# Kickstart file for Fedora RISC-V (riscv64) Minimal Rawhide #repo --name="koji-override-0" --baseurl=http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/repos-dist/f29/latest/riscv64/ install text #reboot lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us # short hostname still allows DHCP to assign domain name network --bootproto dhcp --device=link --hostname=fedora-riscv rootpw riscv firewall --enabled --ssh timezone --utc America/New_York selinux --disabled services --enabled=sshd,NetworkManager,chronyd bootloader --location=none --disabled zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel --disklabel=gpt part / --fstype="ext4" --size=1256 # Halt the system once configuration has finished. poweroff %packages @core @buildsys-build glibc-langpack-en nano chrony %end %post # Disable default repositories (not riscv64 in upstream) dnf config-manager --set-disabled rawhide updates updates-testing fedora fedora-modular fedora-cisco-openh264 updates-modular updates-testing-modular # Create Fedora RISC-V repo cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-riscv.repo [fedora-riscv] name=Fedora RISC-V baseurl=http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/repos-dist/f29/latest/riscv64/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF # Create Fedora RISC-V Koji repo cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-riscv-koji.repo [fedora-riscv-koji] name=Fedora RISC-V Koji baseurl=http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/repos/f29-build/latest/riscv64/ enabled=0 gpgcheck=0 EOF # systemd starts serial consoles on /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/hvc0. The # only problem is they are the same serial console. Mask one. systemctl mask serial-getty@hvc0.service # setup login message cat << EOF | tee /etc/issue /etc/issue.net Welcome to the Fedora/RISC-V disk image https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V Build date: $(date --utc) Kernel \r on an \m (\l) The root password is ‘riscv’. To install new packages use 'dnf install ...' To upgrade disk image use 'dnf upgrade --best' If DNS isn’t working, try editing ‘/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-riscv.repo’. For updates and latest information read: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/risc-v/disk-images/readme.txt Fedora/RISC-V ------------- Koji: http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/koji/ SCM: http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se:3000/ Distribution rep.: http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/repos-dist/ Koji internal rep.: http://fedora-riscv.tranquillity.se/repos/ EOF %end # EOF