admin-tools <_name>Administration Tools <_description>This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware. true true gparted gsynaptics lat luma pessulus qtparted yumex arabic-support <_name>Arabic Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Arabic environments. false false dejavu-fonts dejavu-fonts-experimental armenian-support <_name>Armenian Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Armenian environments. false false dejavu-fonts dejavu-fonts-experimental authoring-and-publishing <_name>Authoring and Publishing <_description>These tools allow you to create documentation in the DocBook format and convert them to HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text. false true abcm2ps BibTool conglomerate docbook2X html401-dtds kile lilypond lout ooo2txt python-docutils scribus tetex-eurofont tetex-prosper w3c-markup-validator base-x <_name>X Window System <_description>Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface. true true alltray aterm Canna dejavu-fonts dejavu-fonts-experimental efont-unicode-bdf FreeWnn kinput2 lineak-defaultplugin lineak-xosdplugin lineakd rss-glx rss-glx-xscreensaver rxvt workrave xdaliclock xkeycaps xlockmore xscreensaver-base xscreensaver-extras xscreensaver-gl-extras czech-support <_name>Czech Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Czech environments. false false development-tools <_name>Development Tools <_description>These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, python, and debuggers. false true abicheck alleyoop aplus-fsf archmage asa bazaar bigloo bzr ccache clips clips-doc clips-xclips clisp cmake codeblocks cogito colordiff cpan2rpm cpanspec cppunit cproto crossvc curry cvs2cl cvs2svn cvsgraph cvsps cvsweb ecl gcl epydoc erlang flasm fpc ftnchek gauche gcl gforth ghc git gphpedit gprolog gpsim gputils haddock highlight hugs98 ipython jam kuipc lcov lightning lua mach manedit mcrypt meld mercurial mock monotone nqc ocaml oorexx patchy perltidy pgadmin3 pikdev pl plt-scheme pscan pylint q qgit quilt rapidsvn regexxer rpmdevtools rpmlint scons smarteiffel splint Sprog srecord sunifdef svn2cl svnmailer sysconftool sysprof tkcvs tla tolua++ trac translate-toolkit ucblogo utrac xbsql xfce4-dev-tools yap yasm dialup <_name>Dialup Networking Support true false pptp editors <_name>Editors <_description>Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit files. These include Emacs and Vi. false true base xemacs gobby jed leafpad nedit poedit scite scribes scribes-templates education <_name>Educational Software <_description>Educational software for learning false true childsplay drgeo drgeo-doc gcompris gperiodic gtypist stellarium tuxtype2 engineering-and-scientific <_name>Engineering and Scientific <_description>This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion. false true atlas blacs blas cdo cernlib-utils dx dx-samples galculator gdl geant321 genius geda-docs geda-gattrib geda-gnetlist geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols geda-utils ghdl gnucap gpredict grads gresistor gtkwave gts harminv hdf hdf5 hmmer kicad kpolynome kst ktechlab lagan lapack libctl libmatheval ncarg nco ncview netcdf ngspice numpy octave octave-forge openbabel orpie osiv paraview paw pcb plotutils qalculate-gtk qalculate-kde qcad qucs R rrdtool scalapack scrip sextractor SIBsim4 toped veusz wcstools wvs-data xcircuit xdrawchem ftp-server <_name>FTP Server <_description>These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system. false true proftpd pure-ftpd games <_name>Games and Entertainment <_description>Various ways to relax and spend your free time. false true abe abuse alex4 atomix auriferous ballbuster beneath-a-steel-sky beneath-a-steel-sky-cd blobwars bsd-games bygfoot bzflag celestia cgoban chess clanbomber crack-attack crossfire crossfire-client crystal-stacker crystal-stacker-themes csmash cyphesis enigma fbg fillets-ng flight-of-the-amazon-queen flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd foobillard fortune-mod fRaBs freeciv freedoom freedroid freedroidrpg frozen-bubble gl-117 gnofract4d gnome-sudoku gnubg gnuchess gnugo grhino gweled lacewing lincity-ng lmarbles lucidlife Maelstrom magicor manaworld mirrormagic monkey-bubble monsterz nazghul nazghul-haxima nethack nethack-vultures netpanzer neverball nexuiz njam oneko overgod pachi pengupop pinball pingus pipenightdreams powermanga ppracer qgo rafkill raidem Ri-li rocksndiamonds rogue scorched3d shippy sopwith starfighter sturmbahnfahrer supertux supertuxkart tong torcs trackballs trackballs-music tremulous tuxpuck ularn uqm viruskiller wesnoth worminator wormux xaos xarchon xboard xgalaxy xmoto xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server xplanet xscorch zasx gnome-desktop <_name>GNOME Desktop Environment <_description>GNOME is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. true true buoh byzanz deskbar-applet gdesklets glipper glunarclock gmpc gnochm gnome-applet-netspeed gnome-applet-sensors gnome-applet-timer gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack gnome-themes-extras gnotime gtweakui istanbul lock-keys-applet nautilus-actions nautilus-flac-converter nautilus-image-converter nautilus-open-terminal nautilus-search-tool panelfm rss-glx-gnome-screensaver sabayon seahorse themes-backgrounds-gnome verbiste-gnome wallpapoz wp_tray xscreensaver-extras-gss xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss gnome-software-development <_name>GNOME Software Development <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical applications. false true anjuta anjuta-docs bakery-devel bit-devel bitgtkmm-devel cairomm-devel conexus-devel conexusmm-devel gazpacho gconfmm26-devel glibmm24-devel gnome-common gnome-python2-gda-devel gnome-vfsmm26-devel gquilt gtk+extra gtk2hs gtkdatabox gtkmm24-devel libglademm24-devel libgnomecanvasmm26-devel libgnomemm26-devel libgnomeuimm26-devel libsexy-devel libsexymm-devel libsigc++20-devel papyrus-devel plotmm-devel graphical-internet <_name>Graphical Internet <_description>This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients. true true amsn apollon azureus balsa bittorrent-gui blogtk bluefish contact-lookup-applet d4x deskbar-applet dillo drivel evolution-bogofilter fwbuilder gajim galeon gg2 gnome-blog gnome-ppp gnome-translate gnubiff gossip gtk-gnutella gtorrentviewer gwget jd kadu kickpim kita knetstats konversation kphone licq liferea linphone logjam mail-notification ochusha pan prozilla psi putty rssowl screem streamtuner sylpheed sylpheed-claws transmission twinkle valknut x3270-x11 xchat-gnome graphics <_name>Graphics <_description>This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images. true true agave asymptote blender comix digikam fontforge fonttools fyre gpp gqview graphviz gv gwenview inkscape ipe k3d mirage optipng pstoedit pydot qiv rawstudio renrot showimg skencil tuxpaint ufraw wings hardware-support <_name>Hardware Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities. false true acpi acpitool gpsd gpsd-clients hddtemp i810switch i8kutils libifp lsscsi openct opensc s3switch tpb hebrew-support <_name>Hebrew Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Hebrew environments. false false dejavu-fonts dejavu-fonts-experimental japanese-support <_name>Japanese Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Japanese environments. false false jfbterm scim-input-pad scim-skk scim-tomoe kde-desktop <_name>KDE (K Desktop Environment) <_description>KDE is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. false true basket crystal katapult kbackup kbibtex kchmviewer kdissert kdmtheme kerry kickpim kiosktool klamav kmenu-gnome kmobiletools kmymoney2 knemo knetworkmanager kompose kooldock krecipes krusader ksensors kshutdown ksynaptics ktorrent kyum lineak-kdeplugins metamonitor oooqs2 rekall rsibreak rss-glx-kde smb4k kde-software-development <_name>KDE Software Development <_description>Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications. false true gambas kdesvn mail-server <_name>Mail Server <_description>These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server. false true amavisd-new clamav clamav-data clamav-milter clement crm114 cyrus-imapd enemies-of-carlotta esmtp exim exim-doc milter-regex mlmmj pyzor spamass-milter network-server <_name>Network Servers <_description>This group is a collection of network servers for specific purposes false true ctrlproxy dnsmasq ejabberd flumotion freenx icecast ipxripd ircd-hybrid jabberd kannel l2tpd NetworkManager-vpnc nsd oidentd openvpn puppet-server rbldnsd rinetd sobby torque-server ucarp ushare vnc-reflector news-server <_name>News Server <_description>This group allows you to configure the system as a news server. false true leafnode newscache suck office <_name>Office/Productivity <_description>The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more. true true abiword aiksaurus-gtk contacts dates dia gdeskcal glabels glom gnotime gnumeric gramps grisbi hnb koffice-suite krecipes labyrinth lyx notecase pybliographer qa-assistant qcad revelation taskjuggler texmaker tinyerp tinyerp-server xchm Zim sound-and-video <_name>Sound and Video <_description>From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system. true true abcde adplay akode alsamixergui amarok audacity aumix bin2iso brasero camE cdlabelgen dvdisaster easytag gcdmaster gcfilms gcombust gnomad2 gnomebaker gnomeradio graveman grip id3v2 jack-audio-connection-kit kid3 kover nomadsync nyquist regionset rosegarden4 soundconverter soundtracker sweep tagtool tclabc ushare vdr vdr-osdteletext vdr-subtitles wmix xmms xmms-adplug xmms-cdread xmms-flac system-tools <_name>System Tools <_description>This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic. false true aide airsnort apcupsd apg apt arc arj bochs cabextract cfengine chrpath conman connect-proxy convmv crack dar denyhosts dkms ebtables ed2k_hash eiciel emelfm2 enca environment-modules epylog fatsort fcron fedora-package-config-apt fedora-package-config-smart foremost freeze fuse fwbuilder fwrestart ganglia ghasher ghex gkrellm gnokii grepmail gtklp gtkterm gxemul hercules hfsplus-tools ibmonitor inadyn ip6sic isic jfbterm kdirstat keychain ksmarttray lft lirc lzop mmv moodss moomps munin nagios netgo nfswatch nomarch oddjob p0f p7zip pam_keyring par2cmdline pbzip2 powerman puppet pwgen qstat rdiff-backup rootsh rsnapshot sabayon scrub sec shorewall smart smart-gui snort stripesnoop swaks swatch synaptic syslog-ng testdisk tiobench torque-client torque-gui ttywatch unison upx viaideinfo vnstat vpnc wifiroamd wine wlassistant x3270-x11 xsupplicant zidrav text-internet <_name>Text-based Internet <_description>This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These applications do not require the X Window System. true true abook argus bittorrent centericq cone ctorrent ekg iperf irssi libtranslate mew nail naim ncftp ninja nmh pork rtorrent snownews tin xprobe2 yafc web-development <_name>Web Development <_description>These packages are helpful when developing web applications or web pages. false true web-server <_name>Web Server <_description>These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system. false true apachetop awstats boa dap-server-cgi lighttpd lighttpd-fastcgi mediawiki mod_cband mod_extract_forwarded mod_fcgid mod_geoip mod_security moin moin-latex namazu perl-HTML-Mason perl-Kwiki php-pecl-apc phpldapadmin plone tclhttpd thttpd TurboGears vdradmin-am zope window-managers <_name>Window Managers <_description>Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment. false true bbkeys blackbox fluxbox fluxconf hackedbox obconf obmenu openbox WindowMaker wmx xcompmgr xemacs <_name>XEmacs <_description>The XEmacs text editor. false false base xemacs xemacs-info xemacs-packages-base xemacs-packages-extra xemacs-packages-extra-info xemacs-el xemacs-nox xemacs-packages-base-el xemacs-packages-extra-el xfce-desktop <_name>XFCE <_description>A lightweight desktop environment that works well on low end machines. false true libxfce4mcs libxfce4util libxfcegui4 Thunar xfce-utils xfce4-panel xfce4-session xfce4-session-engines xfdesktop xfwm4 xfce-mcs-manager xfce-mcs-plugins xfce4-appfinder xfce4-icon-theme xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-mixer xfprint mousepad orage Terminal xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-diskperf-plugin xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-minicmd-plugin xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter-plugin xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-wavelan-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-websearch-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfce4-xmms-plugin xfwm4-themes xfce-software-development <_name>XFCE Software Development <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and XFCE graphical applications. false true x-software-development libxfce4mcs-devel libxfce4util-devel libxfcegui4-devel xfce-mcs-manager-devel xfce4-panel-devel xfce4-session-devel desktops <_name>Desktop Environments <_description>Desktop environments 10 xfce-desktop apps <_name>Applications <_description>Applications for a variety of tasks 20 education development <_name>Development <_description>Packages which provide functionality for developing and building applications. 70 web-development xfce-software-development servers <_name>Servers <_description>Software used for running network servers 90 network-server base-system <_name>Base System <_description>Various core pieces of the system. 99 hardware-support