admin-tools <_name>Administration Tools <_description>This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware. true true dbench yumex arabic-support <_name>Arabic Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Arabic environments. false false armenian-support <_name>Armenian Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Armenian environments. false false authoring-and-publishing <_name>Authoring and Publishing <_description>These tools allow you to create documentation in the DocBook format and convert them to HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text. false true python-docutils base-x <_name>X Window System <_description>Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface. true true freefont buildsys-build <_name>Buildsystem building group <_description/> false false bash bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils epel-release findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils tar unzip util-linux-ng which czech-support <_name>Czech Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Czech environments. false false development-tools <_name>Development Tools <_description>These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, python, and debuggers. false true ccache clips clips-devel clips-doc clips-emacs clips-xclips clipsmm-devel clipsmm-doc cmake cmucl colordiff cvsps email2trac ftnchek git lua mercurial mock nqc nqc-doc ocaml qgit rpmdevtools rpmlint sbcl trac trac-git-plugin trac-mercurial-plugin trac-webadmin translate-toolkit dial-up <_name>Dialup Networking Support <_description/> true false editors <_name>Editors <_description>Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit files. These include Emacs and Vi. false true base xemacs education <_name>Educational Software <_description>Educational software for learning false true drgeo drgeo-doc gperiodic electronic-lab <_name>Electronic Lab <_description>Design and Simulation tools for hardware engineers false true alliance avr-binutils avr-gcc avr-gcc-c++ avr-gdb cgnslib covered dfu-programmer dia-CMOS dia-Digital dia-electric2 dia-electronic dinotrace dgc drawtiming eclipse-eclox eclipse-cdt eclipse-egit eclipse-subclipse eclipse-texlipse eclipse-veditor electric electronics-menu emacs-dinotrace emacs-gnuplot emacs-irsim-mode emacs-sdcc emacs-spics-mode emacs-systemc-mode emacs-verilog-mode emacs-vregs-mode eqntott espresso-ab fped gds2pov geda-gaf gerbv ghdl gnucap gplcver gnusim8085 gpsim gputils gresistor gtkterm gtkwave hct irsim iverilog kicad ktechlab linsmith magic magic-doc mcu8051ide nesc netgen ngspice ngspice-doc ovm pcb perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Lexer perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Tidy perl-ModelSim-List perl-Perlilog perl-SystemC-Vregs perl-SystemPerl perl-Verilog-Perl perl-Verilog-CodeGen perl-Verilog-Readmem pharosc pharosc-alliance pharosc-magic pharosc-synopsys pharosc-xcircuit pikdev piklab pikloops poky-scripts qucs sdcc sk2py tclspice teal tetex-IEEEtran tkcvs tkgate toped uisp usrp verilator vhd2vl vrq wb_builder xcircuit xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 freehdl engineering-and-scientific <_name>Engineering and Scientific <_description>This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion. false true gromacs gromacs-mpi hdf hdf5 jmol Macaulay2 maxima ncarg netcdf numpy qucs rrdtool fedora-packager <_name>Fedora Packager <_description>Tools and Utilities needed by a Fedora Packager false true bodhi-client bzr cvs fedora-easy-karma fedora-packager git koji mercurial mock plague-client rpm-build rpmdevtools ftp-server <_name>FTP Server <_description>These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system. false true games <_name>Games and Entertainment <_description>Various ways to relax and spend your free time. false true gnome-desktop <_name>GNOME Desktop Environment <_description>GNOME is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. true true gnome-software-development <_name>GNOME Software Development <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical applications. false true graphical-internet <_name>Graphical Internet <_description>This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients. true true checkgmail konversation mail-notification graphics <_name>Graphics <_description>This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images. true true digikam fontforge graphviz gv hardware-support <_name>Hardware Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities. false true ctapi-cyberjack ctapi-cyberjack-pcsc ctapi-cyberjack-tools hddtemp hebrew-support <_name>Hebrew Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Hebrew environments. false false japanese-support <_name>Japanese Support <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Japanese environments. false false kde-desktop <_name>KDE (K Desktop Environment) <_description>KDE is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. false true amarok kmymoney2 xsettings-kde kde-software-development <_name>KDE Software Development <_description>Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications. false true mail-server <_name>Mail Server <_description>These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server. false true clamav clamav-data clamav-milter spambayes sqlgrey uw-imap network-server <_name>Network Servers <_description>This group is a collection of network servers for specific purposes false true dnsmasq ircd-hybrid kannel openvpn puppet-server rbldnsd ushare vtun news-server <_name>News Server <_description>This group allows you to configure the system as a news server. false true office <_name>Office/Productivity <_description>The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more. true true calcurse gnucash kmymoney2 revelation vym sound-and-video <_name>Sound and Video <_description>From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system. true true akode amarok qmmp ucview ushare system-tools <_name>System Tools <_description>This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic. false true apcupsd bash-completion cfengine chrpath denyhosts ebtables environment-modules ettercap ghex gkrellm isic nagios p7zip powerman puppet qstat rear rsnapshot sec tiobench ttywatch wine text-internet <_name>Text-based Internet <_description>This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These applications do not require the X Window System. true true alpine naim ncftp pork rss2email websec xprobe2 web-development <_name>Web Development <_description>These packages are helpful when developing web applications or web pages. false true python-cherrypy TurboGears web-server <_name>Web Server <_description>These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system. false true cherokee mod_fcgid mod_security moin plone Pound tomcat-native zope window-managers <_name>Window Managers <_description>Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment. false true xemacs <_name>XEmacs <_description>The XEmacs text editor. false false base desktops <_name>Desktop Environments <_description>Desktop environments 10 xfce-desktop apps <_name>Applications <_description>Applications for a variety of tasks 20 education development <_name>Development <_description>Packages which provide functionality for developing and building applications. 70 fedora-packager web-development xfce-software-development servers <_name>Servers <_description>Software used for running network servers 90 network-server base-system <_name>Base System <_description>Various core pieces of the system. 99 hardware-support