#!/bin/bash # This script runs the eclipse can do the following: # - backup configuration files # - restore configuration files from backup loation # - run the eclipse reconciler # - delete the backup files. # A list of the files of directory that are to be backed up config_files=("artifacts.xml" "eclipse.ini" "p2" "configuration") if [ ! -e /var/run/eclipse/run-reconciler ] then echo "run-reconciler file not present. No need to run the reconciler" exit 0 fi tmp_dir=/var/run/eclipse if [ -e /usr/lib64/eclipse ] then eclipse_dir=/usr/lib64/eclipse else eclipse_dir=/usr/lib/eclipse fi echo "Removing run-reconciler file" rm -f /var/run/eclipse/run-reconciler echo "backing up configuration files" for file in ${config_files[@]} do echo $file cp -rp $eclipse_dir/$file $tmp_dir/$file done echo "Running eclipse reconciler" pushd $eclipse_dir ./eclipse --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -consolelog -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.application "$@" r_exit_value=$? # If the reconciler was run with the -clean options rerun the initializer. if [[ "$@" == *-clean* ]] then echo "Running the initializer" ./eclipse --launcher.suppressErrors -cosolelog -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.initializer.configInitializer -fileInitializer extract_patterns.txt i_exit_value=$? else i_exit_value=0 fi # Check exit value if [ ! $i_exit_value -eq 0 ] || [ ! $r_exit_value -eq 0 ] then # Restore files echo "Reconciler failed. Restoring files" for file in ${config_files[@]} do echo $file cp --remove-destination -Trp $tmp_dir/$file $eclipse_dir/$file done fi popd # delete the backup files for file in ${config_files[@]} do rm -rf $tmp_dir/$file done exit $r_exit_value