#!/bin/bash set -vx die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } srcdir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" (test -f $srcdir/NetworkManager.spec \ && test -f $srcdir/sources) || { echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the NM pkg dir" exit 1 } # generate the clean dir fedpkg prep || die "error while \`fedpkg prep\`" pushd NetworkManager- git init . # if you have a local clone of NetworkManager, symlink # it as ../.git/local. LOCAL_GIT="$(realpath ../.git/local/)" if [[ -d "$LOCAL_GIT/" ]]; then git remote add local "$LOCAL_GIT/" git fetch local git fetch local 'refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' fi git remote add origin git://anongit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager git commit --allow-empty -m '*** empty initial commit' # useful, to rebase the following commit git add -f -A . git commit -m '*** add all' cat < .gitignore EOF git rm --cached -r . git add . git commit -m "*** clean state (ignored files removed)" REVERT_COUNT="$(echo "${1-1}" | sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\+\)$/\1/p' | head -n1)" if [[ "$REVERT_COUNT" != "" ]]; then echo "revert the last $REVERT_COUNT commits" PATCH_LIST="$(sed -n 's/^Patch\([0-9]\+\): \+\(.*\)$/\1 \2/p' ../NetworkManager.spec | sort -n | tail -n $REVERT_COUNT)" echo "$PATCH_LIST" # revert and last patches... for i in $(seq "$REVERT_COUNT" -1 1); do LAST_PATCH_N=$(echo "$PATCH_LIST" | sed -n "$i"'s/^\([0-9]\+\) \+.*$/\1/p') LAST_PATCH=$( echo "$PATCH_LIST" | sed -n "$i"'s/^\([0-9]\+\) \+\(.*\)$/\2/p') echo "revert Patch$LAST_PATCH_N \"$LAST_PATCH\"..." patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < "../$LAST_PATCH" || die "error reverting Patch$LAST_PATCH_N $LAST_PATCH" git add . git commit --allow-empty -a -m "<< revert Patch$LAST_PATCH_N \"$LAST_PATCH\"" done BASECOMMIT=`git rev-parse HEAD` for i in $(seq 1 "$REVERT_COUNT"); do LAST_PATCH_N=$(echo "$PATCH_LIST" | sed -n "$i"'s/^\([0-9]\+\) \+.*$/\1/p') LAST_PATCH=$( echo "$PATCH_LIST" | sed -n "$i"'s/^\([0-9]\+\) \+\(.*\)$/\2/p') echo "reapply Patch$LAST_PATCH_N \"$LAST_PATCH\"..." # first try git-am to preserve the commit message, otherwise just revert the last commit git am "../$LAST_PATCH" || ( git revert --no-edit $BASECOMMIT~$((i-1)) COMMIT_MSG="$(git log -n1 --format='%s' $BASECOMMIT~$((i-1)) | sed 's/<< revert \(Patch.*"\)$/>> reapply \1/')" git commit --amend -m "$COMMIT_MSG" ) # The tree to the version before should be identical. Just to be sure, reset it. git reset $BASECOMMIT~$((i)) -- . EDITOR=true git commit --amend --no-edit git reset --hard HEAD done fi popd