diff --git a/comps-f8.xml.in b/comps-f8.xml.in
index 37dd3b24..e69de29b 100644
--- a/comps-f8.xml.in
+++ b/comps-f8.xml.in
@@ -1,4298 +0,0 @@
- admin-tools
- <_name>Administration Tools
- <_description>This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware.
- true
- true
- authconfig-gtk
- pirut
- system-config-boot
- system-config-date
- system-config-keyboard
- system-config-language
- system-config-lvm
- system-config-network
- system-config-rootpassword
- system-config-soundcard
- system-config-users
- cacti
- etherape
- ettercap-gtk
- galternatives
- gparted
- gsynaptics
- lat
- luma
- pessulus
- qtparted
- system-config-kickstart
- yumex
- afrikaans-support
- <_name>Afrikaans Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- af
- aspell-af
- hunspell-af
- moodle-af
- openoffice.org-langpack-af_ZA
- albanian-support
- <_name>Albanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sq
- moodle-sq
- arabic-support
- <_name>Arabic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ar
- fonts-arabic
- aspell-ar
- gcompris-sound-ar
- kde-i18n-Arabic
- moodle-ar
- openoffice.org-langpack-ar
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-arabic
- scim-tables-arabic
- armenian-support
- <_name>Armenian Support
- <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Armenian environments.
- false
- false
- hy
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-armenian
- assamese-support
- <_name>Assamese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- as
- fonts-bengali
- m17n-contrib-assamese
- m17n-db-assamese
- openoffice.org-langpack-as_IN
- scim-lang-assamese
- authoring-and-publishing
- <_name>Authoring and Publishing
- <_description>These tools allow you to create documents in the DocBook format and convert them into HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text.
- false
- true
- docbook-slides
- docbook-style-dsssl
- docbook-style-xsl
- docbook-utils
- docbook-utils-pdf
- linuxdoc-tools
- tetex
- xhtml1-dtds
- xmlto
- abcm2ps
- BibTool
- conglomerate
- docbook2X
- html401-dtds
- kile
- latex-mk
- lilypond
- lout
- ooo2txt
- python-docutils
- scribus
- tetex-eurofont
- tetex-prosper
- tetex-xdvi
- w3c-markup-validator
- base
- <_name>Base
- <_description>This group includes a minimal set of packages. Useful for creating small router/firewall boxes, for example.
- true
- false
- acl
- at
- attr
- authconfig
- bc
- bind-utils
- bzip2
- crontabs
- cyrus-sasl-plain
- libutempter
- logrotate
- lsof
- mailcap
- man
- ntsysv
- parted
- pciutils
- psacct
- quota
- tmpwatch
- traceroute
- vixie-cron
- hunspell-en
- anacron
- aspell
- aspell-en
- autofs
- bluez-utils
- ccid
- coolkey
- cpuspeed
- cryptsetup-luks
- device-mapper-multipath
- dhclient
- dhcpv6-client
- dmraid
- dos2unix
- dosfstools
- dump
- eject
- fbset
- finger
- firstboot-tui
- ftp
- gnupg
- gpm
- iptstate
- irda-utils
- irqbalance
- jwhois
- krb5-workstation
- lftp
- logwatch
- man-pages
- mcelog
- mdadm
- mgetty
- microcode_ctl
- mlocate
- mtr
- nano
- nc
- NetworkManager
- nfs-utils
- nss_db
- nss_ldap
- ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs
- numactl
- openssh-clients
- openssh-server
- pam_ccreds
- pam_krb5
- pam_passwdqc
- pam_pkcs11
- pam_smb
- pcmciautils
- pcsc-lite-libs
- pinfo
- pm-utils
- prctl
- rdate
- rdist
- readahead
- redhat-lsb
- rng-utils
- rsh
- rsync
- sendmail
- setuptool
- smartmontools
- specspo
- stunnel
- sudo
- symlinks
- sysreport
- system-config-firewall-tui
- system-config-network-tui
- talk
- tcpdump
- tcp_wrappers
- telnet
- time
- tree
- unix2dos
- unzip
- usbutils
- vconfig
- wget
- which
- wireless-tools
- words
- ypbind
- yum
- yum-updatesd
- zip
- acpid
- apmd
- authd
- bridge-utils
- brltty
- gpart
- hardlink
- hfsutils
- iscsi-initiator-utils
- jfsutils
- kexec-tools
- ksh
- mkbootdisk
- mtools
- netconfig
- netdump
- openCryptoki
- pax
- reiserfs-utils
- squashfs-tools
- star
- tcsh
- x86info
- xfsprogs
- base-x
- <_name>X Window System
- <_description>Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface.
- true
- true
- bitmap-fonts
- desktop-backgrounds-basic
- xorg-x11-drivers
- xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-misc
- xorg-x11-fonts-truetype
- xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
- xorg-x11-server-Xorg
- xorg-x11-xauth
- xorg-x11-xinit
- authconfig-gtk
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-gulim
- cjkunifonts-uming
- dejavu-lgc-fonts
- firstboot
- fonts-arabic
- lohit-fonts-bengali
- lohit-fonts-gujarati
- fonts-hebrew
- lohit-fonts-hindi
- lohit-fonts-kannada
- lohit-fonts-oriya
- lohit-fonts-punjabi
- fonts-sinhala
- lohit-fonts-tamil
- lohit-fonts-telugu
- gdm
- glx-utils
- jomolhari-fonts
- krb5-auth-dialog
- liberation-fonts
- openssh-askpass
- pirut
- policycoreutils-gui
- rhgb
- sazanami-fonts-gothic
- setroubleshoot
- smolt-firstboot
- system-config-date
- system-config-display
- system-config-network
- system-config-printer
- system-config-services
- system-config-soundcard
- system-config-users
- xorg-x11-apps
- xorg-x11-twm
- xorg-x11-utils
- xterm
- alltray
- aterm
- bitstream-vera-fonts
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- devilspie
- fonts-chinese
- fonts-japanese
- fonts-korean
- freefont
- lineak-defaultplugin
- lineak-xosdplugin
- lineakd
- lxpanel
- mathml-fonts
- rss-glx
- rss-glx-xscreensaver
- rxvt
- switchdesk
- uim-gtk2
- uim-m17n
- vnc-server
- workrave
- wqy-bitmap-fonts
- xdaliclock
- xkeycaps
- xlockmore
- xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
- xorg-x11-resutils
- xorg-x11-server-Xnest
- xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
- xorg-x11-xfs
- xorg-x11-xfs-utils
- xorg-x11-xsm
- xscreensaver
- xscreensaver-base
- xscreensaver-extras
- xscreensaver-gl-extras
- fonts
- <_name>Fonts
- <_description>Fonts packages for rendering text on the desktop.
- true
- true
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-gulim
- cjkunifonts-uming
- dejavu-lgc-fonts
- fonts-arabic
- lohit-fonts-bengali
- lohit-fonts-gujarati
- lohit-fonts-hindi
- lohit-fonts-kannada
- lohit-fonts-malayalam
- lohit-fonts-oriya
- lohit-fonts-punjabi
- fonts-sinhala
- lohit-fonts-tamil
- lohit-fonts-telugu
- jomolhari-fonts
- liberation-fonts
- sazanami-fonts-gothic
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-batang
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-dotum
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-hline
- bitstream-vera-fonts
- charis-fonts
- cjkunifonts-ukai
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- doulos-fonts
- fonts-chinese
- fonts-japanese
- fonts-korean
- fonts-truetype-apl
- freefont
- gentium-fonts
- hunky-fonts
- linux-libertine-fonts
- mathml-fonts
- mgopen-fonts
- sazanami-fonts-mincho
- tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
- VLGothic-fonts
- xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
- xorg-x11-fonts-syriac
- legacy-fonts
- <_name>Legacy Fonts
- <_description>Older bitmap and vector fonts packages
- true
- true
- bitmap-fonts
- fonts-hebrew
- xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-misc
- xorg-x11-fonts-truetype
- xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts
- baekmuk-bdf-fonts
- bitmap-fonts-cjk
- efont-unicode-bdf
- fonts-hebrew-fancy
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- fonts-x11-apl
- ghostscript-fonts
- libdockapp-fonts
- taipeifonts
- terminus-font-console
- terminus-font-x11
- urw-fonts
- xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi
- zvbi-fonts
- basque-support
- <_name>Basque Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- eu
- gcompris-sound-eu
- koffice-langpack-eu
- moodle-eu
- openoffice.org-langpack-eu_ES
- belarusian-support
- <_name>Belarusian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- be
- moodle-be
- bengali-support
- <_name>Bengali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bn
- fonts-bengali
- m17n-contrib-bengali
- m17n-db-bengali
- aspell-bn
- kde-i18n-Bengali
- openoffice.org-langpack-bn
- scim-lang-bengali
- bhutanese-support
- <_name>Bhutanese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- dz
- jomolhari-fonts
- openoffice.org-langpack-dz
- bosnian-support
- <_name>Bosnian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bs
- moodle-bs
- brazilian-support
- <_name>Brazilian Portuguese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pt_BR
- aspell-pt
- kde-i18n-Brazil
- koffice-langpack-pt_BR
- moodle-pt_br
- openoffice.org-langpack-pt_BR
- breton-support
- <_name>Breton Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- br
- aspell-br
- LabPlot-doc-br
- british-support
- <_name>English (UK) Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- en_GB
- kde-i18n-British
- koffice-langpack-en_GB
- buildsys-build
- <_name>Buildsystem building group
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bash
- bzip2
- coreutils
- cpio
- diffutils
- fedora-release
- findutils
- gawk
- gcc
- gcc-c++
- grep
- gzip
- info
- make
- patch
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpm-build
- sed
- tar
- unzip
- util-linux-ng
- which
- bulgarian-support
- <_name>Bulgarian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bg
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-bg
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-bg
- kde-i18n-Bulgarian
- koffice-langpack-bg
- moodle-bg
- openoffice.org-langpack-bg_BG
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- catalan-support
- <_name>Catalan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ca
- aspell-ca
- hunspell-ca
- kde-i18n-Catalan
- koffice-langpack-ca
- moodle-ca
- openoffice.org-langpack-ca_ES
- chinese-support
- <_name>Chinese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zh
- fonts-chinese
- kde-i18n-Chinese
- kde-i18n-Chinese-Big5
- koffice-langpack-zh_CN
- koffice-langpack-zh_TW
- moodle-zh_cn
- moodle-zh_tw
- openoffice.org-langpack-zh_CN
- openoffice.org-langpack-zh_TW
- scim-chewing
- scim-lang-chinese
- scim-pinyin
- scim-tables-chinese
- wqy-bitmap-fonts
- gcin
- lv
- m17n-db-chinese
- scim-array
- stardict-dic-zh_CN
- stardict-dic-zh_TW
- clustering
- <_name>Clustering
- <_description>Clustering Support
- false
- true
- cman
- gfs2-utils
- rgmanager
- system-config-cluster
- heartbeat
- core
- <_name>Core
- <_description>Smallest possible installation
- true
- false
- authconfig
- basesystem
- bash
- coreutils
- cpio
- e2fsprogs
- ed
- fedora-logos
- fedora-release
- file
- filesystem
- glibc
- hdparm
- initscripts
- iproute
- iprutils
- iputils
- kbd
- kudzu
- libgcc
- passwd
- policycoreutils
- prelink
- procps
- readline
- rootfiles
- rpm
- rsyslog
- selinux-policy-targeted
- setserial
- setup
- shadow-utils
- sysvinit
- util-linux-ng
- vim-minimal
- elilo
- grub
- ppc64-utils
- s390utils
- yaboot
- croatian-support
- <_name>Croatian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hr
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-hr
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-hr
- moodle-hr
- openoffice.org-langpack-hr_HR
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-croatian
- czech-support
- <_name>Czech Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- cs
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-cs
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- gcompris-sound-cs
- hunspell-cs
- kde-i18n-Czech
- koffice-langpack-cs
- man-pages-cs
- moodle-cs
- openoffice.org-dict-cs_CZ
- openoffice.org-langpack-cs_CZ
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- danish-support
- <_name>Danish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- da
- aspell-da
- gcompris-sound-da
- hunspell-da
- kde-i18n-Danish
- koffice-langpack-da
- man-pages-da
- moodle-da
- openoffice.org-langpack-da_DK
- development-libs
- <_name>Development Libraries
- <_description>The packages in this group are core libraries needed to develop applications.
- false
- true
- bzip2-devel
- glibc-devel
- ncurses-devel
- pam-devel
- readline-devel
- zlib-devel
- binutils-devel
- boost-devel
- coolkey-devel
- curl-devel
- cyrus-sasl-devel
- db4-devel
- dbus-devel
- expat-devel
- gdbm-devel
- gmp-devel
- gpm-devel
- hesiod-devel
- krb5-devel
- kudzu-devel
- libacl-devel
- libattr-devel
- libcap-devel
- libogg-devel
- libselinux-devel
- libuser-devel
- libvorbis-devel
- libxml2-devel
- lockdev-devel
- newt-devel
- openldap-devel
- openssl-devel
- pciutils-devel
- pcsc-lite-devel
- perl-devel
- python-devel
- rpm-devel
- slang-devel
- libusb-devel
- development-tools
- <_name>Development Tools
- <_description>These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, python, and debuggers.
- false
- true
- autoconf
- automake
- binutils
- bison
- flex
- gcc
- gcc-c++
- gdb
- gettext
- libtool
- make
- pkgconfig
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpm-build
- strace
- automake14
- automake15
- automake16
- automake17
- byacc
- ccache
- cscope
- ctags
- cvs
- diffstat
- doxygen
- elfutils
- frysk
- gcc-gfortran
- indent
- ltrace
- oprofile
- oprofile-gui
- patchutils
- pstack
- python-ldap
- rcs
- subversion
- swig
- systemtap
- texinfo
- valgrind
- abicheck
- alex
- alleyoop
- aplus-fsf
- archmage
- asa
- bazaar
- bigloo
- bugzilla
- buildbot
- bzr
- clips
- clips-doc
- clips-xclips
- clisp
- cmake
- cmucl
- codeblocks
- cogito
- colordiff
- cpan2rpm
- cpanspec
- cppunit
- cproto
- crossvc
- curry
- cvs2cl
- cvs2svn
- cvsgraph
- cvsps
- cvsweb
- darcs
- dejagnu
- ecl
- ElectricFence
- epydoc
- eric
- erlang
- expect
- flasm
- fpc
- frysk-gnome
- ftnchek
- gambas-ide
- gauche
- gcc-gnat
- gcc-objc
- gcl
- gforth
- ghc
- giggle
- git
- gnu-smalltalk
- gphpedit
- gprolog
- gpsim
- gputils
- gtranslator
- haddock
- happy
- highlight
- hugs98
- iasl
- imake
- ipython
- jam
- koji
- koji-hub
- koji-web
- kuipc
- lcov
- lightning
- livecd-tools
- lua
- lush
- mach
- manedit
- mantis
- mcrypt
- meld
- memtest86+
- mercurial
- mlton
- mock
- monodevelop
- monotone
- nasm
- nemiver
- nqc
- ocaml
- oorexx
- patchy
- perl-perlmenu
- perltidy
- pgadmin3
- phpcs
- pikdev
- pl
- plague
- plague-client
- plt-scheme
- polyml
- pscan
- pungi
- pylint
- q
- qgit
- quilt
- rapidsvn
- regexxer
- revisor
- rpmdevtools
- rpmlint
- sbcl
- scons
- smarteiffel
- splint
- Sprog
- srecord
- subcommander
- sunifdef
- svn2cl
- svnmailer
- sysconftool
- sysprof
- tailor
- tclpro
- tkcon
- tkcvs
- tla
- tolua++
- trac
- trac-git-plugin
- trac-mercurial-plugin
- trac-webadmin
- translate-toolkit
- ucblogo
- uim-gnome
- utrac
- wxGlade
- xbsql
- xfce4-dev-tools
- yap
- yasm
- zzuf
- dial-up
- <_name>Dial-up Networking Support
- <_description/>
- true
- false
- ppp
- isdn4k-utils
- lrzsz
- minicom
- rp-pppoe
- wvdial
- efax
- pptp
- statserial
- dns-server
- <_name>DNS Name Server
- <_description>This package group allows you to run a DNS name server (BIND) on the system.
- false
- true
- bind
- bind-chroot
- pdns
- dutch-support
- <_name>Dutch Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nl
- aspell-nl
- gcompris-sound-nl
- hunspell-nl
- kde-i18n-Dutch
- koffice-langpack-nl
- LabPlot-doc-nl
- moodle-nl
- openoffice.org-langpack-nl
- tesseract-langpack-nl
- eclipse
- <_name>Fedora Eclipse
- <_description>Integrated Development Environments based on Eclipse.
- false
- true
- eclipse-cdt
- eclipse-changelog
- eclipse-jdt
- eclipse-mylyn
- eclipse-mylyn-bugzilla
- eclipse-mylyn-ide
- eclipse-mylyn-java
- eclipse-pde
- eclipse-pydev
- eclipse-rpm-editor
- eclipse-subclipse
- eclipse-mylyn-trac
- editors
- <_name>Editors
- <_description>Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit text files. This includes Emacs and Vi.
- true
- true
- vim-enhanced
- cssed
- emacs
- geany
- gobby
- jed
- joe
- leafpad
- nedit
- poedit
- scite
- scribes
- scribes-templates
- vim-X11
- xemacs
- xemacs-packages-extra
- education
- <_name>Educational Software
- <_description>Educational software for learning
- false
- true
- gcompris-sound-en
- childsplay
- drgeo
- drgeo-doc
- gcompris
- gperiodic
- gtypist
- kdeedu
- moodle
- stellarium
- tuxtype2
- engineering-and-scientific
- <_name>Engineering and Scientific
- <_description>This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion.
- false
- true
- gnuplot
- units
- alliance
- atlas
- blacs
- blas
- cdo
- cernlib-utils
- drawtiming
- dx
- dx-samples
- funtools
- galculator
- gchempaint
- gdl
- geant321
- geda-docs
- geda-examples
- geda-gattrib
- geda-gnetlist
- geda-gschem
- geda-gsymcheck
- geda-symbols
- geda-utils
- genius
- geomview
- gerbv
- ghdl
- gnome-chemistry-utils
- gnucap
- gpredict
- grace
- grads
- gresistor
- gtkwave
- gts
- harminv
- hdf
- hdf5
- hmmer
- irsim
- kalgebra
- kicad
- kpolynome
- kst
- ktechlab
- LabPlot
- lagan
- lam
- lapack
- libctl
- libmatheval
- libtcd
- Macaulay2
- magic
- maxima
- ncarg
- nco
- ncview
- netcdf
- netgen
- ngspice
- numpy
- octave
- octave-forge
- openbabel
- orpie
- osiv
- paraview
- paw
- pcb
- perl-bioperl
- pharosc
- pharosc-alliance
- pharosc-magic
- pharosc-synopsys
- pharosc-xcircuit
- pikdev
- piklab
- pikloops
- plotutils
- pvm
- python-biopython
- qalculate-gtk
- qalculate-kde
- qcad
- qucs
- R
- rrdtool
- scalapack
- scigraphica
- scrip
- seaview
- sextractor
- SIBsim4
- speedcrunch
- tcd-utils
- TeXmacs
- tideEditor
- toped
- veusz
- wcstools
- wgrib
- wise2
- wvs-data
- wxMaxima
- xcircuit
- xdrawchem
- xtide
- estonian-support
- <_name>Estonian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- et
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-ee
- kde-i18n-Estonian
- koffice-langpack-et
- moodle-et
- openoffice.org-langpack-et_EE
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- ethiopic-support
- <_name>Ethiopic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- am
- xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
- m17n-db-amharic
- scim-tables-amharic
- faeroese-support
- <_name>Faeroese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fo
- aspell-fo
- filipino-support
- <_name>Filipino Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fil
- moodle-fil
- finnish-support
- <_name>Finnish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fi
- gcompris-sound-fi
- kde-i18n-Finnish
- koffice-langpack-fi
- moodle-fi
- openoffice.org-langpack-fi_FI
- french-support
- <_name>French Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fr
- aspell-fr
- gcompris-sound-fr
- hunspell-fr
- kde-i18n-French
- koffice-langpack-fr
- LabPlot-doc-fr
- man-pages-fr
- moodle-fr
- moodle-fr_ca
- openoffice.org-langpack-fr
- tesseract-langpack-fr
- ftp-server
- <_name>FTP Server
- <_description>These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system.
- false
- true
- vsftpd
- proftpd
- pure-ftpd
- xferstats
- gaelic-support
- <_name>Gaelic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gd
- aspell-gd
- galician-support
- <_name>Galician Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gl
- aspell-gl
- hunspell-gl
- koffice-langpack-gl
- moodle-gl
- openoffice.org-langpack-gl_ES
- games
- <_name>Games and Entertainment
- <_description>Various ways to relax and spend your free time.
- true
- true
- gnome-games
- joystick
- abe
- abuse
- agistudio
- alex4
- alienblaster
- alphabet-soup
- ants
- armacycles-ad
- arrows
- asc
- asc-music
- astromenace
- atomix
- atomorun
- auriferous
- ballbuster
- ballz
- beneath-a-steel-sky
- beneath-a-steel-sky-cd
- berusky
- blobAndConquer
- blobby
- blobwars
- bombardier
- boswars
- bsd-games
- bygfoot
- bzflag
- cdogs-sdl
- celestia
- cgoban
- chess
- clanbomber
- coco-coq
- crack-attack
- crossfire
- crossfire-client
- crystal-stacker
- crystal-stacker-themes
- csmash
- cyphesis
- dd2
- dgae
- duel3
- egoboo
- enigma
- escape
- fbg
- fillets-ng
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd
- FlightGear
- foobillard
- fortune-mod
- fRaBs
- freeciv
- freecol
- freedoom
- freedroid
- freedroidrpg
- freetennis
- frozen-bubble
- games-menus
- gemdropx
- gl-117
- glaxium
- glest
- gnofract4d
- gnubg
- gnuchess
- gnugo
- grhino
- gweled
- hedgewars
- kbilliards
- kdeedu
- kdegames
- KoboDeluxe
- ksirk
- ksudoku
- lacewing
- lincity-ng
- liquidwar
- lmarbles
- londonlaw
- lucidlife
- machineball
- Maelstrom
- magicor
- manaworld
- maniadrive
- maniadrive-music
- methane
- mirrormagic
- monkey-bubble
- monsterz
- nagi
- naturette
- nazghul
- nazghul-haxima
- nethack
- nethack-vultures
- netpanzer
- neverball
- nexuiz
- njam
- oneko
- openarena
- openlierox
- overgod
- pachi
- penguin-command
- pengupop
- pinball
- pingus
- pipenightdreams
- pipepanic
- poker2d
- powermanga
- ppracer
- prboom
- professor-is-missing
- qascade
- qgo
- quake3
- rafkill
- raidem
- Ri-li
- rocksndiamonds
- rogue
- rott
- scorched3d
- scorchwentbonkers
- scummvm
- seahorse-adventures
- sear
- sergueis-destiny
- shippy
- six
- slingshot
- smashteroid
- solarwolf
- sopwith
- starfighter
- stormbaancoureur
- supertux
- supertuxkart
- taxipilot
- tecnoballz
- TnL
- tong
- torcs
- trackballs
- trackballs-music
- tremulous
- tuxpuck
- ularn
- uqm
- vavoom
- vdr-sudoku
- vegastrike
- viruskiller
- warzone2100
- wesnoth
- widelands
- worminator
- wormux
- xaos
- xarchon
- xblast
- xboard
- xgalaxy
- xmoto
- xmoto-edit
- xpilot-ng
- xpilot-ng-server
- xplanet
- xscorch
- xu4
- zasx
- georgian-support
- <_name>Georgian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ka
- dejavu-fonts
- moodle-ka
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- german-support
- <_name>German Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- de
- aspell-de
- gcompris-sound-de
- hunspell-de
- kde-i18n-German
- koffice-langpack-de
- LabPlot-doc-de
- man-pages-de
- moodle-de
- moodle-de_du
- openoffice.org-langpack-de
- tesseract-langpack-de
- gnome-desktop
- <_name>GNOME Desktop Environment
- <_description>GNOME is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- true
- true
- control-center
- gnome-applets
- gnome-panel
- gnome-session
- gnome-terminal
- metacity
- nautilus
- yelp
- alacarte
- at-spi
- bug-buddy
- bluez-gnome
- compiz-gnome
- eog
- evince
- fast-user-switch-applet
- file-roller
- gcalctool
- gedit
- gnome-audio
- gnome-backgrounds
- gnome-bluetooth
- gnome-media
- gnome-phone-manager
- gnome-pilot
- gnome-power-manager
- gnome-screensaver
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-themes
- gnome-user-docs
- gnome-user-share
- gnome-utils
- gnome-vfs2-obexftp
- gnome-vfs2-smb
- gnome-volume-manager
- gok
- gthumb
- gtk2-engines
- nautilus-cd-burner
- nautilus-sendto
- NetworkManager-gnome
- notification-daemon
- orca
- pulseaudio-esound-compat
- pulseaudio-module-gconf
- pulseaudio-module-x11
- tomboy
- vino
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk
- zenity
- beagle-evolution
- beagle-gui
- beryl-gnome
- buoh
- byzanz
- dasher
- deskbar-applet
- esc
- gconf-editor
- gdesklets
- gimmie
- glipper
- glunarclock
- gmpc
- gnochm
- gnome-applet-music
- gnome-applet-netspeed
- gnome-applet-sensors
- gnome-applet-timer
- gnome-commander
- gnome-keyring-manager
- gnome-netstatus
- gnome-pilot-conduits
- gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack
- gnome-themes-extras
- gnotime
- gtweakui
- hal-gnome
- im-chooser
- istanbul
- lock-keys-applet
- nautilus-actions
- nautilus-flac-converter
- nautilus-image-converter
- nautilus-open-terminal
- nautilus-search-tool
- panelfm
- rss-glx-gnome-screensaver
- sabayon
- scim-input-pad
- scim-tomoe
- seahorse
- stardict-dict-en
- tango-icon-theme
- tango-icon-theme-extras
- themes-backgrounds-gnome
- tracker-search-tool
- verbiste-gnome
- vinagre
- wallpapoz
- wp_tray
- xscreensaver-extras-gss
- xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss
- gnome-software-development
- <_name>GNOME Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical applications.
- false
- true
- atk-devel
- GConf2-devel
- glib2-devel
- gnome-vfs2-devel
- gtk2-devel
- libbonobo-devel
- libbonoboui-devel
- libglade2-devel
- libgnome-devel
- libgnomecanvas-devel
- libgnomeui-devel
- ORBit2-devel
- pango-devel
- at-spi-devel
- devhelp
- eel2-devel
- evolution-data-server-devel
- firefox-devel
- gail-devel
- glade2
- gnome-desktop-devel
- gnome-panel-devel
- gnome-pilot-devel
- gtk-doc
- hal-devel
- libart_lgpl-devel
- libgnomeprintui22-devel
- libgtop2-devel
- pygtk2-devel
- anjuta
- anjuta-docs
- bakery-devel
- bit-devel
- bitgtkmm-devel
- cairomm-devel
- conexus-devel
- conexusmm-devel
- ddd
- gazpacho
- gconfmm26-devel
- glibmm24-devel
- gnome-common
- gnome-python2-gda-devel
- gnome-vfsmm26-devel
- gob2
- gquilt
- gtk+extra
- gtk2hs
- gtkdatabox
- gtkmm24-devel
- libgconf-java
- libglade-java
- libglademm24-devel
- libgnome-java
- libgnomecanvasmm26-devel
- libgnomemm26-devel
- libgnomeuimm26-devel
- libgtk-java
- libsexy-devel
- libsexymm-devel
- libsigc++20-devel
- nemiver
- papyrus-devel
- plotmm-devel
- scim-devel
- graphical-internet
- <_name>Graphical Internet
- <_description>This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients.
- true
- true
- ekiga
- evolution
- evolution-help
- evolution-webcal
- firefox
- pidgin
- transmission
- amsn
- apollon
- azureus
- balsa
- bittorrent-gui
- blam
- blogtk
- bluefish
- claws-mail
- contact-lookup-applet
- d4x
- deluge
- deskbar-applet
- dillo
- drivel
- epiphany
- epiphany-extensions
- evolution-exchange
- fwbuilder
- gajim
- galeon
- gftp
- gg2
- gift-gnutella
- gift-openft
- gnash-plugin
- gnome-blog
- gnome-ppp
- gnome-translate
- gnubiff
- gossip
- gtk-gnutella
- gtorrentviewer
- gwget
- jd
- kadu
- kasablanca
- kazehakase
- kdewebdev
- kftpgrabber
- kickpim
- kita
- knetstats
- konversation
- licq
- liferea
- linphone
- logjam
- mail-notification
- Miro
- mugshot
- ochusha
- pan
- pidgin-libnotify
- prozilla
- psi
- putty
- screem
- streamtuner
- sylpheed
- sylpheed-claws
- thunderbird
- twinkle
- urlgfe
- valknut
- x3270-x11
- xchat
- xchat-gnome
- xchat-tcl
- graphics
- <_name>Graphics
- <_description>This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images.
- true
- true
- f-spot
- gimp
- gimp-help
- xsane
- xsane-gimp
- agave
- asymptote
- blender
- cheese
- comix
- dcraw
- digikam
- digikam-doc
- fontforge
- fonttools
- fyre
- gifsicle
- gifview
- gnomescan
- gpp
- gqview
- graphviz
- gutenprint-plugin
- gv
- gwenview
- ImageMagick
- hugin
- inkscape
- ipe
- k3d
- kdegraphics
- kipi-plugins
- koffice-krita
- kphotoalbum
- libsane-hpaio
- mirage
- netpbm-progs
- nip2
- optipng
- pstoedit
- pydot
- qiv
- rawstudio
- renrot
- sane-frontends
- scanbuttond
- showimg
- skencil
- tuxpaint
- ufraw
- wings
- xfig
- greek-support
- <_name>Greek Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- el
- aspell-el
- gcompris-sound-el
- hunspell-el
- kde-i18n-Greek
- koffice-langpack-el
- moodle-el
- openoffice.org-langpack-el_GR
- m17n-db-greek
- gujarati-support
- <_name>Gujarati Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gu
- fonts-gujarati
- m17n-contrib-gujarati
- m17n-db-gujarati
- aspell-gu
- moodle-gu
- openoffice.org-langpack-gu_IN
- scim-lang-gujarati
- hardware-support
- <_name>Hardware Support
- <_description>This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities.
- true
- true
- atmel-firmware
- b43-fwcutter
- bcm43xx-fwcutter
- ipw2100-firmware
- ipw2200-firmware
- iwl3945-firmware
- iwl4965-firmware
- rt61pci-firmware
- rt73usb-firmware
- zd1211-firmware
- acpi
- acpitool
- ctapi-cyberjack
- ctapi-cyberjack-pcsc
- ctapi-cyberjack-tools
- firmware-addon-dell
- gpsd
- gpsd-clients
- hddtemp
- i8kutils
- libifp
- lsscsi
- multican
- openct
- opensc
- s3switch
- tpb
- hebrew-support
- <_name>Hebrew Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- he
- fonts-hebrew
- aspell-he
- hunspell-he
- kde-i18n-Hebrew
- moodle-he
- openoffice.org-langpack-he_IL
- tetex-fonts-hebrew
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- fonts-hebrew-fancy
- m17n-db-hebrew
- hindi-support
- <_name>Hindi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hi
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-hindi
- m17n-db-hindi
- aspell-hi
- gcompris-sound-hi
- kde-i18n-Hindi
- moodle-hi
- openoffice.org-langpack-hi_IN
- scim-lang-hindi
- hungarian-support
- <_name>Hungarian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hu
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- gcompris-sound-hu
- hunspell-hu
- kde-i18n-Hungarian
- koffice-langpack-hu
- moodle-hu
- openoffice.org-langpack-hu_HU
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- icelandic-support
- <_name>Icelandic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- is
- aspell-is
- kde-i18n-Icelandic
- moodle-is
- indonesian-support
- <_name>Indonesian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- id
- aspell-id
- gcompris-sound-id
- moodle-id
- inuktitut-support
- <_name>Inuktitut Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- iu
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- irish-support
- <_name>Irish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ga
- aspell-ga
- hunspell-ga
- koffice-langpack-ga
- moodle-ga
- openoffice.org-langpack-ga_IE
- italian-support
- <_name>Italian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- it
- aspell-it
- gcompris-sound-it
- hunspell-it
- kde-i18n-Italian
- koffice-langpack-it
- LabPlot-doc-it
- man-pages-it
- moodle-it
- openoffice.org-langpack-it
- tesseract-langpack-it
- japanese-support
- <_name>Japanese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ja
- fonts-japanese
- kde-i18n-Japanese
- koffice-langpack-ja
- man-pages-ja
- moodle-ja
- openoffice.org-langpack-ja_JP
- scim-anthy
- scim-lang-japanese
- anthy-el
- cmigemo
- ddskk
- ddskk-xemacs
- eblook
- jfbterm
- kinput2
- kcc
- lv
- m17n-db-japanese
- mecab
- mecab-ipadic
- mecab-jumandic
- migemo
- nkf
- perl-NKF
- scim-skk
- stardict-dic-ja
- uim-anthy
- uim-canna
- uim-skk
- VLGothic-fonts
- java
- <_name>Java
- <_description>Support for running programs written in the Java programming language.
- true
- false
- java-1.5.0-gcj
- java-1.7.0-icedtea
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-plugin
- libgcj
- java-development
- <_name>Java Development
- <_description>Support for developing programs in the Java programming language.
- false
- true
- ant
- eclipse-ecj
- gcc-java
- java-1.5.0-gcj-devel
- libgcj-devel
- sinjdoc
- ant-antlr
- ant-apache-bcel
- ant-apache-log4j
- ant-apache-oro
- ant-apache-regexp
- ant-apache-resolver
- ant-commons-logging
- ant-javadoc
- ant-javamail
- ant-jdepend
- ant-junit
- ant-manual
- ant-nodeps
- ant-scripts
- ant-swing
- ant-trax
- antlr
- antlr-javadoc
- antlr-manual
- avalon-framework
- avalon-framework-javadoc
- avalon-framework-manual
- avalon-logkit
- avalon-logkit-javadoc
- bcel
- bcel-javadoc
- classpathx-jaf
- classpathx-jaf-javadoc
- classpathx-mail
- classpathx-mail-javadoc
- cryptix-asn1-javadoc
- cryptix-javadoc
- gnu-getopt
- gnu-getopt-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-beanutils
- jakarta-commons-beanutils-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-collections
- jakarta-commons-collections-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-daemon
- jakarta-commons-daemon-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-dbcp
- jakarta-commons-dbcp-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-digester
- jakarta-commons-digester-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-el
- jakarta-commons-el-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-fileupload
- jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-lang
- jakarta-commons-lang-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-launcher
- jakarta-commons-launcher-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-logging
- jakarta-commons-logging-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-modeler
- jakarta-commons-modeler-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-pool
- jakarta-commons-pool-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-validator
- jakarta-commons-validator-javadoc
- jakarta-oro
- jakarta-oro-javadoc
- jakarta-taglibs-standard
- jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc
- java-1.5.0-gcj-javadoc
- java-1.5.0-gcj-src
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-demo
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-devel
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-javadoc
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-src
- java_cup
- java_cup-javadoc
- java_cup-manual
- jdepend
- jdepend-demo
- jdepend-javadoc
- jlex
- jlex-javadoc
- junit
- junit-demo
- junit-javadoc
- junit-manual
- ldapjdk
- ldapjdk-javadoc
- libgcj-src
- log4j
- log4j-javadoc
- log4j-manual
- maven2
- mx4j
- mx4j-javadoc
- mx4j-manual
- puretls-javadoc
- regexp
- regexp-javadoc
- xalan-j2
- xalan-j2-demo
- xalan-j2-javadoc
- xalan-j2-manual
- xalan-j2-xsltc
- xerces-j2
- xerces-j2-demo
- xerces-j2-javadoc-apis
- xerces-j2-javadoc-impl
- xerces-j2-javadoc-other
- xerces-j2-javadoc-xni
- xerces-j2-scripts
- xml-commons-apis
- xml-commons-apis-javadoc
- xml-commons-apis-manual
- xml-commons-resolver
- xml-commons-resolver-javadoc
- xml-commons-which
- xml-commons-which-javadoc
- kannada-support
- <_name>Kannada Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- kn
- fonts-kannada
- m17n-contrib-kannada
- m17n-db-kannada
- moodle-kn
- openoffice.org-langpack-kn_IN
- scim-lang-kannada
- kde-desktop
- <_name>KDE (K Desktop Environment)
- <_description>KDE is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- false
- true
- arts
- kdebase
- scim-qtimm
- amarok
- digikam
- gpgme
- kaffeine
- kdeaccessibility
- kdeaddons
- kdeartwork
- kdegraphics
- kdemultimedia
- kdenetwork
- kdepim
- kdeutils
- kdmtheme
- kftpgrabber
- kipi-plugins
- knetworkmanager
- konversation
- kpowersave
- ktorrent
- pinentry-qt
- redhat-artwork-kde
- scribus
- xdg-user-dirs
- xdg-utils
- xine-lib-arts
- zenity
- apollon
- basket
- beryl-kde
- crystal
- d3lphin
- gtk-qt-engine
- im-chooser
- kasablanca
- katapult
- kbackup
- kbibtex
- kbilliards
- kchmviewer
- kdeadmin
- kdeartwork-extras
- kdegraphics-extras
- kdemultimedia-extras
- kdetoys
- kdeutils-extras
- kdissert
- kerry
- kickpim
- kiosktool
- kio_resources
- klamav
- kleansweep
- kmenu-gnome
- kmobiletools
- kmymoney2
- knemo
- koffice-suite
- kompose
- kooldock
- koverartist
- krecipes
- krename
- krusader
- ksensors
- kshutdown
- ksynaptics
- kyum
- lineak-kdeplugins
- marble
- metamonitor
- oooqs2
- polyester
- rekall
- rsibreak
- rss-glx-kde
- smb4k
- speedcrunch
- uim-qt
- kde-software-development
- <_name>KDE Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications.
- false
- true
- arts-devel
- kdelibs-devel
- qt-devel
- kdbg
- kdebase-devel
- kdegraphics-devel
- kdenetwork-devel
- kdepim-devel
- kdesdk
- kdeutils-devel
- kdevelop
- PyQt-devel
- qt-designer
- gambas
- kdesdk-devel
- kdesvn
- PyKDE-devel
- qt4-devel
- khmer-support
- <_name>Khmer Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- km
- koffice-langpack-km
- moodle-km
- m17n-db-khmer
- korean-support
- <_name>Korean Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ko
- fonts-korean
- kde-i18n-Korean
- man-pages-ko
- moodle-ko
- openoffice.org-langpack-ko_KR
- scim-hangul
- scim-lang-korean
- lv
- m17n-db-korean
- nabi
- lao-support
- <_name>Lao Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lo
- dejavu-fonts
- moodle-lo
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-lao
- latvian-support
- <_name>Latvian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lv
- koffice-langpack-lv
- moodle-lv
- legacy-network-server
- <_name>Legacy Network Server
- <_description>These packages include servers for old network protocols such as rsh and telnet.
- false
- true
- bootparamd
- rarpd
- rsh-server
- rusers
- rusers-server
- rwho
- talk-server
- telnet-server
- tftp-server
- legacy-software-development
- <_name>Legacy Software Development
- <_description>These packages provide compatibility with previous releases.
- false
- true
- compat-gcc
- compat-gcc-32
- compat-gcc-32-c++
- compat-gcc-32-g77
- compat-libstdc++
- compat-libstdc++-296
- compat-libstdc++-33
- legacy-software-support
- <_name>Legacy Software Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- compat-libgcc-296
- compat-libstdc++-296
- compat-libstdc++-33
- compat-db
- compat-openldap
- compat-readline43
- compat-slang
- lithuanian-support
- <_name>Lithuanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lt
- hunspell-lt
- kde-i18n-Lithuanian
- moodle-lt
- openoffice.org-langpack-lt_LT
- low-saxon-support
- <_name>Low Saxon Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nds
- koffice-langpack-nds
- mail-server
- <_name>Mail Server
- <_description>These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server.
- false
- true
- cyrus-sasl
- dovecot
- sendmail
- sendmail-cf
- spamassassin
- amavisd-new
- clamav
- clamav-data
- clamav-milter
- clement
- crm114
- cyrus-imapd
- dbmail
- enemies-of-carlotta
- esmtp
- exim
- exim-clamav
- exim-doc
- imp
- mailman
- milter-regex
- mlmmj
- postfix
- pyzor
- roundcubemail
- spamass-milter
- spambayes
- sqlgrey
- squirrelmail
- uw-imap
- malay-support
- <_name>Malay Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ms
- hunspell-ms
- koffice-langpack-ms
- moodle-ms
- openoffice.org-langpack-ms_MY
- malayalam-support
- <_name>Malayalam Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ml
- fonts-malayalam
- m17n-contrib-malayalam
- m17n-db-malayalam
- moodle-ml
- openoffice.org-langpack-ml_IN
- scim-lang-malayalam
- maori-support
- <_name>Maori Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mi
- moodle-mi_tn
- moodle-mi_wwow
- marathi-support
- <_name>Marathi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mr
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-marathi
- aspell-mr
- gcompris-sound-mr
- openoffice.org-langpack-mr_IN
- scim-lang-marathi
- mongolian-support
- <_name>Mongolian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mn
- moodle-mn
- mysql
- <_name>MySQL Database
- <_description>This package group contains packages useful for use with MySQL.
- false
- true
- mysql
- libdbi-dbd-mysql
- mysql-connector-odbc
- MySQL-python
- mysql-server
- perl-DBD-MySQL
- unixODBC
- mod_auth_mysql
- mysql-bench
- mysql-devel
- php-mysql
- qt-MySQL
- nepali-support
- <_name>Nepali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ne
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-nepali
- koffice-langpack-ne
- scim-lang-nepali
- scim-tables-nepali
- network-server
- <_name>Network Servers
- <_description>These packages include network-based servers such as DHCP, Kerberos and NIS.
- false
- true
- cyrus-sasl
- amanda-server
- cobbler
- ctrlproxy
- dhcp
- dhcpv6
- dnsmasq
- ejabberd
- fedora-ds-base
- flumotion
- freenx
- freeradius
- icecast
- ipxripd
- ircd-hybrid
- jabberd
- kannel
- koan
- krb5-server
- netatalk
- netdump-server
- nsd
- oidentd
- openldap-servers
- openpbx
- openswan
- orts
- privoxy
- puppet-server
- quagga
- radvd
- rbldnsd
- rinetd
- sobby
- torque-server
- ucarp
- ushare
- vnc-reflector
- vnc-server
- xl2tpd
- ypserv
- news-server
- <_name>News Server
- <_description>This group allows you to configure the system as a news server.
- false
- true
- inn
- cleanfeed
- leafnode
- newscache
- suck
- northern-sotho-support
- <_name>Northern Sotho Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nso
- openoffice.org-langpack-nso_ZA
- norwegian-support
- <_name>Norwegian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nb
- aspell-no
- gcompris-sound-nb
- hunspell-nb
- hunspell-nn
- kde-i18n-Norwegian
- kde-i18n-Norwegian-Nynorsk
- koffice-langpack-nb
- moodle-nn
- moodle-no
- moodle-no_gr
- openoffice.org-langpack-nb_NO
- openoffice.org-langpack-nn_NO
- office
- <_name>Office/Productivity
- <_description>The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more.
- true
- true
- openoffice.org-langpack-en
- evince
- openoffice.org-calc
- openoffice.org-draw
- openoffice.org-graphicfilter
- openoffice.org-impress
- openoffice.org-math
- openoffice.org-writer
- openoffice.org-xsltfilter
- planner
- abiword
- aiksaurus-gtk
- alexandria
- calcurse
- contacts
- dates
- dia
- gdeskcal
- gfa
- glabels
- glom
- gnotime
- gnucash
- gnumeric
- gourmet
- gramps
- grisbi
- hnb
- htmldoc
- jpilot
- kdepim
- keurocalc
- koffice-suite
- krecipes
- labyrinth
- lyx
- MagicPoint
- notecase
- openoffice.org-base
- openoffice.org-emailmerge
- openoffice.org-javafilter
- openoffice.org-pyuno
- openoffice.org-testtools
- pybliographer
- qa-assistant
- qcad
- referencer
- revelation
- taskjuggler
- tetex-xdvi
- texmaker
- tinyerp
- tinyerp-server
- vym
- xchm
- Zim
- oriya-support
- <_name>Oriya Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- or
- fonts-oriya
- m17n-contrib-oriya
- m17n-db-oriya
- aspell-or
- openoffice.org-langpack-or_IN
- scim-lang-oriya
- persian-support
- <_name>Persian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fa
- koffice-langpack-fa
- moodle-fa
- polish-support
- <_name>Polish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pl
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-pl
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-pl
- kde-i18n-Polish
- koffice-langpack-pl
- LabPlot-doc-pl
- man-pages-pl
- moodle-pl
- openoffice.org-langpack-pl_PL
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- portuguese-support
- <_name>Portuguese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pt
- aspell-pt
- gcompris-sound-pt
- hunspell-pt
- kde-i18n-Portuguese
- koffice-langpack-pt
- moodle-pt
- openoffice.org-langpack-pt_PT
- printing
- <_name>Printing Support
- <_description>Install these tools to enable the system to print or act as a print server.
- true
- true
- cups
- ghostscript
- a2ps
- enscript
- gutenprint
- gutenprint-foomatic
- hal-cups-utils
- hpijs
- hplip
- samba-client
- system-config-printer
- bluez-utils-cups
- punjabi-support
- <_name>Punjabi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pa
- fonts-punjabi
- m17n-contrib-punjabi
- m17n-db-punjabi
- aspell-pa
- kde-i18n-Punjabi
- openoffice.org-langpack-pa_IN
- scim-lang-punjabi
- romanian-support
- <_name>Romanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ro
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Romanian
- moodle-ro
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- ruby
- <_name>Ruby
- <_description>Basic support for the Ruby programming language.
- false
- false
- ruby
- ruby-devel
- ruby-mode
- eruby
- ruby-ri
- russian-support
- <_name>Russian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ru
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- aspell-ru
- gcompris-sound-ru
- hunspell-ru
- kde-i18n-Russian
- koffice-langpack-ru
- man-pages-ru
- moodle-ru
- openoffice.org-langpack-ru
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- m17n-contrib-russian
- m17n-db-russian
- scim-tables-russian
- stardict-dic-ru
- samoan-support
- <_name>Samoan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sm
- moodle-sm
- serbian-support
- <_name>Serbian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sr
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-sr
- gcompris-sound-sr
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Serbian
- koffice-langpack-sr
- koffice-langpack-sr-Latn
- moodle-sr_cr
- moodle-sr_cr_bo
- moodle-sr_lt
- openoffice.org-langpack-sr_CS
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-serbian
- server-cfg
- <_name>Server Configuration Tools
- <_description>This group contains all of Red Hat's custom server configuration tools.
- false
- true
- system-config-firewall
- system-config-httpd
- system-config-nfs
- system-config-printer
- system-config-samba
- system-config-services
- system-config-bind
- system-switch-mail-gnome
- sinhala-support
- <_name>Sinhala Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- si
- fonts-sinhala
- m17n-contrib-sinhala
- m17n-db-sinhala
- moodle-si
- scim-lang-sinhalese
- scim-sinhala
- slovak-support
- <_name>Slovak Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sk
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-sk
- kde-i18n-Slovak
- koffice-langpack-sk
- moodle-sk
- openoffice.org-langpack-sk_SK
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-slovak
- slovenian-support
- <_name>Slovenian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sl
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-sl
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-sl
- kde-i18n-Slovenian
- koffice-langpack-sl
- moodle-sl
- openoffice.org-langpack-sl_SI
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- smb-server
- <_name>Windows File Server
- <_description>This package group allows you to share files between Linux and MS Windows(tm) systems.
- false
- true
- samba
- samba-client
- system-config-samba
- somali-support
- <_name>Somali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gcompris-sound-so
- moodle-so
- sound-and-video
- <_name>Sound and Video
- <_description>From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system.
- true
- true
- alsa-utils
- vorbis-tools
- bluez-utils-alsa
- cdparanoia
- genisoimage
- gstreamer-plugins-good
- gstreamer-plugins-pulse
- icedax
- pavucontrol
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-utils
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
- libflashsupport
- rhythmbox
- sound-juicer
- sox
- totem
- totem-mozplugin
- codeina
- wodim
- abcde
- adplay
- akode
- alsamixergui
- amarok
- ardour
- audacious
- audacity
- aumix
- banshee
- brasero
- camE
- cdcollect
- cdlabelgen
- cowbell
- csound-gui
- dvdauthor
- dvdisaster
- dvgrab
- easytag
- exaile
- festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
- festvox-clb-arctic-hts
- festvox-rms-arctic-hts
- gcdmaster
- gcombust
- gcstar
- gnomad2
- gnomebaker
- gnomeradio
- grip
- gtkpod
- HelixPlayer
- id3v2
- isomaster
- jack-audio-connection-kit
- jokosher
- k3b
- kaffeine
- kdemultimedia
- kdemultimedia-extras
- kid3
- kover
- mikmod
- Miro
- muine
- nyquist
- padevchooser
- paman
- paprefs
- pavumeter
- pitivi
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf
- pulseaudio-module-lirc
- regionset
- rosegarden4
- serpentine
- soundconverter
- soundtracker
- sweep
- tagtool
- tclabc
- totem-lirc
- tvtime
- ushare
- v4l2-tool
- vdr
- vdr-femon
- vdr-osdteletext
- vdr-skins
- vdr-subtitles
- vdr-sudoku
- vdr-text2skin
- vdr-wapd
- vdradmin-am
- wmix
- xcdroast
- xmms
- xmms-adplug
- xmms-cdread
- xmms-flac
- southern-ndebele-support
- <_name>Southern Ndebele Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nr
- openoffice.org-langpack-nr_ZA
- southern-sotho-support
- <_name>Southern Sotho Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nso
- openoffice.org-langpack-st_ZA
- spanish-support
- <_name>Spanish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- es
- aspell-es
- gcompris-sound-es
- hunspell-es
- kde-i18n-Spanish
- koffice-langpack-es
- man-pages-es
- moodle-es
- openoffice.org-langpack-es
- tesseract-langpack-es
- sql-server
- <_name>PostgreSQL Database
- <_description>This package group includes packages useful for use with Postgresql.
- false
- true
- postgresql
- libdbi-dbd-pgsql
- perl-DBD-Pg
- postgresql-python
- postgresql-server
- rhdb-utils
- unixODBC
- postgresql-contrib
- postgresql-docs
- postgresql-jdbc
- postgresql-odbc
- postgresql-pl
- postgresql-tcl
- postgresql-test
- qt-ODBC
- unixODBC-kde
- swati-support
- <_name>Swati Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nr
- openoffice.org-langpack-ss_ZA
- swedish-support
- <_name>Swedish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sv
- aspell-sv
- gcompris-sound-sv
- hunspell-sv
- kde-i18n-Swedish
- koffice-langpack-sv
- LabPlot-doc-sv
- moodle-sv
- openoffice.org-langpack-sv
- m17n-db-swedish
- system-tools
- <_name>System Tools
- <_description>This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic.
- false
- true
- BackupPC
- bonnie++
- ipsec-tools
- jigdo
- NetworkManager-openvpn
- NetworkManager-vpnc
- nmap
- ntfs-3g
- ntp
- openldap-clients
- openvpn
- samba-client
- screen
- vnc
- vpnc
- xdelta
- yum-utils
- zisofs-tools
- zsh
- aide
- aircrack-ng
- airsnort
- am-utils
- amanda-client
- apcupsd
- apg
- apt
- arc
- arj
- arptables_jf
- arpwatch
- audit
- avahi-tools
- bash-completion
- bochs
- cabextract
- catfish
- cfengine
- chrpath
- conman
- connect-proxy
- convmv
- crack
- crash
- createrepo
- csync2
- dar
- denyhosts
- dkms
- dtach
- ebtables
- ed2k_hash
- eiciel
- emelfm2
- enca
- environment-modules
- epylog
- etherbat
- ettercap
- fatsort
- fcron
- fedora-package-config-apt
- fedora-package-config-smart
- festival
- foremost
- freeze
- fuse
- fwbuilder
- fwrestart
- ganglia
- ghasher
- ghex
- gkrellm
- gnokii
- gnome-nettool
- gnutls-utils
- grepmail
- gtklp
- gtkterm
- gxemul
- hercules
- hfsplus-tools
- hyperestraier
- ibmonitor
- inadyn
- incron
- ip6sic
- iptraf
- isic
- jfbterm
- john
- kdirstat
- keychain
- ksmarttray
- limph
- lirc
- lslk
- lzop
- macchanger
- mc
- mmv
- moodss
- moomps
- mrtg
- mtx
- munin
- nagios
- net-snmp-utils
- netgo
- nfswatch
- nmap-frontend
- nomarch
- nut
- nx
- oddjob
- p0f
- p7zip
- pam_keyring
- par2cmdline
- pbzip2
- powerman
- prelude-manager
- puppet
- pwgen
- qdbm
- qstat
- radeontool
- rdesktop
- rdiff-backup
- rootsh
- rsnapshot
- sabayon
- scrub
- sec
- shorewall
- smart
- smart-gui
- snort
- stripesnoop
- swaks
- swatch
- synaptic
- syslog-ng
- sysstat
- testdisk
- tiobench
- tn5250
- torque-client
- torque-gui
- tsclient
- ttywatch
- unison
- upx
- uucp
- vbetool
- viaideinfo
- vlock
- vnstat
- wifiroamd
- wine
- wireshark-gnome
- wlassistant
- x3270-x11
- xsupplicant
- zidrav
- tagalog-support
- <_name>Tagalog Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tl
- moodle-tl
- tamil-support
- <_name>Tamil Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ta
- fonts-tamil
- m17n-contrib-tamil
- m17n-db-tamil
- aspell-ta
- kde-i18n-Tamil
- moodle-ta
- openoffice.org-langpack-ta_IN
- scim-lang-tamil
- telugu-support
- <_name>Telugu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- te
- fonts-telugu
- m17n-contrib-telugu
- m17n-db-telugu
- aspell-te
- openoffice.org-langpack-te_IN
- scim-lang-telugu
- text-internet
- <_name>Text-based Internet
- <_description>This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These applications do not require the X Window System.
- true
- true
- bittorrent
- cadaver
- elinks
- fetchmail
- mutt
- slrn
- abook
- archivemail
- argus
- centericq
- cone
- ctorrent
- ekg
- epic
- iperf
- irssi
- libtranslate
- lynx
- mew
- nail
- naim
- ncftp
- ninja
- nmh
- offlineimap
- pork
- rss2email
- rtorrent
- snownews
- tftp
- tin
- w3m
- websec
- xprobe2
- yafc
- thai-support
- <_name>Thai Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- th
- m17n-db-thai
- hunspell-th
- moodle-th
- openoffice.org-langpack-th_TH
- scim-lang-thai
- scim-tables-thai
- tibetan-support
- <_name>Tibetan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bo
- m17n-db-tibetan
- tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
- scim-lang-tibetan
- jomolhari-fonts
- tonga-support
- <_name>Tonga Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- to
- moodle-to
- tsonga-support
- <_name>Tsonga Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ts
- openoffice.org-langpack-ts_ZA
- tswana-support
- <_name>Tswana Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tn
- openoffice.org-langpack-tn_ZA
- turkish-support
- <_name>Turkish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tr
- gcompris-sound-tr
- kde-i18n-Turkish
- koffice-langpack-tr
- moodle-tr
- openoffice.org-langpack-tr_TR
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi
- ukrainian-support
- <_name>Ukrainian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- uk
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Ukrainian
- koffice-langpack-uk
- man-pages-uk
- moodle-uk
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- urdu-support
- <_name>Urdu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ur
- fonts-arabic
- m17n-contrib-urdu
- openoffice.org-langpack-ur
- venda-support
- <_name>Venda Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tn
- openoffice.org-langpack-ve_ZA
- vietnamese-support
- <_name>Vietnamese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- vi
- moodle-vi
- m17n-contrib-vietnamese
- m17n-db-vietnamese
- scim-tables-vietnamese
- virtualization
- <_name>Virtualization
- <_description>These packages provide a virtualization environment.
- false
- true
- python-virtinst
- gnome-applet-vm
- kernel-xen
- kvm
- qemu
- virt-manager
- xen
- web-development
- <_name>Web Development
- <_description>These packages are helpful when developing web applications or web pages.
- false
- true
- Django
- gallery2
- php-manual-en
- python-cherrypy
- TurboGears
- velocity
- web-server
- <_name>Web Server
- <_description>These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system.
- false
- true
- httpd
- crypto-utils
- distcache
- httpd-manual
- mod_perl
- mod_python
- mod_ssl
- php
- php-ldap
- php-mysql
- squid
- tux
- webalizer
- apachetop
- awstats
- boa
- dap-server-cgi
- drupal
- lighttpd
- lighttpd-fastcgi
- mediawiki
- mod_authz_ldap
- mod_auth_kerb
- mod_auth_mysql
- mod_auth_pgsql
- mod_cband
- mod_extract_forwarded
- mod_fcgid
- mod_geoip
- mod_security
- moin
- moin-latex
- namazu
- perl-HTML-Mason
- perl-Kwiki
- php-odbc
- php-pecl-apc
- php-pgsql
- phpldapadmin
- Pound
- tclhttpd
- thttpd
- tiquit
- tomcat-native
- tomcat5
- tomcat5-admin-webapps
- tomcat5-webapps
- vdr-wapd
- vdradmin-am
- welsh-support
- <_name>Welsh Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- cy
- aspell-cy
- hunspell-cy
- koffice-langpack-cy
- openoffice.org-langpack-cy_GB
- window-managers
- <_name>Window Managers
- <_description>Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment.
- false
- true
- bbkeys
- blackbox
- fluxbox
- fluxconf
- fvwm
- hackedbox
- icewm
- matchbox-window-manager
- obconf
- obmenu
- openbox
- pekwm
- ratpoison
- windowlab
- WindowMaker
- wmx
- xcompmgr
- x-software-development
- <_name>X Software Development
- <_description>These packages allow you to develop applications for the X Window System.
- false
- true
- libICE-devel
- libX11-devel
- libXaw-devel
- libXfixes-devel
- libXt-devel
- freetype-devel
- gd-devel
- giflib-devel
- libdmx-devel
- libdrm-devel
- libjpeg-devel
- libmng-devel
- libpng-devel
- libSM-devel
- libtiff-devel
- libXau-devel
- libXcomposite-devel
- libXcursor-devel
- libXdamage-devel
- libXdmcp-devel
- libXevie-devel
- libXext-devel
- libXfont-devel
- libXfontcache-devel
- libXft-devel
- libxkbfile-devel
- libXmu-devel
- libXrandr-devel
- libXrender-devel
- libXres-devel
- libXScrnSaver-devel
- libXTrap-devel
- libXtst-devel
- libXvMC-devel
- libXxf86dga-devel
- libXxf86misc-devel
- libXxf86vm-devel
- mesa-libGL-devel
- netpbm-devel
- pixman-devel
- SDL-devel
- Xaw3d-devel
- xorg-x11-docs
- xorg-x11-xtrans-devel
- xrestop
- icon-naming-utils
- icon-slicer
- libXp-devel
- mesa-libGLU-devel
- xorg-x11-server-sdk
- xorg-x11-xbitmaps
- xfce-desktop
- <_name>XFCE
- <_description>A lightweight desktop environment that works well on low end machines.
- false
- true
- libxfce4mcs
- libxfce4util
- libxfcegui4
- Thunar
- xfce-utils
- xfce4-panel
- xfce4-session
- xfce4-session-engines
- xfdesktop
- xfwm4
- mousepad
- xfce-mcs-manager
- xfce-mcs-plugins
- xfce4-appfinder
- xfce4-icon-theme
- xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
- xfce4-mixer
- xfprint
- orage
- Terminal
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- thunar-volman
- xarchiver
- xfce4-battery-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
- xfce4-datetime-plugin
- xfce4-dict-plugin
- xfce4-diskperf-plugin
- xfce4-eyes-plugin
- xfce4-fsguard-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-minicmd-plugin
- xfce4-mount-plugin
- xfce4-netload-plugin
- xfce4-notes-plugin
- xfce4-places-plugin
- xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
- xfce4-screenshooter-plugin
- xfce4-sensors-plugin
- xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
- xfce4-systemload-plugin
- xfce4-taskmanager
- xfce4-timer-plugin
- xfce4-verve-plugin
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin
- xfce4-weather-plugin
- xfce4-websearch-plugin
- xfce4-xfapplet-plugin
- xfce4-xkb-plugin
- xfce4-xmms-plugin
- xfwm4-themes
- xfce-software-development
- <_name>XFCE Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and XFCE graphical applications.
- false
- true
- x-software-development
- libxfce4mcs-devel
- libxfce4util-devel
- libxfcegui4-devel
- xfce-mcs-manager-devel
- xfce4-panel-devel
- xfce4-session-devel
- xfce4-dev-tools
- xhosa-support
- <_name>Xhosa Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zu
- openoffice.org-langpack-xh_ZA
- zulu-support
- <_name>Zulu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zu
- hunspell-zu
- openoffice.org-langpack-zu_ZA
- language-support
- <_name>Languages
- <_description>These packages provide support for various locales including fonts and input methods.
- afrikaans-support
- albanian-support
- arabic-support
- armenian-support
- assamese-support
- basque-support
- belarusian-support
- bengali-support
- bhutanese-support
- bosnian-support
- brazilian-support
- breton-support
- british-support
- bulgarian-support
- catalan-support
- chinese-support
- croatian-support
- czech-support
- danish-support
- dutch-support
- estonian-support
- ethiopic-support
- faeroese-support
- filipino-support
- finnish-support
- french-support
- gaelic-support
- galician-support
- georgian-support
- german-support
- greek-support
- gujarati-support
- hebrew-support
- hindi-support
- hungarian-support
- icelandic-support
- indonesian-support
- inuktitut-support
- irish-support
- italian-support
- japanese-support
- kannada-support
- khmer-support
- korean-support
- lao-support
- latvian-support
- lithuanian-support
- low-saxon-support
- malay-support
- malayalam-support
- maori-support
- marathi-support
- mongolian-support
- nepali-support
- northern-sotho-support
- norwegian-support
- oriya-support
- persian-support
- polish-support
- portuguese-support
- punjabi-support
- romanian-support
- russian-support
- samoan-support
- serbian-support
- sinhala-support
- slovak-support
- slovenian-support
- somali-support
- southern-ndebele-support
- southern-sotho-support
- spanish-support
- swati-support
- swedish-support
- tagalog-support
- tamil-support
- telugu-support
- thai-support
- tibetan-support
- tonga-support
- tsonga-support
- tswana-support
- turkish-support
- ukrainian-support
- urdu-support
- venda-support
- vietnamese-support
- welsh-support
- xhosa-support
- zulu-support
- desktops
- <_name>Desktop Environments
- <_description>Desktop environments
- 10
- gnome-desktop
- kde-desktop
- window-managers
- xfce-desktop
- apps
- <_name>Applications
- <_description>Applications to perform a variety of tasks
- 20
- authoring-and-publishing
- editors
- education
- engineering-and-scientific
- games
- graphical-internet
- graphics
- office
- sound-and-video
- text-internet
- development
- <_name>Development
- <_description>Packages which provide functionality for developing and building applications.
- 70
- development-libs
- development-tools
- eclipse
- gnome-software-development
- java-development
- kde-software-development
- legacy-software-development
- ruby
- web-development
- x-software-development
- xfce-software-development
- servers
- <_name>Servers
- <_description>Software used for running network servers
- 90
- clustering
- dns-server
- ftp-server
- legacy-network-server
- mail-server
- mysql
- network-server
- news-server
- printing
- server-cfg
- smb-server
- sql-server
- web-server
- base-system
- <_name>Base System
- <_description>Various core pieces of the system.
- 99
- admin-tools
- base
- base-x
- dial-up
- fonts
- hardware-support
- java
- legacy-fonts
- legacy-software-support
- system-tools
- virtualization
diff --git a/comps-f9.xml.in b/comps-f9.xml.in
index 37dd3b24..e69de29b 100644
--- a/comps-f9.xml.in
+++ b/comps-f9.xml.in
@@ -1,4298 +0,0 @@
- admin-tools
- <_name>Administration Tools
- <_description>This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware.
- true
- true
- authconfig-gtk
- pirut
- system-config-boot
- system-config-date
- system-config-keyboard
- system-config-language
- system-config-lvm
- system-config-network
- system-config-rootpassword
- system-config-soundcard
- system-config-users
- cacti
- etherape
- ettercap-gtk
- galternatives
- gparted
- gsynaptics
- lat
- luma
- pessulus
- qtparted
- system-config-kickstart
- yumex
- afrikaans-support
- <_name>Afrikaans Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- af
- aspell-af
- hunspell-af
- moodle-af
- openoffice.org-langpack-af_ZA
- albanian-support
- <_name>Albanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sq
- moodle-sq
- arabic-support
- <_name>Arabic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ar
- fonts-arabic
- aspell-ar
- gcompris-sound-ar
- kde-i18n-Arabic
- moodle-ar
- openoffice.org-langpack-ar
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-arabic
- scim-tables-arabic
- armenian-support
- <_name>Armenian Support
- <_description>This group is a collection of tools and resources of Armenian environments.
- false
- false
- hy
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-armenian
- assamese-support
- <_name>Assamese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- as
- fonts-bengali
- m17n-contrib-assamese
- m17n-db-assamese
- openoffice.org-langpack-as_IN
- scim-lang-assamese
- authoring-and-publishing
- <_name>Authoring and Publishing
- <_description>These tools allow you to create documents in the DocBook format and convert them into HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text.
- false
- true
- docbook-slides
- docbook-style-dsssl
- docbook-style-xsl
- docbook-utils
- docbook-utils-pdf
- linuxdoc-tools
- tetex
- xhtml1-dtds
- xmlto
- abcm2ps
- BibTool
- conglomerate
- docbook2X
- html401-dtds
- kile
- latex-mk
- lilypond
- lout
- ooo2txt
- python-docutils
- scribus
- tetex-eurofont
- tetex-prosper
- tetex-xdvi
- w3c-markup-validator
- base
- <_name>Base
- <_description>This group includes a minimal set of packages. Useful for creating small router/firewall boxes, for example.
- true
- false
- acl
- at
- attr
- authconfig
- bc
- bind-utils
- bzip2
- crontabs
- cyrus-sasl-plain
- libutempter
- logrotate
- lsof
- mailcap
- man
- ntsysv
- parted
- pciutils
- psacct
- quota
- tmpwatch
- traceroute
- vixie-cron
- hunspell-en
- anacron
- aspell
- aspell-en
- autofs
- bluez-utils
- ccid
- coolkey
- cpuspeed
- cryptsetup-luks
- device-mapper-multipath
- dhclient
- dhcpv6-client
- dmraid
- dos2unix
- dosfstools
- dump
- eject
- fbset
- finger
- firstboot-tui
- ftp
- gnupg
- gpm
- iptstate
- irda-utils
- irqbalance
- jwhois
- krb5-workstation
- lftp
- logwatch
- man-pages
- mcelog
- mdadm
- mgetty
- microcode_ctl
- mlocate
- mtr
- nano
- nc
- NetworkManager
- nfs-utils
- nss_db
- nss_ldap
- ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs
- numactl
- openssh-clients
- openssh-server
- pam_ccreds
- pam_krb5
- pam_passwdqc
- pam_pkcs11
- pam_smb
- pcmciautils
- pcsc-lite-libs
- pinfo
- pm-utils
- prctl
- rdate
- rdist
- readahead
- redhat-lsb
- rng-utils
- rsh
- rsync
- sendmail
- setuptool
- smartmontools
- specspo
- stunnel
- sudo
- symlinks
- sysreport
- system-config-firewall-tui
- system-config-network-tui
- talk
- tcpdump
- tcp_wrappers
- telnet
- time
- tree
- unix2dos
- unzip
- usbutils
- vconfig
- wget
- which
- wireless-tools
- words
- ypbind
- yum
- yum-updatesd
- zip
- acpid
- apmd
- authd
- bridge-utils
- brltty
- gpart
- hardlink
- hfsutils
- iscsi-initiator-utils
- jfsutils
- kexec-tools
- ksh
- mkbootdisk
- mtools
- netconfig
- netdump
- openCryptoki
- pax
- reiserfs-utils
- squashfs-tools
- star
- tcsh
- x86info
- xfsprogs
- base-x
- <_name>X Window System
- <_description>Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface.
- true
- true
- bitmap-fonts
- desktop-backgrounds-basic
- xorg-x11-drivers
- xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-misc
- xorg-x11-fonts-truetype
- xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
- xorg-x11-server-Xorg
- xorg-x11-xauth
- xorg-x11-xinit
- authconfig-gtk
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-gulim
- cjkunifonts-uming
- dejavu-lgc-fonts
- firstboot
- fonts-arabic
- lohit-fonts-bengali
- lohit-fonts-gujarati
- fonts-hebrew
- lohit-fonts-hindi
- lohit-fonts-kannada
- lohit-fonts-oriya
- lohit-fonts-punjabi
- fonts-sinhala
- lohit-fonts-tamil
- lohit-fonts-telugu
- gdm
- glx-utils
- jomolhari-fonts
- krb5-auth-dialog
- liberation-fonts
- openssh-askpass
- pirut
- policycoreutils-gui
- rhgb
- sazanami-fonts-gothic
- setroubleshoot
- smolt-firstboot
- system-config-date
- system-config-display
- system-config-network
- system-config-printer
- system-config-services
- system-config-soundcard
- system-config-users
- xorg-x11-apps
- xorg-x11-twm
- xorg-x11-utils
- xterm
- alltray
- aterm
- bitstream-vera-fonts
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- devilspie
- fonts-chinese
- fonts-japanese
- fonts-korean
- freefont
- lineak-defaultplugin
- lineak-xosdplugin
- lineakd
- lxpanel
- mathml-fonts
- rss-glx
- rss-glx-xscreensaver
- rxvt
- switchdesk
- uim-gtk2
- uim-m17n
- vnc-server
- workrave
- wqy-bitmap-fonts
- xdaliclock
- xkeycaps
- xlockmore
- xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
- xorg-x11-resutils
- xorg-x11-server-Xnest
- xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
- xorg-x11-xfs
- xorg-x11-xfs-utils
- xorg-x11-xsm
- xscreensaver
- xscreensaver-base
- xscreensaver-extras
- xscreensaver-gl-extras
- fonts
- <_name>Fonts
- <_description>Fonts packages for rendering text on the desktop.
- true
- true
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-gulim
- cjkunifonts-uming
- dejavu-lgc-fonts
- fonts-arabic
- lohit-fonts-bengali
- lohit-fonts-gujarati
- lohit-fonts-hindi
- lohit-fonts-kannada
- lohit-fonts-malayalam
- lohit-fonts-oriya
- lohit-fonts-punjabi
- fonts-sinhala
- lohit-fonts-tamil
- lohit-fonts-telugu
- jomolhari-fonts
- liberation-fonts
- sazanami-fonts-gothic
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-batang
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-dotum
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-hline
- bitstream-vera-fonts
- charis-fonts
- cjkunifonts-ukai
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- doulos-fonts
- fonts-chinese
- fonts-japanese
- fonts-korean
- fonts-truetype-apl
- freefont
- gentium-fonts
- hunky-fonts
- linux-libertine-fonts
- mathml-fonts
- mgopen-fonts
- sazanami-fonts-mincho
- tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
- VLGothic-fonts
- xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
- xorg-x11-fonts-syriac
- legacy-fonts
- <_name>Legacy Fonts
- <_description>Older bitmap and vector fonts packages
- true
- true
- bitmap-fonts
- fonts-hebrew
- xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-misc
- xorg-x11-fonts-truetype
- xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts
- baekmuk-bdf-fonts
- bitmap-fonts-cjk
- efont-unicode-bdf
- fonts-hebrew-fancy
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- fonts-x11-apl
- ghostscript-fonts
- libdockapp-fonts
- taipeifonts
- terminus-font-console
- terminus-font-x11
- urw-fonts
- xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi
- zvbi-fonts
- basque-support
- <_name>Basque Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- eu
- gcompris-sound-eu
- koffice-langpack-eu
- moodle-eu
- openoffice.org-langpack-eu_ES
- belarusian-support
- <_name>Belarusian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- be
- moodle-be
- bengali-support
- <_name>Bengali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bn
- fonts-bengali
- m17n-contrib-bengali
- m17n-db-bengali
- aspell-bn
- kde-i18n-Bengali
- openoffice.org-langpack-bn
- scim-lang-bengali
- bhutanese-support
- <_name>Bhutanese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- dz
- jomolhari-fonts
- openoffice.org-langpack-dz
- bosnian-support
- <_name>Bosnian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bs
- moodle-bs
- brazilian-support
- <_name>Brazilian Portuguese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pt_BR
- aspell-pt
- kde-i18n-Brazil
- koffice-langpack-pt_BR
- moodle-pt_br
- openoffice.org-langpack-pt_BR
- breton-support
- <_name>Breton Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- br
- aspell-br
- LabPlot-doc-br
- british-support
- <_name>English (UK) Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- en_GB
- kde-i18n-British
- koffice-langpack-en_GB
- buildsys-build
- <_name>Buildsystem building group
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bash
- bzip2
- coreutils
- cpio
- diffutils
- fedora-release
- findutils
- gawk
- gcc
- gcc-c++
- grep
- gzip
- info
- make
- patch
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpm-build
- sed
- tar
- unzip
- util-linux-ng
- which
- bulgarian-support
- <_name>Bulgarian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bg
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-bg
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-bg
- kde-i18n-Bulgarian
- koffice-langpack-bg
- moodle-bg
- openoffice.org-langpack-bg_BG
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- catalan-support
- <_name>Catalan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ca
- aspell-ca
- hunspell-ca
- kde-i18n-Catalan
- koffice-langpack-ca
- moodle-ca
- openoffice.org-langpack-ca_ES
- chinese-support
- <_name>Chinese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zh
- fonts-chinese
- kde-i18n-Chinese
- kde-i18n-Chinese-Big5
- koffice-langpack-zh_CN
- koffice-langpack-zh_TW
- moodle-zh_cn
- moodle-zh_tw
- openoffice.org-langpack-zh_CN
- openoffice.org-langpack-zh_TW
- scim-chewing
- scim-lang-chinese
- scim-pinyin
- scim-tables-chinese
- wqy-bitmap-fonts
- gcin
- lv
- m17n-db-chinese
- scim-array
- stardict-dic-zh_CN
- stardict-dic-zh_TW
- clustering
- <_name>Clustering
- <_description>Clustering Support
- false
- true
- cman
- gfs2-utils
- rgmanager
- system-config-cluster
- heartbeat
- core
- <_name>Core
- <_description>Smallest possible installation
- true
- false
- authconfig
- basesystem
- bash
- coreutils
- cpio
- e2fsprogs
- ed
- fedora-logos
- fedora-release
- file
- filesystem
- glibc
- hdparm
- initscripts
- iproute
- iprutils
- iputils
- kbd
- kudzu
- libgcc
- passwd
- policycoreutils
- prelink
- procps
- readline
- rootfiles
- rpm
- rsyslog
- selinux-policy-targeted
- setserial
- setup
- shadow-utils
- sysvinit
- util-linux-ng
- vim-minimal
- elilo
- grub
- ppc64-utils
- s390utils
- yaboot
- croatian-support
- <_name>Croatian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hr
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-hr
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-hr
- moodle-hr
- openoffice.org-langpack-hr_HR
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-croatian
- czech-support
- <_name>Czech Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- cs
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-cs
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- gcompris-sound-cs
- hunspell-cs
- kde-i18n-Czech
- koffice-langpack-cs
- man-pages-cs
- moodle-cs
- openoffice.org-dict-cs_CZ
- openoffice.org-langpack-cs_CZ
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- danish-support
- <_name>Danish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- da
- aspell-da
- gcompris-sound-da
- hunspell-da
- kde-i18n-Danish
- koffice-langpack-da
- man-pages-da
- moodle-da
- openoffice.org-langpack-da_DK
- development-libs
- <_name>Development Libraries
- <_description>The packages in this group are core libraries needed to develop applications.
- false
- true
- bzip2-devel
- glibc-devel
- ncurses-devel
- pam-devel
- readline-devel
- zlib-devel
- binutils-devel
- boost-devel
- coolkey-devel
- curl-devel
- cyrus-sasl-devel
- db4-devel
- dbus-devel
- expat-devel
- gdbm-devel
- gmp-devel
- gpm-devel
- hesiod-devel
- krb5-devel
- kudzu-devel
- libacl-devel
- libattr-devel
- libcap-devel
- libogg-devel
- libselinux-devel
- libuser-devel
- libvorbis-devel
- libxml2-devel
- lockdev-devel
- newt-devel
- openldap-devel
- openssl-devel
- pciutils-devel
- pcsc-lite-devel
- perl-devel
- python-devel
- rpm-devel
- slang-devel
- libusb-devel
- development-tools
- <_name>Development Tools
- <_description>These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, python, and debuggers.
- false
- true
- autoconf
- automake
- binutils
- bison
- flex
- gcc
- gcc-c++
- gdb
- gettext
- libtool
- make
- pkgconfig
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpm-build
- strace
- automake14
- automake15
- automake16
- automake17
- byacc
- ccache
- cscope
- ctags
- cvs
- diffstat
- doxygen
- elfutils
- frysk
- gcc-gfortran
- indent
- ltrace
- oprofile
- oprofile-gui
- patchutils
- pstack
- python-ldap
- rcs
- subversion
- swig
- systemtap
- texinfo
- valgrind
- abicheck
- alex
- alleyoop
- aplus-fsf
- archmage
- asa
- bazaar
- bigloo
- bugzilla
- buildbot
- bzr
- clips
- clips-doc
- clips-xclips
- clisp
- cmake
- cmucl
- codeblocks
- cogito
- colordiff
- cpan2rpm
- cpanspec
- cppunit
- cproto
- crossvc
- curry
- cvs2cl
- cvs2svn
- cvsgraph
- cvsps
- cvsweb
- darcs
- dejagnu
- ecl
- ElectricFence
- epydoc
- eric
- erlang
- expect
- flasm
- fpc
- frysk-gnome
- ftnchek
- gambas-ide
- gauche
- gcc-gnat
- gcc-objc
- gcl
- gforth
- ghc
- giggle
- git
- gnu-smalltalk
- gphpedit
- gprolog
- gpsim
- gputils
- gtranslator
- haddock
- happy
- highlight
- hugs98
- iasl
- imake
- ipython
- jam
- koji
- koji-hub
- koji-web
- kuipc
- lcov
- lightning
- livecd-tools
- lua
- lush
- mach
- manedit
- mantis
- mcrypt
- meld
- memtest86+
- mercurial
- mlton
- mock
- monodevelop
- monotone
- nasm
- nemiver
- nqc
- ocaml
- oorexx
- patchy
- perl-perlmenu
- perltidy
- pgadmin3
- phpcs
- pikdev
- pl
- plague
- plague-client
- plt-scheme
- polyml
- pscan
- pungi
- pylint
- q
- qgit
- quilt
- rapidsvn
- regexxer
- revisor
- rpmdevtools
- rpmlint
- sbcl
- scons
- smarteiffel
- splint
- Sprog
- srecord
- subcommander
- sunifdef
- svn2cl
- svnmailer
- sysconftool
- sysprof
- tailor
- tclpro
- tkcon
- tkcvs
- tla
- tolua++
- trac
- trac-git-plugin
- trac-mercurial-plugin
- trac-webadmin
- translate-toolkit
- ucblogo
- uim-gnome
- utrac
- wxGlade
- xbsql
- xfce4-dev-tools
- yap
- yasm
- zzuf
- dial-up
- <_name>Dial-up Networking Support
- <_description/>
- true
- false
- ppp
- isdn4k-utils
- lrzsz
- minicom
- rp-pppoe
- wvdial
- efax
- pptp
- statserial
- dns-server
- <_name>DNS Name Server
- <_description>This package group allows you to run a DNS name server (BIND) on the system.
- false
- true
- bind
- bind-chroot
- pdns
- dutch-support
- <_name>Dutch Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nl
- aspell-nl
- gcompris-sound-nl
- hunspell-nl
- kde-i18n-Dutch
- koffice-langpack-nl
- LabPlot-doc-nl
- moodle-nl
- openoffice.org-langpack-nl
- tesseract-langpack-nl
- eclipse
- <_name>Fedora Eclipse
- <_description>Integrated Development Environments based on Eclipse.
- false
- true
- eclipse-cdt
- eclipse-changelog
- eclipse-jdt
- eclipse-mylyn
- eclipse-mylyn-bugzilla
- eclipse-mylyn-ide
- eclipse-mylyn-java
- eclipse-pde
- eclipse-pydev
- eclipse-rpm-editor
- eclipse-subclipse
- eclipse-mylyn-trac
- editors
- <_name>Editors
- <_description>Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit text files. This includes Emacs and Vi.
- true
- true
- vim-enhanced
- cssed
- emacs
- geany
- gobby
- jed
- joe
- leafpad
- nedit
- poedit
- scite
- scribes
- scribes-templates
- vim-X11
- xemacs
- xemacs-packages-extra
- education
- <_name>Educational Software
- <_description>Educational software for learning
- false
- true
- gcompris-sound-en
- childsplay
- drgeo
- drgeo-doc
- gcompris
- gperiodic
- gtypist
- kdeedu
- moodle
- stellarium
- tuxtype2
- engineering-and-scientific
- <_name>Engineering and Scientific
- <_description>This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion.
- false
- true
- gnuplot
- units
- alliance
- atlas
- blacs
- blas
- cdo
- cernlib-utils
- drawtiming
- dx
- dx-samples
- funtools
- galculator
- gchempaint
- gdl
- geant321
- geda-docs
- geda-examples
- geda-gattrib
- geda-gnetlist
- geda-gschem
- geda-gsymcheck
- geda-symbols
- geda-utils
- genius
- geomview
- gerbv
- ghdl
- gnome-chemistry-utils
- gnucap
- gpredict
- grace
- grads
- gresistor
- gtkwave
- gts
- harminv
- hdf
- hdf5
- hmmer
- irsim
- kalgebra
- kicad
- kpolynome
- kst
- ktechlab
- LabPlot
- lagan
- lam
- lapack
- libctl
- libmatheval
- libtcd
- Macaulay2
- magic
- maxima
- ncarg
- nco
- ncview
- netcdf
- netgen
- ngspice
- numpy
- octave
- octave-forge
- openbabel
- orpie
- osiv
- paraview
- paw
- pcb
- perl-bioperl
- pharosc
- pharosc-alliance
- pharosc-magic
- pharosc-synopsys
- pharosc-xcircuit
- pikdev
- piklab
- pikloops
- plotutils
- pvm
- python-biopython
- qalculate-gtk
- qalculate-kde
- qcad
- qucs
- R
- rrdtool
- scalapack
- scigraphica
- scrip
- seaview
- sextractor
- SIBsim4
- speedcrunch
- tcd-utils
- TeXmacs
- tideEditor
- toped
- veusz
- wcstools
- wgrib
- wise2
- wvs-data
- wxMaxima
- xcircuit
- xdrawchem
- xtide
- estonian-support
- <_name>Estonian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- et
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-ee
- kde-i18n-Estonian
- koffice-langpack-et
- moodle-et
- openoffice.org-langpack-et_EE
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- ethiopic-support
- <_name>Ethiopic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- am
- xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
- m17n-db-amharic
- scim-tables-amharic
- faeroese-support
- <_name>Faeroese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fo
- aspell-fo
- filipino-support
- <_name>Filipino Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fil
- moodle-fil
- finnish-support
- <_name>Finnish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fi
- gcompris-sound-fi
- kde-i18n-Finnish
- koffice-langpack-fi
- moodle-fi
- openoffice.org-langpack-fi_FI
- french-support
- <_name>French Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fr
- aspell-fr
- gcompris-sound-fr
- hunspell-fr
- kde-i18n-French
- koffice-langpack-fr
- LabPlot-doc-fr
- man-pages-fr
- moodle-fr
- moodle-fr_ca
- openoffice.org-langpack-fr
- tesseract-langpack-fr
- ftp-server
- <_name>FTP Server
- <_description>These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system.
- false
- true
- vsftpd
- proftpd
- pure-ftpd
- xferstats
- gaelic-support
- <_name>Gaelic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gd
- aspell-gd
- galician-support
- <_name>Galician Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gl
- aspell-gl
- hunspell-gl
- koffice-langpack-gl
- moodle-gl
- openoffice.org-langpack-gl_ES
- games
- <_name>Games and Entertainment
- <_description>Various ways to relax and spend your free time.
- true
- true
- gnome-games
- joystick
- abe
- abuse
- agistudio
- alex4
- alienblaster
- alphabet-soup
- ants
- armacycles-ad
- arrows
- asc
- asc-music
- astromenace
- atomix
- atomorun
- auriferous
- ballbuster
- ballz
- beneath-a-steel-sky
- beneath-a-steel-sky-cd
- berusky
- blobAndConquer
- blobby
- blobwars
- bombardier
- boswars
- bsd-games
- bygfoot
- bzflag
- cdogs-sdl
- celestia
- cgoban
- chess
- clanbomber
- coco-coq
- crack-attack
- crossfire
- crossfire-client
- crystal-stacker
- crystal-stacker-themes
- csmash
- cyphesis
- dd2
- dgae
- duel3
- egoboo
- enigma
- escape
- fbg
- fillets-ng
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd
- FlightGear
- foobillard
- fortune-mod
- fRaBs
- freeciv
- freecol
- freedoom
- freedroid
- freedroidrpg
- freetennis
- frozen-bubble
- games-menus
- gemdropx
- gl-117
- glaxium
- glest
- gnofract4d
- gnubg
- gnuchess
- gnugo
- grhino
- gweled
- hedgewars
- kbilliards
- kdeedu
- kdegames
- KoboDeluxe
- ksirk
- ksudoku
- lacewing
- lincity-ng
- liquidwar
- lmarbles
- londonlaw
- lucidlife
- machineball
- Maelstrom
- magicor
- manaworld
- maniadrive
- maniadrive-music
- methane
- mirrormagic
- monkey-bubble
- monsterz
- nagi
- naturette
- nazghul
- nazghul-haxima
- nethack
- nethack-vultures
- netpanzer
- neverball
- nexuiz
- njam
- oneko
- openarena
- openlierox
- overgod
- pachi
- penguin-command
- pengupop
- pinball
- pingus
- pipenightdreams
- pipepanic
- poker2d
- powermanga
- ppracer
- prboom
- professor-is-missing
- qascade
- qgo
- quake3
- rafkill
- raidem
- Ri-li
- rocksndiamonds
- rogue
- rott
- scorched3d
- scorchwentbonkers
- scummvm
- seahorse-adventures
- sear
- sergueis-destiny
- shippy
- six
- slingshot
- smashteroid
- solarwolf
- sopwith
- starfighter
- stormbaancoureur
- supertux
- supertuxkart
- taxipilot
- tecnoballz
- TnL
- tong
- torcs
- trackballs
- trackballs-music
- tremulous
- tuxpuck
- ularn
- uqm
- vavoom
- vdr-sudoku
- vegastrike
- viruskiller
- warzone2100
- wesnoth
- widelands
- worminator
- wormux
- xaos
- xarchon
- xblast
- xboard
- xgalaxy
- xmoto
- xmoto-edit
- xpilot-ng
- xpilot-ng-server
- xplanet
- xscorch
- xu4
- zasx
- georgian-support
- <_name>Georgian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ka
- dejavu-fonts
- moodle-ka
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- german-support
- <_name>German Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- de
- aspell-de
- gcompris-sound-de
- hunspell-de
- kde-i18n-German
- koffice-langpack-de
- LabPlot-doc-de
- man-pages-de
- moodle-de
- moodle-de_du
- openoffice.org-langpack-de
- tesseract-langpack-de
- gnome-desktop
- <_name>GNOME Desktop Environment
- <_description>GNOME is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- true
- true
- control-center
- gnome-applets
- gnome-panel
- gnome-session
- gnome-terminal
- metacity
- nautilus
- yelp
- alacarte
- at-spi
- bug-buddy
- bluez-gnome
- compiz-gnome
- eog
- evince
- fast-user-switch-applet
- file-roller
- gcalctool
- gedit
- gnome-audio
- gnome-backgrounds
- gnome-bluetooth
- gnome-media
- gnome-phone-manager
- gnome-pilot
- gnome-power-manager
- gnome-screensaver
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-themes
- gnome-user-docs
- gnome-user-share
- gnome-utils
- gnome-vfs2-obexftp
- gnome-vfs2-smb
- gnome-volume-manager
- gok
- gthumb
- gtk2-engines
- nautilus-cd-burner
- nautilus-sendto
- NetworkManager-gnome
- notification-daemon
- orca
- pulseaudio-esound-compat
- pulseaudio-module-gconf
- pulseaudio-module-x11
- tomboy
- vino
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk
- zenity
- beagle-evolution
- beagle-gui
- beryl-gnome
- buoh
- byzanz
- dasher
- deskbar-applet
- esc
- gconf-editor
- gdesklets
- gimmie
- glipper
- glunarclock
- gmpc
- gnochm
- gnome-applet-music
- gnome-applet-netspeed
- gnome-applet-sensors
- gnome-applet-timer
- gnome-commander
- gnome-keyring-manager
- gnome-netstatus
- gnome-pilot-conduits
- gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack
- gnome-themes-extras
- gnotime
- gtweakui
- hal-gnome
- im-chooser
- istanbul
- lock-keys-applet
- nautilus-actions
- nautilus-flac-converter
- nautilus-image-converter
- nautilus-open-terminal
- nautilus-search-tool
- panelfm
- rss-glx-gnome-screensaver
- sabayon
- scim-input-pad
- scim-tomoe
- seahorse
- stardict-dict-en
- tango-icon-theme
- tango-icon-theme-extras
- themes-backgrounds-gnome
- tracker-search-tool
- verbiste-gnome
- vinagre
- wallpapoz
- wp_tray
- xscreensaver-extras-gss
- xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss
- gnome-software-development
- <_name>GNOME Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical applications.
- false
- true
- atk-devel
- GConf2-devel
- glib2-devel
- gnome-vfs2-devel
- gtk2-devel
- libbonobo-devel
- libbonoboui-devel
- libglade2-devel
- libgnome-devel
- libgnomecanvas-devel
- libgnomeui-devel
- ORBit2-devel
- pango-devel
- at-spi-devel
- devhelp
- eel2-devel
- evolution-data-server-devel
- firefox-devel
- gail-devel
- glade2
- gnome-desktop-devel
- gnome-panel-devel
- gnome-pilot-devel
- gtk-doc
- hal-devel
- libart_lgpl-devel
- libgnomeprintui22-devel
- libgtop2-devel
- pygtk2-devel
- anjuta
- anjuta-docs
- bakery-devel
- bit-devel
- bitgtkmm-devel
- cairomm-devel
- conexus-devel
- conexusmm-devel
- ddd
- gazpacho
- gconfmm26-devel
- glibmm24-devel
- gnome-common
- gnome-python2-gda-devel
- gnome-vfsmm26-devel
- gob2
- gquilt
- gtk+extra
- gtk2hs
- gtkdatabox
- gtkmm24-devel
- libgconf-java
- libglade-java
- libglademm24-devel
- libgnome-java
- libgnomecanvasmm26-devel
- libgnomemm26-devel
- libgnomeuimm26-devel
- libgtk-java
- libsexy-devel
- libsexymm-devel
- libsigc++20-devel
- nemiver
- papyrus-devel
- plotmm-devel
- scim-devel
- graphical-internet
- <_name>Graphical Internet
- <_description>This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients.
- true
- true
- ekiga
- evolution
- evolution-help
- evolution-webcal
- firefox
- pidgin
- transmission
- amsn
- apollon
- azureus
- balsa
- bittorrent-gui
- blam
- blogtk
- bluefish
- claws-mail
- contact-lookup-applet
- d4x
- deluge
- deskbar-applet
- dillo
- drivel
- epiphany
- epiphany-extensions
- evolution-exchange
- fwbuilder
- gajim
- galeon
- gftp
- gg2
- gift-gnutella
- gift-openft
- gnash-plugin
- gnome-blog
- gnome-ppp
- gnome-translate
- gnubiff
- gossip
- gtk-gnutella
- gtorrentviewer
- gwget
- jd
- kadu
- kasablanca
- kazehakase
- kdewebdev
- kftpgrabber
- kickpim
- kita
- knetstats
- konversation
- licq
- liferea
- linphone
- logjam
- mail-notification
- Miro
- mugshot
- ochusha
- pan
- pidgin-libnotify
- prozilla
- psi
- putty
- screem
- streamtuner
- sylpheed
- sylpheed-claws
- thunderbird
- twinkle
- urlgfe
- valknut
- x3270-x11
- xchat
- xchat-gnome
- xchat-tcl
- graphics
- <_name>Graphics
- <_description>This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images.
- true
- true
- f-spot
- gimp
- gimp-help
- xsane
- xsane-gimp
- agave
- asymptote
- blender
- cheese
- comix
- dcraw
- digikam
- digikam-doc
- fontforge
- fonttools
- fyre
- gifsicle
- gifview
- gnomescan
- gpp
- gqview
- graphviz
- gutenprint-plugin
- gv
- gwenview
- ImageMagick
- hugin
- inkscape
- ipe
- k3d
- kdegraphics
- kipi-plugins
- koffice-krita
- kphotoalbum
- libsane-hpaio
- mirage
- netpbm-progs
- nip2
- optipng
- pstoedit
- pydot
- qiv
- rawstudio
- renrot
- sane-frontends
- scanbuttond
- showimg
- skencil
- tuxpaint
- ufraw
- wings
- xfig
- greek-support
- <_name>Greek Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- el
- aspell-el
- gcompris-sound-el
- hunspell-el
- kde-i18n-Greek
- koffice-langpack-el
- moodle-el
- openoffice.org-langpack-el_GR
- m17n-db-greek
- gujarati-support
- <_name>Gujarati Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gu
- fonts-gujarati
- m17n-contrib-gujarati
- m17n-db-gujarati
- aspell-gu
- moodle-gu
- openoffice.org-langpack-gu_IN
- scim-lang-gujarati
- hardware-support
- <_name>Hardware Support
- <_description>This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities.
- true
- true
- atmel-firmware
- b43-fwcutter
- bcm43xx-fwcutter
- ipw2100-firmware
- ipw2200-firmware
- iwl3945-firmware
- iwl4965-firmware
- rt61pci-firmware
- rt73usb-firmware
- zd1211-firmware
- acpi
- acpitool
- ctapi-cyberjack
- ctapi-cyberjack-pcsc
- ctapi-cyberjack-tools
- firmware-addon-dell
- gpsd
- gpsd-clients
- hddtemp
- i8kutils
- libifp
- lsscsi
- multican
- openct
- opensc
- s3switch
- tpb
- hebrew-support
- <_name>Hebrew Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- he
- fonts-hebrew
- aspell-he
- hunspell-he
- kde-i18n-Hebrew
- moodle-he
- openoffice.org-langpack-he_IL
- tetex-fonts-hebrew
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- fonts-hebrew-fancy
- m17n-db-hebrew
- hindi-support
- <_name>Hindi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hi
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-hindi
- m17n-db-hindi
- aspell-hi
- gcompris-sound-hi
- kde-i18n-Hindi
- moodle-hi
- openoffice.org-langpack-hi_IN
- scim-lang-hindi
- hungarian-support
- <_name>Hungarian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- hu
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- gcompris-sound-hu
- hunspell-hu
- kde-i18n-Hungarian
- koffice-langpack-hu
- moodle-hu
- openoffice.org-langpack-hu_HU
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- icelandic-support
- <_name>Icelandic Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- is
- aspell-is
- kde-i18n-Icelandic
- moodle-is
- indonesian-support
- <_name>Indonesian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- id
- aspell-id
- gcompris-sound-id
- moodle-id
- inuktitut-support
- <_name>Inuktitut Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- iu
- dejavu-fonts
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- irish-support
- <_name>Irish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ga
- aspell-ga
- hunspell-ga
- koffice-langpack-ga
- moodle-ga
- openoffice.org-langpack-ga_IE
- italian-support
- <_name>Italian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- it
- aspell-it
- gcompris-sound-it
- hunspell-it
- kde-i18n-Italian
- koffice-langpack-it
- LabPlot-doc-it
- man-pages-it
- moodle-it
- openoffice.org-langpack-it
- tesseract-langpack-it
- japanese-support
- <_name>Japanese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ja
- fonts-japanese
- kde-i18n-Japanese
- koffice-langpack-ja
- man-pages-ja
- moodle-ja
- openoffice.org-langpack-ja_JP
- scim-anthy
- scim-lang-japanese
- anthy-el
- cmigemo
- ddskk
- ddskk-xemacs
- eblook
- jfbterm
- kinput2
- kcc
- lv
- m17n-db-japanese
- mecab
- mecab-ipadic
- mecab-jumandic
- migemo
- nkf
- perl-NKF
- scim-skk
- stardict-dic-ja
- uim-anthy
- uim-canna
- uim-skk
- VLGothic-fonts
- java
- <_name>Java
- <_description>Support for running programs written in the Java programming language.
- true
- false
- java-1.5.0-gcj
- java-1.7.0-icedtea
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-plugin
- libgcj
- java-development
- <_name>Java Development
- <_description>Support for developing programs in the Java programming language.
- false
- true
- ant
- eclipse-ecj
- gcc-java
- java-1.5.0-gcj-devel
- libgcj-devel
- sinjdoc
- ant-antlr
- ant-apache-bcel
- ant-apache-log4j
- ant-apache-oro
- ant-apache-regexp
- ant-apache-resolver
- ant-commons-logging
- ant-javadoc
- ant-javamail
- ant-jdepend
- ant-junit
- ant-manual
- ant-nodeps
- ant-scripts
- ant-swing
- ant-trax
- antlr
- antlr-javadoc
- antlr-manual
- avalon-framework
- avalon-framework-javadoc
- avalon-framework-manual
- avalon-logkit
- avalon-logkit-javadoc
- bcel
- bcel-javadoc
- classpathx-jaf
- classpathx-jaf-javadoc
- classpathx-mail
- classpathx-mail-javadoc
- cryptix-asn1-javadoc
- cryptix-javadoc
- gnu-getopt
- gnu-getopt-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-beanutils
- jakarta-commons-beanutils-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-collections
- jakarta-commons-collections-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-daemon
- jakarta-commons-daemon-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-dbcp
- jakarta-commons-dbcp-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-digester
- jakarta-commons-digester-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-el
- jakarta-commons-el-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-fileupload
- jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-lang
- jakarta-commons-lang-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-launcher
- jakarta-commons-launcher-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-logging
- jakarta-commons-logging-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-modeler
- jakarta-commons-modeler-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-pool
- jakarta-commons-pool-javadoc
- jakarta-commons-validator
- jakarta-commons-validator-javadoc
- jakarta-oro
- jakarta-oro-javadoc
- jakarta-taglibs-standard
- jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc
- java-1.5.0-gcj-javadoc
- java-1.5.0-gcj-src
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-demo
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-devel
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-javadoc
- java-1.7.0-icedtea-src
- java_cup
- java_cup-javadoc
- java_cup-manual
- jdepend
- jdepend-demo
- jdepend-javadoc
- jlex
- jlex-javadoc
- junit
- junit-demo
- junit-javadoc
- junit-manual
- ldapjdk
- ldapjdk-javadoc
- libgcj-src
- log4j
- log4j-javadoc
- log4j-manual
- maven2
- mx4j
- mx4j-javadoc
- mx4j-manual
- puretls-javadoc
- regexp
- regexp-javadoc
- xalan-j2
- xalan-j2-demo
- xalan-j2-javadoc
- xalan-j2-manual
- xalan-j2-xsltc
- xerces-j2
- xerces-j2-demo
- xerces-j2-javadoc-apis
- xerces-j2-javadoc-impl
- xerces-j2-javadoc-other
- xerces-j2-javadoc-xni
- xerces-j2-scripts
- xml-commons-apis
- xml-commons-apis-javadoc
- xml-commons-apis-manual
- xml-commons-resolver
- xml-commons-resolver-javadoc
- xml-commons-which
- xml-commons-which-javadoc
- kannada-support
- <_name>Kannada Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- kn
- fonts-kannada
- m17n-contrib-kannada
- m17n-db-kannada
- moodle-kn
- openoffice.org-langpack-kn_IN
- scim-lang-kannada
- kde-desktop
- <_name>KDE (K Desktop Environment)
- <_description>KDE is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- false
- true
- arts
- kdebase
- scim-qtimm
- amarok
- digikam
- gpgme
- kaffeine
- kdeaccessibility
- kdeaddons
- kdeartwork
- kdegraphics
- kdemultimedia
- kdenetwork
- kdepim
- kdeutils
- kdmtheme
- kftpgrabber
- kipi-plugins
- knetworkmanager
- konversation
- kpowersave
- ktorrent
- pinentry-qt
- redhat-artwork-kde
- scribus
- xdg-user-dirs
- xdg-utils
- xine-lib-arts
- zenity
- apollon
- basket
- beryl-kde
- crystal
- d3lphin
- gtk-qt-engine
- im-chooser
- kasablanca
- katapult
- kbackup
- kbibtex
- kbilliards
- kchmviewer
- kdeadmin
- kdeartwork-extras
- kdegraphics-extras
- kdemultimedia-extras
- kdetoys
- kdeutils-extras
- kdissert
- kerry
- kickpim
- kiosktool
- kio_resources
- klamav
- kleansweep
- kmenu-gnome
- kmobiletools
- kmymoney2
- knemo
- koffice-suite
- kompose
- kooldock
- koverartist
- krecipes
- krename
- krusader
- ksensors
- kshutdown
- ksynaptics
- kyum
- lineak-kdeplugins
- marble
- metamonitor
- oooqs2
- polyester
- rekall
- rsibreak
- rss-glx-kde
- smb4k
- speedcrunch
- uim-qt
- kde-software-development
- <_name>KDE Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications.
- false
- true
- arts-devel
- kdelibs-devel
- qt-devel
- kdbg
- kdebase-devel
- kdegraphics-devel
- kdenetwork-devel
- kdepim-devel
- kdesdk
- kdeutils-devel
- kdevelop
- PyQt-devel
- qt-designer
- gambas
- kdesdk-devel
- kdesvn
- PyKDE-devel
- qt4-devel
- khmer-support
- <_name>Khmer Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- km
- koffice-langpack-km
- moodle-km
- m17n-db-khmer
- korean-support
- <_name>Korean Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ko
- fonts-korean
- kde-i18n-Korean
- man-pages-ko
- moodle-ko
- openoffice.org-langpack-ko_KR
- scim-hangul
- scim-lang-korean
- lv
- m17n-db-korean
- nabi
- lao-support
- <_name>Lao Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lo
- dejavu-fonts
- moodle-lo
- dejavu-fonts-experimental
- m17n-db-lao
- latvian-support
- <_name>Latvian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lv
- koffice-langpack-lv
- moodle-lv
- legacy-network-server
- <_name>Legacy Network Server
- <_description>These packages include servers for old network protocols such as rsh and telnet.
- false
- true
- bootparamd
- rarpd
- rsh-server
- rusers
- rusers-server
- rwho
- talk-server
- telnet-server
- tftp-server
- legacy-software-development
- <_name>Legacy Software Development
- <_description>These packages provide compatibility with previous releases.
- false
- true
- compat-gcc
- compat-gcc-32
- compat-gcc-32-c++
- compat-gcc-32-g77
- compat-libstdc++
- compat-libstdc++-296
- compat-libstdc++-33
- legacy-software-support
- <_name>Legacy Software Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- compat-libgcc-296
- compat-libstdc++-296
- compat-libstdc++-33
- compat-db
- compat-openldap
- compat-readline43
- compat-slang
- lithuanian-support
- <_name>Lithuanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- lt
- hunspell-lt
- kde-i18n-Lithuanian
- moodle-lt
- openoffice.org-langpack-lt_LT
- low-saxon-support
- <_name>Low Saxon Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nds
- koffice-langpack-nds
- mail-server
- <_name>Mail Server
- <_description>These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server.
- false
- true
- cyrus-sasl
- dovecot
- sendmail
- sendmail-cf
- spamassassin
- amavisd-new
- clamav
- clamav-data
- clamav-milter
- clement
- crm114
- cyrus-imapd
- dbmail
- enemies-of-carlotta
- esmtp
- exim
- exim-clamav
- exim-doc
- imp
- mailman
- milter-regex
- mlmmj
- postfix
- pyzor
- roundcubemail
- spamass-milter
- spambayes
- sqlgrey
- squirrelmail
- uw-imap
- malay-support
- <_name>Malay Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ms
- hunspell-ms
- koffice-langpack-ms
- moodle-ms
- openoffice.org-langpack-ms_MY
- malayalam-support
- <_name>Malayalam Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ml
- fonts-malayalam
- m17n-contrib-malayalam
- m17n-db-malayalam
- moodle-ml
- openoffice.org-langpack-ml_IN
- scim-lang-malayalam
- maori-support
- <_name>Maori Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mi
- moodle-mi_tn
- moodle-mi_wwow
- marathi-support
- <_name>Marathi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mr
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-marathi
- aspell-mr
- gcompris-sound-mr
- openoffice.org-langpack-mr_IN
- scim-lang-marathi
- mongolian-support
- <_name>Mongolian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- mn
- moodle-mn
- mysql
- <_name>MySQL Database
- <_description>This package group contains packages useful for use with MySQL.
- false
- true
- mysql
- libdbi-dbd-mysql
- mysql-connector-odbc
- MySQL-python
- mysql-server
- perl-DBD-MySQL
- unixODBC
- mod_auth_mysql
- mysql-bench
- mysql-devel
- php-mysql
- qt-MySQL
- nepali-support
- <_name>Nepali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ne
- fonts-hindi
- m17n-contrib-nepali
- koffice-langpack-ne
- scim-lang-nepali
- scim-tables-nepali
- network-server
- <_name>Network Servers
- <_description>These packages include network-based servers such as DHCP, Kerberos and NIS.
- false
- true
- cyrus-sasl
- amanda-server
- cobbler
- ctrlproxy
- dhcp
- dhcpv6
- dnsmasq
- ejabberd
- fedora-ds-base
- flumotion
- freenx
- freeradius
- icecast
- ipxripd
- ircd-hybrid
- jabberd
- kannel
- koan
- krb5-server
- netatalk
- netdump-server
- nsd
- oidentd
- openldap-servers
- openpbx
- openswan
- orts
- privoxy
- puppet-server
- quagga
- radvd
- rbldnsd
- rinetd
- sobby
- torque-server
- ucarp
- ushare
- vnc-reflector
- vnc-server
- xl2tpd
- ypserv
- news-server
- <_name>News Server
- <_description>This group allows you to configure the system as a news server.
- false
- true
- inn
- cleanfeed
- leafnode
- newscache
- suck
- northern-sotho-support
- <_name>Northern Sotho Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nso
- openoffice.org-langpack-nso_ZA
- norwegian-support
- <_name>Norwegian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nb
- aspell-no
- gcompris-sound-nb
- hunspell-nb
- hunspell-nn
- kde-i18n-Norwegian
- kde-i18n-Norwegian-Nynorsk
- koffice-langpack-nb
- moodle-nn
- moodle-no
- moodle-no_gr
- openoffice.org-langpack-nb_NO
- openoffice.org-langpack-nn_NO
- office
- <_name>Office/Productivity
- <_description>The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more.
- true
- true
- openoffice.org-langpack-en
- evince
- openoffice.org-calc
- openoffice.org-draw
- openoffice.org-graphicfilter
- openoffice.org-impress
- openoffice.org-math
- openoffice.org-writer
- openoffice.org-xsltfilter
- planner
- abiword
- aiksaurus-gtk
- alexandria
- calcurse
- contacts
- dates
- dia
- gdeskcal
- gfa
- glabels
- glom
- gnotime
- gnucash
- gnumeric
- gourmet
- gramps
- grisbi
- hnb
- htmldoc
- jpilot
- kdepim
- keurocalc
- koffice-suite
- krecipes
- labyrinth
- lyx
- MagicPoint
- notecase
- openoffice.org-base
- openoffice.org-emailmerge
- openoffice.org-javafilter
- openoffice.org-pyuno
- openoffice.org-testtools
- pybliographer
- qa-assistant
- qcad
- referencer
- revelation
- taskjuggler
- tetex-xdvi
- texmaker
- tinyerp
- tinyerp-server
- vym
- xchm
- Zim
- oriya-support
- <_name>Oriya Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- or
- fonts-oriya
- m17n-contrib-oriya
- m17n-db-oriya
- aspell-or
- openoffice.org-langpack-or_IN
- scim-lang-oriya
- persian-support
- <_name>Persian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- fa
- koffice-langpack-fa
- moodle-fa
- polish-support
- <_name>Polish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pl
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-pl
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-pl
- kde-i18n-Polish
- koffice-langpack-pl
- LabPlot-doc-pl
- man-pages-pl
- moodle-pl
- openoffice.org-langpack-pl_PL
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- portuguese-support
- <_name>Portuguese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pt
- aspell-pt
- gcompris-sound-pt
- hunspell-pt
- kde-i18n-Portuguese
- koffice-langpack-pt
- moodle-pt
- openoffice.org-langpack-pt_PT
- printing
- <_name>Printing Support
- <_description>Install these tools to enable the system to print or act as a print server.
- true
- true
- cups
- ghostscript
- a2ps
- enscript
- gutenprint
- gutenprint-foomatic
- hal-cups-utils
- hpijs
- hplip
- samba-client
- system-config-printer
- bluez-utils-cups
- punjabi-support
- <_name>Punjabi Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- pa
- fonts-punjabi
- m17n-contrib-punjabi
- m17n-db-punjabi
- aspell-pa
- kde-i18n-Punjabi
- openoffice.org-langpack-pa_IN
- scim-lang-punjabi
- romanian-support
- <_name>Romanian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ro
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Romanian
- moodle-ro
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- ruby
- <_name>Ruby
- <_description>Basic support for the Ruby programming language.
- false
- false
- ruby
- ruby-devel
- ruby-mode
- eruby
- ruby-ri
- russian-support
- <_name>Russian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ru
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- aspell-ru
- gcompris-sound-ru
- hunspell-ru
- kde-i18n-Russian
- koffice-langpack-ru
- man-pages-ru
- moodle-ru
- openoffice.org-langpack-ru
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- m17n-contrib-russian
- m17n-db-russian
- scim-tables-russian
- stardict-dic-ru
- samoan-support
- <_name>Samoan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sm
- moodle-sm
- serbian-support
- <_name>Serbian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sr
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-sr
- gcompris-sound-sr
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Serbian
- koffice-langpack-sr
- koffice-langpack-sr-Latn
- moodle-sr_cr
- moodle-sr_cr_bo
- moodle-sr_lt
- openoffice.org-langpack-sr_CS
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-serbian
- server-cfg
- <_name>Server Configuration Tools
- <_description>This group contains all of Red Hat's custom server configuration tools.
- false
- true
- system-config-firewall
- system-config-httpd
- system-config-nfs
- system-config-printer
- system-config-samba
- system-config-services
- system-config-bind
- system-switch-mail-gnome
- sinhala-support
- <_name>Sinhala Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- si
- fonts-sinhala
- m17n-contrib-sinhala
- m17n-db-sinhala
- moodle-si
- scim-lang-sinhalese
- scim-sinhala
- slovak-support
- <_name>Slovak Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sk
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-sk
- kde-i18n-Slovak
- koffice-langpack-sk
- moodle-sk
- openoffice.org-langpack-sk_SK
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- m17n-db-slovak
- slovenian-support
- <_name>Slovenian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sl
- fonts-ISO8859-2
- aspell-sl
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi
- hunspell-sl
- kde-i18n-Slovenian
- koffice-langpack-sl
- moodle-sl
- openoffice.org-langpack-sl_SI
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi
- smb-server
- <_name>Windows File Server
- <_description>This package group allows you to share files between Linux and MS Windows(tm) systems.
- false
- true
- samba
- samba-client
- system-config-samba
- somali-support
- <_name>Somali Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- gcompris-sound-so
- moodle-so
- sound-and-video
- <_name>Sound and Video
- <_description>From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system.
- true
- true
- alsa-utils
- vorbis-tools
- bluez-utils-alsa
- cdparanoia
- genisoimage
- gstreamer-plugins-good
- gstreamer-plugins-pulse
- icedax
- pavucontrol
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-utils
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
- libflashsupport
- rhythmbox
- sound-juicer
- sox
- totem
- totem-mozplugin
- codeina
- wodim
- abcde
- adplay
- akode
- alsamixergui
- amarok
- ardour
- audacious
- audacity
- aumix
- banshee
- brasero
- camE
- cdcollect
- cdlabelgen
- cowbell
- csound-gui
- dvdauthor
- dvdisaster
- dvgrab
- easytag
- exaile
- festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
- festvox-clb-arctic-hts
- festvox-rms-arctic-hts
- gcdmaster
- gcombust
- gcstar
- gnomad2
- gnomebaker
- gnomeradio
- grip
- gtkpod
- HelixPlayer
- id3v2
- isomaster
- jack-audio-connection-kit
- jokosher
- k3b
- kaffeine
- kdemultimedia
- kdemultimedia-extras
- kid3
- kover
- mikmod
- Miro
- muine
- nyquist
- padevchooser
- paman
- paprefs
- pavumeter
- pitivi
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf
- pulseaudio-module-lirc
- regionset
- rosegarden4
- serpentine
- soundconverter
- soundtracker
- sweep
- tagtool
- tclabc
- totem-lirc
- tvtime
- ushare
- v4l2-tool
- vdr
- vdr-femon
- vdr-osdteletext
- vdr-skins
- vdr-subtitles
- vdr-sudoku
- vdr-text2skin
- vdr-wapd
- vdradmin-am
- wmix
- xcdroast
- xmms
- xmms-adplug
- xmms-cdread
- xmms-flac
- southern-ndebele-support
- <_name>Southern Ndebele Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nr
- openoffice.org-langpack-nr_ZA
- southern-sotho-support
- <_name>Southern Sotho Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nso
- openoffice.org-langpack-st_ZA
- spanish-support
- <_name>Spanish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- es
- aspell-es
- gcompris-sound-es
- hunspell-es
- kde-i18n-Spanish
- koffice-langpack-es
- man-pages-es
- moodle-es
- openoffice.org-langpack-es
- tesseract-langpack-es
- sql-server
- <_name>PostgreSQL Database
- <_description>This package group includes packages useful for use with Postgresql.
- false
- true
- postgresql
- libdbi-dbd-pgsql
- perl-DBD-Pg
- postgresql-python
- postgresql-server
- rhdb-utils
- unixODBC
- postgresql-contrib
- postgresql-docs
- postgresql-jdbc
- postgresql-odbc
- postgresql-pl
- postgresql-tcl
- postgresql-test
- qt-ODBC
- unixODBC-kde
- swati-support
- <_name>Swati Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- nr
- openoffice.org-langpack-ss_ZA
- swedish-support
- <_name>Swedish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- sv
- aspell-sv
- gcompris-sound-sv
- hunspell-sv
- kde-i18n-Swedish
- koffice-langpack-sv
- LabPlot-doc-sv
- moodle-sv
- openoffice.org-langpack-sv
- m17n-db-swedish
- system-tools
- <_name>System Tools
- <_description>This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic.
- false
- true
- BackupPC
- bonnie++
- ipsec-tools
- jigdo
- NetworkManager-openvpn
- NetworkManager-vpnc
- nmap
- ntfs-3g
- ntp
- openldap-clients
- openvpn
- samba-client
- screen
- vnc
- vpnc
- xdelta
- yum-utils
- zisofs-tools
- zsh
- aide
- aircrack-ng
- airsnort
- am-utils
- amanda-client
- apcupsd
- apg
- apt
- arc
- arj
- arptables_jf
- arpwatch
- audit
- avahi-tools
- bash-completion
- bochs
- cabextract
- catfish
- cfengine
- chrpath
- conman
- connect-proxy
- convmv
- crack
- crash
- createrepo
- csync2
- dar
- denyhosts
- dkms
- dtach
- ebtables
- ed2k_hash
- eiciel
- emelfm2
- enca
- environment-modules
- epylog
- etherbat
- ettercap
- fatsort
- fcron
- fedora-package-config-apt
- fedora-package-config-smart
- festival
- foremost
- freeze
- fuse
- fwbuilder
- fwrestart
- ganglia
- ghasher
- ghex
- gkrellm
- gnokii
- gnome-nettool
- gnutls-utils
- grepmail
- gtklp
- gtkterm
- gxemul
- hercules
- hfsplus-tools
- hyperestraier
- ibmonitor
- inadyn
- incron
- ip6sic
- iptraf
- isic
- jfbterm
- john
- kdirstat
- keychain
- ksmarttray
- limph
- lirc
- lslk
- lzop
- macchanger
- mc
- mmv
- moodss
- moomps
- mrtg
- mtx
- munin
- nagios
- net-snmp-utils
- netgo
- nfswatch
- nmap-frontend
- nomarch
- nut
- nx
- oddjob
- p0f
- p7zip
- pam_keyring
- par2cmdline
- pbzip2
- powerman
- prelude-manager
- puppet
- pwgen
- qdbm
- qstat
- radeontool
- rdesktop
- rdiff-backup
- rootsh
- rsnapshot
- sabayon
- scrub
- sec
- shorewall
- smart
- smart-gui
- snort
- stripesnoop
- swaks
- swatch
- synaptic
- syslog-ng
- sysstat
- testdisk
- tiobench
- tn5250
- torque-client
- torque-gui
- tsclient
- ttywatch
- unison
- upx
- uucp
- vbetool
- viaideinfo
- vlock
- vnstat
- wifiroamd
- wine
- wireshark-gnome
- wlassistant
- x3270-x11
- xsupplicant
- zidrav
- tagalog-support
- <_name>Tagalog Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tl
- moodle-tl
- tamil-support
- <_name>Tamil Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ta
- fonts-tamil
- m17n-contrib-tamil
- m17n-db-tamil
- aspell-ta
- kde-i18n-Tamil
- moodle-ta
- openoffice.org-langpack-ta_IN
- scim-lang-tamil
- telugu-support
- <_name>Telugu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- te
- fonts-telugu
- m17n-contrib-telugu
- m17n-db-telugu
- aspell-te
- openoffice.org-langpack-te_IN
- scim-lang-telugu
- text-internet
- <_name>Text-based Internet
- <_description>This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These applications do not require the X Window System.
- true
- true
- bittorrent
- cadaver
- elinks
- fetchmail
- mutt
- slrn
- abook
- archivemail
- argus
- centericq
- cone
- ctorrent
- ekg
- epic
- iperf
- irssi
- libtranslate
- lynx
- mew
- nail
- naim
- ncftp
- ninja
- nmh
- offlineimap
- pork
- rss2email
- rtorrent
- snownews
- tftp
- tin
- w3m
- websec
- xprobe2
- yafc
- thai-support
- <_name>Thai Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- th
- m17n-db-thai
- hunspell-th
- moodle-th
- openoffice.org-langpack-th_TH
- scim-lang-thai
- scim-tables-thai
- tibetan-support
- <_name>Tibetan Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- bo
- m17n-db-tibetan
- tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
- scim-lang-tibetan
- jomolhari-fonts
- tonga-support
- <_name>Tonga Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- to
- moodle-to
- tsonga-support
- <_name>Tsonga Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ts
- openoffice.org-langpack-ts_ZA
- tswana-support
- <_name>Tswana Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tn
- openoffice.org-langpack-tn_ZA
- turkish-support
- <_name>Turkish Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tr
- gcompris-sound-tr
- kde-i18n-Turkish
- koffice-langpack-tr
- moodle-tr
- openoffice.org-langpack-tr_TR
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi
- ukrainian-support
- <_name>Ukrainian Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- uk
- fonts-KOI8-R
- fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi
- kde-i18n-Ukrainian
- koffice-langpack-uk
- man-pages-uk
- moodle-uk
- xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
- fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi
- urdu-support
- <_name>Urdu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- ur
- fonts-arabic
- m17n-contrib-urdu
- openoffice.org-langpack-ur
- venda-support
- <_name>Venda Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- tn
- openoffice.org-langpack-ve_ZA
- vietnamese-support
- <_name>Vietnamese Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- vi
- moodle-vi
- m17n-contrib-vietnamese
- m17n-db-vietnamese
- scim-tables-vietnamese
- virtualization
- <_name>Virtualization
- <_description>These packages provide a virtualization environment.
- false
- true
- python-virtinst
- gnome-applet-vm
- kernel-xen
- kvm
- qemu
- virt-manager
- xen
- web-development
- <_name>Web Development
- <_description>These packages are helpful when developing web applications or web pages.
- false
- true
- Django
- gallery2
- php-manual-en
- python-cherrypy
- TurboGears
- velocity
- web-server
- <_name>Web Server
- <_description>These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system.
- false
- true
- httpd
- crypto-utils
- distcache
- httpd-manual
- mod_perl
- mod_python
- mod_ssl
- php
- php-ldap
- php-mysql
- squid
- tux
- webalizer
- apachetop
- awstats
- boa
- dap-server-cgi
- drupal
- lighttpd
- lighttpd-fastcgi
- mediawiki
- mod_authz_ldap
- mod_auth_kerb
- mod_auth_mysql
- mod_auth_pgsql
- mod_cband
- mod_extract_forwarded
- mod_fcgid
- mod_geoip
- mod_security
- moin
- moin-latex
- namazu
- perl-HTML-Mason
- perl-Kwiki
- php-odbc
- php-pecl-apc
- php-pgsql
- phpldapadmin
- Pound
- tclhttpd
- thttpd
- tiquit
- tomcat-native
- tomcat5
- tomcat5-admin-webapps
- tomcat5-webapps
- vdr-wapd
- vdradmin-am
- welsh-support
- <_name>Welsh Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- cy
- aspell-cy
- hunspell-cy
- koffice-langpack-cy
- openoffice.org-langpack-cy_GB
- window-managers
- <_name>Window Managers
- <_description>Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment.
- false
- true
- bbkeys
- blackbox
- fluxbox
- fluxconf
- fvwm
- hackedbox
- icewm
- matchbox-window-manager
- obconf
- obmenu
- openbox
- pekwm
- ratpoison
- windowlab
- WindowMaker
- wmx
- xcompmgr
- x-software-development
- <_name>X Software Development
- <_description>These packages allow you to develop applications for the X Window System.
- false
- true
- libICE-devel
- libX11-devel
- libXaw-devel
- libXfixes-devel
- libXt-devel
- freetype-devel
- gd-devel
- giflib-devel
- libdmx-devel
- libdrm-devel
- libjpeg-devel
- libmng-devel
- libpng-devel
- libSM-devel
- libtiff-devel
- libXau-devel
- libXcomposite-devel
- libXcursor-devel
- libXdamage-devel
- libXdmcp-devel
- libXevie-devel
- libXext-devel
- libXfont-devel
- libXfontcache-devel
- libXft-devel
- libxkbfile-devel
- libXmu-devel
- libXrandr-devel
- libXrender-devel
- libXres-devel
- libXScrnSaver-devel
- libXTrap-devel
- libXtst-devel
- libXvMC-devel
- libXxf86dga-devel
- libXxf86misc-devel
- libXxf86vm-devel
- mesa-libGL-devel
- netpbm-devel
- pixman-devel
- SDL-devel
- Xaw3d-devel
- xorg-x11-docs
- xorg-x11-xtrans-devel
- xrestop
- icon-naming-utils
- icon-slicer
- libXp-devel
- mesa-libGLU-devel
- xorg-x11-server-sdk
- xorg-x11-xbitmaps
- xfce-desktop
- <_name>XFCE
- <_description>A lightweight desktop environment that works well on low end machines.
- false
- true
- libxfce4mcs
- libxfce4util
- libxfcegui4
- Thunar
- xfce-utils
- xfce4-panel
- xfce4-session
- xfce4-session-engines
- xfdesktop
- xfwm4
- mousepad
- xfce-mcs-manager
- xfce-mcs-plugins
- xfce4-appfinder
- xfce4-icon-theme
- xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
- xfce4-mixer
- xfprint
- orage
- Terminal
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- thunar-volman
- xarchiver
- xfce4-battery-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
- xfce4-datetime-plugin
- xfce4-dict-plugin
- xfce4-diskperf-plugin
- xfce4-eyes-plugin
- xfce4-fsguard-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-minicmd-plugin
- xfce4-mount-plugin
- xfce4-netload-plugin
- xfce4-notes-plugin
- xfce4-places-plugin
- xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
- xfce4-screenshooter-plugin
- xfce4-sensors-plugin
- xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
- xfce4-systemload-plugin
- xfce4-taskmanager
- xfce4-timer-plugin
- xfce4-verve-plugin
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin
- xfce4-weather-plugin
- xfce4-websearch-plugin
- xfce4-xfapplet-plugin
- xfce4-xkb-plugin
- xfce4-xmms-plugin
- xfwm4-themes
- xfce-software-development
- <_name>XFCE Software Development
- <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and XFCE graphical applications.
- false
- true
- x-software-development
- libxfce4mcs-devel
- libxfce4util-devel
- libxfcegui4-devel
- xfce-mcs-manager-devel
- xfce4-panel-devel
- xfce4-session-devel
- xfce4-dev-tools
- xhosa-support
- <_name>Xhosa Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zu
- openoffice.org-langpack-xh_ZA
- zulu-support
- <_name>Zulu Support
- <_description/>
- false
- false
- zu
- hunspell-zu
- openoffice.org-langpack-zu_ZA
- language-support
- <_name>Languages
- <_description>These packages provide support for various locales including fonts and input methods.
- afrikaans-support
- albanian-support
- arabic-support
- armenian-support
- assamese-support
- basque-support
- belarusian-support
- bengali-support
- bhutanese-support
- bosnian-support
- brazilian-support
- breton-support
- british-support
- bulgarian-support
- catalan-support
- chinese-support
- croatian-support
- czech-support
- danish-support
- dutch-support
- estonian-support
- ethiopic-support
- faeroese-support
- filipino-support
- finnish-support
- french-support
- gaelic-support
- galician-support
- georgian-support
- german-support
- greek-support
- gujarati-support
- hebrew-support
- hindi-support
- hungarian-support
- icelandic-support
- indonesian-support
- inuktitut-support
- irish-support
- italian-support
- japanese-support
- kannada-support
- khmer-support
- korean-support
- lao-support
- latvian-support
- lithuanian-support
- low-saxon-support
- malay-support
- malayalam-support
- maori-support
- marathi-support
- mongolian-support
- nepali-support
- northern-sotho-support
- norwegian-support
- oriya-support
- persian-support
- polish-support
- portuguese-support
- punjabi-support
- romanian-support
- russian-support
- samoan-support
- serbian-support
- sinhala-support
- slovak-support
- slovenian-support
- somali-support
- southern-ndebele-support
- southern-sotho-support
- spanish-support
- swati-support
- swedish-support
- tagalog-support
- tamil-support
- telugu-support
- thai-support
- tibetan-support
- tonga-support
- tsonga-support
- tswana-support
- turkish-support
- ukrainian-support
- urdu-support
- venda-support
- vietnamese-support
- welsh-support
- xhosa-support
- zulu-support
- desktops
- <_name>Desktop Environments
- <_description>Desktop environments
- 10
- gnome-desktop
- kde-desktop
- window-managers
- xfce-desktop
- apps
- <_name>Applications
- <_description>Applications to perform a variety of tasks
- 20
- authoring-and-publishing
- editors
- education
- engineering-and-scientific
- games
- graphical-internet
- graphics
- office
- sound-and-video
- text-internet
- development
- <_name>Development
- <_description>Packages which provide functionality for developing and building applications.
- 70
- development-libs
- development-tools
- eclipse
- gnome-software-development
- java-development
- kde-software-development
- legacy-software-development
- ruby
- web-development
- x-software-development
- xfce-software-development
- servers
- <_name>Servers
- <_description>Software used for running network servers
- 90
- clustering
- dns-server
- ftp-server
- legacy-network-server
- mail-server
- mysql
- network-server
- news-server
- printing
- server-cfg
- smb-server
- sql-server
- web-server
- base-system
- <_name>Base System
- <_description>Various core pieces of the system.
- 99
- admin-tools
- base
- base-x
- dial-up
- fonts
- hardware-support
- java
- legacy-fonts
- legacy-software-support
- system-tools
- virtualization