- Remove the "other" tab in the network spoke. (dshea) - Fix duplicated id in custom.glade (dshea) - Correctly generate rescue initrd (#1013087) (bcl) - Refresh swap suggestion once we know which disks to use (vpodzime) - Initialize the kickstart install method (#1017614) (dshea) - Use correct format for raise in kickstart.py (bcl) - Add install-requires target to the Anaconda makefile (mkolman) - fix luksformat references (#1014493) (bcl) - kickstart: check for correct format (#1014545) (bcl) - Add checks for unexpanded macros. (dshea) - UIScreen doesn't necessarily have the ready property (vpodzime) - Print long widgets in a nice way (vpodzime) - Consider errno 5 I/O errors hardware faults (vpodzime) - Install kernel-lpae if supported (#1013015) (vpodzime) - Bump firewalld version (mkolman)
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