engauge-digitizer.desktop CC0 GPL-2.0+ Engauge Digitizer Convert an image file showing a graph or map into numbers

This open source digitizing software converts an image file showing a graph or map into numbers. The image file can come from a scanner, digital camera, or a screen-shot. The numbers can be read on the screen and written or copied to a spreadsheet. The process starts with an image file containing a graph or map. The final result is digitized data that can be used by other tools such as Gnumeric.

Here are some real-life examples:

http://in.waw.pl/~zbyszek/fedora/engauge-screenshots/engauge-screenshot-points-save-as.png http://in.waw.pl/~zbyszek/fedora/engauge-screenshots/engauge-screenshot-axis-point.png http://in.waw.pl/~zbyszek/fedora/engauge-screenshots/engauge-screenshot-map-points.png http://digitizer.sourceforge.net/ zbyszek@in.waw.pl