Initial packaging

This is the initial Fedora build2 package specification. It includes sub-packages for the build2 toolchain, such as bpkg and bdep and their corresponding libraries.

 * .gitignore: ignore source archives
 * build2.spec: initial build2 spec file
 * macros.build2: build2 RPM macros
 * sources: source archive hashes
This commit is contained in:
Matthew Krupcale 2019-06-11 16:29:07 -04:00
parent cfafb35e05
commit 362b3f8527
4 changed files with 568 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

build2.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
%bcond_without bootstrap
%bcond_without check
%bcond_without bundle_libodb
%bcond_with network_checks
%bcond_with static
Name: build2
Version: 0.11.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Cross-platform build toolchain for developing and packaging C++ code
License: MIT
Source5: macros.%{name}
# The latest official release of libodb is not compatible with build2
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
%global libodb_bundle_version 2.5.0-b.15
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: libpkgconf-devel
%if %{with bootstrap}
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: pkgconf
BuildRequires: %{name}
BuildRequires: %{name}-rpm-macros
%if %{with check}
# build2, bpkg
BuildRequires: bzip2
# install: build2; sha256sum: build2, bpkg, bdep
BuildRequires: coreutils
# libbutl, build2
BuildRequires: diffutils
%if %{with network_checks}
# libbutl, bpkg, bdep
BuildRequires: curl
# build2, bpkg, bdep
BuildRequires: git
# build2, bpkg
BuildRequires: gzip
# libbutl, bpkg
BuildRequires: openssl
# build2, bpkg
BuildRequires: tar
# build2, bpkg
BuildRequires: xz
Requires: bzip2
Requires: coreutils
Requires: diffutils
Requires: git
Requires: gzip
Requires: tar
Requires: xz
Recommends: %{name}-rpm-macros
%{name} is an open source (MIT), cross-platform build toolchain for developing
and packaging C++ code. It is a hierarchy of tools that includes the build
system, package dependency manager (for package consumption), and project
dependency manager (for project development). Key features:
* Next-generation, Cargo-like integrated build toolchain for C++.
* Covers entire project life cycle: creation, development, testing, and
* Uniform and consistent interface across all platforms and compilers.
* Fast, multi-threaded build system with parallel building and testing.
* Archive and version control-based package repositories.
* Dependency-free, all you need is a C++ compiler.
%package -n %{name}-doc
Summary: %{name} documentation
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n %{name}-doc
This package contains the %{name} documentation.
%package -n libbutl
Summary: %{name} utility library
# BSD-2 clause:
# libbutl/sha256c.c
# libbutl/strptime.c
# libbutl/timelocal.c
# libbutl/timelocal.h
# BSD-3 clause:
# libbutl/sha1.c
License: MIT and BSD
Requires: curl
Requires: openssl
%description -n libbutl
This package contains the %{name} utility library.
%package -n libbutl-devel
Summary: Development files for %{name} utility library
License: MIT and BSD
Requires: libbutl%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n libbutl-devel
The libbutl-devel package contains libraries and header files for
developing applications that use libbutl.
%if %{with static}
%package -n libbutl-static
Summary: Static libraries for %{name} utility library
License: MIT and BSD
Requires: libbutl-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n libbutl-static
The libbutl-static package contains static libraries for developing
applications that use libbutl.
%package -n libbpkg
Summary: %{name} package dependency manager library
%description -n libbpkg
This package contains the %{name} package dependency manager library.
%package -n libbpkg-devel
Summary: Development files for %{name} package dependency manager library
Requires: libbpkg%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n libbpkg-devel
The libbpkg-devel package contains libraries and header files for
developing applications that use libbpkg.
%if %{with static}
%package -n libbpkg-static
Summary: Static libraries for %{name} package dependency manager library
Requires: libbpkg-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n libbpkg-static
The libbpkg-static package contains static libraries for developing
applications that use libbpkg.
%package -n bpkg
Summary: %{name} package dependency manager
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
Provides: bundled(libodb) = %{libodb_bundle_version}
Provides: bundled(libodb-sqlite) = %{libodb_bundle_version}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libodb)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libodb-sqlite)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3)
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: bzip2
Requires: coreutils
Requires: curl
Requires: git
Requires: gzip
Requires: openssl
Requires: tar
Requires: xz
%description -n bpkg
The %{name} package dependency manager is used to manipulate build
configurations, packages, and repositories.
%package -n bpkg-doc
Summary: bpkg documentation
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n bpkg-doc
This package contains the bpkg documentation.
%package -n bdep
Summary: %{name} project dependency manager
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
Provides: bundled(libodb) = %{libodb_bundle_version}
Provides: bundled(libodb-sqlite) = %{libodb_bundle_version}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libodb)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libodb-sqlite)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3)
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: bpkg%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: coreutils
Requires: curl
Requires: git
%description -n bdep
The %{name} project dependency manager is used to manage the dependencies of a
project during development.
%package -n bdep-doc
Summary: bdep documentation
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n bdep-doc
This package contains the bdep documentation.
%package -n %{name}-rpm-macros
Summary: %{name} RPM macros
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: %{name}
%description -n %{name}-rpm-macros
This package contains the %{name} RPM macros.
%if ! %{with bundle_libodb}
%setup -q -c -n %{name}-toolchain-%{version} -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4
%setup -q -c -n %{name}-toolchain-%{version} -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4 -a 100 -a 101
mv libbutl-%{version} %{name}-%{version}
# fix PostScript documentation character encoding
for f in $(find -name "*.ps"); do
encoding=$(file -bi "${f}" | cut -f 2 -d';' | cut -f 2 -d'=')
if [ "${encoding}" != "utf-8" ]; then
iconv -f "${encoding}" -t utf-8 "${f}" -o "${f}.utf8"
mv "${f}.utf8" "${f}"
# Define basic installation configuration. Note that this does not include:
# %%{_sysconfdir} /etc
# %%{_libexecdir} %%{_exec_prefix}/libexec
# %%{_sharedstatedir} /var/lib
# %%{_datadir} %%{_prefix}/share
# %%{_infodir} /usr/share/info
# %%{_localstatedir} /var
# and config.install.libexec seems to default to a value
# like %%{_datadir}/${project} and %%{_libexecdir}/${project} so that data files
# are not installed directly in %%{_datadir} or %%{_libexecdir}
# By specifying the installation location, the default file install mode will be
# 644, so we should set mode 755 for executable target install directories
# explicitly
%global config_install \\\
config.install.root=%{_prefix} \\\
config.install.exec_root=%{_exec_prefix} \\\
config.install.bin=%{_bindir} \\\
config.install.sbin=%{_sbindir} \\\
config.install.include=%{_includedir} \\\
config.install.lib=%{_libdir} \\\{_mandir} \\\
config.install.pkgconfig=%{_libdir}/pkgconfig \\\
config.install.bin.mode=755 \\\
config.install.sbin.mode=755 \\\
config.install.lib.mode=755 \\\
%if %{with bootstrap}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/libbutl:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
pushd %{name}-%{version}
# bootstrap, phase 1: minimal build system
export CXX
export LDFLAGS
%make_build -f bootstrap.gmake
# bootstrap, phase 2: statically linked build system
build2/b-boot \
config.bin.lib=static \
config.cxx=${CXX} \
config.cxx.coptions="${CXXFLAGS}" \
config.cxx.poptions+="$(pkgconf --cflags-only-I libpkgconf)" \
config.cxx.loptions+="$(pkgconf --libs-only-L libpkgconf) ${LDFLAGS}" \
mv build2/b build2/b-boot
# configure and build final, shared library build system
build2/b-boot configure \
%if ! %{with static}
config.bin.lib=shared \
%endif \ \
config.cxx=${CXX} \
config.cxx.coptions="${CXXFLAGS}" \
config.cxx.loptions="${LDFLAGS}" \
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
# configure libodb to build static and not install
%{name}-%{version}/build2/b configure: \
libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/ \
libodb-sqlite-%{libodb_bundle_version}/ \
config.bin.lib=static \
config.cxx=${CXX} \
config.cxx.coptions="${CXXFLAGS}" \
config.cxx.loptions="${LDFLAGS}" \
config.import.libodb="libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
# configure bpkg and bdep and their dependencies
%{name}-%{version}/build2/b configure: \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
bdep-%{version}/ \
%if ! %{with static}
config.bin.lib=shared \
%endif \ \
config.cxx=${CXX} \
config.cxx.coptions="${CXXFLAGS}" \
config.cxx.loptions="${LDFLAGS}" \
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
config.import.libodb="libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
config.import.libodb_sqlite="libodb-sqlite-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
config.import.libbutl="%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/" \
config.import.libbpkg="libbpkg-%{version}/" \
# build bpkg and bdep and their dependencies
%{name}-%{version}/build2/b \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
# ! %%{with bootstrap}
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
# configure libodb to build static and not install
%build2 configure: \
libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/ \
libodb-sqlite-%{libodb_bundle_version}/ \
config.bin.lib=static \
config.import.libodb="libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
# configure build2, bpkg, and bdep and their dependencies
%build2_configure \
%{name}-%{version}/ \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
bdep-%{version}/ \
%if %{with static}
config.bin.lib=both \
%if %{with bundle_libodb}
config.import.libodb="libodb-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
config.import.libodb_sqlite="libodb-sqlite-%{libodb_bundle_version}/" \
config.import.libbutl="%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/" \
# build build2, bpkg, and bdep and their dependencies
b %{name}-%{version}/ \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
%if %{with bootstrap}
%{name}-%{version}/build2/b-boot install: \
b install: \
%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/ \
%{name}-%{version}/ \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
# move licenses from %%{_docdir} to %%{_defaultlicensedir}
for p in %{name} libbutl libbpkg bpkg bdep; do
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_defaultlicensedir}/${p}
mv %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/${p}/LICENSE %{buildroot}%{_defaultlicensedir}/${p}
install -Dpm0644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_rpmmacrodir}/macros.%{name}
%if %{with check}
export PATH=$PWD/bpkg-%{version}/bpkg:$PATH
export PATH=$PWD/%{name}-%{version}/build2:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/libbpkg-%{version}/libbpkg:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/libbutl:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
b test: \
%{name}-%{version}/libbutl-%{version}/ \
%{name}-%{version}/ \
libbpkg-%{version}/ \
bpkg-%{version}/ \
bdep-%{version}/ \
%if ! %{with network_checks}
%dir %{_defaultlicensedir}/%{name}
%dir %{_docdir}/%{name}
%license %{_defaultlicensedir}/%{name}/LICENSE
%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/NEWS
%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/README
%files -n %{name}-doc
%dir %{_docdir}/%{name}
%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/%{name}-build-system-manual*
%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/b.xhtml
%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/manifest
%files -n libbutl
%dir %{_defaultlicensedir}/libbutl
%license %{_defaultlicensedir}/libbutl/LICENSE
%files -n libbutl-devel
%dir %{_docdir}/libbutl
%doc %{_docdir}/libbutl/manifest
%doc %{_docdir}/libbutl/NEWS
%doc %{_docdir}/libbutl/README
%if %{with static}
%files -n libbutl-static
%files -n libbpkg
%dir %{_defaultlicensedir}/libbpkg
%license %{_defaultlicensedir}/libbpkg/LICENSE
%files -n libbpkg-devel
%dir %{_docdir}/libbpkg
%doc %{_docdir}/libbpkg/manifest
%doc %{_docdir}/libbpkg/NEWS
%doc %{_docdir}/libbpkg/README
%if %{with static}
%files -n libbpkg-static
%files -n bpkg
%dir %{_defaultlicensedir}/bpkg
%dir %{_docdir}/bpkg
%license %{_defaultlicensedir}/bpkg/LICENSE
%doc %{_docdir}/bpkg/NEWS
%doc %{_docdir}/bpkg/README
%files -n bpkg-doc
%dir %{_docdir}/bpkg
%doc %{_docdir}/bpkg/%{name}-package-manager-manual*
%doc %{_docdir}/bpkg/bpkg*.xhtml
%doc %{_docdir}/bpkg/manifest
%files -n bdep
%dir %{_defaultlicensedir}/bdep
%dir %{_docdir}/bdep
%license %{_defaultlicensedir}/bdep/LICENSE
%doc %{_docdir}/bdep/NEWS
%doc %{_docdir}/bdep/README
%files -n bdep-doc
%dir %{_docdir}/bdep
%doc %{_docdir}/bdep/bdep*.xhtml
%doc %{_docdir}/bdep/manifest
%files -n %{name}-rpm-macros
* Tue Jun 11 2019 Matthew Krupcale <> - 0.11.0-1
- Initial package

macros.build2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
%__build2 %{_bindir}/b
# Define compilation and linker options:
# - Build only shared libraries by default
# - Disable automatic prerequisite library rpaths
# - cc.* configuration is for C-common, applying to both C and C++
%__build2_build_config \\\
config.bin.lib=shared \\\ \\\ \\\
config.c.coptions="%{build_cflags}" \\\
config.cxx.coptions="%{build_cxxflags}" \\\"%{build_ldflags}"
# Define basic installation configuration. Note that this does not include:
# %%{_sysconfdir} /etc
# %%{_libexecdir} %%{_exec_prefix}/libexec
# %%{_sharedstatedir} /var/lib
# %%{_datadir} %%{_prefix}/share
# %%{_infodir} /usr/share/info
# %%{_localstatedir} /var
# and config.install.libexec seems to default to a value
# like %%{_datadir}/${project} and %%{_libexecdir}/${project} so that data files
# are not installed directly in %%{_datadir} or %%{_libexecdir}
# By specifying the installation location, the default file install mode will be
# 644, so we should set mode 755 for executable target install directories
# explicitly
%__build2_install_config \\\
config.install.root=%{_prefix} \\\
config.install.exec_root=%{_exec_prefix} \\\
config.install.bin=%{_bindir} \\\
config.install.sbin=%{_sbindir} \\\
config.install.include=%{_includedir} \\\
config.install.lib=%{_libdir} \\\{_mandir} \\\
config.install.pkgconfig=%{_libdir}/pkgconfig \\\
config.install.bin.mode=755 \\\
config.install.sbin.mode=755 \\\
config.install.lib.mode=755 \\\
%__build2_config \\\
%{__build2_build_config} \\\
# Performs the default operation, update, on a target
%build2 \
%{__build2} \\\
%{__build2_build_config} \\\
# Configures all operations on a target
%build2_configure \
%{__build2} configure: \\\
%{__build2_config} \\\
# Performs the update and install operations on a target
%build2_install \
%{__build2} install: \\\
%{__build2_config} \\\
# Performs the update and test operations on a target
%build2_test \
%{__build2} test: \\\
%{__build2_build_config} \\\

sources Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
SHA512 (build2-0.11.0.tar.gz) = e84ad21f318cb34c86c148164ba873f14c7cce9f5efca89d45dd8198af752eaebc4f3b702ba38757d7312f00285da21681b7820a0bab7a9028b074fe508f93e7
SHA512 (libbutl-0.11.0.tar.gz) = c954a317d3eb5c57ccf7d86a52a0f4548b142d319ea6b27d45af8de6211487854e8e61e6a45ddcf940b87332c0478e5b550dcadb2fbca85e4d59cea8510a07b3
SHA512 (libbpkg-0.11.0.tar.gz) = 1a85edad2016db67c7ea4d37fc5c01cd0d346a464154d2459f5c078d6cddf8ad520e64ae830db2cd131b86787e1e8a0ff526677c573524db74d9dbe1c63fb0b3
SHA512 (bpkg-0.11.0.tar.gz) = bb11d602f67a9876655ff4c03ad7c221032f0c0ca979f35cc4e5ec1a3561fc9b705f23e9190b9564edd09dc34b1be3a8be4bbe94b9d979b470006ae1a72997c5
SHA512 (bdep-0.11.0.tar.gz) = 5a89eac0338e1903208a55e6e7dcf5c3fd4baaa57fa9a02fd51cfd8ef21ba8d5267d61d7b5b411bb9179c69e58467894bab1406717fdd4e8af529aa3d5d9fcb9
SHA512 (libodb-2.5.0-b.15.tar.gz) = 658e8c1e820ed720a515e9b1486384284f3ae031bf1166d1a36cc78c6224db3d1e789bb20ea26ed21524c552d61292c21743b80aee51acf789fd8477edf7decc
SHA512 (libodb-sqlite-2.5.0-b.15.tar.gz) = 62f1956325f412cc28dad28945f6428ed2803487c8071e8243c169c9ef134bbfe4e55a601e22500bbef1fb4efad7bf318b7b2587ec31dcfc9f514b8da0f018c5