# This is the default Fedora ELN config template. # # DO NOT EDIT this configuration file directly. # # For any change which should be propagated also into CentOS and RHEL # compose, edit the particular configuration file in the "shared" directory. # # For any change which should happen only for Fedora ELN, edit the # "fedora/override.conf" configuration file. from shared/general import * from shared/multilib import * from shared/additional_and_filter_packages import * from shared/runroot import * from shared/pkgset import * from shared/gather import * from shared/createrepo import * from shared/createiso import * from shared/buildinstall import * from shared/lookaside import * from fedora/variables import * # PRODUCT INFO release_name = RELEASE_NAME release_short = RELEASE_SHORT release_version = RELEASE_VERSION release_is_layered = False # GENERAL SETTINGS comps_file = { 'scm': 'git', 'repo': COMPS_REPO, 'branch': COMPS_BRANCH, 'file': COMPS_FILE, 'command': COMPS_COMMAND } module_defaults_dir = { 'scm': 'git', 'repo': MODULE_DEFAULTS_REPO, 'branch': MODULE_DEFAULTS_BRANCH, 'dir': '.' } variants_file = { "scm": "VARIANTS_SCM", "repo": VARIANTS_REPO, "branch": VARIANTS_BRANCH, "file": VARIANTS_FILE, } # RUNROOT runroot_channel = RUNROOT_CHANNEL runroot_tag = RUNROOT_TAG # PKGSET pkgset_koji_tag = PKGSET_KOJI_TAG pkgset_koji_module_tag = PKGSET_KOJI_MODULE_TAG # Allow overriding any option defined here if needed. from fedora/override import *