# PRODUCT INFO release_name = "Fedora" release_short = "Fedora" release_version = "24" release_is_layered = False # GENERAL SETTINGS bootable = True comps_file = "comps-f24.xml" #{ # "scm": "git", # "repo": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/comps.git", # "branch": None, # defaults to cvs/HEAD or git/master # "file": "comps-f23.xml", #} variants_file="variants-fedora.xml" sigkeys = ["81B46521", "030D5AED", None] # None = unsigned # limit tree architectures # if undefined, all architectures from variants.xml will be included tree_arches = ['i386', 'x86_64', 'armhfp'] # limit tree variants # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included #tree_variants = ["Server"] hashed_directories = True # RUNROOT settings runroot = True #runroot_channel = "fedora_compose" runroot_channel = "compose" runroot_tag = "f24-build" # PKGSET pkgset_source = "koji" # koji, repos # PKGSET - REPOS # pkgset_repos format: {arch: [repo1_url, repo2_url, ...]} # pkgset_repos = {} # PKGSET - KOJI pkgset_koji_path_prefix = "/mnt/koji/" pkgset_koji_url = "http://koji.fedoraproject.org/kojihub" pkgset_koji_tag = "f24" pkgset_koji_inherit = False filter_system_release_packages = False # GATHER gather_source = "comps" gather_method = "deps" check_deps = False greedy_method = "build" # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})] # gather_lookaside_repos = [] # GATHER - JSON # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}} #gather_source_mapping = "/path/to/mapping.json" link_files = "hardlink-or-copy" notification_script = "/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification" # CREATEREPO createrepo_c = True createrepo_checksum = "sha256" # CHECKSUMS media_checksums = ["sha256"] media_checksum_one_file = True media_checksum_base_filename = "%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s" #jigdo create_jigdo = False # BUILDINSTALL buildinstall_method = "lorax" # Enables macboot on x86_64 for all variants and disables upgrade image building # # everywhere. lorax_options = [ ("^.*$", { "x86_64": { "nomacboot": False } "*": { "noupgrade": True } }) ] #extra_packages = [ # "/mnt/packages/foo*", #] # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})] additional_packages = [ ('.*', { '*': [ 'kernel.*', 'dracut.*', 'autocorr-.*', 'eclipse-nls-.*', 'hunspell-.*', 'hyphen-.*', 'calligra-l10n-.*', 'kde-l10n-.*', 'libreoffice-langpack-.*', 'man-pages-.*', 'mythes-.*', ], }), ('^Everything$', { '*': [ '*', ], }), ('^Server$', { '*': [ ], }), ('^Workstation$', { '*': [ ], }), ('^Cloud$', { '*': [ ], }), ] multilib = [ ('^Everything$', { 'x86_64': ['devel', 'runtime'] }) ] filter_packages = [ ('(Workstation|Server|Cloud)$', { '*': [ '^kernel.*debug.*', '^kernel-kdump.*', '^kernel-tools.*', '^syslog-ng.*', '^astronomy-bookmarks', '^generic.*', '^GConf2-dbus.*', '^bluez-gnome', #Periods cause problems in paterns, so replace with *s '^java-1.8.0-openjdk', '^community-mysql.*', '^jruby.*', '^gimp-help-.*', ] }), ] # format: {arch|*: [packages]} multilib_blacklist = { "*": ['^kernel', '^kernel-PAE.*', '^kernel.*debug.*', 'dmraid-devel', 'kdeutils-devel', 'mkinitrd-devel', 'java-1.5.0-gcj-devel', 'java-1.7.0-icedtea-devel', 'php-devel', 'java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel', 'java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel', 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel', 'httpd-devel', 'tomcat-native', '^php.*', 'httpd', ], } # format: {arch|*: [packages]} multilib_whitelist = { "*": ['libgnat', 'wine', 'lmms-vst', 'nspluginwrapper', 'libflashsupport', 'valgrind', 'perl-libs', 'redhat-lsb', 'yaboot', 'syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-tftpboot', 'nosync', ], } createiso_skip = [ ('^Workstation$', { '*': True, 'src': True }), ('^Server$', { 'src': True }), ('^Cloud$', { '*': True, 'src': True }), ('^Everything$', { '*': True, 'src': True }), ] # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})] #extra_files = [ # ('^(Server|Workstation|Cloud)$', { # '*': [ # { # "scm": "rpm", # "repo": "fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s", # "branch": None, # "file": [ # "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release", # ], # "target": "", # }, # ], # }), #] # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy image_name_format = "%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s.iso" # # Use the same format for volume id image_volid_formats = [ "%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s" ] # No special handling for layered products, use same format as for regular images image_volid_layered_product_formats = [] # Replace "Cloud" with "C" in volume id etc. volume_id_substitutions = { '24': 'rawh', 'Images': 'img', 'MATE_Compiz': 'MATE', 'Security': 'Sec', 'Electronic_Lab': 'Elec', 'Robotics': 'Robo', 'Scientific_KDE': 'SciK', 'Design_suite': 'Dsgn', 'Games': 'Game', 'Jam_KDE': 'Jam', 'Workstation': 'WS', 'Everything': 'E', 'Server': 'S', 'Cloud': 'C', 'Alpha': 'A', 'Beta': 'B', 'TC': 'T', } translate_paths = [ ("/mnt/koji/compose/", "http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/"), ] image_build = { '^Docker$': [ { 'image-build': { 'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')] 'name': 'Fedora-Docker-Base', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', 'release': None, # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-docker-base.ks", 'distro': 'Fedora-20', 'disk_size': 3, 'arches': ['x86_64'], 'repo_from': 'Cloud' 'install_tree_from': 'Cloud' } } ], '^CloudImages$': [ { 'image-build': { 'format': [('qcow2','qcow2'), ('raw-xz','raw.xz')] 'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', 'release': None, 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-cloud-base.ks", 'distro': 'Fedora-20', 'disk_size': 3, 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'repo_from': 'Cloud' 'install_tree_from': 'Cloud' } }, { 'image-build': { 'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')] 'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', 'release': None, 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-cloud-base-vagrant.ks", 'distro': 'Fedora-20', 'disk_size': 40, 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'repo_from': 'Cloud' 'install_tree_from': 'Cloud' } } ], } live_media = { '^Workstation$': [ { 'name': 'Fedora-Workstation-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-workstation.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' } ], '^Spins': [ { 'name': 'Fedora-KDE-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-kde.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Xfce-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-xfce.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-SoaS-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-soas.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Cinnamon-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-cinnamon.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-LXDE-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-lxde.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-mate_compiz.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' } ], '^Labs$': [ { 'name': 'Fedora-Astronomy_KDE-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-astronomy_kde.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Design_suite-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-design_suite.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Scientific_KDE-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-scientific_kde.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Games-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-games.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Security-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-security.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Jam_KDE-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically 'ksurl': "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-jam_kde.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' }, { 'name': 'Fedora-Robotics-Live', 'target': 'f24', 'version': '24', # correct SHA1 hash will be put into the URL below automatically "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'kickstart': "fedora-live-robotics.ks", 'arches': ['x86_64', 'i386'], 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' 'install_tree_from': 'Everything' } ], } failable_deliverables = [ ('^.*$', { # Buildinstall can fail on any variant and any arch '*': ['buildinstall', 'image-build', 'live-media', 'live', 'createiso'], 'src': ['buildinstall'], # Nothing on i386 blocks the compose 'i386': ['buildinstall', 'iso', 'live'], }) ] live_target = 'f24' live_images_no_rename = True # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: scm_dict})] live_images = [ ('^Workstation$', { "armhfp": { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-workstation.ks", "name": "Fedora-Workstation-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, "type": "appliance" } }), ('^Server$', { "armhfp": { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-server.ks", "name": "Fedora-Server-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, "type": "appliance" } }), ('^Spins$', { "armhfp": [{ 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-kde.ks", "name": "Fedora-KDE-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" }, { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-lxde.ks", "name": "Fedora-LXDE-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" }, { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-mate.ks", "name": "Fedora-Mate-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" }, { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-minimal.ks", "name": "Fedora-Minimal-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" }, { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-soas.ks", "name": "Fedora-SoaS-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" }, { 'kickstart': "fedora-arm-xfce.ks", "name": "Fedora-Xfce-armhfp", "version": "24", "ksurl": "git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?#HEAD", 'release': None, 'repo_from': 'Everything' "type": "appliance" },] }), ] release_id_allow_missing = True koji_profile = "koji"