This defines a package group. Should the group be enabled by default? Should the group be visible to users? Other groups that this group requires. mandatory default optional conditional The "blacklist" is a list of packages that will be *removed* if found during an upgrade. Typically this is used to handle tricky upgrade cases that can't be modeled with existing RPM Obsoletes/Conflicts/etc. Here's an example: In FC6, hal was a multilib package, but in F7 we split it into (non-multilib) hal and (multilib) hal-libs. So the system starts with hal.x86_64 and hal.i386 (for multilib compat). We want to upgrade to hal.x86_64 and hal-libs.x86_64, with hal-libs.i386 for multilib. Upgrading hal.x86_64 will bring in hal-libs.x86_64, and upgrading hal.i386 brings in hal-libs.i386. Adding a blacklist item for 'hal.i386' causes anaconda to remove the (now-unneeded) hal.i386, which gives us the desired outcome. Arch to blacklist this package from. If unspecified, it will be blocked on all arches. The RPM "whiteout" list is used to by RPM to break dependency loops. Each "ignoredep" element has two attributes - "package" and "requires" - which are both package names. While calculating dependencies, RPM will ignore any dependency that results in p requiring r. This is used to keep upgrades from getting stuck on known dependency loops, like with mutually dependent packages (e.g. xinitrc and xorg-x11) To feed this info to RPM, each item should be converted to a string of the form 'package>requires', and the RPM macro '_dependency_whiteout' should be filled with a (newline-separated) list of these items. true false