VERSION=0.103.3 NAME=clamav TARBALL_CLEAN=${NAME}-${VERSION}-norar.tar.xz TARBALL=${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz wget${TARBALL} wget${TARBALL}.sig gpg --verify ${TARBALL}.sig ${TARBALL} zcat ${TARBALL} | tar --delete -f - '*/libclamunrar/*' | xz -c > ${TARBALL_CLEAN} # WIP clouflare don't allow wget we need download with browser wget wget wget main_ver=$(file main.cvd | sed -e 's/.*version /main-/;s/,.*/.cvd/') daily_ver=$(file daily.cvd | sed -e 's/.*version /daily-/;s/,.*/.cvd/') bytecode_ver=$(file bytecode.cvd | sed -e 's/.*version /bytecode-/;s/,.*/.cvd/') cp main.cvd $main_ver cp daily.cvd $daily_ver cp bytecode.cvd $bytecode_ver sed -i "s|^Source10: .*|Source10: $main_ver|" clamav.spec sed -i "s|^Source11: .*|Source11: $daily_ver|" clamav.spec sed -i "s|^Source12: .*|Source12: $bytecode_ver|" clamav.spec rpmdev-bumpspec -n 0.103.3 -c "Update to 0.103.3 (#1974601)" clamav.spec fkinit -u sergiomb fedpkg scratch-build --srpm echo fedpkg new-sources ${TARBALL_CLEAN} $main_ver $daily_ver $bytecode_ver fedpkg new-sources ${TARBALL_CLEAN} $main_ver $daily_ver $bytecode_ver fedpkg ci -c git push && fedpkg build git checkout f34 && git merge rawhide && fedpkg push && fedpkg build --nowait; git checkout rawhide git checkout f33 && git merge rawhide && fedpkg push && fedpkg build --nowait; git checkout rawhide git checkout epel8-playground && git merge rawhide && fedpkg push && fedpkg build --nowait; git checkout rawhide git checkout epel8 && git merge rawhide && fedpkg push && fedpkg build --nowait; git checkout rawhide git checkout epel7 && git merge rawhide && fedpkg push && fedpkg build --nowait; git checkout rawhide /usr/bin/bodhi updates new --autokarma --autotime --type bugfix --severity medium --notes "" --bugs 1974601 --request testing clamav-0.103.3-1.fc34 /usr/bin/bodhi updates new --autokarma --autotime --type bugfix --severity medium --notes "" --bugs 1974601 --request testing clamav-0.103.3-1.fc33 /usr/bin/bodhi updates new --autokarma --autotime --type bugfix --severity medium --notes "" --bugs 1974601 --request testing clamav-0.103.3-1.el8 sha512sum --tag ${TARBALL_CLEAN} $main_ver $daily_ver $bytecode_ver > sources