlib.h>
+uint32_t ar_crc32(uint32_t crc, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_len)
+ while (data_len > UINT32_MAX) {
+ crc = crc32(crc, data, UINT32_MAX);
+ data += UINT32_MAX;
+ data_len -= UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ return crc32(crc, data, (uint32_t)data_len);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/stream.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/stream.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64fe19b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/stream.c
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "unarr-imp.h"
+ar_stream *ar_open_stream(void *data, ar_stream_close_fn close, ar_stream_read_fn read, ar_stream_seek_fn seek, ar_stream_tell_fn tell)
+ ar_stream *stream = malloc(sizeof(ar_stream));
+ if (!stream) {
+ close(data);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ stream->data = data;
+ stream->close = close;
+ stream->read = read;
+ stream->seek = seek;
+ stream->tell = tell;
+ return stream;
+void ar_close(ar_stream *stream)
+ if (stream)
+ stream->close(stream->data);
+ free(stream);
+size_t ar_read(ar_stream *stream, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ return stream->read(stream->data, buffer, count);
+bool ar_seek(ar_stream *stream, off64_t offset, int origin)
+ return stream->seek(stream->data, offset, origin);
+bool ar_skip(ar_stream *stream, off64_t count)
+ return stream->seek(stream->data, count, SEEK_CUR);
+off64_t ar_tell(ar_stream *stream)
+ return stream->tell(stream->data);
+/***** stream based on FILE *****/
+static void file_close(void *data)
+ fclose(data);
+static size_t file_read(void *data, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ return fread(buffer, 1, count, data);
+static bool file_seek(void *data, off64_t offset, int origin)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ return _fseeki64(data, offset, origin) == 0;
+#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
+ if (sizeof(off_t) == 8)
+ return fseeko(data, offset, origin) == 0;
+ if (offset > INT32_MAX || offset < INT32_MIN)
+ return false;
+ return fseek(data, (long)offset, origin) == 0;
+static off64_t file_tell(void *data)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ return _ftelli64(data);
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
+ return ftello(data);
+ return ftell(data);
+ar_stream *ar_open_file(const char *path)
+ FILE *f = path ? fopen(path, "rb") : NULL;
+ if (!f)
+ return NULL;
+ return ar_open_stream(f, file_close, file_read, file_seek, file_tell);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ar_stream *ar_open_file_w(const wchar_t *path)
+ FILE *f = path ? _wfopen(path, L"rb") : NULL;
+ if (!f)
+ return NULL;
+ return ar_open_stream(f, file_close, file_read, file_seek, file_tell);
+/***** stream based on preallocated memory *****/
+struct MemoryStream {
+ const uint8_t *data;
+ size_t length;
+ size_t offset;
+static void memory_close(void *data)
+ struct MemoryStream *stm = data;
+ free(stm);
+static size_t memory_read(void *data, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ struct MemoryStream *stm = data;
+ if (count > stm->length - stm->offset)
+ count = stm->length - stm->offset;
+ memcpy(buffer, stm->data + stm->offset, count);
+ stm->offset += count;
+ return count;
+static bool memory_seek(void *data, off64_t offset, int origin)
+ struct MemoryStream *stm = data;
+ if (origin == SEEK_CUR)
+ offset += stm->offset;
+ else if (origin == SEEK_END)
+ offset += stm->length;
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > (off64_t)stm->length || (size_t)offset > stm->length)
+ return false;
+ stm->offset = (size_t)offset;
+ return true;
+static off64_t memory_tell(void *data)
+ struct MemoryStream *stm = data;
+ return stm->offset;
+ar_stream *ar_open_memory(const void *data, size_t datalen)
+ struct MemoryStream *stm = malloc(sizeof(struct MemoryStream));
+ if (!stm)
+ return NULL;
+ stm->data = data;
+ stm->length = datalen;
+ stm->offset = 0;
+ return ar_open_stream(stm, memory_close, memory_read, memory_seek, memory_tell);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/***** stream based on IStream *****/
+#include <windows.h>
+static void stream_close(void *data)
+ IUnknown_Release((IStream *)data);
+static size_t stream_read(void *data, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ size_t read = 0;
+ HRESULT res;
+ ULONG cbRead;
+#ifdef _WIN64
+ while (count > ULONG_MAX) {
+ res = IStream_Read((IStream *)data, buffer, ULONG_MAX, &cbRead);
+ if (FAILED(res))
+ return read;
+ read += cbRead;
+ buffer = (BYTE *)buffer + ULONG_MAX;
+ count -= ULONG_MAX;
+ }
+ res = IStream_Read((IStream *)data, buffer, (ULONG)count, &cbRead);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(res))
+ read += cbRead;
+ return read;
+static bool stream_seek(void *data, off64_t offset, int origin)
+ HRESULT res;
+ off.QuadPart = offset;
+ res = IStream_Seek((IStream *)data, off, origin, &n);
+ return SUCCEEDED(res);
+static off64_t stream_tell(void *data)
+ LARGE_INTEGER zero = { 0 };
+ ULARGE_INTEGER n = { 0 };
+ IStream_Seek((IStream *)data, zero, SEEK_CUR, &n);
+ return (off64_t)n.QuadPart;
+ar_stream *ar_open_istream(IStream *stream)
+ LARGE_INTEGER zero = { 0 };
+ HRESULT res = IStream_Seek(stream, zero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
+ if (FAILED(res))
+ return NULL;
+ IUnknown_AddRef(stream);
+ return ar_open_stream(stream, stream_close, stream_read, stream_seek, stream_tell);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr-imp.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr-imp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90ad3178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr-imp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* this is the common private/implementation API of unarr which should only be used by unarr code */
+#ifndef common_unarr_imp_h
+#define common_unarr_imp_h
+#include "../unarr.h"
+#include "allocator.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+/***** conv ****/
+size_t ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(wchar_t rune, char *out, size_t size);
+char *ar_conv_dos_to_utf8(const char *astr);
+time64_t ar_conv_dosdate_to_filetime(uint32_t dosdate);
+/***** crc32 *****/
+uint32_t ar_crc32(uint32_t crc32, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_len);
+/***** stream *****/
+typedef void (* ar_stream_close_fn)(void *data);
+typedef size_t (* ar_stream_read_fn)(void *data, void *buffer, size_t count);
+typedef bool (* ar_stream_seek_fn)(void *data, off64_t offset, int origin);
+typedef off64_t (* ar_stream_tell_fn)(void *data);
+struct ar_stream_s {
+ ar_stream_close_fn close;
+ ar_stream_read_fn read;
+ ar_stream_seek_fn seek;
+ ar_stream_tell_fn tell;
+ void *data;
+ar_stream *ar_open_stream(void *data, ar_stream_close_fn close, ar_stream_read_fn read, ar_stream_seek_fn seek, ar_stream_tell_fn tell);
+/***** unarr *****/
+#define warn(...) ar_log("!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#define log(...) ar_log("-", __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define log(...) ((void)0)
+void ar_log(const char *prefix, const char *file, int line, const char *msg, ...);
+typedef void (* ar_archive_close_fn)(ar_archive *ar);
+typedef bool (* ar_parse_entry_fn)(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset);
+typedef const char *(* ar_entry_get_name_fn)(ar_archive *ar);
+typedef bool (* ar_entry_uncompress_fn)(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+typedef size_t (* ar_get_global_comment_fn)(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+struct ar_archive_s {
+ ar_archive_close_fn close;
+ ar_parse_entry_fn parse_entry;
+ ar_entry_get_name_fn get_name;
+ ar_entry_uncompress_fn uncompress;
+ ar_get_global_comment_fn get_comment;
+ ar_stream *stream;
+ bool at_eof;
+ off64_t entry_offset;
+ off64_t entry_offset_first;
+ off64_t entry_offset_next;
+ size_t entry_size_uncompressed;
+ time64_t entry_filetime;
+ar_archive *ar_open_archive(ar_stream *stream, size_t struct_size, ar_archive_close_fn close, ar_parse_entry_fn parse_entry,
+ ar_entry_get_name_fn get_name, ar_entry_uncompress_fn uncompress, ar_get_global_comment_fn get_comment,
+ off64_t first_entry_offset);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49c6d981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/common/unarr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "unarr-imp.h"
+ar_archive *ar_open_archive(ar_stream *stream, size_t struct_size, ar_archive_close_fn close, ar_parse_entry_fn parse_entry,
+ ar_entry_get_name_fn get_name, ar_entry_uncompress_fn uncompress, ar_get_global_comment_fn get_comment,
+ off64_t first_entry_offset)
+ ar_archive *ar = malloc(struct_size);
+ if (!ar)
+ return NULL;
+ memset(ar, 0, struct_size);
+ ar->close = close;
+ ar->parse_entry = parse_entry;
+ ar->get_name = get_name;
+ ar->uncompress = uncompress;
+ ar->get_comment = get_comment;
+ ar->stream = stream;
+ ar->entry_offset_first = first_entry_offset;
+ ar->entry_offset_next = first_entry_offset;
+ return ar;
+void ar_close_archive(ar_archive *ar)
+ if (ar)
+ ar->close(ar);
+ free(ar);
+bool ar_at_eof(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->at_eof;
+bool ar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->parse_entry(ar, ar->entry_offset_next);
+bool ar_parse_entry_at(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset)
+ ar->at_eof = false;
+ return ar->parse_entry(ar, offset ? offset : ar->entry_offset_first);
+bool ar_parse_entry_for(ar_archive *ar, const char *entry_name)
+ ar->at_eof = false;
+ if (!entry_name)
+ return false;
+ if (!ar_parse_entry_at(ar, ar->entry_offset_first))
+ return false;
+ do {
+ const char *name = ar_entry_get_name(ar);
+ if (name && strcmp(name, entry_name) == 0)
+ return true;
+ } while (ar_parse_entry(ar));
+ return false;
+const char *ar_entry_get_name(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->get_name(ar);
+off64_t ar_entry_get_offset(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->entry_offset;
+size_t ar_entry_get_size(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->entry_size_uncompressed;
+time64_t ar_entry_get_filetime(ar_archive *ar)
+ return ar->entry_filetime;
+bool ar_entry_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ return ar->uncompress(ar, buffer, count);
+size_t ar_get_global_comment(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ if (!ar->get_comment)
+ return 0;
+ return ar->get_comment(ar, buffer, count);
+__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 4, 0)))
+void ar_log(const char *prefix, const char *file, int line, const char *msg, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, msg);
+ if (prefix)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s ", prefix);
+ if (strrchr(file, '/'))
+ file = strrchr(file, '/') + 1;
+ if (strrchr(file, '\\'))
+ file = strrchr(file, '\\') + 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", file, line);
+ vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ va_end(args);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/7zTypes.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/7zTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe4fde3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/7zTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+/* 7zTypes.h -- Basic types
+2021-12-25 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */
+#ifndef __7Z_TYPES_H
+#define __7Z_TYPES_H
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* #include <windows.h> */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern "C" {
+#define EXTERN_C_END }
+#define EXTERN_C_END
+#define SZ_OK 0
+#define SZ_ERROR_DATA 1
+#define SZ_ERROR_MEM 2
+#define SZ_ERROR_CRC 3
+#define SZ_ERROR_PARAM 5
+#define SZ_ERROR_READ 8
+#define SZ_ERROR_WRITE 9
+#define SZ_ERROR_FAIL 11
+#define SZ_ERROR_THREAD 12
+#define SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE 16
+typedef int SRes;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #if _MSC_VER > 1200
+ #define MY_ALIGN(n) __declspec(align(n))
+ #else
+ #define MY_ALIGN(n)
+ #endif
+ #define MY_ALIGN(n) __attribute__ ((aligned(n)))
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* typedef DWORD WRes; */
+typedef unsigned WRes;
+#else // _WIN32
+// #define ENV_HAVE_LSTAT
+typedef int WRes;
+// (FACILITY_ERRNO = 0x800) is 7zip's FACILITY constant to represent (errno) errors in HRESULT
+#define MY__FACILITY_ERRNO 0x800
+#define MY__FACILITY_WIN32 7
+ ( (HRESULT)(x) & 0x0000FFFF) \
+ | (MY__FACILITY__WRes << 16) \
+ | (HRESULT)0x80000000 ))
+#define MY_SRes_HRESULT_FROM_WRes(x) \
+ ((HRESULT)(x) <= 0 ? ((HRESULT)(x)) : MY_HRESULT_FROM_errno_CONST_ERROR(x))
+// we call macro HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 for system errors (WRes) that are (errno)
+#define ERROR_DISK_FULL 112L
+// we use errno equivalents for some WIN32 errors:
+// we use FACILITY_WIN32 for errors that has no errno equivalent
+// Too many posts were made to a semaphore.
+#define ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS ((HRESULT)0x8007012AL)
+// if (MY__FACILITY__WRes != FACILITY_WIN32),
+// we use FACILITY_WIN32 for COM errors:
+#define E_OUTOFMEMORY ((HRESULT)0x8007000EL)
+#define E_INVALIDARG ((HRESULT)0x80070057L)
+#define MY__E_ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK ((HRESULT)0x80070083L)
+// we can use FACILITY_ERRNO for some COM errors, that have errno equivalents:
+// gcc / clang : (sizeof(long) == sizeof(void*)) in 32/64 bits
+typedef long INT_PTR;
+typedef unsigned long UINT_PTR;
+#define TEXT(quote) quote
+#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_EXTENSION 0x8000 /* trick for Unix */
+#ifndef RINOK
+#define RINOK(x) { int __result__ = (x); if (__result__ != 0) return __result__; }
+#ifndef RINOK_WRes
+#define RINOK_WRes(x) { WRes __result__ = (x); if (__result__ != 0) return __result__; }
+typedef unsigned char Byte;
+typedef short Int16;
+typedef unsigned short UInt16;
+typedef long Int32;
+typedef unsigned long UInt32;
+typedef int Int32;
+typedef unsigned int UInt32;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+typedef int INT;
+typedef Int32 INT32;
+typedef unsigned int UINT;
+typedef UInt32 UINT32;
+typedef INT32 LONG; // LONG, ULONG and DWORD must be 32-bit for _WIN32 compatibility
+typedef UINT32 ULONG;
+#undef DWORD
+typedef UINT32 DWORD;
+#define VOID void
+typedef void *LPVOID;
+// typedef void VOID;
+// gcc / clang on Unix : sizeof(long==sizeof(void*) in 32 or 64 bits)
+typedef long INT_PTR;
+typedef unsigned long UINT_PTR;
+typedef long LONG_PTR;
+typedef unsigned long DWORD_PTR;
+typedef size_t SIZE_T;
+#endif // _WIN32
+#ifdef _SZ_NO_INT_64
+/* define _SZ_NO_INT_64, if your compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers.
+ NOTES: Some code will work incorrectly in that case! */
+typedef long Int64;
+typedef unsigned long UInt64;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+typedef __int64 Int64;
+typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64;
+#define UINT64_CONST(n) n
+typedef long long int Int64;
+typedef unsigned long long int UInt64;
+#define UINT64_CONST(n) n ## ULL
+typedef UInt32 SizeT;
+typedef size_t SizeT;
+typedef int BoolInt;
+/* typedef BoolInt Bool; */
+#define True 1
+#define False 0
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define MY_STD_CALL __stdcall
+#define MY_STD_CALL
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
+#define MY_NO_INLINE __declspec(noinline)
+#define MY_NO_INLINE
+#define MY_FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
+#define MY_CDECL __cdecl
+#define MY_FAST_CALL __fastcall
+#else // _MSC_VER
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) \
+ || (defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 4)) \
+ || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) \
+ || defined(__xlC__)
+#define MY_NO_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))
+// #define MY_FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
+#define MY_NO_INLINE
+#define MY_CDECL
+#if defined(_M_IX86) \
+ || defined(__i386__)
+// #define MY_FAST_CALL __attribute__((fastcall))
+// #define MY_FAST_CALL __attribute__((cdecl))
+#define MY_FAST_CALL
+#elif defined(MY_CPU_AMD64)
+// #define MY_FAST_CALL __attribute__((ms_abi))
+#define MY_FAST_CALL
+#define MY_FAST_CALL
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+/* The following interfaces use first parameter as pointer to structure */
+typedef struct IByteIn IByteIn;
+struct IByteIn
+ Byte (*Read)(const IByteIn *p); /* reads one byte, returns 0 in case of EOF or error */
+#define IByteIn_Read(p) (p)->Read(p)
+typedef struct IByteOut IByteOut;
+struct IByteOut
+ void (*Write)(const IByteOut *p, Byte b);
+#define IByteOut_Write(p, b) (p)->Write(p, b)
+typedef struct ISeqInStream ISeqInStream;
+struct ISeqInStream
+ SRes (*Read)(const ISeqInStream *p, void *buf, size_t *size);
+ /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
+ (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
+#define ISeqInStream_Read(p, buf, size) (p)->Read(p, buf, size)
+/* it can return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF */
+SRes SeqInStream_Read(const ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size);
+SRes SeqInStream_Read2(const ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType);
+SRes SeqInStream_ReadByte(const ISeqInStream *stream, Byte *buf);
+typedef struct ISeqOutStream ISeqOutStream;
+struct ISeqOutStream
+ size_t (*Write)(const ISeqOutStream *p, const void *buf, size_t size);
+ /* Returns: result - the number of actually written bytes.
+ (result < size) means error */
+#define ISeqOutStream_Write(p, buf, size) (p)->Write(p, buf, size)
+typedef enum
+ SZ_SEEK_SET = 0,
+ SZ_SEEK_CUR = 1,
+} ESzSeek;
+typedef struct ISeekInStream ISeekInStream;
+struct ISeekInStream
+ SRes (*Read)(const ISeekInStream *p, void *buf, size_t *size); /* same as ISeqInStream::Read */
+ SRes (*Seek)(const ISeekInStream *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
+#define ISeekInStream_Read(p, buf, size) (p)->Read(p, buf, size)
+#define ISeekInStream_Seek(p, pos, origin) (p)->Seek(p, pos, origin)
+typedef struct ILookInStream ILookInStream;
+struct ILookInStream
+ SRes (*Look)(const ILookInStream *p, const void **buf, size_t *size);
+ /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
+ (output(*size) > input(*size)) is not allowed
+ (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
+ SRes (*Skip)(const ILookInStream *p, size_t offset);
+ /* offset must be <= output(*size) of Look */
+ SRes (*Read)(const ILookInStream *p, void *buf, size_t *size);
+ /* reads directly (without buffer). It's same as ISeqInStream::Read */
+ SRes (*Seek)(const ILookInStream *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
+#define ILookInStream_Look(p, buf, size) (p)->Look(p, buf, size)
+#define ILookInStream_Skip(p, offset) (p)->Skip(p, offset)
+#define ILookInStream_Read(p, buf, size) (p)->Read(p, buf, size)
+#define ILookInStream_Seek(p, pos, origin) (p)->Seek(p, pos, origin)
+SRes LookInStream_LookRead(const ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t *size);
+SRes LookInStream_SeekTo(const ILookInStream *stream, UInt64 offset);
+/* reads via ILookInStream::Read */
+SRes LookInStream_Read2(const ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType);
+SRes LookInStream_Read(const ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size);
+typedef struct
+ ILookInStream vt;
+ const ISeekInStream *realStream;
+ size_t pos;
+ size_t size; /* it's data size */
+ /* the following variables must be set outside */
+ Byte *buf;
+ size_t bufSize;
+} CLookToRead2;
+void LookToRead2_CreateVTable(CLookToRead2 *p, int lookahead);
+#define LookToRead2_Init(p) { (p)->pos = (p)->size = 0; }
+typedef struct
+ ISeqInStream vt;
+ const ILookInStream *realStream;
+} CSecToLook;
+void SecToLook_CreateVTable(CSecToLook *p);
+typedef struct
+ ISeqInStream vt;
+ const ILookInStream *realStream;
+} CSecToRead;
+void SecToRead_CreateVTable(CSecToRead *p);
+typedef struct ICompressProgress ICompressProgress;
+struct ICompressProgress
+ SRes (*Progress)(const ICompressProgress *p, UInt64 inSize, UInt64 outSize);
+ /* Returns: result. (result != SZ_OK) means break.
+ Value (UInt64)(Int64)-1 for size means unknown value. */
+#define ICompressProgress_Progress(p, inSize, outSize) (p)->Progress(p, inSize, outSize)
+typedef struct ISzAlloc ISzAlloc;
+typedef const ISzAlloc * ISzAllocPtr;
+struct ISzAlloc
+ void *(*Alloc)(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size);
+ void (*Free)(ISzAllocPtr p, void *address); /* address can be 0 */
+#define ISzAlloc_Alloc(p, size) (p)->Alloc(p, size)
+#define ISzAlloc_Free(p, a) (p)->Free(p, a)
+/* deprecated */
+#define IAlloc_Alloc(p, size) ISzAlloc_Alloc(p, size)
+#define IAlloc_Free(p, a) ISzAlloc_Free(p, a)
+#ifndef MY_offsetof
+ #ifdef offsetof
+ #define MY_offsetof(type, m) offsetof(type, m)
+ /*
+ #define MY_offsetof(type, m) FIELD_OFFSET(type, m)
+ */
+ #else
+ #define MY_offsetof(type, m) ((size_t)&(((type *)0)->m))
+ #endif
+#ifndef MY_container_of
+#define MY_container_of(ptr, type, m) container_of(ptr, type, m)
+#define MY_container_of(ptr, type, m) CONTAINING_RECORD(ptr, type, m)
+#define MY_container_of(ptr, type, m) ((type *)((char *)(ptr) - offsetof(type, m)))
+#define MY_container_of(ptr, type, m) (&((type *)0)->m == (ptr), ((type *)(((char *)(ptr)) - MY_offsetof(type, m))))
+ GCC shows warning: "perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used incorrectly"
+ GCC 3.4.4 : classes with constructor
+ GCC 4.8.1 : classes with non-public variable members"
+#define MY_container_of(ptr, type, m) ((type *)(void *)((char *)(void *)(1 ? (ptr) : &((type *)0)->m) - MY_offsetof(type, m)))
+#define CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_SIMPLE(ptr, type, m) ((type *)(void *)(ptr))
+#define CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL(ptr, type, m) CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_SIMPLE(ptr, type, m)
+#define CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL(ptr, type, m) MY_container_of(ptr, type, m)
+#define CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_CLS(ptr, type, m) CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_SIMPLE(ptr, type, m)
+#define CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL_CLS(ptr, type, m) CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL(ptr, type, m)
+#define MY_memset_0_ARRAY(a) memset((a), 0, sizeof(a))
+#ifdef _WIN32
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bcb8fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+/* CpuArch.c -- CPU specific code
+2021-07-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */
+#include "Precomp.h"
+#include "CpuArch.h"
+#ifdef MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64)) || defined(__GNUC__)
+#define USE_ASM
+#if !defined(USE_ASM) && _MSC_VER >= 1500
+#include <intrin.h>
+#if defined(USE_ASM) && !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64)
+static UInt32 CheckFlag(UInt32 flag)
+ #ifdef _MSC_VER
+ __asm pushfd;
+ __asm pop EAX;
+ __asm mov EDX, EAX;
+ __asm xor EAX, flag;
+ __asm push EAX;
+ __asm popfd;
+ __asm pushfd;
+ __asm pop EAX;
+ __asm xor EAX, EDX;
+ __asm push EDX;
+ __asm popfd;
+ __asm and flag, EAX;
+ #else
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "pushf\n\t"
+ "pop %%EAX\n\t"
+ "movl %%EAX,%%EDX\n\t"
+ "xorl %0,%%EAX\n\t"
+ "push %%EAX\n\t"
+ "popf\n\t"
+ "pushf\n\t"
+ "pop %%EAX\n\t"
+ "xorl %%EDX,%%EAX\n\t"
+ "push %%EDX\n\t"
+ "popf\n\t"
+ "andl %%EAX, %0\n\t":
+ "=c" (flag) : "c" (flag) :
+ "%eax", "%edx");
+ #endif
+ return flag;
+#define CHECK_CPUID_IS_SUPPORTED if (CheckFlag(1 << 18) == 0 || CheckFlag(1 << 21) == 0) return False;
+#ifndef USE_ASM
+ #ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #if _MSC_VER >= 1600
+ #define MY__cpuidex __cpuidex
+ #else
+ __cpuid (function == 4) requires subfunction number in ECX.
+ MSDN: The __cpuid intrinsic clears the ECX register before calling the cpuid instruction.
+ __cpuid() in new MSVC clears ECX.
+ __cpuid() in old MSVC (14.00) doesn't clear ECX
+ We still can use __cpuid for low (function) values that don't require ECX,
+ but __cpuid() in old MSVC will be incorrect for some function values: (function == 4).
+ So here we use the hack for old MSVC to send (subFunction) in ECX register to cpuid instruction,
+ where ECX value is first parameter for FAST_CALL / NO_INLINE function,
+ So the caller of MY__cpuidex_HACK() sets ECX as subFunction, and
+ old MSVC for __cpuid() doesn't change ECX and cpuid instruction gets (subFunction) value.
+ DON'T remove MY_NO_INLINE and MY_FAST_CALL for MY__cpuidex_HACK() !!!
+void MY_FAST_CALL MY__cpuidex_HACK(UInt32 subFunction, int *CPUInfo, UInt32 function)
+ UNUSED_VAR(subFunction);
+ __cpuid(CPUInfo, function);
+ #define MY__cpuidex(info, func, func2) MY__cpuidex_HACK(func2, info, func)
+ #pragma message("======== MY__cpuidex_HACK WAS USED ========")
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #define MY__cpuidex(info, func, func2) __cpuid(info, func)
+ #pragma message("======== (INCORRECT ?) cpuid WAS USED ========")
+ #endif
+void MyCPUID(UInt32 function, UInt32 *a, UInt32 *b, UInt32 *c, UInt32 *d)
+ #ifdef USE_ASM
+ #ifdef _MSC_VER
+ UInt32 a2, b2, c2, d2;
+ __asm xor EBX, EBX;
+ __asm xor ECX, ECX;
+ __asm xor EDX, EDX;
+ __asm mov EAX, function;
+ __asm cpuid;
+ __asm mov a2, EAX;
+ __asm mov b2, EBX;
+ __asm mov c2, ECX;
+ __asm mov d2, EDX;
+ *a = a2;
+ *b = b2;
+ *c = c2;
+ *d = d2;
+ #else
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ #if defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__PIC__)
+ "mov %%rbx, %%rdi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "xchg %%rbx, %%rdi;"
+ : "=a" (*a) ,
+ "=D" (*b) ,
+ #elif defined(MY_CPU_X86) && defined(__PIC__)
+ "mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "xchgl %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ : "=a" (*a) ,
+ "=D" (*b) ,
+ #else
+ "cpuid"
+ : "=a" (*a) ,
+ "=b" (*b) ,
+ #endif
+ "=c" (*c) ,
+ "=d" (*d)
+ : "0" (function), "c"(0) ) ;
+ #endif
+ #else
+ int CPUInfo[4];
+ MY__cpuidex(CPUInfo, (int)function, 0);
+ *a = (UInt32)CPUInfo[0];
+ *b = (UInt32)CPUInfo[1];
+ *c = (UInt32)CPUInfo[2];
+ *d = (UInt32)CPUInfo[3];
+ #endif
+BoolInt x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(Cx86cpuid *p)
+ MyCPUID(0, &p->maxFunc, &p->vendor[0], &p->vendor[2], &p->vendor[1]);
+ MyCPUID(1, &p->ver, &p->b, &p->c, &p->d);
+ return True;
+static const UInt32 kVendors[][3] =
+ { 0x756E6547, 0x49656E69, 0x6C65746E},
+ { 0x68747541, 0x69746E65, 0x444D4163},
+ { 0x746E6543, 0x48727561, 0x736C7561}
+int x86cpuid_GetFirm(const Cx86cpuid *p)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(kVendors) / sizeof(kVendors[i]); i++)
+ {
+ const UInt32 *v = kVendors[i];
+ if (v[0] == p->vendor[0] &&
+ v[1] == p->vendor[1] &&
+ v[2] == p->vendor[2])
+ return (int)i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+BoolInt CPU_Is_InOrder(void)
+ Cx86cpuid p;
+ int firm;
+ UInt32 family, model;
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p))
+ return True;
+ family = x86cpuid_GetFamily(p.ver);
+ model = x86cpuid_GetModel(p.ver);
+ firm = x86cpuid_GetFirm(&p);
+ switch (firm)
+ {
+ case CPU_FIRM_INTEL: return (family < 6 || (family == 6 && (
+ /* In-Order Atom CPU */
+ model == 0x1C /* 45 nm, N4xx, D4xx, N5xx, D5xx, 230, 330 */
+ || model == 0x26 /* 45 nm, Z6xx */
+ || model == 0x27 /* 32 nm, Z2460 */
+ || model == 0x35 /* 32 nm, Z2760 */
+ || model == 0x36 /* 32 nm, N2xxx, D2xxx */
+ )));
+ case CPU_FIRM_AMD: return (family < 5 || (family == 5 && (model < 6 || model == 0xA)));
+ case CPU_FIRM_VIA: return (family < 6 || (family == 6 && model < 0xF));
+ }
+ return True;
+#if !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(_WIN32)
+#include <Windows.h>
+static BoolInt CPU_Sys_Is_SSE_Supported(void)
+ vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vi);
+ if (!GetVersionEx(&vi))
+ return False;
+ return (vi.dwMajorVersion >= 5);
+#define CHECK_SYS_SSE_SUPPORT if (!CPU_Sys_Is_SSE_Supported()) return False;
+static UInt32 X86_CPUID_ECX_Get_Flags(void)
+ Cx86cpuid p;
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p))
+ return 0;
+ return p.c;
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AES(void)
+ return (X86_CPUID_ECX_Get_Flags() >> 25) & 1;
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SSSE3(void)
+ return (X86_CPUID_ECX_Get_Flags() >> 9) & 1;
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SSE41(void)
+ return (X86_CPUID_ECX_Get_Flags() >> 19) & 1;
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA(void)
+ Cx86cpuid p;
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p))
+ return False;
+ if (p.maxFunc < 7)
+ return False;
+ {
+ UInt32 d[4] = { 0 };
+ MyCPUID(7, &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]);
+ return (d[1] >> 29) & 1;
+ }
+// #include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <Windows.h>
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AVX2(void)
+ Cx86cpuid p;
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #define MY__PF_XSAVE_ENABLED 17
+ if (!IsProcessorFeaturePresent(MY__PF_XSAVE_ENABLED))
+ return False;
+ #endif
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p))
+ return False;
+ if (p.maxFunc < 7)
+ return False;
+ {
+ UInt32 d[4] = { 0 };
+ MyCPUID(7, &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]);
+ // printf("\ncpuid(7): ebx=%8x ecx=%8x\n", d[1], d[2]);
+ return 1
+ & (d[1] >> 5); // avx2
+ }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_VAES_AVX2(void)
+ Cx86cpuid p;
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #define MY__PF_XSAVE_ENABLED 17
+ if (!IsProcessorFeaturePresent(MY__PF_XSAVE_ENABLED))
+ return False;
+ #endif
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p))
+ return False;
+ if (p.maxFunc < 7)
+ return False;
+ {
+ UInt32 d[4] = { 0 };
+ MyCPUID(7, &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]);
+ // printf("\ncpuid(7): ebx=%8x ecx=%8x\n", d[1], d[2]);
+ return 1
+ & (d[1] >> 5) // avx2
+ // & (d[1] >> 31) // avx512vl
+ & (d[2] >> 9); // vaes // VEX-256/EVEX
+ }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_PageGB(void)
+ Cx86cpuid cpuid;
+ if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&cpuid))
+ return False;
+ {
+ UInt32 d[4] = { 0 };
+ MyCPUID(0x80000000, &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]);
+ if (d[0] < 0x80000001)
+ return False;
+ }
+ {
+ UInt32 d[4] = { 0 };
+ MyCPUID(0x80000001, &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]);
+ return (d[3] >> 26) & 1;
+ }
+#elif defined(MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <Windows.h>
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_CRC32(void) { return IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_ARM_V8_CRC32_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE) ? 1 : 0; }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_CRYPTO(void) { return IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_ARM_V8_CRYPTO_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE) ? 1 : 0; }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_NEON(void) { return IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_ARM_NEON_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE) ? 1 : 0; }
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static void Print_sysctlbyname(const char *name)
+ size_t bufSize = 256;
+ char buf[256];
+ int res = sysctlbyname(name, &buf, &bufSize, NULL, 0);
+ {
+ int i;
+ printf("\nres = %d : %s : '%s' : bufSize = %d, numeric", res, name, buf, (unsigned)bufSize);
+ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ printf(" %2x", (unsigned)(Byte)buf[i]);
+ }
+static BoolInt My_sysctlbyname_Get_BoolInt(const char *name)
+ UInt32 val = 0;
+ if (My_sysctlbyname_Get_UInt32(name, &val) == 0 && val == 1)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ Print_sysctlbyname("hw.pagesize");
+ Print_sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string");
+ */
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_CRC32(void)
+ return My_sysctlbyname_Get_BoolInt("hw.optional.armv8_crc32");
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_NEON(void)
+ return My_sysctlbyname_Get_BoolInt("hw.optional.neon");
+#ifdef MY_CPU_ARM64
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA1(void) { return APPLE_CRYPTO_SUPPORT_VAL; }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA2(void) { return APPLE_CRYPTO_SUPPORT_VAL; }
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AES (void) { return APPLE_CRYPTO_SUPPORT_VAL; }
+#else // __APPLE__
+#include <sys/auxv.h>
+#define USE_HWCAP
+#ifdef USE_HWCAP
+#include <asm/hwcap.h>
+ #define MY_HWCAP_CHECK_FUNC_2(name1, name2) \
+ BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_ ## name1() { return (getauxval(AT_HWCAP) & (HWCAP_ ## name2)) ? 1 : 0; }
+#ifdef MY_CPU_ARM64
+ #define MY_HWCAP_CHECK_FUNC(name) \
+ MY_HWCAP_CHECK_FUNC_2(name, name)
+#elif defined(MY_CPU_ARM)
+ #define MY_HWCAP_CHECK_FUNC(name) \
+ BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_ ## name() { return (getauxval(AT_HWCAP2) & (HWCAP2_ ## name)) ? 1 : 0; }
+#else // USE_HWCAP
+ #define MY_HWCAP_CHECK_FUNC(name) \
+ BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_ ## name() { return 0; }
+#endif // USE_HWCAP
+#endif // __APPLE__
+#endif // _WIN32
+#endif // MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+int My_sysctlbyname_Get(const char *name, void *buf, size_t *bufSize)
+ return sysctlbyname(name, buf, bufSize, NULL, 0);
+int My_sysctlbyname_Get_UInt32(const char *name, UInt32 *val)
+ size_t bufSize = sizeof(*val);
+ int res = My_sysctlbyname_Get(name, val, &bufSize);
+ if (res == 0 && bufSize != sizeof(*val))
+ return EFAULT;
+ return res;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..529d3a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/CpuArch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+/* CpuArch.h -- CPU specific code
+2021-07-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */
+#ifndef __CPU_ARCH_H
+#define __CPU_ARCH_H
+#include "7zTypes.h"
+MY_CPU_BE means that CPU is BIG ENDIAN.
+If MY_CPU_LE and MY_CPU_BE are not defined, we don't know about ENDIANNESS of platform.
+MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN means that CPU is LITTLE ENDIAN and CPU supports unaligned memory accesses.
+MY_CPU_64BIT means that processor can work with 64-bit registers.
+ MY_CPU_64BIT can be used to select fast code branch
+ MY_CPU_64BIT doesn't mean that (sizeof(void *) == 8)
+#if defined(_M_X64) \
+ || defined(_M_AMD64) \
+ || defined(__x86_64__) \
+ || defined(__AMD64__) \
+ || defined(__amd64__)
+ #define MY_CPU_AMD64
+ #ifdef __ILP32__
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "x32"
+ #else
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "x64"
+ #endif
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+#if defined(_M_IX86) \
+ || defined(__i386__)
+ #define MY_CPU_X86
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "x86"
+ /* #define MY_CPU_32BIT */
+#if defined(_M_ARM64) \
+ || defined(__AARCH64EL__) \
+ || defined(__AARCH64EB__) \
+ || defined(__aarch64__)
+ #define MY_CPU_ARM64
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "arm64"
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+#if defined(_M_ARM) \
+ || defined(_M_ARM_NT) \
+ || defined(_M_ARMT) \
+ || defined(__arm__) \
+ || defined(__thumb__) \
+ || defined(__ARMEL__) \
+ || defined(__ARMEB__) \
+ || defined(__THUMBEL__) \
+ || defined(__THUMBEB__)
+ #define MY_CPU_ARM
+ #if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__THUMBEL__) || defined(_M_ARMT)
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "armt"
+ #else
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "arm"
+ #endif
+ /* #define MY_CPU_32BIT */
+#if defined(_M_IA64) \
+ || defined(__ia64__)
+ #define MY_CPU_IA64
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "ia64"
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+#if defined(__mips64) \
+ || defined(__mips64__) \
+ || (defined(__mips) && (__mips == 64 || __mips == 4 || __mips == 3))
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "mips64"
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+#elif defined(__mips__)
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "mips"
+ /* #define MY_CPU_32BIT */
+#if defined(__ppc64__) \
+ || defined(__powerpc64__) \
+ || defined(__ppc__) \
+ || defined(__powerpc__) \
+ || defined(__PPC__) \
+ || defined(_POWER)
+#if defined(__ppc64__) \
+ || defined(__powerpc64__) \
+ || defined(_LP64) \
+ || defined(__64BIT__)
+ #ifdef __ILP32__
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "ppc64-32"
+ #else
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "ppc64"
+ #endif
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "ppc"
+ /* #define MY_CPU_32BIT */
+#if defined(__sparc64__)
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "sparc64"
+ #define MY_CPU_64BIT
+#elif defined(__sparc__)
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "sparc"
+ /* #define MY_CPU_32BIT */
+#if defined(MY_CPU_X86) || defined(MY_CPU_AMD64)
+#define MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64
+#if defined(MY_CPU_ARM) || defined(MY_CPU_ARM64)
+#define MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM
+ #define MY_CPU_ARM_LE
+ #endif
+ #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM64
+ #define MY_CPU_ARM64_LE
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _M_IA64
+ #define MY_CPU_IA64_LE
+ #endif
+#if defined(MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64) \
+ || defined(MY_CPU_ARM_LE) \
+ || defined(MY_CPU_ARM64_LE) \
+ || defined(MY_CPU_IA64_LE) \
+ || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) \
+ || defined(__ARMEL__) \
+ || defined(__THUMBEL__) \
+ || defined(__AARCH64EL__) \
+ || defined(__MIPSEL__) \
+ || defined(__MIPSEL) \
+ || defined(_MIPSEL) \
+ || defined(__BFIN__) \
+ || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__))
+ #define MY_CPU_LE
+#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) \
+ || defined(__ARMEB__) \
+ || defined(__THUMBEB__) \
+ || defined(__AARCH64EB__) \
+ || defined(__MIPSEB__) \
+ || defined(__MIPSEB) \
+ || defined(_MIPSEB) \
+ || defined(__m68k__) \
+ || defined(__s390__) \
+ || defined(__s390x__) \
+ || defined(__zarch__) \
+ || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__))
+ #define MY_CPU_BE
+#if defined(MY_CPU_LE) && defined(MY_CPU_BE)
+ #error Stop_Compiling_Bad_Endian
+#if defined(MY_CPU_32BIT) && defined(MY_CPU_64BIT)
+ #error Stop_Compiling_Bad_32_64_BIT
+#ifdef __SIZEOF_POINTER__
+ #error Stop_Compiling_Bad_MY_CPU_PTR_SIZE
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #endif
+#if defined (_LP64)
+ #error Stop_Compiling_Bad_MY_CPU_PTR_SIZE
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #if _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pack_push_1 __pragma(pack(push, 1))
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pop __pragma(pack(pop))
+ #else
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pack_push_1
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pop
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __xlC__
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pack_push_1 _Pragma("pack(1)")
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pop _Pragma("pack()")
+ #else
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pack_push_1 _Pragma("pack(push, 1)")
+ #define MY_CPU_pragma_pop _Pragma("pack(pop)")
+ #endif
+#ifndef MY_CPU_NAME
+ #ifdef MY_CPU_LE
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "LE"
+ #elif defined(MY_CPU_BE)
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME "BE"
+ #else
+ /*
+ #define MY_CPU_NAME ""
+ */
+ #endif
+#ifdef MY_CPU_LE
+ #if defined(MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64) \
+ || defined(MY_CPU_ARM64)
+ #define MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN_64
+ #elif defined(__ARM_FEATURE_UNALIGNED)
+ /* gcc9 for 32-bit arm can use LDRD instruction that requires 32-bit alignment.
+ So we can't use unaligned 64-bit operations. */
+ #endif
+#define GetUi16(p) (*(const UInt16 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define GetUi32(p) (*(const UInt32 *)(const void *)(p))
+#ifdef MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN_64
+#define GetUi64(p) (*(const UInt64 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define SetUi16(p, v) { *(UInt16 *)(void *)(p) = (v); }
+#define SetUi32(p, v) { *(UInt32 *)(void *)(p) = (v); }
+#ifdef MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN_64
+#define SetUi64(p, v) { *(UInt64 *)(void *)(p) = (v); }
+#define GetUi16(p) ( (UInt16) ( \
+ ((const Byte *)(p))[0] | \
+ ((UInt16)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 8) ))
+#define GetUi32(p) ( \
+ ((const Byte *)(p))[0] | \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 8) | \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[2] << 16) | \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[3] << 24))
+#define SetUi16(p, v) { Byte *_ppp_ = (Byte *)(p); UInt32 _vvv_ = (v); \
+ _ppp_[0] = (Byte)_vvv_; \
+ _ppp_[1] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 8); }
+#define SetUi32(p, v) { Byte *_ppp_ = (Byte *)(p); UInt32 _vvv_ = (v); \
+ _ppp_[0] = (Byte)_vvv_; \
+ _ppp_[1] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 8); \
+ _ppp_[2] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 16); \
+ _ppp_[3] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 24); }
+#ifndef MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN_64
+#define GetUi64(p) (GetUi32(p) | ((UInt64)GetUi32(((const Byte *)(p)) + 4) << 32))
+#define SetUi64(p, v) { Byte *_ppp2_ = (Byte *)(p); UInt64 _vvv2_ = (v); \
+ SetUi32(_ppp2_ , (UInt32)_vvv2_); \
+ SetUi32(_ppp2_ + 4, (UInt32)(_vvv2_ >> 32)); }
+#ifdef __has_builtin
+ #define MY__has_builtin(x) __has_builtin(x)
+ #define MY__has_builtin(x) 0
+#if defined(MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN) && /* defined(_WIN64) && */ defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300)
+/* Note: we use bswap instruction, that is unsupported in 386 cpu */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ushort)
+#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ulong)
+#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_uint64)
+/* #define GetBe16(p) _byteswap_ushort(*(const UInt16 *)(const Byte *)(p)) */
+#define GetBe32(p) _byteswap_ulong (*(const UInt32 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define GetBe64(p) _byteswap_uint64(*(const UInt64 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define SetBe32(p, v) (*(UInt32 *)(void *)(p)) = _byteswap_ulong(v)
+#elif defined(MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN) && ( \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))) \
+ || (defined(__clang__) && MY__has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16)) )
+/* #define GetBe16(p) __builtin_bswap16(*(const UInt16 *)(const void *)(p)) */
+#define GetBe32(p) __builtin_bswap32(*(const UInt32 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define GetBe64(p) __builtin_bswap64(*(const UInt64 *)(const void *)(p))
+#define SetBe32(p, v) (*(UInt32 *)(void *)(p)) = __builtin_bswap32(v)
+#define GetBe32(p) ( \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[0] << 24) | \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 16) | \
+ ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[2] << 8) | \
+ ((const Byte *)(p))[3] )
+#define GetBe64(p) (((UInt64)GetBe32(p) << 32) | GetBe32(((const Byte *)(p)) + 4))
+#define SetBe32(p, v) { Byte *_ppp_ = (Byte *)(p); UInt32 _vvv_ = (v); \
+ _ppp_[0] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 24); \
+ _ppp_[1] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 16); \
+ _ppp_[2] = (Byte)(_vvv_ >> 8); \
+ _ppp_[3] = (Byte)_vvv_; }
+#ifndef GetBe16
+#define GetBe16(p) ( (UInt16) ( \
+ ((UInt16)((const Byte *)(p))[0] << 8) | \
+ ((const Byte *)(p))[1] ))
+#ifdef MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64
+typedef struct
+ UInt32 maxFunc;
+ UInt32 vendor[3];
+ UInt32 ver;
+ UInt32 b;
+ UInt32 c;
+ UInt32 d;
+} Cx86cpuid;
+void MyCPUID(UInt32 function, UInt32 *a, UInt32 *b, UInt32 *c, UInt32 *d);
+BoolInt x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(Cx86cpuid *p);
+int x86cpuid_GetFirm(const Cx86cpuid *p);
+#define x86cpuid_GetFamily(ver) (((ver >> 16) & 0xFF0) | ((ver >> 8) & 0xF))
+#define x86cpuid_GetModel(ver) (((ver >> 12) & 0xF0) | ((ver >> 4) & 0xF))
+#define x86cpuid_GetStepping(ver) (ver & 0xF)
+BoolInt CPU_Is_InOrder(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AES(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AVX2(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_VAES_AVX2(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SSSE3(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SSE41(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_PageGB(void);
+#elif defined(MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64)
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_CRC32(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_NEON(void);
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_CRYPTO(void);
+#define CPU_IsSupported_SHA1 CPU_IsSupported_CRYPTO
+#define CPU_IsSupported_SHA2 CPU_IsSupported_CRYPTO
+#define CPU_IsSupported_AES CPU_IsSupported_CRYPTO
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA1(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_SHA2(void);
+BoolInt CPU_IsSupported_AES(void);
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+int My_sysctlbyname_Get(const char *name, void *buf, size_t *bufSize);
+int My_sysctlbyname_Get_UInt32(const char *name, UInt32 *val);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1987920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* Ppmd.h -- PPMD codec common code
+2021-04-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
+This code is based on PPMd var.H (2001): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */
+#ifndef __PPMD_H
+#define __PPMD_H
+#include "CpuArch.h"
+ PPMD code always uses 32-bit internal fields in PPMD structures to store internal references in main block.
+ if (PPMD_32BIT is defined), the PPMD code stores internal pointers to 32-bit reference fields.
+ if (PPMD_32BIT is NOT defined), the PPMD code stores internal UInt32 offsets to reference fields.
+ if (pointer size is 64-bit), then (PPMD_32BIT) mode is not allowed,
+ if (pointer size is 32-bit), then (PPMD_32BIT) mode is optional,
+ and it's allowed to disable PPMD_32BIT mode even if pointer is 32-bit.
+ PPMD code works slightly faster in (PPMD_32BIT) mode.
+ #define PPMD_32BIT
+#define PPMD_INT_BITS 7
+#define PPMD_GET_MEAN_SPEC(summ, shift, round) (((summ) + (1 << ((shift) - (round)))) >> (shift))
+#define PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_0(prob) ((prob) + (1 << PPMD_INT_BITS) - PPMD_GET_MEAN(prob))
+#define PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_1(prob) ((prob) - PPMD_GET_MEAN(prob))
+#define PPMD_N1 4
+#define PPMD_N2 4
+#define PPMD_N3 4
+#define PPMD_N4 ((128 + 3 - 1 * PPMD_N1 - 2 * PPMD_N2 - 3 * PPMD_N3) / 4)
+/* Most compilers works OK here even without #pragma pack(push, 1), but some GCC compilers need it. */
+/* SEE-contexts for PPM-contexts with masked symbols */
+typedef struct
+ UInt16 Summ; /* Freq */
+ Byte Shift; /* Speed of Freq change; low Shift is for fast change */
+ Byte Count; /* Count to next change of Shift */
+} CPpmd_See;
+#define Ppmd_See_Update(p) if ((p)->Shift < PPMD_PERIOD_BITS && --(p)->Count == 0) \
+ { (p)->Summ = (UInt16)((p)->Summ << 1); (p)->Count = (Byte)(3 << (p)->Shift++); }
+typedef struct
+ Byte Symbol;
+ Byte Freq;
+ UInt16 Successor_0;
+ UInt16 Successor_1;
+} CPpmd_State;
+typedef struct CPpmd_State2_
+ Byte Symbol;
+ Byte Freq;
+} CPpmd_State2;
+typedef struct CPpmd_State4_
+ UInt16 Successor_0;
+ UInt16 Successor_1;
+} CPpmd_State4;
+ PPMD code can write full CPpmd_State structure data to CPpmd*_Context
+ at (byte offset = 2) instead of some fields of original CPpmd*_Context structure.
+ If we use pointers to different types, but that point to shared
+ memory space, we can have aliasing problem (strict aliasing).
+ XLC compiler in -O2 mode can change the order of memory write instructions
+ in relation to read instructions, if we have use pointers to different types.
+ To solve that aliasing problem we use combined CPpmd*_Context structure
+ with unions that contain the fields from both structures:
+ the original CPpmd*_Context and CPpmd_State.
+ So we can access the fields from both structures via one pointer,
+ and the compiler doesn't change the order of write instructions
+ in relation to read instructions.
+ If we don't use memory write instructions to shared memory in
+ some local code, and we use only reading instructions (read only),
+ then probably it's safe to use pointers to different types for reading.
+#ifdef PPMD_32BIT
+ #define Ppmd_Ref_Type(type) type *
+ #define Ppmd_GetRef(p, ptr) (ptr)
+ #define Ppmd_GetPtr(p, ptr) (ptr)
+ #define Ppmd_GetPtr_Type(p, ptr, note_type) (ptr)
+ #define Ppmd_Ref_Type(type) UInt32
+ #define Ppmd_GetRef(p, ptr) ((UInt32)((Byte *)(ptr) - (p)->Base))
+ #define Ppmd_GetPtr(p, offs) ((void *)((p)->Base + (offs)))
+ #define Ppmd_GetPtr_Type(p, offs, type) ((type *)Ppmd_GetPtr(p, offs))
+#endif // PPMD_32BIT
+typedef Ppmd_Ref_Type(CPpmd_State) CPpmd_State_Ref;
+typedef Ppmd_Ref_Type(void) CPpmd_Void_Ref;
+typedef Ppmd_Ref_Type(Byte) CPpmd_Byte_Ref;
+// the unaligned 32-bit access latency can be too large, if the data is not in L1 cache.
+#define Ppmd_GET_SUCCESSOR(p) ((CPpmd_Void_Ref)*(const UInt32 *)(const void *)&(p)->Successor_0)
+#define Ppmd_SET_SUCCESSOR(p, v) *(UInt32 *)(void *)(void *)&(p)->Successor_0 = (UInt32)(v)
+ We can write 16-bit halves to 32-bit (Successor) field in any selected order.
+ But the native order is more consistent way.
+ So we use the native order, if LE/BE order can be detected here at compile time.
+#ifdef MY_CPU_BE
+ #define Ppmd_GET_SUCCESSOR(p) \
+ ( (CPpmd_Void_Ref) (((UInt32)(p)->Successor_0 << 16) | (p)->Successor_1) )
+ #define Ppmd_SET_SUCCESSOR(p, v) { \
+ (p)->Successor_0 = (UInt16)(((UInt32)(v) >> 16) /* & 0xFFFF */); \
+ (p)->Successor_1 = (UInt16)((UInt32)(v) /* & 0xFFFF */); }
+ #define Ppmd_GET_SUCCESSOR(p) \
+ ( (CPpmd_Void_Ref) ((p)->Successor_0 | ((UInt32)(p)->Successor_1 << 16)) )
+ #define Ppmd_SET_SUCCESSOR(p, v) { \
+ (p)->Successor_0 = (UInt16)((UInt32)(v) /* & 0xFFFF */); \
+ (p)->Successor_1 = (UInt16)(((UInt32)(v) >> 16) /* & 0xFFFF */); }
+// #endif
+#define PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(p) \
+ { size_t z; for (z = 0; z < 256 / sizeof(p[0]); z += 8) { \
+ p[z+7] = p[z+6] = p[z+5] = p[z+4] = p[z+3] = p[z+2] = p[z+1] = p[z+0] = ~(size_t)0; }}
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf401cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@
+/* Ppmd7.c -- PPMdH codec
+2021-04-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
+This code is based on PPMd var.H (2001): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */
+#include "Precomp.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Ppmd7.h"
+/* define PPMD7_ORDER_0_SUPPPORT to suport order-0 mode, unsupported by orignal PPMd var.H. code */
+// #define PPMD7_ORDER_0_SUPPPORT
+static const Byte PPMD7_kExpEscape[16] = { 25, 14, 9, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
+static const UInt16 kInitBinEsc[] = { 0x3CDD, 0x1F3F, 0x59BF, 0x48F3, 0x64A1, 0x5ABC, 0x6632, 0x6051};
+#define MAX_FREQ 124
+#define UNIT_SIZE 12
+#define U2B(nu) ((UInt32)(nu) * UNIT_SIZE)
+#define U2I(nu) (p->Units2Indx[(size_t)(nu) - 1])
+#define I2U(indx) ((unsigned)p->Indx2Units[indx])
+#define I2U_UInt16(indx) ((UInt16)p->Indx2Units[indx])
+#define REF(ptr) Ppmd_GetRef(p, ptr)
+#define STATS_REF(ptr) ((CPpmd_State_Ref)REF(ptr))
+#define CTX(ref) ((CPpmd7_Context *)Ppmd7_GetContext(p, ref))
+#define STATS(ctx) Ppmd7_GetStats(p, ctx)
+#define ONE_STATE(ctx) Ppmd7Context_OneState(ctx)
+#define SUFFIX(ctx) CTX((ctx)->Suffix)
+typedef CPpmd7_Context * CTX_PTR;
+struct CPpmd7_Node_;
+typedef Ppmd_Ref_Type(struct CPpmd7_Node_) CPpmd7_Node_Ref;
+typedef struct CPpmd7_Node_
+ UInt16 Stamp; /* must be at offset 0 as CPpmd7_Context::NumStats. Stamp=0 means free */
+ UInt16 NU;
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref Next; /* must be at offset >= 4 */
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref Prev;
+} CPpmd7_Node;
+#define NODE(r) Ppmd_GetPtr_Type(p, r, CPpmd7_Node)
+void Ppmd7_Construct(CPpmd7 *p)
+ unsigned i, k, m;
+ p->Base = NULL;
+ for (i = 0, k = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned step = (i >= 12 ? 4 : (i >> 2) + 1);
+ do { p->Units2Indx[k++] = (Byte)i; } while (--step);
+ p->Indx2Units[i] = (Byte)k;
+ }
+ p->NS2BSIndx[0] = (0 << 1);
+ p->NS2BSIndx[1] = (1 << 1);
+ memset(p->NS2BSIndx + 2, (2 << 1), 9);
+ memset(p->NS2BSIndx + 11, (3 << 1), 256 - 11);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ p->NS2Indx[i] = (Byte)i;
+ for (m = i, k = 1; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ p->NS2Indx[i] = (Byte)m;
+ if (--k == 0)
+ k = (++m) - 2;
+ }
+ memcpy(p->ExpEscape, PPMD7_kExpEscape, 16);
+void Ppmd7_Free(CPpmd7 *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc)
+ ISzAlloc_Free(alloc, p->Base);
+ p->Size = 0;
+ p->Base = NULL;
+BoolInt Ppmd7_Alloc(CPpmd7 *p, UInt32 size, ISzAllocPtr alloc)
+ if (!p->Base || p->Size != size)
+ {
+ Ppmd7_Free(p, alloc);
+ p->AlignOffset = (4 - size) & 3;
+ if ((p->Base = (Byte *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(alloc, p->AlignOffset + size)) == NULL)
+ return False;
+ p->Size = size;
+ }
+ return True;
+// ---------- Internal Memory Allocator ----------
+/* We can use CPpmd7_Node in list of free units (as in Ppmd8)
+ But we still need one additional list walk pass in GlueFreeBlocks().
+ So we use simple CPpmd_Void_Ref instead of CPpmd7_Node in InsertNode() / RemoveNode()
+#define EMPTY_NODE 0
+static void InsertNode(CPpmd7 *p, void *node, unsigned indx)
+ *((CPpmd_Void_Ref *)node) = p->FreeList[indx];
+ // ((CPpmd7_Node *)node)->Next = (CPpmd7_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[indx];
+ p->FreeList[indx] = REF(node);
+static void *RemoveNode(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned indx)
+ CPpmd_Void_Ref *node = (CPpmd_Void_Ref *)Ppmd7_GetPtr(p, p->FreeList[indx]);
+ p->FreeList[indx] = *node;
+ // CPpmd7_Node *node = NODE((CPpmd7_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[indx]);
+ // p->FreeList[indx] = node->Next;
+ return node;
+static void SplitBlock(CPpmd7 *p, void *ptr, unsigned oldIndx, unsigned newIndx)
+ unsigned i, nu = I2U(oldIndx) - I2U(newIndx);
+ ptr = (Byte *)ptr + U2B(I2U(newIndx));
+ if (I2U(i = U2I(nu)) != nu)
+ {
+ unsigned k = I2U(--i);
+ InsertNode(p, ((Byte *)ptr) + U2B(k), nu - k - 1);
+ }
+ InsertNode(p, ptr, i);
+/* we use CPpmd7_Node_Union union to solve XLC -O2 strict pointer aliasing problem */
+typedef union _CPpmd7_Node_Union
+ CPpmd7_Node Node;
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref NextRef;
+} CPpmd7_Node_Union;
+/* Original PPmdH (Ppmd7) code uses doubly linked list in GlueFreeBlocks()
+ we use single linked list similar to Ppmd8 code */
+static void GlueFreeBlocks(CPpmd7 *p)
+ /*
+ we use first UInt16 field of 12-bytes UNITs as record type stamp
+ CPpmd_State { Byte Symbol; Byte Freq; : Freq != 0
+ CPpmd7_Context { UInt16 NumStats; : NumStats != 0
+ CPpmd7_Node { UInt16 Stamp : Stamp == 0 for free record
+ : Stamp == 1 for head record and guard
+ Last 12-bytes UNIT in array is always contains 12-bytes order-0 CPpmd7_Context record.
+ */
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref head, n = 0;
+ p->GlueCount = 255;
+ /* we set guard NODE at LoUnit */
+ if (p->LoUnit != p->HiUnit)
+ ((CPpmd7_Node *)(void *)p->LoUnit)->Stamp = 1;
+ {
+ /* Create list of free blocks.
+ We still need one additional list walk pass before Glue. */
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++)
+ {
+ const UInt16 nu = I2U_UInt16(i);
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref next = (CPpmd7_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[i];
+ p->FreeList[i] = 0;
+ while (next != 0)
+ {
+ /* Don't change the order of the following commands: */
+ CPpmd7_Node_Union *un = (CPpmd7_Node_Union *)NODE(next);
+ const CPpmd7_Node_Ref tmp = next;
+ next = un->NextRef;
+ un->Node.Stamp = EMPTY_NODE;
+ un->Node.NU = nu;
+ un->Node.Next = n;
+ n = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ head = n;
+ /* Glue and Fill must walk the list in same direction */
+ {
+ /* Glue free blocks */
+ CPpmd7_Node_Ref *prev = &head;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ CPpmd7_Node *node = NODE(n);
+ UInt32 nu = node->NU;
+ n = node->Next;
+ if (nu == 0)
+ {
+ *prev = n;
+ continue;
+ }
+ prev = &node->Next;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ CPpmd7_Node *node2 = node + nu;
+ nu += node2->NU;
+ if (node2->Stamp != EMPTY_NODE || nu >= 0x10000)
+ break;
+ node->NU = (UInt16)nu;
+ node2->NU = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Fill lists of free blocks */
+ for (n = head; n != 0;)
+ {
+ CPpmd7_Node *node = NODE(n);
+ UInt32 nu = node->NU;
+ unsigned i;
+ n = node->Next;
+ if (nu == 0)
+ continue;
+ for (; nu > 128; nu -= 128, node += 128)
+ InsertNode(p, node, PPMD_NUM_INDEXES - 1);
+ if (I2U(i = U2I(nu)) != nu)
+ {
+ unsigned k = I2U(--i);
+ InsertNode(p, node + k, (unsigned)nu - k - 1);
+ }
+ InsertNode(p, node, i);
+ }
+static void *AllocUnitsRare(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned indx)
+ unsigned i;
+ if (p->GlueCount == 0)
+ {
+ GlueFreeBlocks(p);
+ if (p->FreeList[indx] != 0)
+ return RemoveNode(p, indx);
+ }
+ i = indx;
+ do
+ {
+ if (++i == PPMD_NUM_INDEXES)
+ {
+ UInt32 numBytes = U2B(I2U(indx));
+ Byte *us = p->UnitsStart;
+ p->GlueCount--;
+ return ((UInt32)(us - p->Text) > numBytes) ? (p->UnitsStart = us - numBytes) : NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ while (p->FreeList[i] == 0);
+ {
+ void *block = RemoveNode(p, i);
+ SplitBlock(p, block, i, indx);
+ return block;
+ }
+static void *AllocUnits(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned indx)
+ if (p->FreeList[indx] != 0)
+ return RemoveNode(p, indx);
+ {
+ UInt32 numBytes = U2B(I2U(indx));
+ Byte *lo = p->LoUnit;
+ if ((UInt32)(p->HiUnit - lo) >= numBytes)
+ {
+ p->LoUnit = lo + numBytes;
+ return lo;
+ }
+ }
+ return AllocUnitsRare(p, indx);
+#define MyMem12Cpy(dest, src, num) \
+ { UInt32 *d = (UInt32 *)dest; const UInt32 *z = (const UInt32 *)src; UInt32 n = num; \
+ do { d[0] = z[0]; d[1] = z[1]; d[2] = z[2]; z += 3; d += 3; } while (--n); }
+static void *ShrinkUnits(CPpmd7 *p, void *oldPtr, unsigned oldNU, unsigned newNU)
+ unsigned i0 = U2I(oldNU);
+ unsigned i1 = U2I(newNU);
+ if (i0 == i1)
+ return oldPtr;
+ if (p->FreeList[i1] != 0)
+ {
+ void *ptr = RemoveNode(p, i1);
+ MyMem12Cpy(ptr, oldPtr, newNU);
+ InsertNode(p, oldPtr, i0);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ SplitBlock(p, oldPtr, i0, i1);
+ return oldPtr;
+static void SetSuccessor(CPpmd_State *p, CPpmd_Void_Ref v)
+ Ppmd_SET_SUCCESSOR(p, v);
+void RestartModel(CPpmd7 *p)
+ unsigned i, k;
+ memset(p->FreeList, 0, sizeof(p->FreeList));
+ p->Text = p->Base + p->AlignOffset;
+ p->HiUnit = p->Text + p->Size;
+ p->LoUnit = p->UnitsStart = p->HiUnit - p->Size / 8 / UNIT_SIZE * 7 * UNIT_SIZE;
+ p->GlueCount = 0;
+ p->OrderFall = p->MaxOrder;
+ p->RunLength = p->InitRL = -(Int32)((p->MaxOrder < 12) ? p->MaxOrder : 12) - 1;
+ p->PrevSuccess = 0;
+ {
+ CPpmd7_Context *mc = (CTX_PTR)(void *)(p->HiUnit -= UNIT_SIZE); /* AllocContext(p); */
+ CPpmd_State *s = (CPpmd_State *)p->LoUnit; /* AllocUnits(p, PPMD_NUM_INDEXES - 1); */
+ p->LoUnit += U2B(256 / 2);
+ p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = mc;
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ mc->NumStats = 256;
+ mc->Union2.SummFreq = 256 + 1;
+ mc->Union4.Stats = REF(s);
+ mc->Suffix = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++, s++)
+ {
+ s->Symbol = (Byte)i;
+ s->Freq = 1;
+ SetSuccessor(s, 0);
+ }
+ if (p->MaxOrder == 0)
+ {
+ CPpmd_Void_Ref r = REF(mc);
+ s = p->FoundState;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++, s++)
+ SetSuccessor(s, r);
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
+ {
+ unsigned m;
+ UInt16 *dest = p->BinSumm[i] + k;
+ UInt16 val = (UInt16)(PPMD_BIN_SCALE - kInitBinEsc[k] / (i + 2));
+ for (m = 0; m < 64; m += 8)
+ dest[m] = val;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ {
+ CPpmd_See *s = p->See[i];
+ unsigned summ = ((5 * i + 10) << (PPMD_PERIOD_BITS - 4));
+ for (k = 0; k < 16; k++, s++)
+ {
+ s->Summ = (UInt16)summ;
+ s->Shift = (PPMD_PERIOD_BITS - 4);
+ s->Count = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ p->DummySee.Summ = 0; /* unused */
+ p->DummySee.Shift = PPMD_PERIOD_BITS;
+ p->DummySee.Count = 64; /* unused */
+void Ppmd7_Init(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned maxOrder)
+ p->MaxOrder = maxOrder;
+ RestartModel(p);
+ CreateSuccessors()
+ It's called when (FoundState->Successor) is RAW-Successor,
+ that is the link to position in Raw text.
+ So we create Context records and write the links to
+ FoundState->Successor and to identical RAW-Successors in suffix
+ contexts of MinContex.
+ The function returns:
+ if (OrderFall == 0) then MinContext is already at MAX order,
+ { return pointer to new or existing context of same MAX order }
+ else
+ { return pointer to new real context that will be (Order+1) in comparison with MinContext
+ also it can return pointer to real context of same order,
+static CTX_PTR CreateSuccessors(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CTX_PTR c = p->MinContext;
+ CPpmd_Byte_Ref upBranch = (CPpmd_Byte_Ref)SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState);
+ Byte newSym, newFreq;
+ unsigned numPs = 0;
+ CPpmd_State *ps[PPMD7_MAX_ORDER];
+ if (p->OrderFall != 0)
+ ps[numPs++] = p->FoundState;
+ while (c->Suffix)
+ {
+ CPpmd_Void_Ref successor;
+ CPpmd_State *s;
+ c = SUFFIX(c);
+ if (c->NumStats != 1)
+ {
+ Byte sym = p->FoundState->Symbol;
+ for (s = STATS(c); s->Symbol != sym; s++);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = ONE_STATE(c);
+ }
+ successor = SUCCESSOR(s);
+ if (successor != upBranch)
+ {
+ // (c) is real record Context here,
+ c = CTX(successor);
+ if (numPs == 0)
+ {
+ // (c) is real record MAX Order Context here,
+ // So we don't need to create any new contexts.
+ return c;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ps[numPs++] = s;
+ }
+ // All created contexts will have single-symbol with new RAW-Successor
+ // All new RAW-Successors will point to next position in RAW text
+ // after FoundState->Successor
+ newSym = *(const Byte *)Ppmd7_GetPtr(p, upBranch);
+ upBranch++;
+ if (c->NumStats == 1)
+ newFreq = ONE_STATE(c)->Freq;
+ else
+ {
+ UInt32 cf, s0;
+ CPpmd_State *s;
+ for (s = STATS(c); s->Symbol != newSym; s++);
+ cf = (UInt32)s->Freq - 1;
+ s0 = (UInt32)c->Union2.SummFreq - c->NumStats - cf;
+ /*
+ cf - is frequency of symbol that will be Successor in new context records.
+ s0 - is commulative frequency sum of another symbols from parent context.
+ max(newFreq)= (s->Freq + 1), when (s0 == 1)
+ we have requirement (Ppmd7Context_OneState()->Freq <= 128) in BinSumm[]
+ so (s->Freq < 128) - is requirement for multi-symbol contexts
+ */
+ newFreq = (Byte)(1 + ((2 * cf <= s0) ? (5 * cf > s0) : (2 * cf + s0 - 1) / (2 * s0) + 1));
+ }
+ // Create new single-symbol contexts from low order to high order in loop
+ do
+ {
+ CTX_PTR c1;
+ /* = AllocContext(p); */
+ if (p->HiUnit != p->LoUnit)
+ c1 = (CTX_PTR)(void *)(p->HiUnit -= UNIT_SIZE);
+ else if (p->FreeList[0] != 0)
+ c1 = (CTX_PTR)RemoveNode(p, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ c1 = (CTX_PTR)AllocUnitsRare(p, 0);
+ if (!c1)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ c1->NumStats = 1;
+ ONE_STATE(c1)->Symbol = newSym;
+ ONE_STATE(c1)->Freq = newFreq;
+ SetSuccessor(ONE_STATE(c1), upBranch);
+ c1->Suffix = REF(c);
+ SetSuccessor(ps[--numPs], REF(c1));
+ c = c1;
+ }
+ while (numPs != 0);
+ return c;
+#define SwapStates(s) \
+ { CPpmd_State tmp = s[0]; s[0] = s[-1]; s[-1] = tmp; }
+void Ppmd7_UpdateModel(CPpmd7 *p);
+void Ppmd7_UpdateModel(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CPpmd_Void_Ref maxSuccessor, minSuccessor;
+ CTX_PTR c, mc;
+ unsigned s0, ns;
+ if (p->FoundState->Freq < MAX_FREQ / 4 && p->MinContext->Suffix != 0)
+ {
+ /* Update Freqs in Suffix Context */
+ c = SUFFIX(p->MinContext);
+ if (c->NumStats == 1)
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s = ONE_STATE(c);
+ if (s->Freq < 32)
+ s->Freq++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s = STATS(c);
+ Byte sym = p->FoundState->Symbol;
+ if (s->Symbol != sym)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ // s++; if (s->Symbol == sym) break;
+ s++;
+ }
+ while (s->Symbol != sym);
+ if (s[0].Freq >= s[-1].Freq)
+ {
+ SwapStates(s);
+ s--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (s->Freq < MAX_FREQ - 9)
+ {
+ s->Freq = (Byte)(s->Freq + 2);
+ c->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)(c->Union2.SummFreq + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (p->OrderFall == 0)
+ {
+ /* MAX ORDER context */
+ /* (FoundState->Successor) is RAW-Successor. */
+ p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = CreateSuccessors(p);
+ if (!p->MinContext)
+ {
+ RestartModel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, REF(p->MinContext));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* NON-MAX ORDER context */
+ {
+ Byte *text = p->Text;
+ *text++ = p->FoundState->Symbol;
+ p->Text = text;
+ if (text >= p->UnitsStart)
+ {
+ RestartModel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ maxSuccessor = REF(text);
+ }
+ minSuccessor = SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState);
+ if (minSuccessor)
+ {
+ // there is Successor for FoundState in MinContext.
+ // So the next context will be one order higher than MinContext.
+ if (minSuccessor <= maxSuccessor)
+ {
+ // minSuccessor is RAW-Successor. So we will create real contexts records:
+ CTX_PTR cs = CreateSuccessors(p);
+ if (!cs)
+ {
+ RestartModel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ minSuccessor = REF(cs);
+ }
+ // minSuccessor now is real Context pointer that points to existing (Order+1) context
+ if (--p->OrderFall == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ if we move to MaxOrder context, then minSuccessor will be common Succesor for both:
+ MinContext that is (MaxOrder - 1)
+ MaxContext that is (MaxOrder)
+ so we don't need new RAW-Successor, and we can use real minSuccessor
+ as succssors for both MinContext and MaxContext.
+ */
+ maxSuccessor = minSuccessor;
+ /*
+ if (MaxContext != MinContext)
+ {
+ there was order fall from MaxOrder and we don't need current symbol
+ to transfer some RAW-Succesors to real contexts.
+ So we roll back pointer in raw data for one position.
+ }
+ */
+ p->Text -= (p->MaxContext != p->MinContext);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ FoundState has NULL-Successor here.
+ And only root 0-order context can contain NULL-Successors.
+ We change Successor in FoundState to RAW-Successor,
+ And next context will be same 0-order root Context.
+ */
+ SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, maxSuccessor);
+ minSuccessor = REF(p->MinContext);
+ }
+ mc = p->MinContext;
+ c = p->MaxContext;
+ p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = CTX(minSuccessor);
+ if (c == mc)
+ return;
+ // s0 : is pure Escape Freq
+ s0 = mc->Union2.SummFreq - (ns = mc->NumStats) - ((unsigned)p->FoundState->Freq - 1);
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned ns1;
+ UInt32 sum;
+ if ((ns1 = c->NumStats) != 1)
+ {
+ if ((ns1 & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Expand for one UNIT */
+ unsigned oldNU = ns1 >> 1;
+ unsigned i = U2I(oldNU);
+ if (i != U2I((size_t)oldNU + 1))
+ {
+ void *ptr = AllocUnits(p, i + 1);
+ void *oldPtr;
+ if (!ptr)
+ {
+ RestartModel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ oldPtr = STATS(c);
+ MyMem12Cpy(ptr, oldPtr, oldNU);
+ InsertNode(p, oldPtr, i);
+ c->Union4.Stats = STATS_REF(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ sum = c->Union2.SummFreq;
+ /* max increase of Escape_Freq is 3 here.
+ total increase of Union2.SummFreq for all symbols is less than 256 here */
+ sum += (UInt32)(2 * ns1 < ns) + 2 * ((unsigned)(4 * ns1 <= ns) & (sum <= 8 * ns1));
+ /* original PPMdH uses 16-bit variable for (sum) here.
+ But (sum < 0x9000). So we don't truncate (sum) to 16-bit */
+ // sum = (UInt16)sum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // instead of One-symbol context we create 2-symbol context
+ CPpmd_State *s = (CPpmd_State*)AllocUnits(p, 0);
+ if (!s)
+ {
+ RestartModel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ unsigned freq = c->Union2.State2.Freq;
+ // s = *ONE_STATE(c);
+ s->Symbol = c->Union2.State2.Symbol;
+ s->Successor_0 = c->Union4.State4.Successor_0;
+ s->Successor_1 = c->Union4.State4.Successor_1;
+ // SetSuccessor(s, c->Union4.Stats); // call it only for debug purposes to check the order of
+ // (Successor_0 and Successor_1) in LE/BE.
+ c->Union4.Stats = REF(s);
+ if (freq < MAX_FREQ / 4 - 1)
+ freq <<= 1;
+ else
+ freq = MAX_FREQ - 4;
+ // (max(s->freq) == 120), when we convert from 1-symbol into 2-symbol context
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq;
+ // max(InitEsc = PPMD7_kExpEscape[*]) is 25. So the max(escapeFreq) is 26 here
+ sum = freq + p->InitEsc + (ns > 3);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s = STATS(c) + ns1;
+ UInt32 cf = 2 * (sum + 6) * (UInt32)p->FoundState->Freq;
+ UInt32 sf = (UInt32)s0 + sum;
+ s->Symbol = p->FoundState->Symbol;
+ c->NumStats = (UInt16)(ns1 + 1);
+ SetSuccessor(s, maxSuccessor);
+ if (cf < 6 * sf)
+ {
+ cf = (UInt32)1 + (cf > sf) + (cf >= 4 * sf);
+ sum += 3;
+ /* It can add (0, 1, 2) to Escape_Freq */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cf = (UInt32)4 + (cf >= 9 * sf) + (cf >= 12 * sf) + (cf >= 15 * sf);
+ sum += cf;
+ }
+ c->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)sum;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)cf;
+ }
+ c = SUFFIX(c);
+ }
+ while (c != mc);
+static void Rescale(CPpmd7 *p)
+ unsigned i, adder, sumFreq, escFreq;
+ CPpmd_State *stats = STATS(p->MinContext);
+ CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState;
+ /* Sort the list by Freq */
+ if (s != stats)
+ {
+ CPpmd_State tmp = *s;
+ do
+ s[0] = s[-1];
+ while (--s != stats);
+ *s = tmp;
+ }
+ sumFreq = s->Freq;
+ escFreq = p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq - sumFreq;
+ /*
+ if (p->OrderFall == 0), adder = 0 : it's allowed to remove symbol from MAX Order context
+ if (p->OrderFall != 0), adder = 1 : it's NOT allowed to remove symbol from NON-MAX Order context
+ */
+ adder = (p->OrderFall != 0);
+ adder |= (p->MaxOrder == 0); // we don't remove symbols from order-0 context
+ #endif
+ sumFreq = (sumFreq + 4 + adder) >> 1;
+ i = (unsigned)p->MinContext->NumStats - 1;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)sumFreq;
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned freq = (++s)->Freq;
+ escFreq -= freq;
+ freq = (freq + adder) >> 1;
+ sumFreq += freq;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq;
+ if (freq > s[-1].Freq)
+ {
+ CPpmd_State tmp = *s;
+ CPpmd_State *s1 = s;
+ do
+ {
+ s1[0] = s1[-1];
+ }
+ while (--s1 != stats && freq > s1[-1].Freq);
+ *s1 = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ while (--i);
+ if (s->Freq == 0)
+ {
+ /* Remove all items with Freq == 0 */
+ CPpmd7_Context *mc;
+ unsigned numStats, numStatsNew, n0, n1;
+ i = 0; do { i++; } while ((--s)->Freq == 0);
+ /* We increase (escFreq) for the number of removed symbols.
+ So we will have (0.5) increase for Escape_Freq in avarage per
+ removed symbol after Escape_Freq halving */
+ escFreq += i;
+ mc = p->MinContext;
+ numStats = mc->NumStats;
+ numStatsNew = numStats - i;
+ mc->NumStats = (UInt16)(numStatsNew);
+ n0 = (numStats + 1) >> 1;
+ if (numStatsNew == 1)
+ {
+ /* Create Single-Symbol context */
+ unsigned freq = stats->Freq;
+ do
+ {
+ escFreq >>= 1;
+ freq = (freq + 1) >> 1;
+ }
+ while (escFreq > 1);
+ s = ONE_STATE(mc);
+ *s = *stats;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq; // (freq <= 260 / 4)
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ InsertNode(p, stats, U2I(n0));
+ return;
+ }
+ n1 = (numStatsNew + 1) >> 1;
+ if (n0 != n1)
+ {
+ // p->MinContext->Union4.Stats = STATS_REF(ShrinkUnits(p, stats, n0, n1));
+ unsigned i0 = U2I(n0);
+ unsigned i1 = U2I(n1);
+ if (i0 != i1)
+ {
+ if (p->FreeList[i1] != 0)
+ {
+ void *ptr = RemoveNode(p, i1);
+ p->MinContext->Union4.Stats = STATS_REF(ptr);
+ MyMem12Cpy(ptr, (const void *)stats, n1);
+ InsertNode(p, stats, i0);
+ }
+ else
+ SplitBlock(p, stats, i0, i1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CPpmd7_Context *mc = p->MinContext;
+ mc->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)(sumFreq + escFreq - (escFreq >> 1));
+ // Escape_Freq halving here
+ p->FoundState = STATS(mc);
+ }
+CPpmd_See *Ppmd7_MakeEscFreq(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned numMasked, UInt32 *escFreq)
+ CPpmd_See *see;
+ const CPpmd7_Context *mc = p->MinContext;
+ unsigned numStats = mc->NumStats;
+ if (numStats != 256)
+ {
+ unsigned nonMasked = numStats - numMasked;
+ see = p->See[(unsigned)p->NS2Indx[(size_t)nonMasked - 1]]
+ + (nonMasked < (unsigned)SUFFIX(mc)->NumStats - numStats)
+ + 2 * (unsigned)(mc->Union2.SummFreq < 11 * numStats)
+ + 4 * (unsigned)(numMasked > nonMasked) +
+ p->HiBitsFlag;
+ {
+ // if (see->Summ) field is larger than 16-bit, we need only low 16 bits of Summ
+ unsigned summ = (UInt16)see->Summ; // & 0xFFFF
+ unsigned r = (summ >> see->Shift);
+ see->Summ = (UInt16)(summ - r);
+ *escFreq = r + (r == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ see = &p->DummySee;
+ *escFreq = 1;
+ }
+ return see;
+static void NextContext(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CTX_PTR c = CTX(SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState));
+ if (p->OrderFall == 0 && (const Byte *)c > p->Text)
+ p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = c;
+ else
+ Ppmd7_UpdateModel(p);
+void Ppmd7_Update1(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState;
+ unsigned freq = s->Freq;
+ freq += 4;
+ p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)(p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq + 4);
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq;
+ if (freq > s[-1].Freq)
+ {
+ SwapStates(s);
+ p->FoundState = --s;
+ if (freq > MAX_FREQ)
+ Rescale(p);
+ }
+ NextContext(p);
+void Ppmd7_Update1_0(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState;
+ CPpmd7_Context *mc = p->MinContext;
+ unsigned freq = s->Freq;
+ unsigned summFreq = mc->Union2.SummFreq;
+ p->PrevSuccess = (2 * freq > summFreq);
+ p->RunLength += (int)p->PrevSuccess;
+ mc->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)(summFreq + 4);
+ freq += 4;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq;
+ if (freq > MAX_FREQ)
+ Rescale(p);
+ NextContext(p);
+void Ppmd7_UpdateBin(CPpmd7 *p)
+ unsigned freq = p->FoundState->Freq;
+ p->FoundState->Freq = (Byte)(freq + (freq < 128));
+ p->PrevSuccess = 1;
+ p->RunLength++;
+ NextContext(p);
+void Ppmd7_Update2(CPpmd7 *p)
+ CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState;
+ unsigned freq = s->Freq;
+ freq += 4;
+ p->RunLength = p->InitRL;
+ p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq = (UInt16)(p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq + 4);
+ s->Freq = (Byte)freq;
+ if (freq > MAX_FREQ)
+ Rescale(p);
+ Ppmd7_UpdateModel(p);
+PPMd Memory Map:
+ [ 0 ] contains subset of original raw text, that is required to create context
+ records, Some symbols are not written, when max order context was reached
+ [ Text ] free area
+ [ UnitsStart ] CPpmd_State vectors and CPpmd7_Context records
+ [ LoUnit ] free area for CPpmd_State and CPpmd7_Context items
+[ HiUnit ] CPpmd7_Context records
+ [ Size ] end of array
+These addresses don't cross at any time.
+And the following condtions is true for addresses:
+ (0 <= Text < UnitsStart <= LoUnit <= HiUnit <= Size)
+Raw text is BYTE--aligned.
+the data in block [ UnitsStart ... Size ] contains 12-bytes aligned UNITs.
+Last UNIT of array at offset (Size - 12) is root order-0 CPpmd7_Context record.
+The code can free UNITs memory blocks that were allocated to store CPpmd_State vectors.
+The code doesn't free UNITs allocated for CPpmd7_Context records.
+The code calls RestartModel(), when there is no free memory for allocation.
+And RestartModel() changes the state to orignal start state, with full free block.
+The code allocates UNITs with the following order:
+Allocation of 1 UNIT for Context record
+ - from free space (HiUnit) down to (LoUnit)
+ - from FreeList[0]
+ - AllocUnitsRare()
+AllocUnits() for CPpmd_State vectors:
+ - from FreeList[i]
+ - from free space (LoUnit) up to (HiUnit)
+ - AllocUnitsRare()
+ - if (GlueCount == 0)
+ { Glue lists, GlueCount = 255, allocate from FreeList[i]] }
+ - loop for all higher sized FreeList[...] lists
+ - from (UnitsStart - Text), GlueCount--
+Each Record with Context contains the CPpmd_State vector, where each
+CPpmd_State contains the link to Successor.
+There are 3 types of Successor:
+ 1) NULL-Successor - NULL pointer. NULL-Successor links can be stored
+ only in 0-order Root Context Record.
+ We use 0 value as NULL-Successor
+ 2) RAW-Successor - the link to position in raw text,
+ that "RAW-Successor" is being created after first
+ occurrence of new symbol for some existing context record.
+ (RAW-Successor > 0).
+ 3) RECORD-Successor - the link to CPpmd7_Context record of (Order+1),
+ that record is being created when we go via RAW-Successor again.
+For any successors at any time: the following condtions are true for Successor links:
+(NULL-Successor < RAW-Successor < UnitsStart <= RECORD-Successor)
+---------- Symbol Frequency, SummFreq and Range in Range_Coder ----------
+CPpmd7_Context::SummFreq = Sum(Stats[].Freq) + Escape_Freq
+The PPMd code tries to fulfill the condition:
+ (SummFreq <= (256 * 128 = RC::kBot))
+We have (Sum(Stats[].Freq) <= 256 * 124), because of (MAX_FREQ = 124)
+So (4 = 128 - 124) is average reserve for Escape_Freq for each symbol.
+If (CPpmd_State::Freq) is not aligned for 4, the reserve can be 5, 6 or 7.
+SummFreq and Escape_Freq can be changed in Rescale() and *Update*() functions.
+Rescale() can remove symbols only from max-order contexts. So Escape_Freq can increase after multiple calls of Rescale() for
+max-order context.
+When the PPMd code still break (Total <= RC::Range) condition in range coder,
+we have two ways to resolve that problem:
+ 1) we can report error, if we want to keep compatibility with original PPMd code that has no fix for such cases.
+ 2) we can reduce (Total) value to (RC::Range) by reducing (Escape_Freq) part of (Total) value.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d31809ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* Ppmd7.h -- Ppmd7 (PPMdH) compression codec
+2021-04-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
+This code is based on:
+ PPMd var.H (2001): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */
+#ifndef __PPMD7_H
+#define __PPMD7_H
+#include "Ppmd.h"
+#define PPMD7_MIN_ORDER 2
+#define PPMD7_MAX_ORDER 64
+#define PPMD7_MIN_MEM_SIZE (1 << 11)
+#define PPMD7_MAX_MEM_SIZE (0xFFFFFFFF - 12 * 3)
+struct CPpmd7_Context_;
+typedef Ppmd_Ref_Type(struct CPpmd7_Context_) CPpmd7_Context_Ref;
+// MY_CPU_pragma_pack_push_1
+typedef struct CPpmd7_Context_
+ UInt16 NumStats;
+ union
+ {
+ UInt16 SummFreq;
+ CPpmd_State2 State2;
+ } Union2;
+ union
+ {
+ CPpmd_State_Ref Stats;
+ CPpmd_State4 State4;
+ } Union4;
+ CPpmd7_Context_Ref Suffix;
+} CPpmd7_Context;
+// MY_CPU_pragma_pop
+#define Ppmd7Context_OneState(p) ((CPpmd_State *)&(p)->Union2)
+typedef struct
+ UInt32 Range;
+ UInt32 Code;
+ UInt32 Low;
+ IByteIn *Stream;
+} CPpmd7_RangeDec;
+typedef struct
+ UInt32 Range;
+ Byte Cache;
+ // Byte _dummy_[3];
+ UInt64 Low;
+ UInt64 CacheSize;
+ IByteOut *Stream;
+} CPpmd7z_RangeEnc;
+typedef struct
+ CPpmd7_Context *MinContext, *MaxContext;
+ CPpmd_State *FoundState;
+ unsigned OrderFall, InitEsc, PrevSuccess, MaxOrder, HiBitsFlag;
+ Int32 RunLength, InitRL; /* must be 32-bit at least */
+ UInt32 Size;
+ UInt32 GlueCount;
+ UInt32 AlignOffset;
+ Byte *Base, *LoUnit, *HiUnit, *Text, *UnitsStart;
+ union
+ {
+ CPpmd7_RangeDec dec;
+ CPpmd7z_RangeEnc enc;
+ } rc;
+ Byte Indx2Units[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES + 2]; // +2 for alignment
+ Byte Units2Indx[128];
+ CPpmd_Void_Ref FreeList[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES];
+ Byte NS2BSIndx[256], NS2Indx[256];
+ Byte ExpEscape[16];
+ CPpmd_See DummySee, See[25][16];
+ UInt16 BinSumm[128][64];
+ // int LastSymbol;
+} CPpmd7;
+void Ppmd7_Construct(CPpmd7 *p);
+BoolInt Ppmd7_Alloc(CPpmd7 *p, UInt32 size, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
+void Ppmd7_Free(CPpmd7 *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
+void Ppmd7_Init(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned maxOrder);
+#define Ppmd7_WasAllocated(p) ((p)->Base != NULL)
+/* ---------- Internal Functions ---------- */
+#define Ppmd7_GetPtr(p, ptr) Ppmd_GetPtr(p, ptr)
+#define Ppmd7_GetContext(p, ptr) Ppmd_GetPtr_Type(p, ptr, CPpmd7_Context)
+#define Ppmd7_GetStats(p, ctx) Ppmd_GetPtr_Type(p, (ctx)->Union4.Stats, CPpmd_State)
+void Ppmd7_Update1(CPpmd7 *p);
+void Ppmd7_Update1_0(CPpmd7 *p);
+void Ppmd7_Update2(CPpmd7 *p);
+#define PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_3(sym) ((((unsigned)sym + 0xC0) >> (8 - 3)) & (1 << 3))
+#define PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_4(sym) ((((unsigned)sym + 0xC0) >> (8 - 4)) & (1 << 4))
+// #define PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_3(sym) ((sym) < 0x40 ? 0 : (1 << 3))
+// #define PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_4(sym) ((sym) < 0x40 ? 0 : (1 << 4))
+#define Ppmd7_GetBinSumm(p) \
+ &p->BinSumm[(size_t)(unsigned)Ppmd7Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Freq - 1] \
+ [ p->PrevSuccess + ((p->RunLength >> 26) & 0x20) \
+ + p->NS2BSIndx[(size_t)Ppmd7_GetContext(p, p->MinContext->Suffix)->NumStats - 1] \
+ + PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_4(Ppmd7Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Symbol) \
+ + (p->HiBitsFlag = PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_3(p->FoundState->Symbol)) ]
+CPpmd_See *Ppmd7_MakeEscFreq(CPpmd7 *p, unsigned numMasked, UInt32 *scale);
+We support two versions of Ppmd7 (PPMdH) methods that use same CPpmd7 structure:
+ 1) Ppmd7a_*: original PPMdH
+ 2) Ppmd7z_*: modified PPMdH with 7z Range Coder
+Ppmd7_*: the structures and functions that are common for both versions of PPMd7 (PPMdH)
+/* ---------- Decode ---------- */
+#define PPMD7_SYM_END (-1)
+#define PPMD7_SYM_ERROR (-2)
+You must set (CPpmd7::rc.dec.Stream) before Ppmd7*_RangeDec_Init()
+ >= 0 : decoded byte
+ -1 : PPMD7_SYM_END : End of payload marker
+ -2 : PPMD7_SYM_ERROR : Data error
+/* Ppmd7a_* : original PPMdH */
+BoolInt Ppmd7a_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd7_RangeDec *p);
+#define Ppmd7a_RangeDec_IsFinishedOK(p) ((p)->Code == 0)
+int Ppmd7a_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd7 *p);
+/* Ppmd7z_* : modified PPMdH with 7z Range Coder */
+BoolInt Ppmd7z_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd7_RangeDec *p);
+#define Ppmd7z_RangeDec_IsFinishedOK(p) ((p)->Code == 0)
+int Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd7 *p);
+// Byte *Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbols(CPpmd7 *p, Byte *buf, const Byte *lim);
+/* ---------- Encode ---------- */
+void Ppmd7z_Init_RangeEnc(CPpmd7 *p);
+void Ppmd7z_Flush_RangeEnc(CPpmd7 *p);
+// void Ppmd7z_EncodeSymbol(CPpmd7 *p, int symbol);
+void Ppmd7z_EncodeSymbols(CPpmd7 *p, const Byte *buf, const Byte *lim);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55d74ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+/* Ppmd7Dec.c -- Ppmd7z (PPMdH with 7z Range Coder) Decoder
+2021-04-13 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain
+This code is based on:
+ PPMd var.H (2001): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */
+#include "Precomp.h"
+#include "Ppmd7.h"
+#define kTopValue (1 << 24)
+#define READ_BYTE(p) IByteIn_Read((p)->Stream)
+BoolInt Ppmd7z_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd7_RangeDec *p)
+ unsigned i;
+ p->Code = 0;
+ p->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (READ_BYTE(p) != 0)
+ return False;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ p->Code = (p->Code << 8) | READ_BYTE(p);
+ return (p->Code < 0xFFFFFFFF);
+#define RC_NORM_BASE(p) if ((p)->Range < kTopValue) \
+ { (p)->Code = ((p)->Code << 8) | READ_BYTE(p); (p)->Range <<= 8;
+#define RC_NORM_1(p) RC_NORM_BASE(p) }
+#define RC_NORM(p) RC_NORM_BASE(p) RC_NORM_BASE(p) }}
+// we must use only one type of Normalization from two: LOCAL or REMOTE
+#define RC_NORM_LOCAL(p) // RC_NORM(p)
+#define RC_NORM_REMOTE(p) RC_NORM(p)
+#define R (&p->rc.dec)
+static void RangeDec_Decode(CPpmd7 *p, UInt32 start, UInt32 size)
+ R->Code -= start * R->Range;
+ R->Range *= size;
+#define RC_Decode(start, size) RangeDec_Decode(p, start, size);
+#define RC_DecodeFinal(start, size) RC_Decode(start, size) RC_NORM_REMOTE(R)
+#define RC_GetThreshold(total) (R->Code / (R->Range /= (total)))
+#define CTX(ref) ((CPpmd7_Context *)Ppmd7_GetContext(p, ref))
+typedef CPpmd7_Context * CTX_PTR;
+void Ppmd7_UpdateModel(CPpmd7 *p);
+#define MASK(sym) ((unsigned char *)charMask)[sym]
+// static
+int Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd7 *p)
+ size_t charMask[256 / sizeof(size_t)];
+ if (p->MinContext->NumStats != 1)
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s = Ppmd7_GetStats(p, p->MinContext);
+ unsigned i;
+ UInt32 count, hiCnt;
+ UInt32 summFreq = p->MinContext->Union2.SummFreq;
+ count = RC_GetThreshold(summFreq);
+ hiCnt = count;
+ if ((Int32)(count -= s->Freq) < 0)
+ {
+ Byte sym;
+ RC_DecodeFinal(0, s->Freq);
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ sym = s->Symbol;
+ Ppmd7_Update1_0(p);
+ return sym;
+ }
+ p->PrevSuccess = 0;
+ i = (unsigned)p->MinContext->NumStats - 1;
+ do
+ {
+ if ((Int32)(count -= (++s)->Freq) < 0)
+ {
+ Byte sym;
+ RC_DecodeFinal((hiCnt - count) - s->Freq, s->Freq);
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ sym = s->Symbol;
+ Ppmd7_Update1(p);
+ return sym;
+ }
+ }
+ while (--i);
+ if (hiCnt >= summFreq)
+ return PPMD7_SYM_ERROR;
+ hiCnt -= count;
+ RC_Decode(hiCnt, summFreq - hiCnt);
+ p->HiBitsFlag = PPMD7_HiBitsFlag_3(p->FoundState->Symbol);
+ PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask);
+ // i = p->MinContext->NumStats - 1;
+ // do { MASK((--s)->Symbol) = 0; } while (--i);
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s2 = Ppmd7_GetStats(p, p->MinContext);
+ MASK(s->Symbol) = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned sym0 = s2[0].Symbol;
+ unsigned sym1 = s2[1].Symbol;
+ s2 += 2;
+ MASK(sym0) = 0;
+ MASK(sym1) = 0;
+ }
+ while (s2 < s);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s = Ppmd7Context_OneState(p->MinContext);
+ UInt16 *prob = Ppmd7_GetBinSumm(p);
+ UInt32 pr = *prob;
+ UInt32 size0 = (R->Range >> 14) * pr;
+ pr = PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_1(pr);
+ if (R->Code < size0)
+ {
+ Byte sym;
+ *prob = (UInt16)(pr + (1 << PPMD_INT_BITS));
+ // RangeDec_DecodeBit0(size0);
+ R->Range = size0;
+ RC_NORM_1(R)
+ /* we can use single byte normalization here because of
+ (min(BinSumm[][]) = 95) > (1 << (14 - 8)) */
+ // sym = (p->FoundState = Ppmd7Context_OneState(p->MinContext))->Symbol;
+ // Ppmd7_UpdateBin(p);
+ {
+ unsigned freq = s->Freq;
+ sym = s->Symbol;
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ p->PrevSuccess = 1;
+ p->RunLength++;
+ s->Freq = (Byte)(freq + (freq < 128));
+ // NextContext(p);
+ if (p->OrderFall == 0 && (const Byte *)c > p->Text)
+ p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = c;
+ else
+ Ppmd7_UpdateModel(p);
+ }
+ return sym;
+ }
+ *prob = (UInt16)pr;
+ p->InitEsc = p->ExpEscape[pr >> 10];
+ // RangeDec_DecodeBit1(size0);
+ R->Code -= size0;
+ R->Range -= size0;
+ PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask);
+ MASK(Ppmd7Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Symbol) = 0;
+ p->PrevSuccess = 0;
+ }
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ CPpmd_State *s, *s2;
+ UInt32 freqSum, count, hiCnt;
+ CPpmd_See *see;
+ CPpmd7_Context *mc;
+ unsigned numMasked;
+ mc = p->MinContext;
+ numMasked = mc->NumStats;
+ do
+ {
+ p->OrderFall++;
+ if (!mc->Suffix)
+ return PPMD7_SYM_END;
+ mc = Ppmd7_GetContext(p, mc->Suffix);
+ }
+ while (mc->NumStats == numMasked);
+ s = Ppmd7_GetStats(p, mc);
+ {
+ unsigned num = mc->NumStats;
+ unsigned num2 = num / 2;
+ num &= 1;
+ hiCnt = (s->Freq & (unsigned)(MASK(s->Symbol))) & (0 - (UInt32)num);
+ s += num;
+ p->MinContext = mc;
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned sym0 = s[0].Symbol;
+ unsigned sym1 = s[1].Symbol;
+ s += 2;
+ hiCnt += (s[-2].Freq & (unsigned)(MASK(sym0)));
+ hiCnt += (s[-1].Freq & (unsigned)(MASK(sym1)));
+ }
+ while (--num2);
+ }
+ see = Ppmd7_MakeEscFreq(p, numMasked, &freqSum);
+ freqSum += hiCnt;
+ count = RC_GetThreshold(freqSum);
+ if (count < hiCnt)
+ {
+ Byte sym;
+ s = Ppmd7_GetStats(p, p->MinContext);
+ hiCnt = count;
+ // count -= s->Freq & (unsigned)(MASK(s->Symbol));
+ // if ((Int32)count >= 0)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ count -= s->Freq & (unsigned)(MASK((s)->Symbol)); s++; if ((Int32)count < 0) break;
+ // count -= s->Freq & (unsigned)(MASK((s)->Symbol)); s++; if ((Int32)count < 0) break;
+ };
+ }
+ s--;
+ RC_DecodeFinal((hiCnt - count) - s->Freq, s->Freq);
+ // new (see->Summ) value can overflow over 16-bits in some rare cases
+ Ppmd_See_Update(see);
+ p->FoundState = s;
+ sym = s->Symbol;
+ Ppmd7_Update2(p);
+ return sym;
+ }
+ if (count >= freqSum)
+ return PPMD7_SYM_ERROR;
+ RC_Decode(hiCnt, freqSum - hiCnt);
+ // We increase (see->Summ) for sum of Freqs of all non_Masked symbols.
+ // new (see->Summ) value can overflow over 16-bits in some rare cases
+ see->Summ = (UInt16)(see->Summ + freqSum);
+ s = Ppmd7_GetStats(p, p->MinContext);
+ s2 = s + p->MinContext->NumStats;
+ do
+ {
+ MASK(s->Symbol) = 0;
+ s++;
+ }
+ while (s != s2);
+ }
+Byte *Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbols(CPpmd7 *p, Byte *buf, const Byte *lim)
+ int sym = 0;
+ if (buf != lim)
+ do
+ {
+ sym = Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbol(p);
+ if (sym < 0)
+ break;
+ *buf = (Byte)sym;
+ }
+ while (++buf < lim);
+ p->LastSymbol = sym;
+ return buf;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Precomp.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Precomp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25d8aedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/Precomp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* Precomp.h -- StdAfx
+2013-11-12 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */
+#ifndef __7Z_PRECOMP_H
+#define __7Z_PRECOMP_H
+/* #include "Compiler.h" */
+/* #include "7zTypes.h" */
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/README.lzmasdk b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/README.lzmasdk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6051387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/lzmasdk/README.lzmasdk
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+To update to the latest version of the LZMA SDK:
+1. Grab the latest version from:
+ https://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/LZMA%20SDK/
+ and unpack it
+2. For the files in evince's copy/paste, copy the originals from the
+ C/ sub-directory of the SDK:
+ for i in *.[ch] ; do cp /tmp/lzma1803/C/$i . ; done
+3. Convert the copied files to Unix format:
+ dos2unix *.[ch]
+4. Use "git add -p" to apply only the sections that are of interest
+ and do not regress warning fixes (see commits a2aa919 and 5e1a0ef
+ for example)
+Note that you might end up with an empty commit (for example 79b5fe5)
+which is fine, as long as the change is documented.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/meson.build b/cut-n-paste/unarr/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f148c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+sources = files(
+ 'common/conv.c',
+ 'common/crc32.c',
+ 'common/stream.c',
+ 'common/unarr.c',
+ 'lzmasdk/CpuArch.c',
+ 'lzmasdk/Ppmd7.c',
+ 'lzmasdk/Ppmd7Dec.c',
+ 'rar/filter-rar.c',
+ 'rar/huffman-rar.c',
+ 'rar/parse-rar.c',
+ 'rar/rar.c',
+ 'rar/rarvm.c',
+ 'rar/uncompress-rar.c',
+libunarr = static_library(
+ 'unarr',
+ sources: sources,
+ dependencies: zlib_dep,
+ c_args: [ '-DHAVE_ZLIB', '-DNDEBUG' ],
+ gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden',
+libunarr_dep = declare_dependency(
+ include_directories: include_directories('.'),
+ link_with: libunarr,
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/filter-rar.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/filter-rar.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbb2916d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/filter-rar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "rar.h"
+#include "rarvm.h"
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADRARVirtualMachine.m */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADRAR30Filter.m */
+struct MemBitReader {
+ const uint8_t *bytes;
+ size_t length;
+ size_t offset;
+ uint64_t bits;
+ int available;
+ bool at_eof;
+struct RARProgramCode {
+ RARProgram *prog;
+ uint8_t *staticdata;
+ uint32_t staticdatalen;
+ uint8_t *globalbackup;
+ uint32_t globalbackuplen;
+ uint64_t fingerprint;
+ uint32_t usagecount;
+ uint32_t oldfilterlength;
+ struct RARProgramCode *next;
+struct RARFilter {
+ struct RARProgramCode *prog;
+ uint32_t initialregisters[8];
+ uint8_t *globaldata;
+ uint32_t globaldatalen;
+ size_t blockstartpos;
+ uint32_t blocklength;
+ uint32_t filteredblockaddress;
+ uint32_t filteredblocklength;
+ struct RARFilter *next;
+static bool br_fill(struct MemBitReader *br, int bits)
+ while (br->available < bits && br->offset < br->length) {
+ br->bits = (br->bits << 8) | br->bytes[br->offset++];
+ br->available += 8;
+ }
+ if (bits > br->available) {
+ br->at_eof = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static inline uint32_t br_bits(struct MemBitReader *br, int bits)
+ if (bits > br->available && (br->at_eof || !br_fill(br, bits)))
+ return 0;
+ return (uint32_t)((br->bits >> (br->available -= bits)) & (((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1));
+static inline bool br_available(struct MemBitReader *br, int bits)
+ return !br->at_eof && (bits <= br->available || br_fill(br, bits));
+static uint32_t br_next_rarvm_number(struct MemBitReader *br)
+ uint32_t val;
+ switch (br_bits(br, 2)) {
+ case 0:
+ return br_bits(br, 4);
+ case 1:
+ val = br_bits(br, 8);
+ if (val >= 16)
+ return val;
+ return 0xFFFFFF00 | (val << 4) | br_bits(br, 4);
+ case 2:
+ return br_bits(br, 16);
+ default:
+ return br_bits(br, 32);
+ }
+static void bw_write32le(uint8_t *dst, uint32_t value)
+ dst[0] = value & 0xFF;
+ dst[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ dst[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ dst[3] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
+static void rar_delete_program(struct RARProgramCode *prog)
+ while (prog) {
+ struct RARProgramCode *next = prog->next;
+ RARDeleteProgram(prog->prog);
+ free(prog->staticdata);
+ free(prog->globalbackup);
+ free(prog);
+ prog = next;
+ }
+static bool rar_parse_operand(struct MemBitReader *br, uint8_t instruction, bool bytemode, uint32_t instrcount, uint8_t *addressmode, uint32_t *value)
+ if (br_bits(br, 1)) {
+ *addressmode = RARRegisterAddressingMode((uint8_t)br_bits(br, 3));
+ *value = 0;
+ }
+ else if (br_bits(br, 1)) {
+ if (br_bits(br, 1)) {
+ if (br_bits(br, 1))
+ *addressmode = RARAbsoluteAddressingMode;
+ else
+ *addressmode = RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode((uint8_t)br_bits(br, 3));
+ *value = br_next_rarvm_number(br);
+ }
+ else {
+ *addressmode = RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode((uint8_t)br_bits(br, 3));
+ *value = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *addressmode = RARImmediateAddressingMode;
+ if (!bytemode)
+ *value = br_next_rarvm_number(br);
+ else
+ *value = br_bits(br, 8);
+ if (instrcount != (uint32_t)-1 && RARInstructionIsRelativeJump(instruction)) {
+ if (*value >= 256) /* absolute address */
+ *value -= 256;
+ else { /* relative address */
+ if (*value >= 136)
+ *value -= 264;
+ else if (*value >= 16)
+ *value -= 8;
+ else if (*value >= 8)
+ *value -= 16;
+ *value += instrcount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !br->at_eof;
+static struct RARProgramCode *rar_compile_program(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
+ struct MemBitReader br = { 0 };
+ struct RARProgramCode *prog;
+ uint32_t instrcount = 0;
+ uint8_t xor;
+ size_t i;
+ xor = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < length; i++)
+ xor ^= bytes[i];
+ if (!length || xor != bytes[0])
+ return NULL;
+ br.bytes = bytes;
+ br.length = length;
+ br.offset = 1;
+ prog = calloc(1, sizeof(*prog));
+ if (!prog)
+ return NULL;
+ prog->prog = RARCreateProgram();
+ if (!prog->prog) {
+ rar_delete_program(prog);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ prog->fingerprint = ar_crc32(0, bytes, length) | ((uint64_t)length << 32);
+ if (br_bits(&br, 1)) {
+ prog->staticdatalen = br_next_rarvm_number(&br) + 1;
+ prog->staticdata = malloc(prog->staticdatalen);
+ if (!prog->staticdata) {
+ rar_delete_program(prog);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < prog->staticdatalen; i++)
+ prog->staticdata[i] = (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 8);
+ }
+ while (br_available(&br, 8)) {
+ bool ok = true;
+ uint8_t instruction = (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 4);
+ bool bytemode = false;
+ int numargs = 0;
+ uint8_t addrmode1 = 0, addrmode2 = 0;
+ uint32_t value1 = 0, value2 = 0;
+ if ((instruction & 0x08))
+ instruction = ((instruction << 2) | (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 2)) - 24;
+ if (RARInstructionHasByteMode(instruction))
+ bytemode = br_bits(&br, 1) != 0;
+ ok = RARProgramAddInstr(prog->prog, instruction, bytemode);
+ numargs = NumberOfRARInstructionOperands(instruction);
+ if (ok && numargs >= 1)
+ ok = rar_parse_operand(&br, instruction, bytemode, instrcount, &addrmode1, &value1);
+ if (ok && numargs == 2)
+ ok = rar_parse_operand(&br, instruction, bytemode, (uint32_t)-1, &addrmode2, &value2);
+ if (ok)
+ ok = RARSetLastInstrOperands(prog->prog, addrmode1, value1, addrmode2, value2);
+ if (!ok) {
+ warn("Invalid RAR program instruction");
+ rar_delete_program(prog);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ instrcount++;
+ }
+ if (!RARIsProgramTerminated(prog->prog)) {
+ if (!RARProgramAddInstr(prog->prog, RARRetInstruction, false)) {
+ rar_delete_program(prog);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return prog;
+static bool rar_execute_filter_prog(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm)
+ uint32_t newgloballength;
+ uint32_t globallength = filter->globaldatalen;
+ if (globallength > RARProgramSystemGlobalSize)
+ globallength = RARProgramSystemGlobalSize;
+ memcpy(&vm->memory[RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress], filter->globaldata, globallength);
+ if (filter->prog->staticdata) {
+ uint32_t staticlength = filter->prog->staticdatalen;
+ if (staticlength > RARProgramUserGlobalSize - globallength)
+ staticlength = RARProgramUserGlobalSize - globallength;
+ memcpy(&vm->memory[RARProgramUserGlobalAddress], filter->prog->staticdata, staticlength);
+ }
+ RARSetVirtualMachineRegisters(vm, filter->initialregisters);
+ if (!RARExecuteProgram(vm, filter->prog->prog)) {
+ warn("Error while executing program in RAR VM");
+ return false;
+ }
+ newgloballength = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress + 0x30);
+ if (newgloballength > RARProgramUserGlobalSize)
+ newgloballength = RARProgramUserGlobalSize;
+ if (newgloballength > 0) {
+ uint32_t newglobaldatalength = RARProgramSystemGlobalSize + newgloballength;
+ if (newglobaldatalength > filter->globaldatalen) {
+ uint8_t *newglobaldata = malloc(newglobaldatalength);
+ if (!newglobaldata)
+ return false;
+ free(filter->globaldata);
+ filter->globaldata = newglobaldata;
+ }
+ filter->globaldatalen = newglobaldatalength;
+ memcpy(filter->globaldata, &vm->memory[RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress], filter->globaldatalen);
+ }
+ else
+ filter->globaldatalen = 0;
+ return true;
+static struct RARFilter *rar_create_filter(struct RARProgramCode *prog, const uint8_t *globaldata, uint32_t globaldatalen, uint32_t registers[8], size_t startpos, uint32_t length)
+ struct RARFilter *filter;
+ filter = calloc(1, sizeof(*filter));
+ if (!filter)
+ return NULL;
+ filter->prog = prog;
+ filter->globaldatalen = globaldatalen > RARProgramSystemGlobalSize ? globaldatalen : RARProgramSystemGlobalSize;
+ filter->globaldata = calloc(1, filter->globaldatalen);
+ if (!filter->globaldata)
+ return NULL;
+ if (globaldata)
+ memcpy(filter->globaldata, globaldata, globaldatalen);
+ if (registers)
+ memcpy(filter->initialregisters, registers, sizeof(filter->initialregisters));
+ filter->blockstartpos = startpos;
+ filter->blocklength = length;
+ return filter;
+static void rar_delete_filter(struct RARFilter *filter)
+ while (filter) {
+ struct RARFilter *next = filter->next;
+ free(filter->globaldata);
+ free(filter);
+ filter = next;
+ }
+static bool rar_execute_filter_delta(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm)
+ uint32_t length = filter->initialregisters[4];
+ uint32_t numchannels = filter->initialregisters[0];
+ uint8_t *src, *dst;
+ uint32_t i, idx;
+ if (length > RARProgramWorkSize / 2)
+ return false;
+ src = &vm->memory[0];
+ dst = &vm->memory[length];
+ for (i = 0; i < numchannels; i++) {
+ uint8_t lastbyte = 0;
+ for (idx = i; idx < length; idx += numchannels)
+ lastbyte = dst[idx] = lastbyte - *src++;
+ }
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = length;
+ filter->filteredblocklength = length;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_execute_filter_e8(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm, size_t pos, bool e9also)
+ uint32_t length = filter->initialregisters[4];
+ uint32_t filesize = 0x1000000;
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (length > RARProgramWorkSize || length < 4)
+ return false;
+ for (i = 0; i <= length - 5; i++) {
+ if (vm->memory[i] == 0xE8 || (e9also && vm->memory[i] == 0xE9)) {
+ uint32_t currpos = (uint32_t)pos + i + 1;
+ int32_t address = (int32_t)RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, i + 1);
+ if (address < 0 && currpos >= (uint32_t)-address)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, i + 1, address + filesize);
+ else if (address >= 0 && (uint32_t)address < filesize)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, i + 1, address - currpos);
+ i += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = 0;
+ filter->filteredblocklength = length;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_execute_filter_rgb(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm)
+ uint32_t stride = filter->initialregisters[0];
+ uint32_t byteoffset = filter->initialregisters[1];
+ uint32_t blocklength = filter->initialregisters[4];
+ uint8_t *src, *dst;
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ if (blocklength > RARProgramWorkSize / 2 || stride > blocklength)
+ return false;
+ src = &vm->memory[0];
+ dst = &vm->memory[blocklength];
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ uint8_t byte = 0;
+ uint8_t *prev = dst + i - stride;
+ for (j = i; j < blocklength; j += 3) {
+ if (prev >= dst) {
+ uint32_t delta1 = abs(prev[3] - prev[0]);
+ uint32_t delta2 = abs(byte - prev[0]);
+ uint32_t delta3 = abs(prev[3] - prev[0] + byte - prev[0]);
+ if (delta1 > delta2 || delta1 > delta3)
+ byte = delta2 <= delta3 ? prev[3] : prev[0];
+ }
+ byte -= *src++;
+ dst[j] = byte;
+ prev += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = byteoffset; i < blocklength - 2; i += 3) {
+ dst[i] += dst[i + 1];
+ dst[i + 2] += dst[i + 1];
+ }
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = blocklength;
+ filter->filteredblocklength = blocklength;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_execute_filter_audio(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm)
+ uint32_t length = filter->initialregisters[4];
+ uint32_t numchannels = filter->initialregisters[0];
+ uint8_t *src, *dst;
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ if (length > RARProgramWorkSize / 2)
+ return false;
+ src = &vm->memory[0];
+ dst = &vm->memory[length];
+ for (i = 0; i < numchannels; i++) {
+ struct AudioState state;
+ memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
+ for (j = i; j < length; j += numchannels) {
+ int8_t delta = (int8_t)*src++;
+ uint8_t predbyte, byte;
+ int prederror;
+ state.delta[2] = state.delta[1];
+ state.delta[1] = state.lastdelta - state.delta[0];
+ state.delta[0] = state.lastdelta;
+ predbyte = ((8 * state.lastbyte + state.weight[0] * state.delta[0] + state.weight[1] * state.delta[1] + state.weight[2] * state.delta[2]) >> 3) & 0xFF;
+ byte = (predbyte - delta) & 0xFF;
+ prederror = delta << 3;
+ state.error[0] += abs(prederror);
+ state.error[1] += abs(prederror - state.delta[0]); state.error[2] += abs(prederror + state.delta[0]);
+ state.error[3] += abs(prederror - state.delta[1]); state.error[4] += abs(prederror + state.delta[1]);
+ state.error[5] += abs(prederror - state.delta[2]); state.error[6] += abs(prederror + state.delta[2]);
+ state.lastdelta = (int8_t)(byte - state.lastbyte);
+ dst[j] = state.lastbyte = byte;
+ if (!(state.count++ & 0x1F)) {
+ uint8_t k, idx = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k < 7; k++) {
+ if (state.error[k] < state.error[idx])
+ idx = k;
+ }
+ memset(state.error, 0, sizeof(state.error));
+ switch (idx) {
+ case 1: if (state.weight[0] >= -16) state.weight[0]--; break;
+ case 2: if (state.weight[0] < 16) state.weight[0]++; break;
+ case 3: if (state.weight[1] >= -16) state.weight[1]--; break;
+ case 4: if (state.weight[1] < 16) state.weight[1]++; break;
+ case 5: if (state.weight[2] >= -16) state.weight[2]--; break;
+ case 6: if (state.weight[2] < 16) state.weight[2]++; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = length;
+ filter->filteredblocklength = length;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_execute_filter(struct RARFilter *filter, RARVirtualMachine *vm, size_t pos)
+ if (filter->prog->fingerprint == 0x1D0E06077D)
+ return rar_execute_filter_delta(filter, vm);
+ if (filter->prog->fingerprint == 0x35AD576887)
+ return rar_execute_filter_e8(filter, vm, pos, false);
+ if (filter->prog->fingerprint == 0x393CD7E57E)
+ return rar_execute_filter_e8(filter, vm, pos, true);
+ if (filter->prog->fingerprint == 0x951C2C5DC8)
+ return rar_execute_filter_rgb(filter, vm);
+ if (filter->prog->fingerprint == 0xD8BC85E701)
+ return rar_execute_filter_audio(filter, vm);
+ log("Unknown parsing filter 0x%x%08x", (uint32_t)(filter->prog->fingerprint >> 32), (uint32_t)filter->prog->fingerprint);
+ /* XADRAR30Filter.m @executeOnVirtualMachine claims that this is required */
+ if (filter->prog->globalbackuplen > RARProgramSystemGlobalSize) {
+ uint8_t *newglobaldata = malloc(filter->prog->globalbackuplen);
+ if (newglobaldata) {
+ free(filter->globaldata);
+ filter->globaldata = newglobaldata;
+ filter->globaldatalen = filter->prog->globalbackuplen;
+ memcpy(filter->globaldata, filter->prog->globalbackup, filter->prog->globalbackuplen);
+ }
+ }
+ filter->initialregisters[6] = (uint32_t)pos;
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[0x24], (uint32_t)pos);
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[0x28], (uint32_t)((uint64_t)pos >> 32));
+ if (!rar_execute_filter_prog(filter, vm))
+ return false;
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress + 0x20) & RARProgramMemoryMask;
+ filter->filteredblocklength = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress + 0x1C) & RARProgramMemoryMask;
+ if (filter->filteredblockaddress + filter->filteredblocklength >= RARProgramMemorySize) {
+ filter->filteredblockaddress = filter->filteredblocklength = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (filter->globaldatalen > RARProgramSystemGlobalSize) {
+ uint8_t *newglobalbackup = malloc(filter->globaldatalen);
+ if (newglobalbackup) {
+ free(filter->prog->globalbackup);
+ filter->prog->globalbackup = newglobalbackup;
+ filter->prog->globalbackuplen = filter->globaldatalen;
+ memcpy(filter->prog->globalbackup, filter->globaldata, filter->globaldatalen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ filter->prog->globalbackuplen = 0;
+ return true;
+bool rar_parse_filter(ar_archive_rar *rar, const uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t length, uint8_t flags)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp = &rar->uncomp.state.v3;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_filters *filters = &uncomp->filters;
+ struct MemBitReader br = { 0 };
+ struct RARProgramCode *prog;
+ struct RARFilter *filter, **nextfilter;
+ uint32_t numprogs, num, blocklength, globaldatalen;
+ uint8_t *globaldata;
+ size_t blockstartpos;
+ uint32_t registers[8] = { 0 };
+ uint32_t i;
+ br.bytes = bytes;
+ br.length = length;
+ numprogs = 0;
+ for (prog = filters->progs; prog; prog = prog->next)
+ numprogs++;
+ if ((flags & 0x80)) {
+ num = br_next_rarvm_number(&br);
+ if (num == 0) {
+ rar_delete_filter(filters->stack);
+ filters->stack = NULL;
+ rar_delete_program(filters->progs);
+ filters->progs = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ num--;
+ if (num > numprogs) {
+ warn("Invalid program number");
+ return false;
+ }
+ filters->lastfilternum = num;
+ }
+ else
+ num = filters->lastfilternum;
+ prog = filters->progs;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ prog = prog->next;
+ if (prog)
+ prog->usagecount++;
+ blockstartpos = br_next_rarvm_number(&br) + (size_t)lzss_position(&rar->uncomp.lzss);
+ if ((flags & 0x40))
+ blockstartpos += 258;
+ if ((flags & 0x20))
+ blocklength = br_next_rarvm_number(&br);
+ else
+ blocklength = prog ? prog->oldfilterlength : 0;
+ registers[3] = RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress;
+ registers[4] = blocklength;
+ registers[5] = prog ? prog->usagecount : 0;
+ registers[7] = RARProgramMemorySize;
+ if ((flags & 0x10)) {
+ uint8_t mask = (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 7);
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ if ((mask & (1 << i)))
+ registers[i] = br_next_rarvm_number(&br);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!prog) {
+ uint32_t len = br_next_rarvm_number(&br);
+ uint8_t *bytecode;
+ struct RARProgramCode **next;
+ if (len == 0 || len > 0x10000) {
+ warn("Invalid RARVM bytecode length");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bytecode = malloc(len);
+ if (!bytecode)
+ return false;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ bytecode[i] = (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 8);
+ prog = rar_compile_program(bytecode, len);
+ if (!prog) {
+ free(bytecode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ free(bytecode);
+ next = &filters->progs;
+ while (*next)
+ next = &(*next)->next;
+ *next = prog;
+ }
+ prog->oldfilterlength = blocklength;
+ globaldata = NULL;
+ globaldatalen = 0;
+ if ((flags & 0x08)) {
+ globaldatalen = br_next_rarvm_number(&br);
+ if (globaldatalen > RARProgramUserGlobalSize) {
+ warn("Invalid RARVM data length");
+ return false;
+ }
+ globaldata = malloc(globaldatalen + RARProgramSystemGlobalSize);
+ if (!globaldata)
+ return false;
+ for (i = 0; i < globaldatalen; i++)
+ globaldata[i + RARProgramSystemGlobalSize] = (uint8_t)br_bits(&br, 8);
+ }
+ if (br.at_eof) {
+ free(globaldata);
+ return false;
+ }
+ filter = rar_create_filter(prog, globaldata, globaldatalen, registers, blockstartpos, blocklength);
+ free(globaldata);
+ if (!filter)
+ return false;
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[i * 4], registers[i]);
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[0x1C], blocklength);
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[0x20], 0);
+ bw_write32le(&filter->globaldata[0x2C], prog->usagecount);
+ nextfilter = &filters->stack;
+ while (*nextfilter)
+ nextfilter = &(*nextfilter)->next;
+ *nextfilter = filter;
+ if (!filters->stack->next)
+ filters->filterstart = blockstartpos;
+ return true;
+bool rar_run_filters(ar_archive_rar *rar)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_filters *filters = &rar->uncomp.state.v3.filters;
+ struct RARFilter *filter = filters->stack;
+ size_t start = filters->filterstart;
+ size_t end = start + filter->blocklength;
+ uint32_t lastfilteraddress;
+ uint32_t lastfilterlength;
+ filters->filterstart = SIZE_MAX;
+ end = (size_t)rar_expand(rar, end);
+ if (end != start + filter->blocklength) {
+ warn("Failed to expand the expected amout of bytes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!filters->vm) {
+ filters->vm = calloc(1, sizeof(*filters->vm));
+ if (!filters->vm)
+ return false;
+ }
+ lzss_copy_bytes_from_window(&rar->uncomp.lzss, filters->vm->memory, start, filter->blocklength);
+ if (!rar_execute_filter(filter, filters->vm, rar->progress.bytes_done)) {
+ warn("Failed to execute parsing filter");
+ return false;
+ }
+ lastfilteraddress = filter->filteredblockaddress;
+ lastfilterlength = filter->filteredblocklength;
+ filters->stack = filter->next;
+ filter->next = NULL;
+ rar_delete_filter(filter);
+ while ((filter = filters->stack) != NULL && filter->blockstartpos == filters->filterstart && filter->blocklength == lastfilterlength) {
+ memmove(&filters->vm->memory[0], &filters->vm->memory[lastfilteraddress], lastfilterlength);
+ if (!rar_execute_filter(filter, filters->vm, rar->progress.bytes_done)) {
+ warn("Failed to execute parsing filter");
+ return false;
+ }
+ lastfilteraddress = filter->filteredblockaddress;
+ lastfilterlength = filter->filteredblocklength;
+ filters->stack = filter->next;
+ filter->next = NULL;
+ rar_delete_filter(filter);
+ }
+ if (filters->stack) {
+ if (filters->stack->blockstartpos < end) {
+ warn("Bad filter order");
+ return false;
+ }
+ filters->filterstart = filters->stack->blockstartpos;
+ }
+ filters->lastend = end;
+ filters->bytes = &filters->vm->memory[lastfilteraddress];
+ filters->bytes_ready = lastfilterlength;
+ return true;
+void rar_clear_filters(struct ar_archive_rar_filters *filters)
+ rar_delete_filter(filters->stack);
+ rar_delete_program(filters->progs);
+ free(filters->vm);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/huffman-rar.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/huffman-rar.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c77eed93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/huffman-rar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADPrefixCode.m */
+#include "rar.h"
+bool rar_new_node(struct huffman_code *code)
+ if (!code->tree) {
+ code->minlength = INT_MAX;
+ code->maxlength = INT_MIN;
+ }
+ if (code->numentries + 1 >= code->capacity) {
+ /* in my small file sample, 1024 is the value needed most often */
+ int new_capacity = code->capacity ? code->capacity * 2 : 1024;
+ void *new_tree = calloc(new_capacity, sizeof(*code->tree));
+ if (!new_tree) {
+ warn("OOM during decompression");
+ return false;
+ }
+ memcpy(new_tree, code->tree, code->capacity * sizeof(*code->tree));
+ free(code->tree);
+ code->tree = new_tree;
+ code->capacity = new_capacity;
+ }
+ code->tree[code->numentries].branches[0] = -1;
+ code->tree[code->numentries].branches[1] = -2;
+ code->numentries++;
+ return true;
+bool rar_add_value(struct huffman_code *code, int value, int codebits, int length)
+ int lastnode, bitpos, bit;
+ free(code->table);
+ code->table = NULL;
+ if (length > code->maxlength)
+ code->maxlength = length;
+ if (length < code->minlength)
+ code->minlength = length;
+ lastnode = 0;
+ for (bitpos = length - 1; bitpos >= 0; bitpos--) {
+ bit = (codebits >> bitpos) & 1;
+ if (rar_is_leaf_node(code, lastnode)) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* prefix found */
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (code->tree[lastnode].branches[bit] < 0) {
+ if (!rar_new_node(code))
+ return false;
+ code->tree[lastnode].branches[bit] = code->numentries - 1;
+ }
+ lastnode = code->tree[lastnode].branches[bit];
+ }
+ if (code->tree[lastnode].branches[0] != -1 || code->tree[lastnode].branches[1] != -2) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* prefix found */
+ return false;
+ }
+ code->tree[lastnode].branches[0] = code->tree[lastnode].branches[1] = value;
+ return true;
+bool rar_create_code(struct huffman_code *code, uint8_t *lengths, int numsymbols)
+ int symbolsleft = numsymbols;
+ int codebits = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ if (!rar_new_node(code))
+ return false;
+ for (i = 1; i <= 0x0F; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < numsymbols; j++) {
+ if (lengths[j] != i)
+ continue;
+ if (!rar_add_value(code, j, codebits, i))
+ return false;
+ if (--symbolsleft <= 0)
+ return true;
+ codebits++;
+ }
+ codebits <<= 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool rar_make_table_rec(struct huffman_code *code, int node, int offset, int depth, int maxdepth)
+ int currtablesize = 1 << (maxdepth - depth);
+ if (node < 0 || code->numentries <= node) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* invalid location to Huffman tree specified */
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rar_is_leaf_node(code, node)) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < currtablesize; i++) {
+ code->table[offset + i].length = depth;
+ code->table[offset + i].value = code->tree[node].branches[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (depth == maxdepth) {
+ code->table[offset].length = maxdepth + 1;
+ code->table[offset].value = node;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!rar_make_table_rec(code, code->tree[node].branches[0], offset, depth + 1, maxdepth))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_make_table_rec(code, code->tree[node].branches[1], offset + currtablesize / 2, depth + 1, maxdepth))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool rar_make_table(struct huffman_code *code)
+ if (code->minlength <= code->maxlength && code->maxlength <= 10)
+ code->tablesize = code->maxlength;
+ else
+ code->tablesize = 10;
+ code->table = calloc(1ULL << code->tablesize, sizeof(*code->table));
+ if (!code->table) {
+ warn("OOM during decompression");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return rar_make_table_rec(code, 0, 0, 0, code->tablesize);
+void rar_free_code(struct huffman_code *code)
+ free(code->tree);
+ free(code->table);
+ memset(code, 0, sizeof(*code));
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/lzss.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/lzss.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..580fe4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/lzss.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/LZSS.h */
+#ifndef rar_lzss_h
+#define rar_lzss_h
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(inline)
+#define inline __inline
+typedef struct {
+ uint8_t *window;
+ int mask;
+ int64_t position;
+} LZSS;
+static inline int64_t lzss_position(LZSS *self) { return self->position; }
+static inline int lzss_mask(LZSS *self) { return self->mask; }
+static inline int lzss_size(LZSS *self) { return self->mask + 1; }
+static inline uint8_t *lzss_window_pointer(LZSS *self) { return self->window; }
+static inline int lzss_offset_for_position(LZSS *self, int64_t pos) { return (int)(pos & self->mask); }
+static inline uint8_t *lzss_window_pointer_for_position(LZSS *self, int64_t pos) { return &self->window[lzss_offset_for_position(self, pos)]; }
+static inline int lzss_current_window_offset(LZSS *self) { return lzss_offset_for_position(self, self->position); }
+static inline uint8_t *lzss_current_window_pointer(LZSS *self) { return lzss_window_pointer_for_position(self, self->position); }
+static inline int64_t lzss_next_window_edge_after_position(LZSS *self, int64_t pos) { return (pos + lzss_size(self)) & ~(int64_t)lzss_mask(self); }
+static inline int64_t lzss_next_window_edge(LZSS *self) { return lzss_next_window_edge_after_position(self, self->position); }
+static inline uint8_t lzss_get_byte_from_window(LZSS *self, int64_t pos) { return *lzss_window_pointer_for_position(self, pos); }
+static inline void lzss_emit_literal(LZSS *self, uint8_t literal) {
+ /* self->window[(self->position & self->mask)] = literal; */
+ *lzss_current_window_pointer(self) = literal;
+ self->position++;
+static inline void lzss_emit_match(LZSS *self, int offset, int length) {
+ int windowoffs = lzss_current_window_offset(self);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ self->window[(windowoffs + i) & lzss_mask(self)] = self->window[(windowoffs + i - offset) & lzss_mask(self)];
+ }
+ self->position += length;
+static inline void lzss_copy_bytes_from_window(LZSS *self, uint8_t *buffer, int64_t startpos, int length) {
+ int windowoffs = lzss_offset_for_position(self, startpos);
+ int firstpart = lzss_size(self) - windowoffs;
+ if (length <= firstpart) {
+ /* Request fits inside window */
+ memcpy(buffer, &self->window[windowoffs], length);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Request wraps around window */
+ memcpy(buffer, &self->window[windowoffs], firstpart);
+ memcpy(buffer + firstpart, &self->window[0], length - firstpart);
+ }
+static inline bool lzss_initialize(LZSS *self, int windowsize) {
+ self->window = malloc(windowsize);
+ if (!self->window)
+ return false;
+ self->mask = windowsize - 1; /* Assume windows are power-of-two sized! */
+ memset(self->window, 0, lzss_size(self));
+ self->position = 0;
+ return true;
+static inline void lzss_cleanup(LZSS *self) { free(self->window); }
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/parse-rar.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/parse-rar.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f41534c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/parse-rar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADRARParser.m */
+#include "rar.h"
+static inline uint8_t uint8le(unsigned char *data) { return data[0]; }
+static inline uint16_t uint16le(unsigned char *data) { return data[0] | data[1] << 8; }
+static inline uint32_t uint32le(unsigned char *data) { return data[0] | data[1] << 8 | data[2] << 16 | data[3] << 24; }
+bool rar_parse_header(ar_archive *ar, struct rar_header *header)
+ unsigned char header_data[7];
+ size_t read = ar_read(ar->stream, header_data, sizeof(header_data));
+ if (read == 0) {
+ ar->at_eof = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (read < sizeof(header_data))
+ return false;
+ header->crc = uint16le(header_data + 0);
+ header->type = uint8le(header_data + 2);
+ header->flags = uint16le(header_data + 3);
+ header->size = uint16le(header_data + 5);
+ header->datasize = 0;
+ if ((header->flags & LHD_LONG_BLOCK) || header->type == 0x74) {
+ unsigned char size_data[4];
+ if (!(header->flags & LHD_LONG_BLOCK))
+ log("File header without LHD_LONG_BLOCK set");
+ read += ar_read(ar->stream, size_data, sizeof(size_data));
+ if (read < sizeof(header_data) + sizeof(size_data))
+ return false;
+ header->datasize = uint32le(size_data);
+ }
+ if (header->size < read) {
+ warn("Invalid header size %d", header->size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool rar_check_header_crc(ar_archive *ar)
+ unsigned char buffer[256];
+ uint16_t crc16, size;
+ uint32_t crc32;
+ if (!ar_seek(ar->stream, ar->entry_offset, SEEK_SET))
+ return false;
+ if (ar_read(ar->stream, buffer, 7) != 7)
+ return false;
+ crc16 = uint16le(buffer + 0);
+ size = uint16le(buffer + 5);
+ if (size < 7)
+ return false;
+ size -= 7;
+ crc32 = ar_crc32(0, buffer + 2, 5);
+ while (size > 0) {
+ if (ar_read(ar->stream, buffer, smin(size, sizeof(buffer))) != smin(size, sizeof(buffer)))
+ return false;
+ crc32 = ar_crc32(crc32, buffer, smin(size, sizeof(buffer)));
+ size -= (uint16_t)smin(size, sizeof(buffer));
+ }
+ return (crc32 & 0xFFFF) == crc16;
+bool rar_parse_header_entry(ar_archive_rar *rar, struct rar_header *header, struct rar_entry *entry)
+ unsigned char data[21];
+ if (ar_read(rar->super.stream, data, sizeof(data)) != sizeof(data))
+ return false;
+ entry->size = uint32le(data + 0);
+ entry->os = uint8le(data + 4);
+ entry->crc = uint32le(data + 5);
+ entry->dosdate = uint32le(data + 9);
+ entry->version = uint8le(data + 13);
+ entry->method = uint8le(data + 14);
+ entry->namelen = uint16le(data + 15);
+ entry->attrs = uint32le(data + 17);
+ if ((header->flags & LHD_LARGE)) {
+ unsigned char more_data[8];
+ if (ar_read(rar->super.stream, more_data, sizeof(more_data)) != sizeof(more_data))
+ return false;
+ header->datasize += (uint64_t)uint32le(more_data + 0);
+ entry->size += (uint64_t)uint32le(more_data + 4);
+ }
+ if (!ar_skip(rar->super.stream, entry->namelen))
+ return false;
+ if ((header->flags & LHD_SALT)) {
+ log("Skipping LHD_SALT");
+ ar_skip(rar->super.stream, 8);
+ }
+ rar->entry.version = entry->version;
+ rar->entry.method = entry->method;
+ rar->entry.crc = entry->crc;
+ rar->entry.header_size = header->size;
+ rar->entry.solid = entry->version < 20 ? (rar->archive_flags & MHD_SOLID) : (header->flags & LHD_SOLID);
+ free(rar->entry.name);
+ rar->entry.name = NULL;
+ return true;
+/* this seems to be what RAR considers "Unicode" */
+static char *rar_conv_unicode_to_utf8(const char *data, uint16_t len)
+#define Check(cond) if (!(cond)) { free(str); return NULL; } else ((void)0)
+ uint8_t highbyte, flagbyte, flagbits, size, length, i;
+ const uint8_t *in = (uint8_t *)data + strlen(data) + 1;
+ const uint8_t *end_in = (uint8_t *)data + len;
+ char *str = calloc(len + 1, 3);
+ char *out = str;
+ char *end_out = str + len * 3;
+ if (!str)
+ return NULL;
+ if (end_in - in <= 1) {
+ memcpy(str, data, len);
+ return str;
+ }
+ highbyte = *in++;
+ flagbyte = 0;
+ flagbits = 0;
+ size = 0;
+ while (in < end_in && out < end_out) {
+ if (flagbits == 0) {
+ flagbyte = *in++;
+ flagbits = 8;
+ }
+ flagbits -= 2;
+ switch ((flagbyte >> flagbits) & 3) {
+ case 0:
+ Check(in + 1 <= end_in);
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(*in++, out, end_out - out);
+ size++;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Check(in + 1 <= end_in);
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(((uint16_t)highbyte << 8) | *in++, out, end_out - out);
+ size++;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Check(in + 2 <= end_in);
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(((uint16_t)*(in + 1) << 8) | *in, out, end_out - out);
+ in += 2;
+ size++;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ Check(in + 1 <= end_in);
+ length = *in++;
+ if ((length & 0x80)) {
+ uint8_t correction = *in++;
+ for (i = 0; i < (length & 0x7F) + 2; i++) {
+ Check(size < len);
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(((uint16_t)highbyte << 8) | (data[size] + (correction & 0xFF)), out, end_out - out);
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i < (length & 0x7F) + 2; i++) {
+ Check(size < len);
+ out += ar_conv_rune_to_utf8(data[size], out, end_out - out);
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+#undef Check
+const char *rar_get_name(ar_archive *ar)
+ ar_archive_rar *rar = (ar_archive_rar *)ar;
+ if (!rar->entry.name) {
+ unsigned char data[21];
+ uint16_t namelen;
+ char *name;
+ struct rar_header header;
+ if (!ar_seek(ar->stream, ar->entry_offset, SEEK_SET))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!rar_parse_header(ar, &header))
+ return NULL;
+ if (ar_read(ar->stream, data, sizeof(data)) != sizeof(data))
+ return NULL;
+ if ((header.flags & LHD_LARGE) && !ar_skip(ar->stream, 8))
+ return NULL;
+ namelen = uint16le(data + 15);
+ name = malloc(namelen + 1);
+ if (!name || ar_read(ar->stream, name, namelen) != namelen) {
+ free(name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ name[namelen] = '\0';
+ if (!(header.flags & LHD_UNICODE)) {
+ rar->entry.name = ar_conv_dos_to_utf8(name);
+ free(name);
+ }
+ else if (namelen == strlen(name)) {
+ rar->entry.name = name;
+ }
+ else {
+ rar->entry.name = rar_conv_unicode_to_utf8(name, namelen);
+ free(name);
+ }
+ /* normalize path separators */
+ if (rar->entry.name) {
+ char *p = rar->entry.name;
+ while ((p = strchr(p, '\\')) != NULL) {
+ *p = '/';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ar_seek(ar->stream, ar->entry_offset + rar->entry.header_size, SEEK_SET))
+ warn("Couldn't seek back to the end of the entry header");
+ }
+ return rar->entry.name;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d03b2da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#include "rar.h"
+static void rar_close(ar_archive *ar)
+ ar_archive_rar *rar = (ar_archive_rar *)ar;
+ free(rar->entry.name);
+ rar_clear_uncompress(&rar->uncomp);
+static bool rar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset)
+ ar_archive_rar *rar = (ar_archive_rar *)ar;
+ struct rar_header header;
+ struct rar_entry entry;
+ bool out_of_order = offset != ar->entry_offset_next;
+ if (!ar_seek(ar->stream, offset, SEEK_SET)) {
+ warn("Couldn't seek to offset %" PRIi64, offset);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ ar->entry_offset = ar_tell(ar->stream);
+ ar->entry_size_uncompressed = 0;
+ if (!rar_parse_header(ar, &header))
+ return false;
+ ar->entry_offset_next = ar->entry_offset + header.size + header.datasize;
+ if (ar->entry_offset_next < ar->entry_offset + header.size) {
+ warn("Integer overflow due to overly large data size");
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (header.type) {
+ if ((header.flags & MHD_PASSWORD)) {
+ warn("Encrypted archives aren't supported");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ar_skip(ar->stream, 6 /* reserved data */);
+ if ((header.flags & MHD_ENCRYPTVER)) {
+ log("MHD_ENCRYPTVER is set");
+ ar_skip(ar->stream, 1);
+ }
+ if ((header.flags & MHD_COMMENT))
+ log("MHD_COMMENT is set");
+ if (ar_tell(ar->stream) - ar->entry_offset > header.size) {
+ warn("Invalid RAR header size: %d", header.size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->archive_flags = header.flags;
+ break;
+ if (!rar_parse_header_entry(rar, &header, &entry))
+ return false;
+ if ((header.flags & LHD_PASSWORD))
+ warn("Encrypted entries will fail to uncompress");
+ if ((header.flags & LHD_DIRECTORY) == LHD_DIRECTORY) {
+ if (header.datasize == 0) {
+ log("Skipping directory entry \"%s\"", rar_get_name(ar));
+ break;
+ }
+ warn("Can't skip directory entries containing data");
+ }
+ if ((header.flags & (LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE | LHD_SPLIT_AFTER)))
+ warn("Splitting files isn't really supported");
+ ar->entry_size_uncompressed = (size_t)entry.size;
+ ar->entry_filetime = ar_conv_dosdate_to_filetime(entry.dosdate);
+ if (!rar->entry.solid || rar->entry.method == METHOD_STORE || out_of_order) {
+ rar_clear_uncompress(&rar->uncomp);
+ memset(&rar->solid, 0, sizeof(rar->solid));
+ }
+ else {
+ br_clear_leftover_bits(&rar->uncomp);
+ }
+ rar->solid.restart = rar->entry.solid && (out_of_order || !rar->solid.part_done);
+ rar->solid.part_done = !ar->entry_size_uncompressed;
+ rar->progress.data_left = (size_t)header.datasize;
+ rar->progress.bytes_done = 0;
+ rar->progress.crc = 0;
+ /* TODO: CRC checks don't always hold (claim in XADRARParser.m @readBlockHeader) */
+ if (!rar_check_header_crc(ar))
+ warn("Invalid header checksum @%" PRIi64, ar->entry_offset);
+ if (ar_tell(ar->stream) != ar->entry_offset + rar->entry.header_size) {
+ warn("Couldn't seek to offset %" PRIi64, ar->entry_offset + rar->entry.header_size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ log("Skipping newsub header @%" PRIi64, ar->entry_offset);
+ break;
+ ar->at_eof = true;
+ return false;
+ default:
+ log("Unknown RAR header type %02x", header.type);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* TODO: CRC checks don't always hold (claim in XADRARParser.m @readBlockHeader) */
+ if (!rar_check_header_crc(ar))
+ warn("Invalid header checksum @%" PRIi64, ar->entry_offset);
+ if (!ar_seek(ar->stream, ar->entry_offset_next, SEEK_SET)) {
+ warn("Couldn't seek to offset %" PRIi64, ar->entry_offset_next);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+static bool rar_copy_stored(ar_archive_rar *rar, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ if (count > rar->progress.data_left) {
+ warn("Unexpected EOS in stored data");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ar_read(rar->super.stream, buffer, count) != count) {
+ warn("Unexpected EOF in stored data");
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->progress.data_left -= count;
+ rar->progress.bytes_done += count;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_restart_solid(ar_archive *ar)
+ ar_archive_rar *rar = (ar_archive_rar *)ar;
+ off64_t current_offset = ar->entry_offset;
+ log("Restarting decompression for solid entry");
+ if (!ar_parse_entry_at(ar, ar->entry_offset_first)) {
+ ar_parse_entry_at(ar, current_offset);
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (ar->entry_offset < current_offset) {
+ size_t size = ar->entry_size_uncompressed;
+ rar->solid.restart = false;
+ while (size > 0) {
+ unsigned char buffer[1024];
+ size_t count = smin(size, sizeof(buffer));
+ if (!ar_entry_uncompress(ar, buffer, count)) {
+ ar_parse_entry_at(ar, current_offset);
+ return false;
+ }
+ size -= count;
+ }
+ if (!ar_parse_entry(ar)) {
+ ar_parse_entry_at(ar, current_offset);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ rar->solid.restart = false;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count)
+ ar_archive_rar *rar = (ar_archive_rar *)ar;
+ if (count > ar->entry_size_uncompressed - rar->progress.bytes_done) {
+ warn("Requesting too much data (%" PRIuPTR " < %" PRIuPTR ")", ar->entry_size_uncompressed - rar->progress.bytes_done, count);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rar->entry.method == METHOD_STORE) {
+ if (!rar_copy_stored(rar, buffer, count))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (rar->entry.method == METHOD_FASTEST || rar->entry.method == METHOD_FAST ||
+ rar->entry.method == METHOD_NORMAL || rar->entry.method == METHOD_GOOD ||
+ rar->entry.method == METHOD_BEST) {
+ if (rar->solid.restart && !rar_restart_solid(ar)) {
+ warn("Failed to produce the required solid decompression state");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!rar_uncompress_part(rar, buffer, count))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn("Unknown compression method %#02x", rar->entry.method);
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->progress.crc = ar_crc32(rar->progress.crc, buffer, count);
+ if (rar->progress.bytes_done < ar->entry_size_uncompressed)
+ return true;
+ if (rar->progress.data_left)
+ log("Compressed block has more data than required");
+ rar->solid.part_done = true;
+ rar->solid.size_total += rar->progress.bytes_done;
+ if (rar->progress.crc != rar->entry.crc) {
+ warn("Checksum of extracted data doesn't match");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive(ar_stream *stream)
+ char signature[FILE_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
+ if (!ar_seek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET))
+ return NULL;
+ if (ar_read(stream, signature, sizeof(signature)) != sizeof(signature))
+ return NULL;
+ if (memcmp(signature, "Rar!\x1A\x07\x00", sizeof(signature)) != 0) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, "Rar!\x1A\x07\x01", sizeof(signature)) == 0)
+ warn("RAR 5 format isn't supported");
+ else if (memcmp(signature, "RE~^", 4) == 0)
+ warn("Ancient RAR format isn't supported");
+ else if (memcmp(signature, "MZ", 2) == 0 || memcmp(signature, "\x7F\x45LF", 4) == 0)
+ warn("SFX archives aren't supported");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return ar_open_archive(stream, sizeof(ar_archive_rar), rar_close, rar_parse_entry, rar_get_name, rar_uncompress, NULL, FILE_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
+ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive_with_error(ar_stream *stream,
+ ArArchiveError *error_code)
+ char signature[FILE_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
+ ar_archive *ret;
+ if (!ar_seek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ar_read(stream, signature, sizeof(signature)) != sizeof(signature)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(signature, "Rar!\x1A\x07\x00", sizeof(signature)) != 0) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, "Rar!\x1A\x07\x01", sizeof(signature)) == 0)
+ *error_code = AR_ARCHIVE_ERROR_RAR5;
+ else if (memcmp(signature, "RE~^", 4) == 0)
+ *error_code = AR_ARCHIVE_ERROR_OLDRAR;
+ else if (memcmp(signature, "MZ", 2) == 0 || memcmp(signature, "\x7F\x45LF", 4) == 0)
+ *error_code = AR_ARCHIVE_ERROR_SFX;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = ar_open_archive(stream, sizeof(ar_archive_rar), rar_close, rar_parse_entry, rar_get_name, rar_uncompress, NULL, FILE_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
+ if (!ret)
+ return ret;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..783f9f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#ifndef rar_rar_h
+#define rar_rar_h
+#include "../common/unarr-imp.h"
+#include "lzss.h"
+#include "../lzmasdk/Ppmd7.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+static inline size_t smin(size_t a, size_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
+typedef struct ar_archive_rar_s ar_archive_rar;
+/***** parse-rar *****/
+enum block_types {
+enum archive_flags {
+ MHD_VOLUME = 1 << 0, MHD_COMMENT = 1 << 1, MHD_LOCK = 1 << 2,
+ MHD_SOLID = 1 << 3, MHD_PACK_COMMENT = 1 << 4, MHD_AV = 1 << 5,
+ MHD_PROTECT = 1 << 6, MHD_PASSWORD = 1 << 7, MHD_FIRSTVOLUME = 1 << 8,
+ MHD_ENCRYPTVER = 1 << 9,
+ MHD_LONG_BLOCK = 1 << 15,
+enum entry_flags {
+ LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE = 1 << 0, LHD_SPLIT_AFTER = 1 << 1, LHD_PASSWORD = 1 << 2,
+ LHD_COMMENT = 1 << 3, LHD_SOLID = 1 << 4,
+ LHD_DIRECTORY = (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 7),
+ LHD_LARGE = 1 << 8, LHD_UNICODE = 1 << 9, LHD_SALT = 1 << 10,
+ LHD_VERSION = 1 << 11, LHD_EXTTIME = 1 << 12, LHD_EXTFLAGS = 1 << 13,
+ LHD_LONG_BLOCK = 1 << 15,
+enum compression_method {
+ METHOD_STORE = 0x30,
+ METHOD_GOOD = 0x34, METHOD_BEST = 0x35,
+struct rar_header {
+ uint16_t crc;
+ uint8_t type;
+ uint16_t flags;
+ uint16_t size;
+ uint64_t datasize;
+struct rar_entry {
+ uint64_t size;
+ uint8_t os;
+ uint32_t crc;
+ uint32_t dosdate;
+ uint8_t version;
+ uint8_t method;
+ uint16_t namelen;
+ uint32_t attrs;
+struct ar_archive_rar_entry {
+ uint8_t version;
+ uint8_t method;
+ uint32_t crc;
+ uint16_t header_size;
+ bool solid;
+ char *name;
+bool rar_parse_header(ar_archive *ar, struct rar_header *header);
+bool rar_check_header_crc(ar_archive *ar);
+bool rar_parse_header_entry(ar_archive_rar *rar, struct rar_header *header, struct rar_entry *entry);
+const char *rar_get_name(ar_archive *ar);
+/***** filter-rar *****/
+struct RARVirtualMachine;
+struct RARProgramCode;
+struct RARFilter;
+struct ar_archive_rar_filters {
+ struct RARVirtualMachine *vm;
+ struct RARProgramCode *progs;
+ struct RARFilter *stack;
+ size_t filterstart;
+ uint32_t lastfilternum;
+ size_t lastend;
+ uint8_t *bytes;
+ size_t bytes_ready;
+bool rar_parse_filter(ar_archive_rar *rar, const uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t length, uint8_t flags);
+bool rar_run_filters(ar_archive_rar *rar);
+void rar_clear_filters(struct ar_archive_rar_filters *filters);
+/***** huffman-rar *****/
+struct huffman_code {
+ struct {
+ int branches[2];
+ } *tree;
+ int numentries;
+ int capacity;
+ int minlength;
+ int maxlength;
+ struct {
+ int length;
+ int value;
+ } *table;
+ int tablesize;
+bool rar_new_node(struct huffman_code *code);
+bool rar_add_value(struct huffman_code *code, int value, int codebits, int length);
+bool rar_create_code(struct huffman_code *code, uint8_t *lengths, int numsymbols);
+bool rar_make_table(struct huffman_code *code);
+void rar_free_code(struct huffman_code *code);
+static inline bool rar_is_leaf_node(struct huffman_code *code, int node) { return code->tree[node].branches[0] == code->tree[node].branches[1]; }
+/***** uncompress-rar *****/
+#define LZSS_WINDOW_SIZE 0x400000
+#define MAINCODE_SIZE 299
+struct ByteReader {
+ IByteIn super;
+ ar_archive_rar *rar;
+struct CPpmdRAR_RangeDec {
+ CPpmd7_RangeDec super;
+ UInt32 Range;
+ UInt32 Code;
+ UInt32 Low;
+ IByteIn *Stream;
+struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 {
+ struct huffman_code maincode;
+ struct huffman_code offsetcode;
+ struct huffman_code lowoffsetcode;
+ struct huffman_code lengthcode;
+ uint8_t lengthtable[HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE];
+ uint32_t lastlength;
+ uint32_t lastoffset;
+ uint32_t oldoffset[4];
+ uint32_t lastlowoffset;
+ uint32_t numlowoffsetrepeats;
+ bool is_ppmd_block;
+ int ppmd_escape;
+ CPpmd7 ppmd7_context;
+ struct CPpmdRAR_RangeDec range_dec;
+ struct ByteReader bytein;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_filters filters;
+#define MAINCODE_SIZE_20 298
+#define OFFSETCODE_SIZE_20 48
+#define LENGTHCODE_SIZE_20 28
+#define HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE_20 4 * 257
+struct AudioState {
+ int8_t weight[5];
+ int16_t delta[4];
+ int8_t lastdelta;
+ int error[11];
+ int count;
+ uint8_t lastbyte;
+struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v2 {
+ struct huffman_code maincode;
+ struct huffman_code offsetcode;
+ struct huffman_code lengthcode;
+ struct huffman_code audiocode[4];
+ uint8_t lengthtable[HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE_20];
+ uint32_t lastoffset;
+ uint32_t lastlength;
+ uint32_t oldoffset[4];
+ uint32_t oldoffsetindex;
+ bool audioblock;
+ uint8_t channel;
+ uint8_t numchannels;
+ struct AudioState audiostate[4];
+ int8_t channeldelta;
+struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp {
+ uint8_t version;
+ LZSS lzss;
+ size_t bytes_ready;
+ bool start_new_table;
+ union {
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 v3;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v2 v2;
+ } state;
+ struct StreamBitReader {
+ uint64_t bits;
+ int available;
+ bool at_eof;
+ } br;
+bool rar_uncompress_part(ar_archive_rar *rar, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size);
+int64_t rar_expand(ar_archive_rar *rar, int64_t end);
+void rar_clear_uncompress(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp);
+static inline void br_clear_leftover_bits(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp) { uncomp->br.available &= ~0x07; }
+/***** rar *****/
+struct ar_archive_rar_progress {
+ size_t data_left;
+ size_t bytes_done;
+ uint32_t crc;
+struct ar_archive_rar_solid {
+ size_t size_total;
+ bool part_done;
+ bool restart;
+struct ar_archive_rar_s {
+ ar_archive super;
+ uint16_t archive_flags;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_entry entry;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp uncomp;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_progress progress;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_solid solid;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f738ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/RARVirtualMachine.c */
+#include "rarvm.h"
+#include "../common/allocator.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+typedef struct RAROpcode_s RAROpcode;
+struct RAROpcode_s {
+ uint8_t instruction;
+ uint8_t bytemode;
+ uint8_t addressingmode1;
+ uint8_t addressingmode2;
+ uint32_t value1;
+ uint32_t value2;
+struct RARProgram_s {
+ RAROpcode *opcodes;
+ uint32_t length;
+ uint32_t capacity;
+/* Program building */
+RARProgram *RARCreateProgram()
+ return calloc(1, sizeof(RARProgram));
+void RARDeleteProgram(RARProgram *prog)
+ if (prog)
+ free(prog->opcodes);
+ free(prog);
+bool RARProgramAddInstr(RARProgram *prog, uint8_t instruction, bool bytemode)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ if (bytemode && !RARInstructionHasByteMode(instruction))
+ return false;
+ if (prog->length + 1 >= prog->capacity) {
+ /* in my small file sample, 16 is the value needed most often */
+ uint32_t newCapacity = prog->capacity ? prog->capacity * 4 : 32;
+ RAROpcode *newCodes = calloc(newCapacity, sizeof(*prog->opcodes));
+ if (!newCodes)
+ return false;
+ memcpy(newCodes, prog->opcodes, prog->capacity * sizeof(*prog->opcodes));
+ free(prog->opcodes);
+ prog->opcodes = newCodes;
+ prog->capacity = newCapacity;
+ }
+ memset(&prog->opcodes[prog->length], 0, sizeof(prog->opcodes[prog->length]));
+ prog->opcodes[prog->length].instruction = instruction;
+ if (instruction == RARMovzxInstruction || instruction == RARMovsxInstruction)
+ prog->opcodes[prog->length].bytemode = 2; /* second argument only */
+ else if (bytemode)
+ prog->opcodes[prog->length].bytemode = (1 | 2);
+ else
+ prog->opcodes[prog->length].bytemode = 0;
+ prog->length++;
+ return true;
+bool RARSetLastInstrOperands(RARProgram *prog, uint8_t addressingmode1, uint32_t value1, uint8_t addressingmode2, uint32_t value2)
+ RAROpcode *opcode = &prog->opcodes[prog->length - 1];
+ int numoperands;
+ if (addressingmode1 >= RARNumberOfAddressingModes || addressingmode2 >= RARNumberOfAddressingModes)
+ return false;
+ if (!prog->length || opcode->addressingmode1 || opcode->value1 || opcode->addressingmode2 || opcode->value2)
+ return false;
+ numoperands = NumberOfRARInstructionOperands(opcode->instruction);
+ if (numoperands == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (addressingmode1 == RARImmediateAddressingMode && RARInstructionWritesFirstOperand(opcode->instruction))
+ return false;
+ opcode->addressingmode1 = addressingmode1;
+ opcode->value1 = value1;
+ if (numoperands == 2) {
+ if (addressingmode2 == RARImmediateAddressingMode && RARInstructionWritesSecondOperand(opcode->instruction))
+ return false;
+ opcode->addressingmode2 = addressingmode2;
+ opcode->value2 = value2;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool RARIsProgramTerminated(RARProgram *prog)
+ return prog->length > 0 && RARInstructionIsUnconditionalJump(prog->opcodes[prog->length - 1].instruction);
+/* Execution */
+#define EXTMACRO_BEGIN do {
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define EXTMACRO_END } __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable:4127)) while (0) __pragma(warning(pop))
+#define EXTMACRO_END } while (0)
+#define CarryFlag 1
+#define ZeroFlag 2
+#define SignFlag 0x80000000
+#define SignExtend(a) ((uint32_t)((int8_t)(a)))
+static uint32_t _RARGetOperand(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint8_t addressingmode, uint32_t value, bool bytemode);
+static void _RARSetOperand(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint8_t addressingmode, uint32_t value, bool bytemode, uint32_t data);
+#define GetOperand1() _RARGetOperand(vm, opcode->addressingmode1, opcode->value1, opcode->bytemode & 1)
+#define GetOperand2() _RARGetOperand(vm, opcode->addressingmode2, opcode->value2, opcode->bytemode & 2)
+#define SetOperand1(data) _RARSetOperand(vm, opcode->addressingmode1, opcode->value1, opcode->bytemode & 1, data)
+#define SetOperand2(data) _RARSetOperand(vm, opcode->addressingmode2, opcode->value2, opcode->bytemode & 2, data)
+#define SetFlagsWithCarry(res, carry) EXTMACRO_BEGIN uint32_t result = (res); flags = (result == 0 ? ZeroFlag : (result & SignFlag)) | ((carry) ? CarryFlag : 0); EXTMACRO_END
+#define SetByteFlagsWithCarry(res, carry) EXTMACRO_BEGIN uint8_t result = (res); flags = (result == 0 ? ZeroFlag : (SignExtend(result) & SignFlag)) | ((carry) ? CarryFlag : 0); EXTMACRO_END
+#define SetFlags(res) SetFlagsWithCarry(res, 0)
+#define SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(res, carry) EXTMACRO_BEGIN uint32_t r = (res); SetFlagsWithCarry(r, carry); SetOperand1(r); EXTMACRO_END
+#define SetOperand1AndByteFlagsWithCarry(res, carry) EXTMACRO_BEGIN uint8_t r = (res); SetByteFlagsWithCarry(r, carry); SetOperand1(r); EXTMACRO_END
+#define SetOperand1AndFlags(res) EXTMACRO_BEGIN uint32_t r = (res); SetFlags(r); SetOperand1(r); EXTMACRO_END
+#define NextInstruction() { opcode++; continue; }
+#define Jump(offs) { uint32_t o = (offs); if (o >= prog->length) return false; opcode = &prog->opcodes[o]; continue; }
+bool RARExecuteProgram(RARVirtualMachine *vm, RARProgram *prog)
+ RAROpcode *opcode = prog->opcodes;
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ uint32_t op1, op2, carry, i;
+ uint32_t counter = 0;
+ if (!RARIsProgramTerminated(prog))
+ return false;
+ while ((uint32_t)(opcode - prog->opcodes) < prog->length && counter++ < RARRuntimeMaxInstructions) {
+ switch (opcode->instruction) {
+ case RARMovInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARCmpInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ SetFlagsWithCarry(op1 - GetOperand2(), result > op1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARAddInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndByteFlagsWithCarry((op1 + GetOperand2()) & 0xFF, result < op1);
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 + GetOperand2(), result < op1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARSubInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+#if 0 /* apparently not correctly implemented in the RAR VM */
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndByteFlagsWithCarry((op1 - GetOperand2()) & 0xFF, result > op1);
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 - GetOperand2(), result > op1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJzInstruction:
+ if ((flags & ZeroFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJnzInstruction:
+ if (!(flags & ZeroFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARIncInstruction:
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndFlags((GetOperand1() + 1) & 0xFF);
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlags(GetOperand1() + 1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARDecInstruction:
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndFlags((GetOperand1() - 1) & 0xFF);
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlags(GetOperand1() - 1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJmpInstruction:
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ case RARXorInstruction:
+ SetOperand1AndFlags(GetOperand1() ^ GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARAndInstruction:
+ SetOperand1AndFlags(GetOperand1() & GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RAROrInstruction:
+ SetOperand1AndFlags(GetOperand1() | GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARTestInstruction:
+ SetFlags(GetOperand1() & GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJsInstruction:
+ if ((flags & SignFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJnsInstruction:
+ if (!(flags & SignFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJbInstruction:
+ if ((flags & CarryFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJbeInstruction:
+ if ((flags & (CarryFlag | ZeroFlag)))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJaInstruction:
+ if (!(flags & (CarryFlag | ZeroFlag)))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARJaeInstruction:
+ if (!(flags & CarryFlag))
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPushInstruction:
+ vm->registers[7] -= 4;
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, vm->registers[7], GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPopInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, vm->registers[7]));
+ vm->registers[7] += 4;
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARCallInstruction:
+ vm->registers[7] -= 4;
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, vm->registers[7], (uint32_t)(opcode - prog->opcodes + 1));
+ Jump(GetOperand1());
+ case RARRetInstruction:
+ if (vm->registers[7] >= RARProgramMemorySize)
+ return true;
+ i = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, vm->registers[7]);
+ vm->registers[7] += 4;
+ Jump(i);
+ case RARNotInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(~GetOperand1());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARShlInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ op2 = GetOperand2();
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 << op2, ((op1 << (op2 - 1)) & 0x80000000) != 0);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARShrInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ op2 = GetOperand2();
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 >> op2, ((op1 >> (op2 - 1)) & 1) != 0);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARSarInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ op2 = GetOperand2();
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(((int32_t)op1) >> op2, ((op1 >> (op2 - 1)) & 1) != 0);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARNegInstruction:
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(-(int32_t)GetOperand1(), result != 0);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPushaInstruction:
+ vm->registers[7] -= 32;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, vm->registers[7] + (7 - i) * 4, vm->registers[i]);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPopaInstruction:
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ vm->registers[i] = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, vm->registers[7] + (7 - i) * 4);
+ vm->registers[7] += 32;
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPushfInstruction:
+ vm->registers[7] -= 4;
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, vm->registers[7], flags);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPopfInstruction:
+ flags = RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, vm->registers[7]);
+ vm->registers[7] += 4;
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARMovzxInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARMovsxInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(SignExtend(GetOperand2()));
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARXchgInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ op2 = GetOperand2();
+ SetOperand1(op2);
+ SetOperand2(op1);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARMulInstruction:
+ SetOperand1(GetOperand1() * GetOperand2());
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARDivInstruction:
+ op2 = GetOperand2();
+ if (op2 != 0)
+ SetOperand1(GetOperand1() / op2);
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARAdcInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ carry = (flags & CarryFlag);
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry((op1 + GetOperand2() + carry) & 0xFF, result < op1 || (result == op1 && carry)); /* does not correctly set sign bit */
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 + GetOperand2() + carry, result < op1 || (result == op1 && carry));
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARSbbInstruction:
+ op1 = GetOperand1();
+ carry = (flags & CarryFlag);
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry((op1 - GetOperand2() - carry) & 0xFF, result > op1 || (result == op1 && carry)); /* does not correctly set sign bit */
+ else
+ SetOperand1AndFlagsWithCarry(op1 - GetOperand2() - carry, result > op1 || (result == op1 && carry));
+ NextInstruction();
+ case RARPrintInstruction:
+ /* TODO: ??? */
+ NextInstruction();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+/* Memory and register access */
+static uint32_t _RARRead32(const uint8_t *b)
+ return ((uint32_t)b[3] << 24) | ((uint32_t)b[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)b[1] << 8) | (uint32_t)b[0];
+static void _RARWrite32(uint8_t *b, uint32_t n)
+ b[3] = (n >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ b[2] = (n >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ b[1] = (n >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ b[0] = n & 0xFF;
+void RARSetVirtualMachineRegisters(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t registers[8])
+ if (registers)
+ memcpy(vm->registers, registers, sizeof(vm->registers));
+ else
+ memset(vm->registers, 0, sizeof(vm->registers));
+uint32_t RARVirtualMachineRead32(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address)
+ return _RARRead32(&vm->memory[address & RARProgramMemoryMask]);
+void RARVirtualMachineWrite32(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address, uint32_t val)
+ _RARWrite32(&vm->memory[address & RARProgramMemoryMask], val);
+uint8_t RARVirtualMachineRead8(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address)
+ return vm->memory[address & RARProgramMemoryMask];
+void RARVirtualMachineWrite8(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address, uint8_t val)
+ vm->memory[address & RARProgramMemoryMask] = val;
+static uint32_t _RARGetOperand(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint8_t addressingmode, uint32_t value, bool bytemode)
+ if (RARRegisterAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterAddressingMode(7)) {
+ uint32_t result = vm->registers[addressingmode % 8];
+ if (bytemode)
+ result = result & 0xFF;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(7)) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead8(vm, vm->registers[addressingmode % 8]);
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, vm->registers[addressingmode % 8]);
+ }
+ if (RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(7)) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead8(vm, value + vm->registers[addressingmode % 8]);
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, value + vm->registers[addressingmode % 8]);
+ }
+ if (addressingmode == RARAbsoluteAddressingMode) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead8(vm, value);
+ return RARVirtualMachineRead32(vm, value);
+ }
+ /* if (addressingmode == RARImmediateAddressingMode) */
+ return value;
+static void _RARSetOperand(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint8_t addressingmode, uint32_t value, bool bytemode, uint32_t data)
+ if (RARRegisterAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterAddressingMode(7)) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ data = data & 0xFF;
+ vm->registers[addressingmode % 8] = data;
+ }
+ else if (RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(7)) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite8(vm, vm->registers[addressingmode % 8], (uint8_t)data);
+ else
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, vm->registers[addressingmode % 8], data);
+ }
+ else if (RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(7)) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite8(vm, value + vm->registers[addressingmode % 8], (uint8_t)data);
+ else
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, value + vm->registers[addressingmode % 8], data);
+ }
+ else if (addressingmode == RARAbsoluteAddressingMode) {
+ if (bytemode)
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite8(vm, value, (uint8_t)data);
+ else
+ RARVirtualMachineWrite32(vm, value, data);
+ }
+/* Instruction properties */
+#define RAR0OperandsFlag 0
+#define RAR1OperandFlag 1
+#define RAR2OperandsFlag 2
+#define RAROperandsFlag 3
+#define RARHasByteModeFlag 4
+#define RARIsUnconditionalJumpFlag 8
+#define RARIsRelativeJumpFlag 16
+#define RARWritesFirstOperandFlag 32
+#define RARWritesSecondOperandFlag 64
+#define RARReadsStatusFlag 128
+#define RARWritesStatusFlag 256
+static const int InstructionFlags[RARNumberOfInstructions] = {
+ /*RARMovInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARCmpInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARAddInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARSubInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJzInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsUnconditionalJumpFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJnzInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARIncInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARDecInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJmpInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag,
+ /*RARXorInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARAndInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RAROrInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARTestInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJsInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJnsInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJbInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJbeInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJaInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARJaeInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARPushInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag,
+ /*RARPopInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag,
+ /*RARCallInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARIsRelativeJumpFlag,
+ /*RARRetInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag | RARIsUnconditionalJumpFlag,
+ /*RARNotInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARShlInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARShrInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARSarInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARNegInstruction*/ RAR1OperandFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARPushaInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag,
+ /*RARPopaInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag,
+ /*RARPushfInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag,
+ /*RARPopfInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARMovzxInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARMovsxInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARXchgInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARWritesSecondOperandFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag,
+ /*RARMulInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARDivInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag,
+ /*RARAdcInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARSbbInstruction*/ RAR2OperandsFlag | RARHasByteModeFlag | RARWritesFirstOperandFlag | RARReadsStatusFlag | RARWritesStatusFlag,
+ /*RARPrintInstruction*/ RAR0OperandsFlag
+int NumberOfRARInstructionOperands(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return 0;
+ return InstructionFlags[instruction] & RAROperandsFlag;
+bool RARInstructionHasByteMode(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ return (InstructionFlags[instruction] & RARHasByteModeFlag)!=0;
+bool RARInstructionIsUnconditionalJump(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ return (InstructionFlags[instruction] & RARIsUnconditionalJumpFlag) != 0;
+bool RARInstructionIsRelativeJump(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ return (InstructionFlags[instruction] & RARIsRelativeJumpFlag) != 0;
+bool RARInstructionWritesFirstOperand(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ return (InstructionFlags[instruction] & RARWritesFirstOperandFlag) != 0;
+bool RARInstructionWritesSecondOperand(uint8_t instruction)
+ if (instruction >= RARNumberOfInstructions)
+ return false;
+ return (InstructionFlags[instruction] & RARWritesSecondOperandFlag) != 0;
+/* Program debugging */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#include <stdio.h>
+static void RARPrintOperand(uint8_t addressingmode, uint32_t value)
+ if (RARRegisterAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterAddressingMode(7))
+ printf("r%d", addressingmode % 8);
+ else if (RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(7))
+ printf("@(r%d)", addressingmode % 8);
+ else if (RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(0) <= addressingmode && addressingmode <= RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(7))
+ printf("@(r%d+$%02x)", addressingmode % 8, value);
+ else if (addressingmode == RARAbsoluteAddressingMode)
+ printf("@($%02x)", value);
+ else if (addressingmode == RARImmediateAddressingMode)
+ printf("$%02x", value);
+void RARPrintProgram(RARProgram *prog)
+ static const char *instructionNames[RARNumberOfInstructions] = {
+ "Mov", "Cmp", "Add", "Sub", "Jz", "Jnz", "Inc", "Dec", "Jmp", "Xor",
+ "And", "Or", "Test", "Js", "Jns", "Jb", "Jbe", "Ja", "Jae", "Push",
+ "Pop", "Call", "Ret", "Not", "Shl", "Shr", "Sar", "Neg", "Pusha", "Popa",
+ "Pushf", "Popf", "Movzx", "Movsx", "Xchg", "Mul", "Div", "Adc", "Sbb", "Print",
+ };
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < prog->length; i++) {
+ RAROpcode *opcode = &prog->opcodes[i];
+ int numoperands = NumberOfRARInstructionOperands(opcode->instruction);
+ printf(" %02x: %s", i, instructionNames[opcode->instruction]);
+ if (opcode->bytemode)
+ printf("B");
+ if (numoperands >= 1) {
+ printf(" ");
+ RARPrintOperand(opcode->addressingmode1, opcode->value1);
+ }
+ if (numoperands == 2) {
+ printf(", ");
+ RARPrintOperand(opcode->addressingmode2, opcode->value2);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51567a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/rarvm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/RARVirtualMachine.h */
+#ifndef rar_vm_h
+#define rar_vm_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#define RARProgramMemorySize 0x40000
+#define RARProgramMemoryMask (RARProgramMemorySize - 1)
+#define RARProgramWorkSize 0x3c000
+#define RARProgramGlobalSize 0x2000
+#define RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress RARProgramWorkSize
+#define RARProgramSystemGlobalSize 64
+#define RARProgramUserGlobalAddress (RARProgramSystemGlobalAddress + RARProgramSystemGlobalSize)
+#define RARProgramUserGlobalSize (RARProgramGlobalSize - RARProgramSystemGlobalSize)
+#define RARRuntimeMaxInstructions 250000000
+#define RARRegisterAddressingMode(n) (0 + (n))
+#define RARRegisterIndirectAddressingMode(n) (8 + (n))
+#define RARIndexedAbsoluteAddressingMode(n) (16 + (n))
+#define RARAbsoluteAddressingMode 24
+#define RARImmediateAddressingMode 25
+#define RARNumberOfAddressingModes 26
+typedef struct RARVirtualMachine RARVirtualMachine;
+struct RARVirtualMachine {
+ uint32_t registers[8];
+ uint8_t memory[RARProgramMemorySize + sizeof(uint32_t) /* overflow sentinel */];
+typedef struct RARProgram_s RARProgram;
+/* Program building */
+enum {
+ RARMovInstruction = 0,
+ RARCmpInstruction = 1,
+ RARAddInstruction = 2,
+ RARSubInstruction = 3,
+ RARJzInstruction = 4,
+ RARJnzInstruction = 5,
+ RARIncInstruction = 6,
+ RARDecInstruction = 7,
+ RARJmpInstruction = 8,
+ RARXorInstruction = 9,
+ RARAndInstruction = 10,
+ RAROrInstruction = 11,
+ RARTestInstruction = 12,
+ RARJsInstruction = 13,
+ RARJnsInstruction = 14,
+ RARJbInstruction = 15,
+ RARJbeInstruction = 16,
+ RARJaInstruction = 17,
+ RARJaeInstruction = 18,
+ RARPushInstruction = 19,
+ RARPopInstruction = 20,
+ RARCallInstruction = 21,
+ RARRetInstruction = 22,
+ RARNotInstruction = 23,
+ RARShlInstruction = 24,
+ RARShrInstruction = 25,
+ RARSarInstruction = 26,
+ RARNegInstruction = 27,
+ RARPushaInstruction = 28,
+ RARPopaInstruction = 29,
+ RARPushfInstruction = 30,
+ RARPopfInstruction = 31,
+ RARMovzxInstruction = 32,
+ RARMovsxInstruction = 33,
+ RARXchgInstruction = 34,
+ RARMulInstruction = 35,
+ RARDivInstruction = 36,
+ RARAdcInstruction = 37,
+ RARSbbInstruction = 38,
+ RARPrintInstruction = 39,
+ RARNumberOfInstructions = 40,
+RARProgram *RARCreateProgram(void);
+void RARDeleteProgram(RARProgram *prog);
+bool RARProgramAddInstr(RARProgram *prog, uint8_t instruction, bool bytemode);
+bool RARSetLastInstrOperands(RARProgram *prog, uint8_t addressingmode1, uint32_t value1, uint8_t addressingmode2, uint32_t value2);
+bool RARIsProgramTerminated(RARProgram *prog);
+/* Execution */
+bool RARExecuteProgram(RARVirtualMachine *vm, RARProgram *prog);
+/* Memory and register access (convenience) */
+void RARSetVirtualMachineRegisters(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t registers[8]);
+uint32_t RARVirtualMachineRead32(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address);
+void RARVirtualMachineWrite32(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address, uint32_t val);
+uint8_t RARVirtualMachineRead8(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address);
+void RARVirtualMachineWrite8(RARVirtualMachine *vm, uint32_t address, uint8_t val);
+/* Instruction properties */
+int NumberOfRARInstructionOperands(uint8_t instruction);
+bool RARInstructionHasByteMode(uint8_t instruction);
+bool RARInstructionIsUnconditionalJump(uint8_t instruction);
+bool RARInstructionIsRelativeJump(uint8_t instruction);
+bool RARInstructionWritesFirstOperand(uint8_t instruction);
+bool RARInstructionWritesSecondOperand(uint8_t instruction);
+/* Program debugging */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+void RARPrintProgram(RARProgram *prog);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/uncompress-rar.c b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/uncompress-rar.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53449ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/rar/uncompress-rar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADRAR30Handle.m */
+/* adapted from https://code.google.com/p/theunarchiver/source/browse/XADMaster/XADRAR20Handle.m */
+#include "rar.h"
+static void *gSzAlloc_Alloc(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
+static void gSzAlloc_Free(ISzAllocPtr p, void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
+static ISzAlloc gSzAlloc = { gSzAlloc_Alloc, gSzAlloc_Free };
+static bool br_fill(ar_archive_rar *rar, int bits)
+ uint8_t bytes[8];
+ int count, i;
+ /* read as many bits as possible */
+ count = (64 - rar->uncomp.br.available) / 8;
+ if (rar->progress.data_left < (size_t)count)
+ count = (int)rar->progress.data_left;
+ if (bits > rar->uncomp.br.available + 8 * count || ar_read(rar->super.stream, bytes, count) != (size_t)count) {
+ if (!rar->uncomp.br.at_eof) {
+ warn("Unexpected EOF during decompression (truncated file?)");
+ rar->uncomp.br.at_eof = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->progress.data_left -= count;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ rar->uncomp.br.bits = (rar->uncomp.br.bits << 8) | bytes[i];
+ }
+ rar->uncomp.br.available += 8 * count;
+ return true;
+static inline bool br_check(ar_archive_rar *rar, int bits)
+ return bits <= rar->uncomp.br.available || br_fill(rar, bits);
+static inline uint64_t br_bits(ar_archive_rar *rar, int bits)
+ return (rar->uncomp.br.bits >> (rar->uncomp.br.available -= bits)) & (((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1);
+static Byte ByteIn_Read(const IByteIn *p)
+ struct ByteReader *self = (struct ByteReader *) p;
+ return br_check(self->rar, 8) ? (Byte)br_bits(self->rar, 8) : 0xFF;
+static void ByteIn_CreateVTable(struct ByteReader *br, ar_archive_rar *rar)
+ br->super.Read = ByteIn_Read;
+ br->rar = rar;
+/* Ppmd7 range decoder differs between 7z and RAR */
+static void PpmdRAR_RangeDec_Init(struct CPpmdRAR_RangeDec *p)
+ int i;
+ p->Code = 0;
+ p->Low = 0;
+ p->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ p->Code = (p->Code << 8) | p->Stream->Read(p->Stream);
+ }
+static void PpmdRAR_RangeDec_CreateVTable(struct CPpmdRAR_RangeDec *p, IByteIn *stream)
+ p->Stream = stream;
+static bool rar_init_uncompress(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp, uint8_t version)
+ /* per XADRARParser.m @handleForSolidStreamWithObject these versions are identical */
+ if (version == 29 || version == 36)
+ version = 3;
+ else if (version == 20 || version == 26)
+ version = 2;
+ else {
+ warn("Unsupported compression version: %d", version);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (uncomp->version) {
+ if (uncomp->version != version) {
+ warn("Compression version mismatch: %d != %d", version, uncomp->version);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ memset(uncomp, 0, sizeof(*uncomp));
+ uncomp->start_new_table = true;
+ if (!lzss_initialize(&uncomp->lzss, LZSS_WINDOW_SIZE)) {
+ warn("OOM during decompression");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (version == 3) {
+ uncomp->state.v3.ppmd_escape = 2;
+ uncomp->state.v3.filters.filterstart = SIZE_MAX;
+ }
+ uncomp->version = version;
+ return true;
+static void rar_free_codes(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp);
+void rar_clear_uncompress(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp)
+ if (!uncomp->version)
+ return;
+ rar_free_codes(uncomp);
+ lzss_cleanup(&uncomp->lzss);
+ if (uncomp->version == 3) {
+ Ppmd7_Free(&uncomp->state.v3.ppmd7_context, &gSzAlloc);
+ rar_clear_filters(&uncomp->state.v3.filters);
+ }
+ uncomp->version = 0;
+static int rar_read_next_symbol(ar_archive_rar *rar, struct huffman_code *code)
+ int node = 0;
+ if (!code->table && !rar_make_table(code))
+ return -1;
+ /* performance optimization */
+ if (code->tablesize <= rar->uncomp.br.available) {
+ uint16_t bits = (uint16_t)br_bits(rar, code->tablesize);
+ int length = code->table[bits].length;
+ int value = code->table[bits].value;
+ if (length < 0) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* invalid prefix code in bitstream */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (length <= code->tablesize) {
+ /* Skip only length bits */
+ rar->uncomp.br.available += code->tablesize - length;
+ return value;
+ }
+ node = value;
+ }
+ while (!rar_is_leaf_node(code, node)) {
+ uint8_t bit;
+ if (!br_check(rar, 1))
+ return -1;
+ bit = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 1);
+ if (code->tree[node].branches[bit] < 0) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* invalid prefix code in bitstream */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ node = code->tree[node].branches[bit];
+ }
+ return code->tree[node].branches[0];
+/***** RAR version 2 decompression *****/
+static void rar_free_codes_v2(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v2 *uncomp_v2)
+ int i;
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v2->maincode);
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v2->offsetcode);
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v2->lengthcode);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v2->audiocode[i]);
+static bool rar_parse_codes_v2(ar_archive_rar *rar)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v2 *uncomp_v2 = &rar->uncomp.state.v2;
+ struct huffman_code precode;
+ uint8_t prelengths[19];
+ uint16_t i, count;
+ int j, val, n;
+ bool ok = false;
+ rar_free_codes_v2(uncomp_v2);
+ if (!br_check(rar, 2))
+ return false;
+ uncomp_v2->audioblock = br_bits(rar, 1) != 0;
+ if (!br_bits(rar, 1))
+ memset(uncomp_v2->lengthtable, 0, sizeof(uncomp_v2->lengthtable));
+ if (uncomp_v2->audioblock) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 2))
+ return false;
+ uncomp_v2->numchannels = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 2) + 1;
+ count = uncomp_v2->numchannels * 257;
+ if (uncomp_v2->channel > uncomp_v2->numchannels)
+ uncomp_v2->channel = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 4))
+ return false;
+ prelengths[i] = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 4);
+ }
+ memset(&precode, 0, sizeof(precode));
+ if (!rar_create_code(&precode, prelengths, 19))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ) {
+ val = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &precode);
+ if (val < 0)
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ if (val < 16) {
+ uncomp_v2->lengthtable[i] = (uncomp_v2->lengthtable[i] + val) & 0x0F;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (val == 16) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ }
+ if (!br_check(rar, 2))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 2) + 3;
+ for (j = 0; j < n && i < count; i++, j++) {
+ uncomp_v2->lengthtable[i] = uncomp_v2->lengthtable[i - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (val == 17) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 3))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 3) + 3;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 7))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 7) + 11;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < n && i < count; i++, j++) {
+ uncomp_v2->lengthtable[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok = true;
+ rar_free_code(&precode);
+ if (!ok)
+ return false;
+ if (uncomp_v2->audioblock) {
+ for (i = 0; i < uncomp_v2->numchannels; i++) {
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v2->audiocode[i], uncomp_v2->lengthtable + i * 257, 257))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v2->maincode, uncomp_v2->lengthtable, MAINCODE_SIZE_20))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v2->offsetcode, uncomp_v2->lengthtable + MAINCODE_SIZE_20, OFFSETCODE_SIZE_20))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v2->lengthcode, uncomp_v2->lengthtable + MAINCODE_SIZE_20 + OFFSETCODE_SIZE_20, LENGTHCODE_SIZE_20))
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = false;
+ return true;
+static uint8_t rar_decode_audio(struct AudioState *state, int8_t *channeldelta, int8_t delta)
+ uint8_t predbyte, byte;
+ int prederror;
+ state->delta[3] = state->delta[2];
+ state->delta[2] = state->delta[1];
+ state->delta[1] = state->lastdelta - state->delta[0];
+ state->delta[0] = state->lastdelta;
+ predbyte = ((8 * state->lastbyte + state->weight[0] * state->delta[0] + state->weight[1] * state->delta[1] + state->weight[2] * state->delta[2] + state->weight[3] * state->delta[3] + state->weight[4] * *channeldelta) >> 3) & 0xFF;
+ byte = (predbyte - delta) & 0xFF;
+ prederror = delta << 3;
+ state->error[0] += abs(prederror);
+ state->error[1] += abs(prederror - state->delta[0]); state->error[2] += abs(prederror + state->delta[0]);
+ state->error[3] += abs(prederror - state->delta[1]); state->error[4] += abs(prederror + state->delta[1]);
+ state->error[5] += abs(prederror - state->delta[2]); state->error[6] += abs(prederror + state->delta[2]);
+ state->error[7] += abs(prederror - state->delta[3]); state->error[8] += abs(prederror + state->delta[3]);
+ state->error[9] += abs(prederror - *channeldelta); state->error[10] += abs(prederror + *channeldelta);
+ *channeldelta = state->lastdelta = (int8_t)(byte - state->lastbyte);
+ state->lastbyte = byte;
+ if (!(++state->count & 0x1F)) {
+ uint8_t i, idx = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
+ if (state->error[i] < state->error[idx])
+ idx = i;
+ }
+ memset(state->error, 0, sizeof(state->error));
+ switch (idx) {
+ case 1: if (state->weight[0] >= -16) state->weight[0]--; break;
+ case 2: if (state->weight[0] < 16) state->weight[0]++; break;
+ case 3: if (state->weight[1] >= -16) state->weight[1]--; break;
+ case 4: if (state->weight[1] < 16) state->weight[1]++; break;
+ case 5: if (state->weight[2] >= -16) state->weight[2]--; break;
+ case 6: if (state->weight[2] < 16) state->weight[2]++; break;
+ case 7: if (state->weight[3] >= -16) state->weight[3]--; break;
+ case 8: if (state->weight[3] < 16) state->weight[3]++; break;
+ case 9: if (state->weight[4] >= -16) state->weight[4]--; break;
+ case 10: if (state->weight[4] < 16) state->weight[4]++; break;
+ }
+ }
+ return byte;
+static int64_t rar_expand_v2(ar_archive_rar *rar, int64_t end)
+ static const uint8_t lengthbases[] =
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+ 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20,
+ 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
+ 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224 };
+ static const uint8_t lengthbits[] =
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,
+ 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
+ static const int32_t offsetbases[] =
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
+ 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48,
+ 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384,
+ 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072,
+ 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576,
+ 32768, 49152, 65536, 98304, 131072, 196608,
+ 262144, 327680, 393216, 458752, 524288, 589824,
+ 655360, 720896, 786432, 851968, 917504, 983040 };
+ static const uint8_t offsetbits[] =
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4,
+ 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10,
+ 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16,
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 };
+ static const uint8_t shortbases[] =
+ { 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 192 };
+ static const uint8_t shortbits[] =
+ { 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6 };
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v2 *uncomp_v2 = &rar->uncomp.state.v2;
+ LZSS *lzss = &rar->uncomp.lzss;
+ int symbol, offs, len;
+ if ((uint64_t)end > rar->super.entry_size_uncompressed + rar->solid.size_total)
+ end = rar->super.entry_size_uncompressed + rar->solid.size_total;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (lzss_position(lzss) >= end)
+ return end;
+ if (uncomp_v2->audioblock) {
+ uint8_t byte;
+ symbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v2->audiocode[uncomp_v2->channel]);
+ if (symbol < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (symbol == 256) {
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = true;
+ return lzss_position(lzss);
+ }
+ byte = rar_decode_audio(&uncomp_v2->audiostate[uncomp_v2->channel], &uncomp_v2->channeldelta, (int8_t)(uint8_t)symbol);
+ uncomp_v2->channel++;
+ if (uncomp_v2->channel == uncomp_v2->numchannels)
+ uncomp_v2->channel = 0;
+ lzss_emit_literal(lzss, byte);
+ continue;
+ }
+ symbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v2->maincode);
+ if (symbol < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (symbol < 256) {
+ lzss_emit_literal(lzss, (uint8_t)symbol);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (symbol == 256) {
+ offs = uncomp_v2->lastoffset;
+ len = uncomp_v2->lastlength;
+ }
+ else if (symbol <= 260) {
+ int idx = symbol - 256;
+ int lensymbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v2->lengthcode);
+ offs = uncomp_v2->oldoffset[(uncomp_v2->oldoffsetindex - idx) & 0x03];
+ if (lensymbol < 0 || lensymbol > (int)(sizeof(lengthbases) / sizeof(lengthbases[0])) || lensymbol > (int)(sizeof(lengthbits) / sizeof(lengthbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = lengthbases[lensymbol] + 2;
+ if (lengthbits[lensymbol] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, lengthbits[lensymbol]))
+ return -1;
+ len += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, lengthbits[lensymbol]);
+ }
+ if (offs >= 0x40000)
+ len++;
+ if (offs >= 0x2000)
+ len++;
+ if (offs >= 0x101)
+ len++;
+ }
+ else if (symbol <= 268) {
+ int idx = symbol - 261;
+ offs = shortbases[idx] + 1;
+ if (shortbits[idx] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, shortbits[idx]))
+ return -1;
+ offs += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, shortbits[idx]);
+ }
+ len = 2;
+ }
+ else if (symbol == 269) {
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = true;
+ return lzss_position(lzss);
+ }
+ else {
+ int idx = symbol - 270;
+ int offssymbol;
+ if (idx > (int)(sizeof(lengthbases) / sizeof(lengthbases[0])) || idx > (int)(sizeof(lengthbits) / sizeof(lengthbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = lengthbases[idx] + 3;
+ if (lengthbits[idx] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, lengthbits[idx]))
+ return -1;
+ len += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, lengthbits[idx]);
+ }
+ offssymbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v2->offsetcode);
+ if (offssymbol < 0 || offssymbol > (int)(sizeof(offsetbases) / sizeof(offsetbases[0])) || offssymbol > (int)(sizeof(offsetbits) / sizeof(offsetbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ offs = offsetbases[offssymbol] + 1;
+ if (offsetbits[offssymbol] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol]))
+ return -1;
+ offs += (int)br_bits(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol]);
+ }
+ if (offs >= 0x40000)
+ len++;
+ if (offs >= 0x2000)
+ len++;
+ }
+ uncomp_v2->lastoffset = uncomp_v2->oldoffset[uncomp_v2->oldoffsetindex++ & 0x03] = offs;
+ uncomp_v2->lastlength = len;
+ lzss_emit_match(lzss, offs, len);
+ }
+/***** RAR version 3 decompression *****/
+static void rar_free_codes(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3 = &uncomp->state.v3;
+ if (uncomp->version == 2) {
+ rar_free_codes_v2(&uncomp->state.v2);
+ return;
+ }
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v3->maincode);
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v3->offsetcode);
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v3->lowoffsetcode);
+ rar_free_code(&uncomp_v3->lengthcode);
+static bool rar_parse_codes(ar_archive_rar *rar)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3 = &rar->uncomp.state.v3;
+ if (rar->uncomp.version == 2)
+ return rar_parse_codes_v2(rar);
+ rar_free_codes(&rar->uncomp);
+ br_clear_leftover_bits(&rar->uncomp);
+ if (!br_check(rar, 1))
+ return false;
+ uncomp_v3->is_ppmd_block = br_bits(rar, 1) != 0;
+ if (uncomp_v3->is_ppmd_block) {
+ uint8_t ppmd_flags;
+ uint32_t max_alloc = 0;
+ if (!br_check(rar, 7))
+ return false;
+ ppmd_flags = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 7);
+ if ((ppmd_flags & 0x20)) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 8))
+ return false;
+ max_alloc = ((uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 8) + 1) << 20;
+ }
+ if ((ppmd_flags & 0x40)) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 8))
+ return false;
+ uncomp_v3->ppmd_escape = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 8);
+ }
+ if ((ppmd_flags & 0x20)) {
+ uint32_t maxorder = (ppmd_flags & 0x1F) + 1;
+ if (maxorder == 1)
+ return false;
+ if (maxorder > 16)
+ maxorder = 16 + (maxorder - 16) * 3;
+ Ppmd7_Free(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context, &gSzAlloc);
+ Ppmd7_Construct(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context);
+ if (!Ppmd7_Alloc(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context, max_alloc, &gSzAlloc)) {
+ warn("OOM during decompression");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ByteIn_CreateVTable(&uncomp_v3->bytein, rar);
+ PpmdRAR_RangeDec_CreateVTable(&uncomp_v3->range_dec, &uncomp_v3->bytein.super);
+ PpmdRAR_RangeDec_Init(&uncomp_v3->range_dec);
+ Ppmd7_Init(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context, maxorder);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!Ppmd7_WasAllocated(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context)) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* invalid PPMd sequence */
+ return false;
+ }
+ PpmdRAR_RangeDec_Init(&uncomp_v3->range_dec);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ struct huffman_code precode;
+ uint8_t bitlengths[20];
+ uint8_t zerocount;
+ int i, j, val, n;
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (!br_check(rar, 1))
+ return false;
+ if (!br_bits(rar, 1))
+ memset(uncomp_v3->lengthtable, 0, sizeof(uncomp_v3->lengthtable));
+ memset(&bitlengths, 0, sizeof(bitlengths));
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bitlengths); i++) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 4))
+ return false;
+ bitlengths[i] = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 4);
+ if (bitlengths[i] == 0x0F) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 4))
+ return false;
+ zerocount = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 4);
+ if (zerocount) {
+ for (j = 0; j < zerocount + 2 && i < sizeof(bitlengths); j++) {
+ bitlengths[i++] = 0;
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ memset(&precode, 0, sizeof(precode));
+ if (!rar_create_code(&precode, bitlengths, sizeof(bitlengths)))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ for (i = 0; i < HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE; ) {
+ val = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &precode);
+ if (val < 0)
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ if (val < 16) {
+ uncomp_v3->lengthtable[i] = (uncomp_v3->lengthtable[i] + val) & 0x0F;
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (val < 18) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ }
+ if (val == 16) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 3))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 3) + 3;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 7))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 7) + 11;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < n && i < HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE; i++, j++) {
+ uncomp_v3->lengthtable[i] = uncomp_v3->lengthtable[i - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (val == 18) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 3))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 3) + 3;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 7))
+ goto PrecodeError;
+ n = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 7) + 11;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < n && i < HUFFMAN_TABLE_SIZE; i++, j++) {
+ uncomp_v3->lengthtable[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok = true;
+ rar_free_code(&precode);
+ if (!ok)
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v3->maincode, uncomp_v3->lengthtable, MAINCODE_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v3->offsetcode, uncomp_v3->lengthtable + MAINCODE_SIZE, OFFSETCODE_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v3->lowoffsetcode, uncomp_v3->lengthtable + MAINCODE_SIZE + OFFSETCODE_SIZE, LOWOFFSETCODE_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ if (!rar_create_code(&uncomp_v3->lengthcode, uncomp_v3->lengthtable + MAINCODE_SIZE + OFFSETCODE_SIZE + LOWOFFSETCODE_SIZE, LENGTHCODE_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ }
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = false;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_read_filter(ar_archive_rar *rar, bool (* decode_byte)(ar_archive_rar *rar, uint8_t *byte), int64_t *end)
+ uint8_t flags, val, *code;
+ uint16_t length, i;
+ if (!decode_byte(rar, &flags))
+ return false;
+ length = (flags & 0x07) + 1;
+ if (length == 7) {
+ if (!decode_byte(rar, &val))
+ return false;
+ length = val + 7;
+ }
+ else if (length == 8) {
+ if (!decode_byte(rar, &val))
+ return false;
+ length = val << 8;
+ if (!decode_byte(rar, &val))
+ return false;
+ length |= val;
+ }
+ code = malloc(length);
+ if (!code) {
+ warn("OOM during decompression");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!decode_byte(rar, &code[i])) {
+ free(code);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rar_parse_filter(rar, code, length, flags)) {
+ free(code);
+ return false;
+ }
+ free(code);
+ if (rar->uncomp.state.v3.filters.filterstart < (size_t)*end)
+ *end = rar->uncomp.state.v3.filters.filterstart;
+ return true;
+static inline bool rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3, Byte *symbol)
+ int value = Ppmd7z_DecodeSymbol(&uncomp_v3->ppmd7_context);
+ if (value < 0) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream"); /* invalid PPMd symbol */
+ return false;
+ }
+ *symbol = (Byte)value;
+ return true;
+static bool rar_decode_byte(ar_archive_rar *rar, uint8_t *byte)
+ if (!br_check(rar, 8))
+ return false;
+ *byte = (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, 8);
+ return true;
+static bool rar_decode_ppmd7_byte(ar_archive_rar *rar, uint8_t *byte)
+ return rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(&rar->uncomp.state.v3, byte);
+static bool rar_handle_ppmd_sequence(ar_archive_rar *rar, int64_t *end)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3 = &rar->uncomp.state.v3;
+ LZSS *lzss = &rar->uncomp.lzss;
+ Byte sym, code, length;
+ int lzss_offset;
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &sym))
+ return false;
+ if (sym != uncomp_v3->ppmd_escape) {
+ lzss_emit_literal(lzss, sym);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &code))
+ return false;
+ switch (code) {
+ case 0:
+ return rar_parse_codes(rar);
+ case 2:
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = true;
+ return true;
+ case 3:
+ return rar_read_filter(rar, rar_decode_ppmd7_byte, end);
+ case 4:
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &code))
+ return false;
+ lzss_offset = code << 16;
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &code))
+ return false;
+ lzss_offset |= code << 8;
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &code))
+ return false;
+ lzss_offset |= code;
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &length))
+ return false;
+ lzss_emit_match(lzss, lzss_offset + 2, length + 32);
+ return true;
+ case 5:
+ if (!rar_decode_ppmd7_symbol(uncomp_v3, &length))
+ return false;
+ lzss_emit_match(lzss, 1, length + 4);
+ return true;
+ default:
+ lzss_emit_literal(lzss, sym);
+ return true;
+ }
+int64_t rar_expand(ar_archive_rar *rar, int64_t end)
+ static const uint8_t lengthbases[] =
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+ 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20,
+ 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
+ 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224 };
+ static const uint8_t lengthbits[] =
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,
+ 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
+ static const int32_t offsetbases[] =
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
+ 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48,
+ 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384,
+ 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072,
+ 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576,
+ 32768, 49152, 65536, 98304, 131072, 196608,
+ 262144, 327680, 393216, 458752, 524288, 589824,
+ 655360, 720896, 786432, 851968, 917504, 983040,
+ 1048576, 1310720, 1572864, 1835008, 2097152, 2359296,
+ 2621440, 2883584, 3145728, 3407872, 3670016, 3932160 };
+ static const uint8_t offsetbits[] =
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4,
+ 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10,
+ 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16,
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
+ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18 };
+ static const uint8_t shortbases[] =
+ { 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 192 };
+ static const uint8_t shortbits[] =
+ { 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6 };
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3 = &rar->uncomp.state.v3;
+ LZSS *lzss = &rar->uncomp.lzss;
+ int symbol, offs, len, i;
+ if (rar->uncomp.version == 2)
+ return rar_expand_v2(rar, end);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (lzss_position(lzss) >= end)
+ return end;
+ if (uncomp_v3->is_ppmd_block) {
+ if (!rar_handle_ppmd_sequence(rar, &end))
+ return -1;
+ if (rar->uncomp.start_new_table)
+ return lzss_position(lzss);
+ continue;
+ }
+ symbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v3->maincode);
+ if (symbol < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (symbol < 256) {
+ lzss_emit_literal(lzss, (uint8_t)symbol);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (symbol == 256) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 1))
+ return -1;
+ if (!br_bits(rar, 1)) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, 1))
+ return -1;
+ rar->uncomp.start_new_table = br_bits(rar, 1) != 0;
+ return lzss_position(lzss);
+ }
+ if (!rar_parse_codes(rar))
+ return -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (symbol == 257) {
+ if (!rar_read_filter(rar, rar_decode_byte, &end))
+ return -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (symbol == 258) {
+ if (uncomp_v3->lastlength == 0)
+ continue;
+ offs = uncomp_v3->lastoffset;
+ len = uncomp_v3->lastlength;
+ }
+ else if (symbol <= 262) {
+ int idx = symbol - 259;
+ int lensymbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v3->lengthcode);
+ offs = uncomp_v3->oldoffset[idx];
+ if (lensymbol < 0 || lensymbol > (int)(sizeof(lengthbases) / sizeof(lengthbases[0])) || lensymbol > (int)(sizeof(lengthbits) / sizeof(lengthbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = lengthbases[lensymbol] + 2;
+ if (lengthbits[lensymbol] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, lengthbits[lensymbol]))
+ return -1;
+ len += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, lengthbits[lensymbol]);
+ }
+ for (i = idx; i > 0; i--)
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i] = uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i - 1];
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[0] = offs;
+ }
+ else if (symbol <= 270) {
+ int idx = symbol - 263;
+ offs = shortbases[idx] + 1;
+ if (shortbits[idx] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, shortbits[idx]))
+ return -1;
+ offs += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, shortbits[idx]);
+ }
+ len = 2;
+ for (i = 3; i > 0; i--)
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i] = uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i - 1];
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[0] = offs;
+ }
+ else {
+ int idx = symbol - 271;
+ int offssymbol;
+ if (idx > (int)(sizeof(lengthbases) / sizeof(lengthbases[0])) || idx > (int)(sizeof(lengthbits) / sizeof(lengthbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = lengthbases[idx] + 3;
+ if (lengthbits[idx] > 0) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, lengthbits[idx]))
+ return -1;
+ len += (uint8_t)br_bits(rar, lengthbits[idx]);
+ }
+ offssymbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v3->offsetcode);
+ if (offssymbol < 0 || offssymbol > (int)(sizeof(offsetbases) / sizeof(offsetbases[0])) || offssymbol > (int)(sizeof(offsetbits) / sizeof(offsetbits[0]))) {
+ warn("Invalid data in bitstream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ offs = offsetbases[offssymbol] + 1;
+ if (offsetbits[offssymbol] > 0) {
+ if (offssymbol > 9) {
+ if (offsetbits[offssymbol] > 4) {
+ if (!br_check(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol] - 4))
+ return -1;
+ offs += (int)br_bits(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol] - 4) << 4;
+ }
+ if (uncomp_v3->numlowoffsetrepeats > 0) {
+ uncomp_v3->numlowoffsetrepeats--;
+ offs += uncomp_v3->lastlowoffset;
+ }
+ else {
+ int lowoffsetsymbol = rar_read_next_symbol(rar, &uncomp_v3->lowoffsetcode);
+ if (lowoffsetsymbol < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (lowoffsetsymbol == 16) {
+ uncomp_v3->numlowoffsetrepeats = 15;
+ offs += uncomp_v3->lastlowoffset;
+ }
+ else {
+ offs += lowoffsetsymbol;
+ uncomp_v3->lastlowoffset = lowoffsetsymbol;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!br_check(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol]))
+ return -1;
+ offs += (int)br_bits(rar, offsetbits[offssymbol]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (offs >= 0x40000)
+ len++;
+ if (offs >= 0x2000)
+ len++;
+ for (i = 3; i > 0; i--)
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i] = uncomp_v3->oldoffset[i - 1];
+ uncomp_v3->oldoffset[0] = offs;
+ }
+ uncomp_v3->lastoffset = offs;
+ uncomp_v3->lastlength = len;
+ lzss_emit_match(lzss, offs, len);
+ }
+bool rar_uncompress_part(ar_archive_rar *rar, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp *uncomp = &rar->uncomp;
+ struct ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3 *uncomp_v3 = NULL;
+ size_t end;
+ if (!rar_init_uncompress(uncomp, rar->entry.version))
+ return false;
+ if (uncomp->version == 3)
+ uncomp_v3 = &uncomp->state.v3;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (uncomp_v3 && uncomp_v3->filters.bytes_ready > 0) {
+ size_t count = smin(uncomp_v3->filters.bytes_ready, buffer_size);
+ memcpy(buffer, uncomp_v3->filters.bytes, count);
+ uncomp_v3->filters.bytes_ready -= count;
+ uncomp_v3->filters.bytes += count;
+ rar->progress.bytes_done += count;
+ buffer_size -= count;
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer + count;
+ if (rar->progress.bytes_done == rar->super.entry_size_uncompressed)
+ goto FinishBlock;
+ }
+ else if (uncomp->bytes_ready > 0) {
+ int count = (int)smin(uncomp->bytes_ready, buffer_size);
+ lzss_copy_bytes_from_window(&uncomp->lzss, buffer, rar->progress.bytes_done + rar->solid.size_total, count);
+ uncomp->bytes_ready -= count;
+ rar->progress.bytes_done += count;
+ buffer_size -= count;
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer + count;
+ }
+ if (buffer_size == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (uncomp->br.at_eof)
+ return false;
+ if (uncomp_v3 && uncomp_v3->filters.lastend == uncomp_v3->filters.filterstart) {
+ if (!rar_run_filters(rar))
+ return false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (uncomp->start_new_table && !rar_parse_codes(rar))
+ return false;
+ end = rar->progress.bytes_done + rar->solid.size_total + LZSS_WINDOW_SIZE - LZSS_OVERFLOW_SIZE;
+ if (uncomp_v3 && uncomp_v3->filters.filterstart < end)
+ end = uncomp_v3->filters.filterstart;
+ end = (size_t)rar_expand(rar, end);
+ if (end == (size_t)-1 || end < rar->progress.bytes_done + rar->solid.size_total)
+ return false;
+ uncomp->bytes_ready = end - rar->progress.bytes_done - rar->solid.size_total;
+ if (uncomp_v3)
+ uncomp_v3->filters.lastend = end;
+ if (uncomp_v3 && uncomp_v3->is_ppmd_block && uncomp->start_new_table)
+ goto FinishBlock;
+ }
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/unarr/unarr.h b/cut-n-paste/unarr/unarr.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf3538d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/unarr/unarr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
+ License: LGPLv3 */
+#ifndef unarr_h
+#define unarr_h
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+typedef int64_t off64_t;
+typedef int64_t time64_t;
+#define UNARR_API_VERSION 100
+typedef enum {
+} ArArchiveError;
+/***** common/stream *****/
+typedef struct ar_stream_s ar_stream;
+/* opens a read-only stream for the given file path; returns NULL on error */
+ar_stream *ar_open_file(const char *path);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ar_stream *ar_open_file_w(const wchar_t *path);
+/* opens a read-only stream for the given chunk of memory; the pointer must be valid until ar_close is called */
+ar_stream *ar_open_memory(const void *data, size_t datalen);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+typedef struct IStream IStream;
+/* opens a read-only stream based on the given IStream */
+ar_stream *ar_open_istream(IStream *stream);
+/* closes the stream and releases underlying resources */
+void ar_close(ar_stream *stream);
+/* tries to read 'count' bytes into buffer, advancing the read offset pointer; returns the actual number of bytes read */
+size_t ar_read(ar_stream *stream, void *buffer, size_t count);
+/* moves the read offset pointer (same as fseek); returns false on failure */
+bool ar_seek(ar_stream *stream, off64_t offset, int origin);
+/* shortcut for ar_seek(stream, count, SEEK_CUR); returns false on failure */
+bool ar_skip(ar_stream *stream, off64_t count);
+/* returns the current read offset (or 0 on error) */
+off64_t ar_tell(ar_stream *stream);
+/***** common/unarr *****/
+typedef struct ar_archive_s ar_archive;
+/* frees all data stored for the given archive; does not close the underlying stream */
+void ar_close_archive(ar_archive *ar);
+/* reads the next archive entry; returns false on error or at the end of the file (use ar_at_eof to distinguish the two cases) */
+bool ar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar);
+/* reads the archive entry at the given offset as returned by ar_entry_get_offset (offset 0 always restarts at the first entry); should always succeed */
+bool ar_parse_entry_at(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset);
+/* reads the (first) archive entry associated with the given name; returns false if the entry couldn't be found */
+bool ar_parse_entry_for(ar_archive *ar, const char *entry_name);
+/* returns whether the last ar_parse_entry call has reached the file's expected end */
+bool ar_at_eof(ar_archive *ar);
+/* returns the name of the current entry as UTF-8 string; this pointer is only valid until the next call to ar_parse_entry; returns NULL on failure */
+const char *ar_entry_get_name(ar_archive *ar);
+/* returns the stream offset of the current entry for use with ar_parse_entry_at */
+off64_t ar_entry_get_offset(ar_archive *ar);
+/* returns the total size of uncompressed data of the current entry; read exactly that many bytes using ar_entry_uncompress */
+size_t ar_entry_get_size(ar_archive *ar);
+/* returns the stored modification date of the current entry in 100ns since 1601/01/01 */
+time64_t ar_entry_get_filetime(ar_archive *ar);
+/* WARNING: don't manually seek in the stream between ar_parse_entry and the last corresponding ar_entry_uncompress call! */
+/* uncompresses the next 'count' bytes of the current entry into buffer; returns false on error */
+bool ar_entry_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+/* copies at most 'count' bytes of the archive's global comment (if any) into buffer; returns the actual amout of bytes copied (or, if 'buffer' is NULL, the required buffer size) */
+size_t ar_get_global_comment(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+/***** rar/rar *****/
+/* checks whether 'stream' could contain RAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
+ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive_with_error(ar_stream *stream, ArArchiveError *error_code);
+/***** tar/tar *****/
+/* checks whether 'stream' could contain TAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+ar_archive *ar_open_tar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
+/***** zip/zip *****/
+/* checks whether 'stream' could contain ZIP data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+/* set deflatedonly for extracting XPS, EPUB, etc. documents where non-Deflate compression methods are not supported by specification */
+ar_archive *ar_open_zip_archive(ar_stream *stream, bool deflatedonly);
+/***** _7z/_7z *****/
+/* checks whether 'stream' could contain 7Z data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+ar_archive *ar_open_7z_archive(ar_stream *stream);
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip
index a96b4629..6d14dc5c 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.skip
+++ b/po/POTFILES.skip
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ backend/tiff/tiffdocument.evince-backend.desktop.in
From 692c16da2a6b4ed80c10ad0f5541fd2b47c36ec5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David King <amigadave@amigadave.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 08:23:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Revert "comics: Use libarchive for RAR support"
This reverts commit e25912b3a2fa91d8d05d0a683303a8d0a39541b5.
backend/comics/ev-archive.c | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
backend/comics/ev-archive.h | 1 +
backend/comics/meson.build | 1 +
meson.build | 2 +-
4 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/backend/comics/ev-archive.c b/backend/comics/ev-archive.c
index 568e1621..7159ca09 100644
--- a/backend/comics/ev-archive.c
+++ b/backend/comics/ev-archive.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
+#include <unarr/unarr.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE (64 * 1024)
@@ -33,6 +34,10 @@ struct _EvArchive {
/* libarchive */
struct archive *libar;
struct archive_entry *libar_entry;
+ /* unarr */
+ ar_stream *unarr_stream;
+ ar_archive *unarr;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(EvArchive, ev_archive, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
@@ -44,9 +49,13 @@ ev_archive_finalize (GObject *object)
switch (archive->type) {
+ g_clear_pointer (&archive->unarr, ar_close_archive);
+ g_clear_pointer (&archive->unarr_stream, ar_close);
+ break;
g_clear_pointer (&archive->libar, archive_free);
@@ -83,10 +92,9 @@ libarchive_set_archive_type (EvArchive *archive,
archive_read_support_format_7zip (archive->libar);
else if (archive_type == EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_TAR)
archive_read_support_format_tar (archive->libar);
- else if (archive_type == EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RAR) {
- archive_read_support_format_rar (archive->libar);
+ else if (archive_type == EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RAR5)
archive_read_support_format_rar5 (archive->libar);
- } else
+ else
g_assert_not_reached ();
@@ -107,9 +115,12 @@ ev_archive_set_archive_type (EvArchive *archive,
switch (archive_type) {
+ archive->type = archive_type;
+ break;
libarchive_set_archive_type (archive, archive_type);
@@ -125,6 +136,7 @@ ev_archive_open_filename (EvArchive *archive,
GError **error)
int r;
+ ArArchiveError code;
g_return_val_if_fail (EV_IS_ARCHIVE (archive), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->type != EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE, FALSE);
@@ -134,9 +146,28 @@ ev_archive_open_filename (EvArchive *archive,
g_assert_not_reached ();
+ archive->unarr_stream = ar_open_file (path);
+ if (archive->unarr_stream == NULL) {
+ g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
+ "Error opening archive");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ archive->unarr = ar_open_rar_archive_with_error (archive->unarr_stream, &code);
+ if (archive->unarr == NULL) {
+ g_clear_pointer (&archive->unarr_stream, ar_close);
+ if (code == AR_ARCHIVE_ERROR_RAR5) {
+ libarchive_set_archive_type (archive, EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RAR5);
+ return ev_archive_open_filename (archive, path, error);
+ }
+ g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
+ "Error opening RAR archive");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
r = archive_read_open_filename (archive->libar, path, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) {
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
@@ -189,9 +220,11 @@ ev_archive_read_next_header (EvArchive *archive,
g_assert_not_reached ();
+ return ar_parse_entry (archive->unarr);
return libarchive_read_next_header (archive, error);
@@ -217,9 +250,12 @@ ev_archive_get_entry_pathname (EvArchive *archive)
g_assert_not_reached ();
+ g_return_val_if_fail (archive->unarr != NULL, NULL);
+ return ar_entry_get_name (archive->unarr);
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->libar_entry != NULL, NULL);
return archive_entry_pathname (archive->libar_entry);
@@ -234,12 +270,15 @@ ev_archive_get_entry_size (EvArchive *archive)
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->type != EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE, -1);
switch (archive->type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail (archive->unarr != NULL, -1);
+ return ar_entry_get_size (archive->unarr);
g_assert_not_reached ();
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->libar_entry != NULL, -1);
return archive_entry_size (archive->libar_entry);
@@ -254,12 +293,16 @@ ev_archive_get_entry_is_encrypted (EvArchive *archive)
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->type != EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE, FALSE);
switch (archive->type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail (archive->unarr != NULL, FALSE);
+ /* password-protected RAR is not even detected right now */
+ return FALSE;
g_assert_not_reached ();
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->libar_entry != NULL, -1);
return archive_entry_is_encrypted (archive->libar_entry);
@@ -279,12 +322,21 @@ ev_archive_read_data (EvArchive *archive,
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->type != EV_ARCHIVE_TYPE_NONE, -1);
switch (archive->type) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail (archive->unarr != NULL, -1);
+ if (!ar_entry_uncompress (archive->unarr, buf, count)) {
+ g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
+ "Failed to decompress RAR data");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ r = count;
+ break;
g_assert_not_reached ();
g_return_val_if_fail (archive->libar_entry != NULL, -1);
r = archive_read_data (archive->libar, buf, count);
if (r < 0) {
@@ -305,9 +357,13 @@ ev_archive_reset (EvArchive *archive)
switch (archive->type) {
+ g_clear_pointer (&archive->unarr, ar_close_archive);
+ g_clear_pointer (&archive->unarr_stream, ar_close);
+ break;
g_clear_pointer (&archive->libar, archive_free);
libarchive_set_archive_type (archive, archive->type);
archive->libar_entry = NULL;
diff --git a/backend/comics/ev-archive.h b/backend/comics/ev-archive.h
index b4e1399c..c6af4fa4 100644
--- a/backend/comics/ev-archive.h
+++ b/backend/comics/ev-archive.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (EvArchive, ev_archive, EV, ARCHIVE, GObject)
typedef enum {
diff --git a/backend/comics/meson.build b/backend/comics/meson.build
index c245b1ba..1e740194 100644
--- a/backend/comics/meson.build
+++ b/backend/comics/meson.build
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ incs = backends_incs + [cut_n_paste_inc]
deps = backends_deps + [
+ libunarr_dep,
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index bcc54b2e..3a92db30 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ else
# *** Comic Book ***
-libarchive_req_version = '>= 3.6.0'
+libarchive_req_version = '>= 3.2.0'
libarchive_dep = dependency('libarchive', version: libarchive_req_version, required: get_option('comics'))
enable_comics = libarchive_dep.found()
if enable_comics