2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# runtest.sh of /tools/binutils/Sanity/dts-probe-binaries
# Description: Toolset binutils on system/toolset built binaries.
# Author: Marek Polacek <polacek@redhat.com>
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Include Beaker environment
. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1
PACKAGES=(gdb gcc gcc-c++ binutils gawk grep)
# Choose the binaries.
for p in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do
rlAssertRpm "$p"
done; unset p
rlRun "TmpDir=\$(mktemp -d)" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
# Copy the GDB commands file and testcase.
rlRun "cp -v check-localplt.c m.c popcnt.c virtual2.C $TmpDir"
rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
2021-05-12 03:41:19 +00:00
rlPhaseStartTest "Prepare a binary."
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
# Compile a test case.
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -g -std=gnu99 check-localplt.c -o localplt"
rlAssertExists "localplt"
rlPhaseStartTest "Test ar."
# Test --help.
rlRun "$AR --help"
# We need a few ET_RELs.
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -g -std=gnu99 -c -o a.o -xc - <<< 'int a(int a){return a^2;}'"
rlAssertExists "a.o"
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -g -std=gnu99 -c -o b.o -xc - <<< 'int b(int a){return a&2;}'"
rlAssertExists "b.o"
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -g -std=gnu99 -c -o c.o -xc - <<< 'int c(int a){return a|2;}'"
rlAssertExists "c.o"
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -g -std=gnu99 -c -o d.o -xc - <<< 'int d(int a){return a%2;}'"
rlAssertExists "d.o"
# Test that we can create a static library.
rlRun "$AR crsv abc.a a.o b.o c.o"
rlAssertExists "abc.a"
# ...and use this library.
rlRun "$GCC -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 m.c abc.a -o abc"
rlRun "./abc" 2
# Test -t option.
rlRun "$AR t abc.a > ar-t.out"
printf "a.o\nb.o\nc.o\n" > ar-t
rlAssertNotDiffer ar-t ar-t.out
# Test -d option.
rlRun "$AR d abc.a c.o"
rlRun "$AR t abc.a > ar-t.out"
printf "a.o\nb.o\n" > ar-t
rlAssertNotDiffer ar-t ar-t.out
# Test -r option.
rlRun "$AR r abc.a d.o"
rlRun "$AR t abc.a > ar-t.out"
printf "a.o\nb.o\nd.o\n" > ar-t
rlAssertNotDiffer ar-t ar-t.out
rlPhaseStartTest "Test addr2line."
rlRun "$ADDR2LINE --help"
# Compile a testcase.
rlRun "$GCC -g3 -Wall -O2 -o popcnt popcnt.c"
# Save the address where main resides.
./popcnt > a
rlRun "$ADDR2LINE -e popcnt $(cat a) > r"
# We know that main is at line 4. But on PPC we get ??:0...
if test ! $(uname -i) = "ppc64"; then
rlAssertGrep "popcnt.c:4" r
rm -vf [ra]
rlPhaseStartTest "Test c++filt."
rlRun "$CXXFILT --help"
# Compile a testcase.
rlRun "$GXX -g -O0 virtual2.C -o virt"
rlRun "$NM virt | $CXXFILT &> f"
rlLogInfo "===== f"
rlLogInfo "$(cat f)"
rlLogInfo "====="
rlAssertGrep "A::~A()" f
rlAssertGrep "B::~B()" f
rlAssertGrep "typeinfo for A" f
rlAssertGrep "typeinfo for B" f
rlAssertGrep "typeinfo name for A" f
rlAssertGrep "typeinfo name for B" f
rlAssertGrep "vtable for A" f
rlAssertGrep "vtable for B" f
rlAssertGrep "operator delete(void\*)" f
rlRun "grep -E 'operator new\(unsigned (long|int)\)' f"
rlRun "$CXXFILT -n _Z1ft > f"
# Create test file.
echo "f(unsigned short)" > F
rlAssertNotDiffer F f
rm -vf [Ff]
rlPhaseStartTest "Test elfedit."
rlRun "$ELFEDIT --help"
# Change the Ehdr somewhat.
rlRun "$ELFEDIT --output-osabi=TRU64 virt"
rlRun "$ELFEDIT --output-type=rel virt"
rlRun "$READELF -Wh virt > r"
rlAssertGrep "UNIX - TRU64" r
rlAssertGrep "REL (Relocatable file)" r
# Ok, back to normal.
rlRun "$ELFEDIT --output-osabi=none virt"
rlRun "$ELFEDIT --output-type=exec virt"
rlRun "$READELF -Wh virt > r"
rlAssertGrep "UNIX - System V" r
rlAssertGrep "EXEC (Executable file)" r
rm -vf r
rlPhaseStartTest "Test nm."
rlRun "$NM --help"
# Try --debug-syms.
rlRun "$NM --debug-syms virt | gawk '{ print \$2 \" \" \$3 }' > o"
rlLogInfo "$(cat o)"
rlAssertGrep "completed" o
if [ "`rlGetPrimaryArch`" != "s390x" ] || [ ! rlIsRHEL 7 ]; then
rlAssertGrep "virtual2.C" o
rlAssertGrep "_ZN1BD1Ev" o
# On PPC, we have .toc instead.
if [ "$(rlGetPrimaryArch)" != "ppc64" ] && [ "$(rlGetPrimaryArch)" != "ppc64le" ]; then
rlAssertGrep "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" o
# Try -u.
rlRun "$NM -u popcnt > u"
2021-05-12 03:41:19 +00:00
rlAssertGrep "printf@GLIBC" u
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
if [ "`rlGetPrimaryArch`" != "ppc64" ] || [ ! rlIsRHEL 7 ]; then
rlAssertGrep "__gmon_start__" u
2021-05-12 03:41:19 +00:00
rlAssertGrep "__libc_start_main@GLIBC" u
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
# Try -P --size-sort.
rlRun "$NM -P --size-sort localplt > p"
if test $(uname -i) = "ppc64" -a $(rlGetDistroRelease) -gt 5; then
rlAssertGrep "main D" p
rlAssertGrep "main T" p
rlAssertGrep "completed.* b" p
rlAssertGrep "_IO_stdin_used R" p
# Try --defined-only --print-size.
rlRun "$NM --defined-only --print-size localplt > d"
rm -vf [oupd]
rlPhaseStartTest "Test objcopy."
rlRun "$OBJCOPY --help"
cp -v virt xvirt
rlRun "$OBJCOPY --only-section=.shstrtab xvirt"
rlRun "$READELF -WS xvirt > x"
rlAssertGrep ".shstrtab" x
# Try to delete .interp section.
cp -v virt virt2
rlRun "$OBJCOPY -R .interp virt2"
rlRun "$READELF -WS virt2 > i"
rlAssertNotGrep ".interp" i
rm -vf [vcx] xvirt zvirt
rlPhaseStartTest "Test objdump."
rlRun "$OBJDUMP --help"
# Just try to run with -f.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -f virt"
# Just try to run with -x.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -wx virt"
# -dr. No good way how to compare this.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -dr virt > d"
rlAssertGrep "Disassembly of section .text:" d
rlAssertGrep "_start" d
rlAssertGrep "main" d
# -T.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -T virt > t"
rlAssertGrep "abort" t
# -R.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -R virt > R"
rlAssertGrep "abort" R
# -Wl.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -Wl virt > w"
rlAssertGrep "Extended opcode 2: set Address to" w
# -dr on system binary.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -dr /bin/true > D"
rlAssertGrep "Disassembly of section .text:" d
rlAssertGrep "_start" d
rlAssertGrep "main" d
# -R on system binary.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -R /bin/true > r"
rlAssertGrep "abort" r
# -T.
rlRun "$OBJDUMP -T /bin/true > T"
rlAssertGrep "abort" T
rm -vf [DdrtTwR]
rlPhaseStartTest "Test readelf."
# Readelf is probably most important, check more things.
rlRun "$READELF --help"
# Just run with -a.
rlRun "$READELF -Wa virt"
# Try -h.
rlRun "$READELF -Wh virt > h"
rlAssertGrep "ELF Header:" h
rlAssertGrep "7f 45 4c 46" h
rlAssertGrep "EXEC (Executable file)" h
rlAssertGrep "Section header string table index:" h
rlAssertGrep "ABI Version:" h
# Try -l.
rlRun "$READELF -Wl virt > l"
rlAssertGrep "There are .* program headers, starting at offset" l
rlAssertGrep "Section to Segment mapping:" l
rlAssertGrep "[Requesting program interpreter: /lib*]" l
# Try -S.
rlRun "$READELF -WS virt > S"
rlAssertGrep "There are .* section headers, starting at offset" S
# I don't like rlAssertGrep.
rlRun "grep -E '\[[0-9]*\] \.(got|ctors|text|plt|init|symtab|bss|strtab|eh_*)' S"
# Try -s.
rlRun "$READELF -Ws virt > s"
rlAssertGrep "Symbol table '.symtab' contains .* entries:" s
rlRun "grep -E '[0-9]*\: [0-9a-f]*[\ \t]*[0-9]* (FUNC|OBJECT|NOTYPE)[\ \t]*(WEAK|GLOBAL)[\ \t]*(DEFAULT|HIDDEN)[\ \t]*([0-9]*|UND|ABS).*' s"
# Try -n.
rlRun "$READELF -Wn virt > n"
rlRun "grep -qE '[Nn]otes.*at.*offset .* with length .*:|Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag' n"
# Try -r.
rlRun "$READELF -Wr virt > r"
rlRun "grep -E 'Relocation section .\.rela?.(dyn|plt). at offset 0x[0-9a-f]+ contains [0-9]+ entries\:' r"
# Try -d.
rlRun "$READELF -Wd virt > d"
rlAssertGrep "Dynamic section at offset .* contains .* entries:" d
rlRun "grep -E '0x[0-9a-f]+ \((JMPREL|STRSZ|INIT|NEEDED|VERSYM|RELA|DEBUG|SYMENT|GNU_HASH|STRTAB)\)[\ \t]*(Shared|0x|[0-9]*)' d"
# Try -I.
rlRun "$READELF -I virt > I"
# PPC64 produces no output (?).
if [ "$(rlGetPrimaryArch)" != "ppc64" ] && [ "$(rlGetPrimaryArch)" != "ppc64le" ]; then
rlAssertGrep "Histogram for .* bucket list length (total of .* buckets):" I
# Try hex dump.
rlRun "$READELF -x .strtab virt > x"
rlAssertGrep "Hex dump of section '.strtab':" x
# Dump .debug_info.
rlRun "$READELF -wi virt > w"
rlAssertGrep "Compilation Unit @ offset .*:" w
rlAssertGrep "DW_AT_producer" w
rlAssertGrep "DW_AT_comp_dir" w
rlAssertGrep "DW_TAG_structure_type" w
rlRun "grep -E '<[0-9]+><[0-9a-f]+>\: Abbrev Number\: [0-9]+ \(DW_TAG_.*\)' w"
rlRun "grep -E '<[0-9]+>[\ \t]+DW_AT_.*\:' w"
# Version info.
rlRun "$READELF -V virt > V"
rlAssertGrep "Version symbols section '.gnu.version' contains .* entries:" V
rlRun "grep -E '(0x)?[0-9a-f]*\: Version\:.*File\:.*Cnt\: [0-9]+' V"
# Try -h on /bin/true.
rlRun "$READELF -Wh /bin/true > H"
rlAssertGrep "ELF Header:" H
rlAssertGrep "7f 45 4c 46" H
2021-08-19 15:29:28 +00:00
rlAssertGrep "DYN (Position-Independent Executable file)" H
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
rlAssertGrep "Section header string table index:" H
rlAssertGrep "ABI Version:" H
# Try -l on /bin/true.
rlRun "$READELF -Wl /bin/true > L"
rlAssertGrep "There are .* program headers, starting at offset" L
rlAssertGrep "Section to Segment mapping:" L
rlAssertGrep "[Requesting program interpreter: /lib*]" L
# Try -S on /bin/true.
rlRun "$READELF -WS /bin/true > F"
rlAssertGrep "There are .* section headers, starting at offset" F
rlRun "grep -E '\[[0-9]*\] \.(got|ctors|text|plt|init|symtab|bss|strtab|eh_*)' F"
# Try -r on /bin/true.
rlRun "$READELF -Wr /bin/true > c"
rlRun "grep -E 'Relocation section .\.rela?.(dyn|plt). at offset 0x[0-9a-f]+ contains [0-9]+ entries\:' c"
rm -vf [HIwhnSLslcrxVdF]
rlPhaseStartTest "Test size."
rlRun "$SIZE --help"
rlRun "$SIZE -dB virt > s"
rlAssertGrep "text.*data.*bss.*dec.*hex.*filename" s
rlRun "$SIZE -dB /bin/ed > S"
rlAssertGrep "text.*data.*bss.*dec.*hex.*filename" S
2021-05-12 03:41:19 +00:00
rm -vf [Ss]
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
rlPhaseStartTest "Test strings."
rlRun "$STRINGS --help"
# Try on our binary.
rlRun "$STRINGS virt > s"
rlAssertGrep "__gmon_start__" s
rlAssertGrep "libc.so.6" s
rlAssertGrep "abort" s
rlAssertGrep "libm.so.6" s
# Try on system binary.
rlRun "$STRINGS /bin/echo > S"
rlAssertGrep "abort" S
rlAssertGrep "echo" S
rlAssertGrep "libc.so.6" S
2021-05-12 03:41:19 +00:00
2021-05-12 03:39:34 +00:00
rm -vf [Ss]
rlRun "popd"
rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"