Jeroen van Meeuwen (Fedora Unity) e2a4d70485 Add new files to the spin-kickstarts repo:
- automake and specfile
 - german localized Desktop Spin
2008-05-31 13:55:15 +02:00

210 lines
5.3 KiB

# fedora-live-base.ks
# Version independent kickstart configuration for Fedora Live Media
# Defines the basics for all kickstarts in the fedora-live branch
# Does not include package selection (other then mandatory)
# Does not include localization packages or configuration
# Does includes "default" language configuration (kickstarts including
# this template can override these settings)
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone US/Eastern
auth --useshadow --enablemd5
selinux --enforcing
firewall --disabled
xconfig --startxonboot
part / --size 4096
services --enabled=NetworkManager --disabled=network,sshd
# To compose against the current release tree, use the following "repo" (enabled by default)
repo --name=released --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-9&arch=$basearch
# To include updates, use the following "repo" (enabled by default)
repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f9&arch=$basearch
# To compose against rawhide, use the following "repo" (disabled by default)
#repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide&arch=i386
# To compose against local trees, use:
#repo --name=f9 --baseurl=http://localrepo/fedora/releases/9/Everything/$basearch/os/
#repo --name=f9-updates --baseurl=http://localrepo/fedora/updates/9/$basearch/
# for live initrd
# save some space
# smartcards won't really work on the livecd.
# duplicate functionality
# lose the compat stuff
# qlogic firmwares
# scanning takes quite a bit of space :/
# lots of people want to have this
# livecd bits to set up the livecd and be able to install
# make sure debuginfo doesn't end up on the live image
# FIXME: it'd be better to get this installed from a package
cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/fedora-live << EOF
# live: Init script for live image
# chkconfig: 345 00 99
# description: Init script for live image.
. /etc/init.d/functions
if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveimg || [ "\$1" != "start" ] || [ -e /.liveimg-configured ] ; then
exit 0
exists() {
which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
touch /.liveimg-configured
# mount live image
if [ -b /dev/live ]; then
mkdir -p /mnt/live
mount -o ro /dev/live /mnt/live
# read some variables out of /proc/cmdline
for o in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
case \$o in
# if liveinst or textinst is given, start anaconda
if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveinst ; then
/usr/sbin/liveinst \$ks
if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" textinst ; then
/usr/sbin/liveinst --text \$ks
# enable swaps unless requested otherwise
swaps=\`blkid -t TYPE=swap -o device\`
if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap -a [ -n "\$swaps" ] ; then
for s in \$swaps ; do
action "Enabling swap partition \$s" swapon \$s
# configure X, allowing user to override xdriver
exists system-config-display --noui --reconfig --set-depth=24 \$xdriver
# add fedora user with no passwd
useradd -c "Fedora Live" fedora
passwd -d fedora > /dev/null
# turn off firstboot for livecd boots
echo "RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO" > /etc/sysconfig/firstboot
# don't start yum-updatesd for livecd boots
chkconfig --level 345 yum-updatesd off 2>/dev/null
# don't start cron/at as they tend to spawn things which are
# disk intensive that are painful on a live image
chkconfig --level 345 crond off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 atd off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 anacron off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 readahead_early off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 readahead_later off 2>/dev/null
# Stopgap fix for RH #217966; should be fixed in HAL instead
touch /media/.hal-mtab
# workaround clock syncing on shutdown that we don't want (#297421)
sed -i -e 's/hwclock/no-such-hwclock/g' /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
# workaround avahi segfault (#279301)
touch /etc/resolv.conf
/sbin/restorecon /etc/resolv.conf
chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/fedora-live
/sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/fedora-live
/sbin/chkconfig --add fedora-live
# make sure there aren't core files lying around
rm -f /core*
# make the initrd we care about
rm -f /boot/initrd*.img
cp /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd /etc/mayflower.conf
ver=`ls /boot/vmlinuz* |head -n 1 |sed -e 's;/boot/vmlinuz-;;'`
/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower -f /boot/initrd-$ver.img $ver
rm -f /etc/mayflower.conf
%post --nochroot
cp $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/*-release-*/GPL $LIVE_ROOT/GPL
cp $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/HTML/readme-live-image/en_US/readme-live-image-en_US.txt $LIVE_ROOT/README
# only works on x86, x86_64
if [ "$(uname -i)" = "i386" -o "$(uname -i)" = "x86_64" ]; then
if [ ! -d $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ]; then mkdir -p $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ; fi
cp /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS
# move the initrd we created to be the booted one
mv $INSTALL_ROOT/boot/initrd-*.img $LIVE_ROOT/isolinux/initrd0.img