, gmpPath -/- "gmpbuild/configure"] &%> \[mkIn,_] -> do | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [ 77 of 104] Compiling Settings.Builders.Make [ 78 of 104] Compiling Settings.Builders.Configure [ 79 of 104] Compiling Rules.Libffi src/Rules/Libffi.hs:205:61: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘[FilePath]’ not matched: [] [_] (_:_:_:_) | 205 | fmap (libffiPath -/-) ["Makefile.in", "configure" ] &%> \[mkIn, _] -> do | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Rules/Libffi.hs:228:74: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘[FilePath]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] (_:_:_:_:_) | 228 | fmap (libffiPath -/-) ["Makefile", "config.guess", "config.sub"] &%> \[mk, _, _] -> do | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [ 80 of 104] Compiling Settings.Builders.Ghc [ 81 of 104] Compiling Rules.Generate [ 82 of 104] Compiling Rules.Documentation src/Rules/Documentation.hs:355:17: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[FilePath]’ not matched: [] [_] (_:_:_:_) | 355 | let [texipath, infopath] = map (p <.>) ["texi", "info"] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 83 of 104] Compiling Settings.Builders.Haddock [ 84 of 104] Compiling Settings.Default [ 85 of 104] Compiling Rules.SourceDist [ 86 of 104] Compiling Rules.Selftest [ 87 of 104] Compiling Rules.Lint [ 88 of 104] Compiling Rules.Rts [ 89 of 104] Compiling Rules.ToolArgs [ 90 of 104] Compiling Rules.Dependencies src/Rules/Dependencies.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Function’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Function’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Function() | 4 | import Data.Function | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 91 of 104] Compiling Rules.Compile src/Rules/Compile.hs:61:13: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘[FilePath]’ not matched: [] [_] (_:_:_:_) | 61 | &%> \ [dyn_o, _dyn_hi] -> do | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Rules/Compile.hs:85:15: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘[FilePath]’ not matched: [] [_] (_:_:_:_) | 85 | &%> \ [o, _hi] -> compileHsObjectAndHi rs o | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 92 of 104] Compiling Rules.Docspec [ 93 of 104] Compiling Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs:224:9: warning: [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Maybe C.ConfiguredProgram’ not matched: Nothing | 224 | Just ghcProg = C.lookupProgram C.ghcProgram (C.withPrograms lbi') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 94 of 104] Compiling Rules.Register [ 95 of 104] Compiling Rules.Library[boot] [ 96 of 104] Compiling Rules.Library [ 97 of 104] Compiling Rules.Program [ 98 of 104] Compiling Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules [ 99 of 104] Compiling Rules.Test [100 of 104] Compiling Rules.SimpleTargets [101 of 104] Compiling Rules.BinaryDist [102 of 104] Compiling Rules.CabalReinstall [103 of 104] Compiling Rules [104 of 104] Compiling Main [105 of 105] Linking dist/build/hadrian/hadrian