#!/bin/bash # args: [-f ] [-d ] [-a ] [-j ] [-v] [-D] [-o ] function usage { cat << _EOF_ usage: $0 [] Use PDE Build to build Eclipse features Optional arguments: -h Show this help message -f Feature ID to build -d Plugin dependencies in addition to Eclipse SDK (space-separated, names on which to glob features and plugins) -a Additional build arguments (ex. -DjavacSource=1.5) -j VM arguments (ex. -DJ2SE-1.5=%{_jvmdir}/java/jre/lib/rt.jar) -v Be verbose -D Debug platform itself (passes -consolelog -debug to Eclipse) -o Directory containing Orbit-style dependencies -z Comma-delimited list of dependency zips (not for use during RPM build) _EOF_ } function copyPlatform { # This seems silly but I was running into issues with empty strings # counting as arguments to copy-platform -- overholt, 2008-03 if [ -z "$dependencies" ]; then if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then echo "/bin/sh -x $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse" /bin/sh -x $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse else echo "/bin/sh $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse" /bin/sh $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse fi else if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then echo "/bin/sh -x $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse $dependencies" /bin/sh -x $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse $dependencies else echo "/bin/sh $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse $dependencies" /bin/sh $datadir/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform $SDK $datadir/eclipse $dependencies fi fi } function findFeatureId { # We can determine the feature ID if we have only one numFeatures=$(find $sourceDir -name feature.xml | wc -l) if [ $numFeatures -ne 1 ]; then #echo "# features found = $numFeatures" echo "Cannot determine feature ID. Please specify with -f." usage exit 1 fi featureXml=$(find $sourceDir -name feature.xml) # Taken from Ben Konrath's package-build # make an ant build files to extract the id from the feature.xml buildFile=$buildDir/findFeatureForRPM-tmp-build.xml echo " " > $buildFile featureId=$(ant -Dbasedir=$sourceDir -f $buildFile 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7) rm $buildFile } function findFeatureNameAndVersion { featureXml=$(find $sourceDir -name feature.xml | while read f; do grep -l id=\"$featureId\" $f; done) buildFile=$buildDir/findFeatureForRPM-tmp-build.xml echo " " > $buildFile featureName=$(ant -Dbasedir=$sourceDir -f $buildFile 2>&1 | grep echo | sed "s/.*\[echo\]\ //") rm $buildFile echo " " > $buildFile featureVersion=$(ant -Dbasedir=$sourceDir -f $buildFile 2>&1 | grep echo | sed "s/.*\[echo\]\ //") rm $buildFile } function findMaxBREE { manifests=$(find $sourceDir -name MANIFEST.MF) maxBree=1.4 for i in $manifests; do breeLine=$(cat $i|grep RequiredExecutionEnvironment|cut -c37-|sed 's/^ *\(.*\) *$/\1/') case $breeLine in "J2SE-1.5") bree=1.5 ;; "JavaSE-1.6") bree=1.6 ;; esac if [ "$bree" \> "$maxBree" ]; then maxBree=$bree fi done } sourceDir=$PWD buildDir=$PWD/build SDK=$buildDir/SDK homeDir=$buildDir/home datadir=`rpm --eval "%{_libdir}"` pdeBuildDir=$datadir/eclipse/dropins/sdk/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_@PDEBUILDVERSION@ featureId= dependencies= additionalArgs= vmArgs= verbose=0 dryRun=0 debugPlatform=0 orbitDepsDir= p2Generate= testing=false zipDeps= # See above. r = dry run (used for testing) while getopts “hf:d:z:a:j:tvrDo:” OPTION do case $OPTION in h) usage exit ;; f) featureId=$OPTARG ;; d) dependencies=$OPTARG ;; a) additionalArgs=$OPTARG ;; j) vmArgs=$OPTARG ;; t) testing=true ;; v) verbose=1 ;; r) dryRun=1 ;; D) debugPlatform=1 ;; o) orbitDepsDir=$OPTARG ;; z) zipDeps=$OPTARG ;; ?) usage exit ;; esac done echo "mkdir -p $buildDir" if [ $dryRun -ne 1 ]; then mkdir -p $buildDir fi # Eclipse may try to write to the building user's home directory so we create a # temporary one for use by the build. echo "mkdir -p $homeDir" if [ $dryRun -ne 1 ]; then mkdir -p $homeDir fi if [ -z $featureId ]; then findFeatureId fi if [ -z $featureId ]; then echo "Cannot determine feature ID. Please specify with -f." usage exit 1 fi findFeatureNameAndVersion echo "Building feature = $featureId." if [ -z "$dependencies" ]; then if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then echo "Assuming no dependencies except Eclipse SDK." fi fi # Symlink the SDK and dependencies for build if [ -z "$dependencies" ]; then echo "Symlinking SDK into $SDK directory." else echo "Symlinking SDK and \"$dependencies\" into $SDK directory." fi if [ $dryRun -ne 1 ]; then copyPlatform fi if [ $debugPlatform -eq 1 ]; then debugPlatformArgs="-debug -consolelog" fi if [ "x$orbitDepsDir" != "x" ]; then orbitDeps="-DorbitDepsDir=\"$orbitDepsDir\"" fi if [ "x$zipDeps" != "x" ]; then OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS="," zipDepsArray=($zipDeps) IFS="$OLD_IFS" numZips=${#zipDepsArray[@]} for (( i=0; i< $numZips; i++ )); do thisZip=${zipDepsArray[$i]} thisFile=$(basename $thisZip) thisURL=$(echo $thisZip | sed s/$thisFile//) if [ ! -e $thisFile ]; then wget -q $thisZip fi mkdir -p tmp unzip -q -o $thisFile -d tmp cp -raf tmp/eclipse/features/* $SDK/features cp -raf tmp/eclipse/plugins/* $SDK/plugins rm -rf tmp thisZip= thisFile= thisURL= done fi if [ -z "$additionalArgs" ]; then findMaxBREE additionalArgs="-DjavacSource=$maxBree -DjavacTarget=$maxBree" fi echo "Starting build:" if [ $testing != true ]; then java -cp $SDK/startup.jar \ org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ $debugPlatformArgs \ -Dtype=feature \ -Did=$featureId \ -DbaseLocation=$SDK \ -DsourceDirectory=$sourceDir \ -DbuildDirectory=$buildDir \ -Dbuilder=$datadir/eclipse/dropins/sdk/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_@PDEBUILDVERSION@/templates/package-build \ $orbitDeps \ -Dtesting="$testing" \ $additionalArgs \ -f $pdeBuildDir/scripts/build.xml \ -vmargs \ -Duser.home=$homeDir \ $vmArgs else java -cp $SDK/startup.jar \ org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ $debugPlatformArgs \ -Dtype=feature \ -Did=$featureId \ -DbaseLocation=$SDK \ -DsourceDirectory=$sourceDir \ -DbuildDirectory=$buildDir \ -Dbuilder=$datadir/eclipse/dropins/sdk/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_@PDEBUILDVERSION@/templates/package-build \ $orbitDeps \ -Dtesting="$testing" \ $additionalArgs \ -f $pdeBuildDir/scripts/build.xml \ -vmargs \ -Duser.home=$homeDir \ $vmArgs fi