#!/bin/bash #set -vx die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } DIRNAME=NetworkManager- split_patch() { # patches created with git-format-patch that contain more then one # commit, cannot be easily reverted with patch, because patch works # the patches from top down. In case of -R however, we have to apply # the latest patches first. read -r -d '' PERL_PROG <<-'EOF' use strict; use warnings; open FILE, $ARGV[0] or die "Can't open $ARGV[0] for reading: $!\n"; local $/ = undef; my $file = ; close FILE; my @patches = split(/\n\nFrom /,$file); my $i = $#patches + 1; my $patch; my $first = 1; foreach $patch (@patches){ if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { $patch = "From $patch" } my $o = sprintf("%s%s%03d", $ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $i); open(my $OUT, ">", $o) or die "Can't open $o for writing: $!"; $i--; print $OUT "$patch"; close $OUT; } EOF perl -e "$PERL_PROG" "$1" "$2" } unset REVERT_COUNT LOCAL=0 for ARG; do case "$ARG" in local|-l) LOCAL=1 ;; *) if [ -n "${REVERT_COUNT+x}" ]; then die "invalid argument \"$ARG\"" fi case "$ARG" in ''|*[!0-9]*) die "invalid argument \"$ARG\": should be an integer (number of patches to revert)";; esac REVERT_COUNT="$ARG" ;; esac done srcdir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" (test -f $srcdir/NetworkManager.spec \ && test -f $srcdir/sources) || { echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the NM pkg dir" exit 1 } # generate the clean dir fedpkg prep || die "error while \`fedpkg prep\`" pushd "$DIRNAME" git init . # if you have a local clone of NetworkManager, symlink # it as ../.git/local. LOCAL_GIT="$(realpath ../.git/local/)" if [[ -d "$LOCAL_GIT/" ]]; then git remote add local "$LOCAL_GIT/" git fetch local git fetch local 'refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' fi git remote add origin git://anongit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager git commit --allow-empty -m '*** empty initial commit' # useful, to rebase the following commit git add -f -A . git commit -m '*** add all' cat ../makerepo.gitignore > .gitignore git rm --cached -r . git add . git commit -m "*** clean state (ignored files removed)" if [[ "$REVERT_COUNT" == "" || $REVERT_COUNT -gt 0 ]]; then # parse the list of patches IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a PATCH_LIST <<<"$(sed -n 's/^Patch\([0-9]\+\): \+\(.*\)$/\1 \2/p' ../NetworkManager.spec | sort -n)" # truncate the list of patches to revert/reapply if [[ "$REVERT_COUNT" == "" || "$REVERT_COUNT" -gt ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} ]]; then echo "revert all ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} patches" else echo "revert the last $REVERT_COUNT patches of ${#PATCH_LIST[@]}" PATCH_LIST=("${PATCH_LIST[@]:$((${#PATCH_LIST[@]} - $REVERT_COUNT))}") fi # split the list in index and patch file name PATCH_LIST_N=() for i in ${!PATCH_LIST[@]}; do LAST_PATCH_N[$i]=$(echo "${PATCH_LIST[$i]}" | sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\+\) \+.*$/\1/p') LAST_PATCH[$i]=$( echo "${PATCH_LIST[$i]}" | sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\+\) \+\(.*\)$/\2/p') done # revert and patches in reverse order... BASECOMMIT=("`git rev-parse HEAD`") for j in "${!PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do i=$((${#PATCH_LIST[@]} - $j - 1)) echo "revert Patch${LAST_PATCH_N[$i]} \"${LAST_PATCH[$i]}\"..." patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < "../${LAST_PATCH[$i]}" || ( # error applying patch. Maybe we have a multi line patch... split_patch "../${LAST_PATCH[$i]}" ".makerepo-split." git reset --hard git clean -fdx for p in "../${LAST_PATCH[$i]}".makerepo-split.*; do echo ">>> try split part $p for ${LAST_PATCH[$i]}" patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < "$p" || die "error reverting Patch${LAST_PATCH_N[$i]} ${LAST_PATCH[$i]}" done ) git add . git commit --allow-empty -a -m "<< revert Patch${LAST_PATCH_N[$i]} \"${LAST_PATCH[$i]}\"" BASECOMMIT=("`git rev-parse HEAD`" "${BASECOMMIT[@]}") done # reapply the patches for i in ${!PATCH_LIST[@]}; do echo "reapply Patch${LAST_PATCH_N[$i]} \"${LAST_PATCH[$i]}\"..." # create an empty commit, indicating the commit before starting to reapply BASECOMMIT_REVERT="${BASECOMMIT[$((i))]}" COMMIT_MSG="$(git log -n1 --format='%s' "$BASECOMMIT_REVERT" | sed 's/<< revert \(Patch.*"\)$/-- before reapplying \1/')" git commit --allow-empty -m "$COMMIT_MSG" # first try git-am to preserve the commit message, otherwise just revert the last commit git am "../${LAST_PATCH[$i]}" || ( git am --abort COMMIT_MSG="$(git log -n1 --format='%s' "$BASECOMMIT_REVERT" | sed 's/<< revert \(Patch.*"\)$/>> reapply \1/')" git commit --allow-empty -m "$COMMIT_MSG" ) # The tree to the version before should be identical after reapplying the patch. # Just to be sure, reset the commit. git reset "${BASECOMMIT[$((i+1))]}" -- . EDITOR=true git commit --amend --no-edit git reset --hard HEAD done fi popd if [[ $LOCAL != 0 ]]; then rm -rf ./.makerepo.git/ mv "$DIRNAME/.git" ./.makerepo.git/ fedpkg local mv ./.makerepo.git/ "$DIRNAME/.git" pushd "$DIRNAME" git checkout -- .gitignore popd fi