Bill Nottingham ec5666487e refresh-po
2007-06-26 18:07:25 +00:00

1368 lines
44 KiB

# Íslensk þýðing comps
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Richard Allen <>, 2002.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: comps 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-06-26 14:03-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-07 12:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Richard Allen <>\n"
"Language-Team: is <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../ ../ ../
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msgid "A lightweight desktop environment that works well on low end machines."
msgstr "Létt skjáborðsumhverfi sem virkar vel á aflminni vélum."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Administration Tools"
msgstr "Kerfisstjórnunartól"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Forrit"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Applications for a variety of tasks"
msgstr "Ýmis forrit"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Arabic Support"
msgstr "Arabíska"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Armenian Support"
msgstr "Armenska"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Authoring and Publishing"
msgstr "Umbrot og ritstörf"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Base System"
msgstr "Grunnkerfið"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Desktop Environments"
msgstr "Skjáborðsumhverfi"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Desktop environments"
msgstr "Skjáborðsumhverfi"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Development"
msgstr "Þróun"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Development Tools"
msgstr "Þróunartól"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Dialup Networking Support"
msgstr "Upphringinetsstuðningur"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Editors"
msgstr "Ritlar"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Educational Software"
msgstr "Fræðsluhugbúnaður"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Educational software for learning"
msgstr "Fræðsluhugbúnaður"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Engineering and Scientific"
msgstr "Vísindi og verkfræði"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "FTP Server"
msgstr "FTP þjónn"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package "
"group allows you to work with sound and video on the system."
msgstr ""
"Allt frá brennslu geisladiska til að spila geisladiska og margmiðlunarskrár. "
"Þessi pakkahópur gerir þér kleyft að vinna með hljóð og mynd."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "GNOME Desktop Environment"
msgstr "GNOME skjáborðið"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "GNOME Software Development"
msgstr "Hugbúnaðarþróun fyrir GNOME"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid ""
"GNOME is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, "
"desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager."
msgstr ""
"GNOME er öflugt myndrænt vinnuumhverfi sem inniheldur spjald, skjáborð, "
"kerfissmámyndir og myndrænann skráarstjóra."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../
msgid "Games and Entertainment"
msgstr "Leikir og skemmtun"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Graphical Internet"
msgstr "Myndræn Internettól"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Myndvinnsla"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Hardware Support"
msgstr "Vélbúnaðarstuðningur"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Hebrew Support"
msgstr "Hebreska"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical "
msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt þróa GTK+ og GNOME forrit."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid ""
"Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and XFCE graphical "
msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt þróa GTK+ og XFCE forrit."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications."
msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt þróa QT og KDE forrit"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface."
msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt nota myndræn forrit (X)."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Japanese Support"
msgstr "Japanska"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Java Development"
msgstr "Java þróun"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
msgstr "KDE (K skjáborðið)"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "KDE Software Development"
msgstr "Hugbúnaðarþróun fyrir KDE"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid ""
"KDE is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, "
"system icons, and a graphical file manager."
msgstr ""
"KDE er öflugt myndrænt vinnuumhverfi sem inniheldur spjald, skjáborð, "
"kerfissmámyndir og myndrænann skráarstjóra."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Mail Server"
msgstr "Póstþjónn"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Network Servers"
msgstr "Netþjónustur"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "News Server"
msgstr "Fréttaþjónn"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Office/Productivity"
msgstr "Skrifstofuforrit"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"Packages which provide functionality for developing and building "
msgstr "Pakkar sem innihalda virkni til að þróa og smíða hugbúnað."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Servers"
msgstr "Þjónar"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment."
msgstr "Einfaldir gluggastjórar sem tilheyra ekki stærri skjáborðsumhverfum."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Software used for running network servers"
msgstr "Hugbúnaður til að keyra netþjóna"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid ""
"Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create "
"and edit files. These include Emacs and Vi."
msgstr ""
"Forrit sem kallast ritlar. Þetta eru tólin sem gera þér kleyft að búa til og "
"breyta skrám. Þetta inniheldur meðal annars Emacs og Vi."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Sound and Video"
msgstr "Hljóð og mynd"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Support for developing programs in the Java programming language."
msgstr "Þróunartól fyrir Java forritunarmálið."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Support for running programs written in the Java programming language."
msgstr "Grunnstuðningur við Java forritunarmálið."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "System Tools"
msgstr "Kerfistól"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Text-based Internet"
msgstr "Internet með textaskilum"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "The XEmacs text editor."
msgstr "XEmacs ritillinn."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more."
msgstr "Forritin innihalda meðal annars skrifstofutól, PDF sjár og fleira."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar gera þér kleyft að setja upp IMAP eða SMTP pósthús."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"These packages are helpful when developing web applications or web pages."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar gera þér kleyft að þróa vefforrit og vefsíður."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid ""
"These tools allow you to create documentation in the DocBook format and "
"convert them to HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text."
msgstr ""
"Þessi tól gera þér kleyft að búa til skjöl á DocBook sniði og breyta þeim í "
"HTML, PDF, Postscript og texta."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system."
msgstr "Þessi tól gera þér kleyft að keyra vefþjón á vélinni."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system."
msgstr "Þessi tól gera þér kleyft að keyra FTP þjón á vélinni."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, "
"python, and debuggers."
msgstr ""
"Þessi tól eru meðal annars automake, gcc, perl, python og aflúsunartól."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "This group allows you to configure the system as a news server."
msgstr "Þessi tól gera þér kleyft að stilla vélina sem news þjón."
#: ../ ../ ../
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msgid "This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients."
msgstr "Þessi hópur inniheldur myndræn póst, vef og spjallforrit."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific "
"computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur pakka til að framkvæma stærðfræði og "
"vísindaútreikninga ásamt tólum til að umbreyta milli eininga."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur pakka sem gera þér kleyft að skanna og breyta myndum."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These "
"applications do not require the X Window System."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur póst, vef og spjallforrit með textaskilum. Þessi tól "
"þurfa ekki X gluggakerfið."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, "
"such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur safn myndrænna kerfisstjórnunartóla fyrir vélina eins "
"og til dæmis tól til að vinna með notendur og stilla vélbúnað."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "This group is a collection of network servers for specific purposes"
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis vélbúnaðartól."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools and resources of Arabic environments."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis tól fyrir Armenskustuðning."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools and resources of Armenian environments."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis tól fyrir Armenskustuðning."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools and resources of Hebrew environments."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis tól fyrir Armenskustuðning."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools and resources of Japanese environments."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis tól fyrir Armenskustuðning."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis vélbúnaðartól."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the "
"client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur safn kerfistóla eins og til dæmis tól til að tengjast "
"SMB netdrifum og tól til að fylgjast með umferð á neti."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Various core pieces of the system."
msgstr "Ýmsir hlutar grunnkerfisins."
#: ../ ../ ../
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msgid "Various ways to relax and spend your free time."
msgstr "Ýmslegt til að slappa af yfir og eyða lausum tíma."
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Web Development"
msgstr "Vefþróun"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Web Server"
msgstr "Vefþjónn"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Window Managers"
msgstr "Gluggastjórar"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "X Window System"
msgstr "X gluggakerfið"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "XEmacs"
msgstr "XEmacs"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "XFCE"
msgstr "XFCE"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "XFCE Software Development"
msgstr "Hugbúnaðarþróun fyrir XFCE umhverfið"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Czech Support"
msgstr "Tjékkneska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This group is a collection of tools and resources of Czech environments."
msgstr "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur ýmis tól fyrir Armenskustuðning."
#: ../ ../
msgid "Afrikaans Support"
msgstr "Afríkanska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Albanian Support"
msgstr "Canadíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Applications to perform a variety of tasks"
msgstr "Ýmis forrit sem leysa mörg verkefni af hendi"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Assamese Support"
msgstr "Assamíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Base"
msgstr "Grunnur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Basic support for the Ruby programming language."
msgstr "Grunnstuðningur við forritunarmálið Ruby"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Basque Support"
msgstr "Basque"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Belarusian Support"
msgstr "Búlgarska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Bengali Support"
msgstr "Bengalíska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bhutanese Support"
msgstr "Kínverska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bosnian Support"
msgstr "Eistneska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Brazilian Portuguese Support"
msgstr "Brasílísk portúgalska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Breton Support"
msgstr "Bretónska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Bulgarian Support"
msgstr "Búlgarska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Catalan Support"
msgstr "Catalónska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Chinese Support"
msgstr "Kínverska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Clustering"
msgstr "Klösun"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Clustering Support"
msgstr "Klasastuðningur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Core"
msgstr "Lágmarkskerfi"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Croatian Support"
msgstr "Króatíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "DNS Name Server"
msgstr "DNS nafnaþjónn"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Danish Support"
msgstr "Danska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Development Libraries"
msgstr "Þróunaraðgerðasöfn"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Dial-up Networking Support"
msgstr "Upphringinetsstuðningur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Dutch Support"
msgstr "Hollenska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Eclipse"
msgstr "Eclipse"
#: ../ ../
msgid "English (UK) Support"
msgstr "Enskustuðningur (UK)"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Estonian Support"
msgstr "Eistneska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Ethiopic Support"
msgstr "Eþíópa"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Faeroese Support"
msgstr "Færeyska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filipino Support"
msgstr "Katalónska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Finnish Support"
msgstr "Finnska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "French Support"
msgstr "Franska"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"GNOME is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, "
"desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager."
msgstr ""
"GNOME er öflugt myndrænt vinnuumhverfi sem inniheldur spjald, skjáborð, "
"kerfissmámyndir og myndrænan skráarstjóra."
#: ../ ../
msgid "Gaelic Support"
msgstr "Velska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Galician Support"
msgstr "Katalónska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Georgian Support"
msgstr "Þýska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "German Support"
msgstr "Þýska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Greek Support"
msgstr "Gríska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Gujarati Support"
msgstr "Gujarati"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Hindi Support"
msgstr "Hindí"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Hungarian Support"
msgstr "Ungverska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Icelandic Support"
msgstr "Íslenska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Indonesian Support"
msgstr "Indóneskíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Install these tools to enable the system to print or act as a print server."
msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt prenta eða setja upp prentþjón."
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inuktitut Support"
msgstr "Zúlú"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Irish Support"
msgstr "Írska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Italian Support"
msgstr "Ítalska"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"KDE is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, "
"system icons, and a graphical file manager."
msgstr ""
"KDE er öflugt myndrænt vinnuumhverfi sem inniheldur spjald, skjáborð, "
"kerfissmámyndir og myndrænan skráarstjóra."
#: ../ ../
msgid "Kannada Support"
msgstr "Kannada"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Khmer Support"
msgstr "Þýska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Korean Support"
msgstr "Kóreska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Tungumál"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lao Support"
msgstr "Tælenska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Latvian Support"
msgstr "Króatíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Legacy Network Server"
msgstr "Gamlar netþjónustur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Legacy Software Development"
msgstr "Þróunartól fyrir gömul forrit"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Legacy Software Support"
msgstr "Stuðningur við gömul forrit"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Lithuanian Support"
msgstr "Litháenska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Malay Support"
msgstr "Malaíska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Malayalam Support"
msgstr "Malayalam"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maori Support"
msgstr "Marathi"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Marathi Support"
msgstr "Marathi"
#: ../ ../
msgid "MySQL Database"
msgstr "MySQL gagnagrunnur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Northern Sotho Support"
msgstr "Norður Sotho"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Norwegian Support"
msgstr "Norska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Oriya Support"
msgstr "Oriya"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Persian Support"
msgstr "Serbneska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Polish Support"
msgstr "Pólska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Portuguese Support"
msgstr "Portúgalska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "PostgreSQL Database"
msgstr "PostgreSQL gagnagrunnur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Printing Support"
msgstr "Prentstuðningur"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Punjabi Support"
msgstr "Punjabi"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Romanian Support"
msgstr "Rómanska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Russian Support"
msgstr "Rússnenska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Samoan Support"
msgstr "Þýska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Serbian Support"
msgstr "Serbneska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Server Configuration Tools"
msgstr "Stillingatól fyrir þjóna"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Sinhala Support"
msgstr "Sinhala"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Slovak Support"
msgstr "Slóvak"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Slovenian Support"
msgstr "Slóvnenska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Smallest possible installation"
msgstr "Lágmarks uppsetning"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Somail Support"
msgstr "Swati"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create "
"and edit text files. This includes Emacs and Vi."
msgstr ""
"Forrit sem kallast ritlar. Þetta eru tólin sem gera þér kleyft að búa til og "
"breyta textaskrám. Þetta inniheldur meðal annars Emacs og Vi."
#: ../ ../
msgid "Southern Ndebele Support"
msgstr "Suður-Ndebele"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Southern Sotho Support"
msgstr "Suður-Sotho"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Spanish Support"
msgstr "Spánska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Swati Support"
msgstr "Swati"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Swedish Support"
msgstr "Sænska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tagalog Support"
msgstr "Tamílska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Tamil Support"
msgstr "Tamílska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Telugu Support"
msgstr "Telugu"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Thai Support"
msgstr "Tælenska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment."
msgstr "Eclipse þróunarumhverfið."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The packages in this group are core libraries needed to develop applications."
msgstr ""
"Pakkarnir í þessum hóp eru grunnaðgerðasöfnin sem þarf til að þróa hugbúnað."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"These packages allow you to develop applications for the X Window System."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar gera þér kleyft að þróa hugbúnað fyrir X gluggakerfið."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"These packages include network-based servers such as DHCP, Kerberos and NIS."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar innihalda netþjónustur eins og DHCP, Kerberos og NIS."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"These packages include servers for old network protocols such as rsh and "
msgstr "Þessir pakkar innihalda gamlar netþjónustur eins og rsh og telnet."
#: ../ ../
msgid "These packages provide a virtualization environment."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar veita stuðning fyrir sýndarumhverfið."
#: ../ ../
msgid "These packages provide compatibility with previous releases."
msgstr "Þessir pakkar veita stuðning við fyrri útgáfur."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"These packages provide support for various locales including fonts and input "
msgstr ""
"Þessir pakkar veita stuðning við ýmis tungumál ásamt letri og "
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"These tools allow you to create documents in the DocBook format and convert "
"them into HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text."
msgstr ""
"Þessi tól gera þér kleyft að búa til skjöl á DocBook sniði og breyta þeim í "
"HTML, PDF, Postscript og texta."
#: ../ ../
msgid "This group contains all of Red Hat's custom server configuration tools."
msgstr "Þessi hópur inniheldur öll Red Hat stillingatólin."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"This group includes a minimal set of packages. Useful for creating small "
"router/firewall boxes, for example."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur lágmarksfjölda af pökkum og er gagnlegur til að búa "
"til smáar uppsetningar fyrir til dæmis beina eða eldveggi."
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"This package group allows you to run a DNS name server (BIND) on the system."
msgstr ""
"Þessi pakkahópur gerir þér kleyft að keyra DNS nafnaþjón (BIND) á vélinni "
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"This package group allows you to share files between Linux and MS Windows"
"(tm) systems."
msgstr ""
"Þessi pakkahópur gerir þér kleyft að skiptast á skrám milli Linux og MS "
"Windows véla."
#: ../ ../
msgid "This package group contains packages useful for use with MySQL."
msgstr "Þessi hópur inniheldur pakka sem gera þér kleyft að vinna með MySQL."
#: ../ ../
msgid "This package group includes packages useful for use with Postgresql."
msgstr ""
"Þessi hópur inniheldur pakka sem gera þér kleyft að vinna með Postgresql."
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tibetan Support"
msgstr "Þýska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tonga Support"
msgstr "Tsonga"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Tsonga Support"
msgstr "Tsonga"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Tswana Support"
msgstr "Tswana"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Turkish Support"
msgstr "Tyrkneska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Ukrainian Support"
msgstr "Úkraínska"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Urdu Support"
msgstr "Zúlú"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Venda Support"
msgstr "Venda"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vietnamese Support"
msgstr "Kínverska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Virtualization"
msgstr "Sýndarvélar"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Welsh Support"
msgstr "Velska"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Windows File Server"
msgstr "Skráaþjónn fyrir Windows"
#: ../ ../
msgid "X Software Development"
msgstr "Hugbúnaðarþróun fyrir X gluggakerfið"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Xhosa Support"
msgstr "Xhosa"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Zulu Support"
msgstr "Zúlú"
#~ msgid "Brazilian Support"
#~ msgstr "Brasílíska"
#~ msgid "British Support"
#~ msgstr "Breska"
#~ msgid "Compatibility Arch Development Support"
#~ msgstr "Samhæfnisþróunartól"
#~ msgid "Compatibility Arch Mozilla Support"
#~ msgstr "Samhæfnistól fyrir Mozilla"
#~ msgid "Compatibility Arch Support"
#~ msgstr "Samhæfnistól"
#~ msgid "Cyrillic Support"
#~ msgstr "Kýrílíska"
#~ msgid "Desktops"
#~ msgstr "Skjáborð"
#~ msgid "Emacs"
#~ msgstr "Emacs"
#~ msgid "GNOME"
#~ msgstr "GNOME"
#~ msgid "ISO8859-14 Support"
#~ msgstr "ISO8859-14 stuðningur"
#~ msgid "ISO8859-15 Support"
#~ msgstr "ISO8859-15 stuðningur"
#~ msgid "ISO8859-2 Support"
#~ msgstr "ISO8859-2 stuðningur"
#~ msgid "ISO8859-9 Support"
#~ msgstr "ISO8859-9 stuðningur"
#~ msgid "Install these packages to recompile the kernel."
#~ msgstr "Settu þessa pakka inn ef þú vilt endurþýða kjarnann."
#~ msgid "KDE"
#~ msgstr "KDE"
#~ msgid "KDE Desktop Environment"
#~ msgstr "KDE skjáborðið"
#~ msgid "Kernel Development"
#~ msgstr "Kjarnaþróun"
#~ msgid "Miscellaneous Included Packages"
#~ msgstr "Ýmsir pakkar sem eru innifaldir"
#~ msgid "Mozilla packages for the x86 platform"
#~ msgstr "Mozilla pakkar fyrir x86 vélar"
#~ msgid "Multilib support packages"
#~ msgstr "Stuðningur fyrir mörg aðgerðasöfn"
#~ msgid "SQL Database"
#~ msgstr "SQL gagnagrunnur"
#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Þjónn"
#~ msgid "Support for developing packages for the non-primary architecture"
#~ msgstr "Stuðningur við hugbúnaðarþróun fyrir aðrar vélar en þessa"
#~ msgid "Syriac Support"
#~ msgstr "Sírlenska"
#~ msgid "System"
#~ msgstr "Kerfi"
#~ msgid "The GNU Emacs text editor."
#~ msgstr "GNU Emacs ritillinn."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or Postfix mail server."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessir pakkar gera þér kleyft að setja upp IMAP eða Postfix pósthús."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "These packages provide compatibility support for previous releases of Red "
#~ "Hat Enterprise Linux."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessir pakkar veita stuðning við fyrri útgáfur af Red Hat Enterprise "
#~ "Linux."
#~ msgid "Unsupported Development Libraries"
#~ msgstr "Þróunaraðgerðasöfn sem ekki eru studd"
#~ msgid "Workstation Common"
#~ msgstr "Almennt fyrir vinnustöðvar"
#~ msgid "ppc64 Compatibility Arch Support"
#~ msgstr "ppc64 Samhæfnistól"
#~ msgid "x86 Compatibility Arch Development Support"
#~ msgstr "x86 samhæfnisþróunartól"
#~ msgid "x86 Compatibility Arch Support"
#~ msgstr "x86 Samhæfnistól"
#~ msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
#~ msgstr "Brasílísk portúgalska"
#~ msgid "English"
#~ msgstr "Enska"
#~ msgid "French"
#~ msgstr "Franska"
#~ msgid "German"
#~ msgstr "Þýska"
#~ msgid "Italian"
#~ msgstr "Ítalska"
#~ msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Documentation"
#~ msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 handbækur"
#~ msgid "Spanish"
#~ msgstr "Spánska"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Brazilian Portuguese language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "brasílískri portúgölsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "English language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á ensku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "French language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "frönsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "German language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á þýsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Italian language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "ítölsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Spanish language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "spönsku."
#~ msgid "Japanese"
#~ msgstr "Japanska"
#~ msgid "Korean"
#~ msgstr "Kóreska"
#~ msgid "Simplified Chinese"
#~ msgstr "Einfölduð kínverska"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Japanese language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "Japönsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Korean language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "Kóreönsku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Simplified Chinese language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "einfaldaðri kínversku."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Traditional Chinese language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "hefðbundinni kínversku."
#~ msgid "Traditional Chinese"
#~ msgstr "Hefðbundin kínverska"
#~ msgid "ppc64 Compatibility Arch Development Support"
#~ msgstr "ppc64 samhæfnisþróunartól"
#~ msgid "Bengali"
#~ msgstr "Bengali"
#~ msgid "Gujarati"
#~ msgstr "Gujarati"
#~ msgid "Hindi"
#~ msgstr "Hindi"
#~ msgid "Punjabi"
#~ msgstr "Punjabi"
#~ msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Documentation"
#~ msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 handbækur"
#~ msgid "Tamil"
#~ msgstr "Tamil"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Bengali language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "Bengali."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Gujarati language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "Gujarati."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Hindi language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á Hindi."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Punjabi language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á "
#~ "Punjabi."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This group contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation in the "
#~ "Tamil language."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Þessi pakkahópur inniheldur Red Hat Enterprise Linux handbækurnar á Tamil."
#~ msgid "Cluster Storage"
#~ msgstr "Klasadiskar"
#~ msgid "Clustering Support."
#~ msgstr "Klasastuðningur."
#~ msgid "Packages which provide support for cluster storage."
#~ msgstr "Pakkar sem veita stuðning við klasadiska"
#~ msgid "Packages which provide support for single-node GFS."
#~ msgstr "Pakkar sem veita GFS stuðning fyrir eina vél."
#~ msgid "Single Node GFS Support"
#~ msgstr "Einnar vélar GFS"
#~ msgid "These packages provide compatibility support with previous releases."
#~ msgstr "Þessir pakkar veita stuðning við fyrri útgáfur."
#~ msgid "Java Runtime Environments and Development Kits"
#~ msgstr "Keyrsluumhverfi og þróunarskrár fyrir Java"
#~ msgid "Misc"
#~ msgstr "Ýmislegt"
#~ msgid "Misc packages"
#~ msgstr "Ýmsir pakkar"
#~ msgid "Multimedia"
#~ msgstr "Margmiðlun"
#~ msgid "Multimedia applications"
#~ msgstr "Margmiðlunarforrit"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packages which provide additional functionality for Red Hat Enterprise "
#~ "Linux"
#~ msgstr "Þessir pakkar veita aukna virkni fyrir Red Hat Enterprise Linux."
#~ msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extras"
#~ msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux aukahugbúnaður"
#~ msgid "Workstation"
#~ msgstr "Vinnustöð"
#~ msgid "Workstation applications and utilities."
#~ msgstr "Forrit og tól frir vinnustöðvar."
#~ msgid "Virtualization Support."
#~ msgstr "Sýndarvélastuðningur."
#~ msgid "Compatibility Arch"
#~ msgstr "Vélbúnaðar samhæfnistól"
#~ msgid "Compatibility Arch Libraries"
#~ msgstr "Samhæfnistól milli vélbúnaðargerða"
#~ msgid "Multilib library packages"
#~ msgstr "Multilib pakkar"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packages which provide functionality for the compatibility architecture."
#~ msgstr "Pakkar sem innihalda virkni fyrir samhæfnislagið."