resolv.conf'] Executing command: ['/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn', '-q', '-M', 'db2de48cb97f44129fab1c4818eccc4c', '-D', '/var/lib/mock/f33-build-282817-51766/root', '-a', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.rp0rklra:/etc/resolv.conf', '--setenv=TERM=vt100', '--setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash', '--setenv=HOME=/builddir', '--setenv=HOSTNAME=mock', '--setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\\033]0;\\007"', '--setenv=PS1= \\s-\\v\\$ ', '--setenv=LANG=en_US.UTF-8', '-u', 'mockbuild', 'bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target noarch --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/gdb.spec'] with env {'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'} and shell False Building target platforms: noarch Building for target noarch warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 42: %{tarname}.tar.xz warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 51: %endif # 0%{?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 210: %endif # 0%{!?rhel:1} || 0%{?rhel} > 6 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 232: %endif # 0%{?rhel:1} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 233: %endif # 0%{!?_without_python:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %else directive in line 277: %else #!s390x warning: extra tokens at the end of %else directive in line 280: %else #!ppc warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 283: %endif #sparc64 ppc64 s390x x86_64 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 284: %endif #!ppc warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 285: %endif #!s390x warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 379: %endif # 0%{?_with_testsuite:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 410: %endif # 0%{?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 448: %endif # 0%{?rhel:1} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 warning: extra tokens at the end of %else directive in line 493: %else # !0%{!?rhel:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 495: %endif # !0%{!?rhel:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 513: %endif # 0%{!?rhel:1} || 0%{?rhel} > 6 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 622: %endif # 0%{?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 896: %endif # 0%{?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 906: %endif # 0%{!?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 935: %endif # 0%{?rhel:1} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 955: %endif # 0%{?_enable_debug_packages:1} && 0%{!?_without_python:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 971: %endif # 0%{!?rhel:1} || 0%{?rhel} > 6 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 988: %endif # 0%{?rhel:1} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 993: %endif # 0%{!?_without_python:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 1096: %endif # 0%{?rhel:1} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 1105: %endif # 0%{?_build_minimal} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 1113: %endif # %{have_inproctrace} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 1130: %endif # 0%{!?rhel:1} warning: extra tokens at the end of %endif directive in line 1131: %endif # 0%{!?_without_python:1} setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1592352000 Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/gdb-9.2-2.fc33.src.rpm Child return code was: 0