$ git clone -n https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/tcmu-runner.git /var/lib/mock/f33-build-519140-64552/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/tcmu-runner Cloning into '/var/lib/mock/f33-build-519140-64552/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/tcmu-runner'... $ git reset --hard abda9d25eb5e70e5b1a5cef202e58f841b04066f HEAD is now at abda9d2 tcmu-runner can't determine whether the device(s) referred to in XCOPY Copy Source/Copy Destination (CSCD) descriptors should be accessible to the initiator via transport settings, ACLs, etc. Consequently, fail XCOPY requests with CSCD descriptors which refer to any device other than where the XCOPY request is processed.