A clamav-milter setup consists of the following three components: * the clamav-milter itself --> this is provided by the 'clamav-milter' package plus (alternatively) 'clamav-milter-upstart' or 'clamav-milter-sysvinit' The main configuration is in /etc/mail/clamav-milter.conf and MUST be changed before first use. The -sysvinit package is managed by the traditional tools, but -upstart requires modification of /etc/event.d/clamav-milter to enable automatic startup. See comments there for more details. * a clamav scanner daemon --> this package is called 'clamav-scanner' plus (alternatively) 'clamav-scanner-upstart' or 'clamav-scanner-sysvinit' The daemon is configured by /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf (which MUST be edited before first use). The -sysvinit package is managed by the traditional tools, but -upstart requires modification of /etc/event.d/clamd.scan to enable automatic startup. See comments there for more details. * the MTA (sendmail/postfix) --> you should know how to install this... When communicating across unix sockets with the clamav-milter, it is suggested to use the /var/run/clamav-milter/clamav.sock path. You have to add something like INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav-milter/clamav.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl to your sendmail.mc. It is suggested that components communicate through TCP sockets as this eases setup. Please add corresponding packet filter rules!